5,731 research outputs found

    Asymptotic behavior of Kawahara equation with memory effect

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    In this work, we are interested in a detailed qualitative analysis of the Kawahara equation, a model that has numerous physical motivations such as magneto-acoustic waves in a cold plasma and gravity waves on the surface of a heavy liquid. First, we design a feedback law, which combines a damping control and a finite memory term. Then, it is shown that the energy associated with this system exponentially decays.Comment: 20 pages. Comments are welcom

    Infinite memory effects on the stabilization of a biharmonic Schrödinger equation

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    This paper deals with the stabilization of the linear biharmonic Schrödinger equation in an n-dimensional open bounded domain under Dirichlet–Neumann boundary conditions considering three infinite memory terms as damping mechanisms. We show that depending on the smoothness of initial data and the arbitrary growth at infinity of the kernel function, this class of solution goes to zero with a polynomial decay rate like t −n depending on assumptions about the kernel function associated with the infinite memory terms

    Caracterizacion escolar. Un acercamiento a las representaciones sociales presentes en la cotidianidad escolar para fomentar la producci?n textual en los estudiantes del grado octavo de la instituci?n educativa fundadores Ram?n Bueno y Jos? Triana de Girardot - Cundinamarca.

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    104 P?ginasEl trabajo CARACTERIZACION ESCOLAR. Un acercamiento a las representaciones sociales presentes en la cotidianidad escolar para fomentar la producci?n textual en los estudiantes del grado octavo de la Instituci?n Educativa Fundadores Ram?n Bueno y Jos? Triana, es resultado parcial del trabajo liderado desde el Proyecto RE-PRESENTAR LA ESCUELA del semillero de Investigaci?n LENGUAJE Y TERRITORIO ESCOLAR, y del MACROPROYECTO REDESCUBRIR LA ESCUELA. La investigaci?n es un proceso integrador de los entes que componen la territorialidad escolar (estudiantes, padres de familia y docentes).Es un an?lisis de los diferentes espacios de interrelaci?n de estos, es decir, de las mediaciones socioculturales interpretadas a trav?s de las representaciones sociales, elementos que se enlazan hacia la formaci?n de un canal de comunicaci?n por medio de procesos de producci?n textual; focalizando as? las problem?ticas del entorno inmediato de los participantes, las diferentes visiones de los individuos que la integran y las posiciones que estos toman respecto a las mismas, dentro de un proceso de exploraci?n de causales hacia la vinculaci?n de alternativas de cambio que dan significaci?n al territorio escolar y se consolidan en el proceso de producci?n textual que desarrollaron los participantes. Por consiguiente teniendo en cuenta que la escuela desarticula del proceso educativo aspectos socio-culturales que influyen directamente en el desarrollo del mismo y que fortalecen la producci?n textual. Es necesario investigar ?De qu? manera se podr?a caracterizar las representaciones sociales presentes en la cotidianidad escolar para fomentar la producci?n textual en los estamentos del grado octavo? Es as? como la investigaci?n permiti? tomar referentes de la diversificaci?n socio cultural para dar sentido a la caracterizaci?n escolar, revelando la realidad escolar, propiciando espacios de construcci?n colectiva y de participaci?n activa; entrelazando los conocimientos de cada uno de los individuos para fortalecer los mecanismos de intervenci?n y de construcci?n de tejido social desde la producci?n textual, alcanzando as? con este objetivo que los estudiantes desarrollaran procesos cognitivos implicados en los mecanismos de producci?n mientras traduc?an de forma escrita lo que pensaban y sent?an. Por lo tanto, dentro del campo de investigaci?n se tom? una muestra de la poblaci?n de la Instituci?n Educativa Fundadores Ram?n Bueno y Jos? Triana de la ciudad de Girardot