574 research outputs found

    Determinants of Loan Repayment: Evidence from Group Owned Micro and Small Enterprises, Tigray, Northern Ethiopia

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    The study aims to investigate factors affecting loan repayment performance of the group owned MSEs taking borrower characteristics in to consideration. The primary data was collected by distributing semi-structured questionnaire and interviewing 62 group owned MSEs located in Mekelle city, Tigray Regional state of Ethiopia financed by DECSI by using census method, of which 13 group owned MSEs were found to be defaulters and the remaining, 49 MSEs were non-defaulters. An econometrics model (Binary Logistic Regression) was used to analyze the effect of the literature driven variables have on loan repayment (dependent variable). The binary logistic regression result shows among the variables hypothesized to affect loan repayment, initiation and sector have statistically significant effect on loan repayment. Whereas like group composition and group size have statistically insignificant effect on loan repayment.  Therefore, to improve the loan repayment performance of the group owned MSEs and increase the potential contribution of MSEs to the economic growth of the country, all concerned stakeholders must to play their role. Keywords: Determinant, Loan Repayment, Group Owned, Micro and Small Enterprises, Binary Logistic Regression Logistic, Tigray, Ethiopia

    Technische beschrijving van de Atlas "Bestrijdingsmiddelen in het Nederlandse oppervlaktewater" en een verkenning koppeling van meetgegevens aan landgebruik

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    De waterbeheerders in Nederland verrichten veel metingen aan het voorkomen van bestrijdingsmiddelen in oppervlaktewater. Op initiatief van het Centrum voor Milieuwetenschappen Leiden en krachtig ondersteund door een groot aantal organisaties (onder meer RIZA, CTB, VROM en VEWIN) is in 2003 hard gewerkt aan de vertaling van deze metingen in een ruimtelijk beeld. Er is voor gezorgd dat de beelden en achtergrondinformatie via de website www.bestrijdingsmiddelenatlas.nl is op te roepen. In het voorliggende rapport wordt de technische verantwoording gegeven van het maken van de website. Ook wordt het resultaat gepresenteerd van een eerste methodologische verkenning van de mogelijkheden om meetresultaten te koppelen aan landgebrui

    Produktiebeheersing in de melkveehouderij : verkenning van de gevolgen voor landbouw, natuur en milieu

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    Onderzocht zijn de mogelijke gevolgen van 4 beleidsvarianten, die tot doel hebben de uitgaven voor het EG-zuivelbeleid te beheersen. Daarbij is aandacht geschonken aan zowel de economische gevolgen voor natuur en milieu. Het onderzoek is uitgevoerd m.b.v. een geregionaliseerd lineair-programmeringmodel van de Nederlandse landbouw en een aantal daaraan gekoppelde rekenmodellen voor de gevolgen voor natuur en milie

    Patient-reported utilities in bilateral visual impairment from amblyopia and age-related macular degeneration

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    Background: Utility of visual impairment caused by amblyopia is important for the cost-effectiveness of screening for amblyopia (lazy eye, prevalence 3-3.5 %). We previously measured decrease of utility in 35-year-old persons with unilateral persistent amblyopia. The current observational case-control study aimed to measure loss of utility in patients with amblyopia with recent decrease of vision in their better eye. As these patients are rare, the sample was supplemented by patients with bilateral age-related macular degeneration with similar decrease of vision. Methods: From our out-patient department, two groups of patients with recent deterioration to bilateral visual acuity less than Snellen 0.5 (bilateral visual impairment, BVI) were recruited, with either persistent amblyopia and age-related macular degeneration (AMB + AMD), or with bilateral age-related macular degeneration (BAMD). To measure utility, the time trade-off method and the standard gamble method were applied through interviews. Correlations were sought between utility values and visual acuity, age and Visual Function Questionnaire-25 scores. Results: Seventeen AMB + AMD patients (mean age 72.9 years), and 63 BAMD patients (mean age 79.6 years) were included in the study. Among AMB + AMD, 80 % were willing to trade lifetime in exchange for cure. The overall mean time trade-off utility was 0.925. Among BAMD, 75 % were willing to