Cundinamarca, a?o 2012.ABSTRACT 7 The ?CARACTERIZACION ESCOLAR? work it is an approach to the socials representation in the school to improve the textual produccion in the students of eight level, in the INSTITUCIONEDUCATIVAFUNDADORES RAMON BUENO Y JOSE TRIANA de Girardot Cundinamarca. It is a partial result of the work leaded from the project: ?REPRESENTAR LA ESCUELA seedbed investigation LENGUAJE Y TERRITORIO ESCOLAR and macro project REDESCUBRIR LA ESCUELA. The researching is an integrator process of the entties that make up the school territoriality (students, parents and teachers). It. Is an analysis of the different areas of Interaction of these where interpreted through social representations elements that are linked to the formation of a channel of communication through textual production processes, focus allowed the problems of the immediate environment of the participants and hinted different views of the individual members and the positions they take about the same, within a process causal exploration towards linking exchange alternatives that give meaning to the school grounds and vest in the text production process developed by the participants. Therefore considering the school's educational process dismantles socio-cultural aspects that directly influence its development and to strengthen the text production. It is necessary to investigate what could be characterized as social representations present in everyday school to boost production in the estates textual eighth grade? And research is allowed to take concerning socio cultural diversification to make sense of the characterization school, revealing the realities of school, providing opportunities for collective and active participation; intertwined where knowledge of each individual to strengthen intervention mechanisms and social fabric construction from textual production in the territoriality of the school, reaching this goal that students develop cognitive processes involved in the production mechanisms as translated in writing what they thought and felt. Therefore, research in the field of a sample population of INSTITUCION EDUCATIVA RAMON BUENO Y JOSE TRIANA Cundinamarca, Girardot city, year 2012.INTRODUCCI?N 1. PLANTEAMIENTO DEL PROBLEMA 1.1 DESCRIPCI?N Y FORMULACI?N DELPROBLEMA 2. OBJETIVOS 2.1OBJETIVO GENERAL 2.2OBJETIVOS ESPEC?FICOS 3. JUSTIFICACION 4. DISE?O METODOL?GICO 4.1.ENFOQUE DE INVESTIGACI?N 4.2. POBLACI?N 4.3. MUESTRA 4.4. RECOLECCI?N DE DATOS O DE LA INFORMACI?N 4.4.1. La observaci?n directa 4.4.2. Evidencia fotogr?ficas 4.4.3. Documentos institucionales 4.4.4. Registro de di?logos establecidos con maestros y directivos. 4.4.5. Grupo focal 4.5. FORMA DE RECOLECCI?N DE LA INFORMACI?N 4.5.1. Lectura de contexto 4.5.2. Recopilaci?n de datos 4.5.3 Grupo focal 4.5.4. An?lisis de resultados 4.6. ETAPAS DEL PROCESO 14 16 17 18 18 18 19 21 21 21 22 22 22 22 22 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 9 4.6.1. Tejedores visionarios 4.6.2. Mi escuela mi parche 4.6.3. Escribo a mi manera 4.7. T?CNICAS QUE SE UTILIZARAN PARA REALIZAR EL AN?LISIS DE LOS RESULTADOS 5. REFERENTES 5.1. ANTECEDENTES 5.2. REFERENTE LEGAL 5.3. REFERENTES TE?RICOS 5.3.1 La escuela una caja abierta 5.3.2. Lenguaje y pensamiento 5.3.3. Leer para producir textos y construir contexto 5.3.4. Representaci?n de la realidad 5.3.5. Territorios y espacios escolares 5.3..6. La cultura escolar y comunidad educativa 5.4. REFERENTES PEDAG?GICOS 5.4.1. Estrategias pedag?gicas y pedagog?a del lenguaje 5.4.2. Habilidades intelectuales 5.5. REFERENTES PSICOL?GICOS 6. ANALISIS DE RESULTADOS 6.1 TEJEDORES VISIONARIOS 6.1. 1. Espionaje 6.1.2. Retratos calcados 6.1.3. Pergamino ilustrado 6.2. MI ESCUELA MI PARCHE 6.2.1. Hablo m?s 6.2.2. Grupo focal ?la voz juvenil a trav?s del papel? 6.2.3. Pesquisa a la cuchilla y al parche 6.3. ESCRIBO A MI MANERA 6.3.1 Construcci?n de tejido social 6.3.2. Contexto sociocultural 6.3.3. Convivencia escolar 6.3.4. Construcci?n de ciudadan?a 6.3.5. Carpeta bit?cora 6.3.6. Las TICS en el aula de clases 7. CONCLUSIONES 8. RECOMENDACIONES REFERENCIAS ANEXO

    Processing and characterisation of II-VI ZnCdMgSe thin film gain structures

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    Lattice-matched II-VI selenide quantum well (QW) structures grown on InP substrates can be designed for emission throughout the visible spectrum. InP has, however, strong visible-light absorption, so that a method for epitaxial lift-off and transfer to transparent substrates is desirable for vertically-integrated devices. We have designed and grown, via molecular beam epitaxy, ZnCdSe/ZnCdMgSe multi-QW gain regions for vertical emission, with the QWs positioned for resonant periodic gain. The release of the 2.7 μm-thick ZnCdSe/ZnCdMgSe multi-QW film is achieved via selective wet etching of the substrate and buffer layers leaving only the epitaxial layers, which are subsequently transferred to transparent substrates, including glass and thermally-conductive diamond. Post-transfer properties are investigated, with power and temperature-dependent surface and edge-emitting photoluminescence measurements demonstrating no observable strain relaxation effects or significant shift in comparison to unprocessed samples. The temperature dependant quantum well emission shift is found experimentally to be 0.13 nm/K. Samples capillary-bonded epitaxial-side to glass exhibited a 6 nm redshift under optical pumping of up to 35 mW at 405 nm, corresponding to a 46 K temperature increase in the pumped region; whereas those bonded to diamond exhibited no shift in quantum well emission, and thus efficient transfer of the heat from the pumped region. Atomic force microscopy analysis of the etched surface reveals a root-mean-square roughness of 3.6 nm. High quality optical interfaces are required to establish a good thermal and optical contact for high power optically pumped laser applications

    New regional Bryophyte records from Argentina

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    Argentina es el octavo país más grande del mundo y el cuarto más grande de América. Tiene una posición biogeográfica única y privilegiada por sus características fisiográficas y una variedad de climas y relieves en diferentes partes del país. Esto ha permitido el desarrollo de una flora de briofitas exuberante y diversificada. Los últimos listados indican que la flora de musgos, hepáticas y antocerotes incluye 990 Bryophyta, 562 Marchantiophyta y 15 Anthocerotophyta. Sin embargo, el número exacto de briófitos en Argentina está cambiando constantemente a medida que surgen informes regulares que cubren localidades no exploradas. El objetivo de este trabajo es contribuir al conocimiento de la diversidad de briofitas en Argentina con nuevos registros regionales en el país.Fil: Suarez, Guillermo Martin. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico - Tucumán. Unidad Ejecutora Lillo; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales e Instituto Miguel Lillo; ArgentinaFil: Jimenez, Maria Soledad. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Nordeste. Instituto de Botánica del Nordeste. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Instituto de Botánica del Nordeste; ArgentinaFil: Colotti, Maria Teresita de Jesus. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales e Instituto Miguel Lillo; ArgentinaFil: Cabral, R. A.. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Nordeste. Instituto de Botánica del Nordeste. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Instituto de Botánica del Nordeste; ArgentinaXXXVII Jornadas Argentinas de BotánicaTucumánArgentinaSociedad Argentina de Botánic

    The constitution of the ways students and egresses of a Nursing Course percieve madness: a study with the approach of Social Phenomenology

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    Qualitative study with the approach of the Social Phenomenology that had as objective to know graduation students and egresses of a Nursing School percieve mental patient and, to understand how the education of psychiatric nursing reflects in this process. The "living student-type" perceives the mental patient as a different person, violent, without control, who loses the reason, without abilities and conditions of living socially, who awakes conflicting emotions as fear, prejudice and compassion. The egresses have mental patients as a person who needs help, because the lack of knowledge, psychic and emotional resources of the professionals, the relatives and the society favors the segregation and the exclusion. Thus, the education needs the practice subsidized theoretically by the axes that support the principles of the Psychiatric Reformation.Estudo qualitativo com enfoque na Fenomenologia Social que teve como objetivo conhecer a percepção dos alunos de graduação e egressos de uma Escola de Enfermagem sobre o doente mental e, compreender de que forma o ensino de enfermagem psiquiátrica repercute nesse processo. O "tipo vivido aluno" percebe o doente mental como uma pessoa diferente, violenta, sem controle, que perde a razão, sem habilidades e condições de viver socialmente, que desperta emoções conflitantes como medo, preconceito e compaixão. O egresso o concebe como uma pessoa que precisa de ajuda, pois a falta de conhecimentos, de recursos psíquicos e emocionais dos profissionais, das famílias e da sociedade favorece a segregação e a exclusão. Assim, o ensino, necessita da prática subsidiada teoricamente pelos eixos que sustentam os princípios da Reforma Psiquiátrica

    using a systematic literature review to highlight the next conservation steps

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    UID/ANT/04038/2013; EXPL/IVC-ANT/0997/2013Background West African landscapes are largely characterised by complex agroforest mosaics. Although the West African forests are considered a nonhuman primate hotspot, knowledge on the distribution of many species is often lacking and out-of-date. Considering the fast-changing nature of the landscapes in this region, up-to-date information on primate occurrence is urgently needed, particularly of taxa such as colobines, which may be more sensitive to habitat modification than others. Understanding wildlife occurrence and mechanisms of persistence in these human-dominated landscapes is fundamental for developing effective conservation strategies. Methods In this paper, we aim to review current knowledge on the distribution of three threatened primates in Guinea-Bissau and neighbouring regions, highlighting research gaps and identifying priority research and conservation action. We conducted a systematic literature review of primate studies from 1976 to 2016 in Guinea-Bissau, southern Senegal and western Guinea (Boké Region). We mapped historical observation records of chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes verus), Temminck’s red colobus (Pilicolobus badius temminckii) and king colobus (Colobus polykomos), including our preliminary survey data from Dulombi, a newly established National Park (NP) in Guinea-Bissau. Results We found 151 documents, including 87 journal articles, that contained field data on primates in this region. In Guinea-Bissau, nearly all studies focussed south of the Corubal River, including mainly Cantanhez, Cufada, and Boé NP’s. In Senegal, most of the data came from Fongoli and Niokolo-Koba NP. In Boké (Guinea) studies are few, with the most recent data coming from Sangarédi. In Dulombi NP we recorded eight primate species, including chimpanzees, red colobus and king colobus. Across the selected region, chimpanzees, red colobus and king colobus were reported in eleven, twelve and seven protected areas, respectively. Discussion Our study demonstrates large geographical research gaps particularly for the two colobines. For the first time after more than two decades, we confirm the presence of red colobus and king colobus north of the Corubal River in Guinea-Bissau. The little information available from large parts of the red colobus range raises questions regarding levels of population fragmentation in this species, particularly in Casamance and across northern Guinea-Bissau. There are still no records demonstrating the occurrence of king colobus in Senegal, and the presence of a viable population in north-eastern Guinea-Bissau remains uncertain. While the occurrence of chimpanzees in Guinea-Bissau and Senegal is well documented, data from Boké (Guinea) are sparse and out-of-date. Our approach—the mapping of data gathered from a systematic literature review—allows us to provide recommendations for selecting future geographical survey locations and planning further research and conservation strategies in this region.publishersversionpublishe

    Deteção remota aplicada à rega dos espaços verdes urbanos

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    A nova cultura da água visa a conservação dos recursos naturais e o aumento do rendimento produtivo da água nos espaços verdes públicos e privados. Estes espaços assumem uma relevância no bem-estar e na qualidade de vida das populações urbanas. No entanto, o aumento da área verde em climas mediterrâneos estará inevitavelmente associado ao aumento do consumo em água. A rega surge com a finalidade de fazer face às necessidades hídricas das plantas em função das caraterísticas climáticas da região. Esta situação é mais relevante quando a escolha das plantas não recai sobre as autóctones e a água para a rega tem origem na rede de distribuição de água potável. Nos últimos anos, alguns municípios em Portugal têm vindo a implementar a instalação de dois tipos distintos de contadores de água: consumo doméstico e rega. Assim, garante-se água para rega com tarifário de menor custo, visto não incluir tratamento de água residual. Desde 2012, que a vila de São Brás de Alportel implementou este sistema de rega para os jardins privados. O presente trabalho tem como objetivos o estudo da evolução dos consumos de água na rega dos espaços verdes privados que aderiram a este sistema e a monitorização da rega nos espaços verdes públicos, para uma gestão sustentável da água. A monitorização será realizada pela avaliação da qualidade dos espaços verdes através da deteção remota, integrada com a informação dos dados climáticos e dos consumos de água.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio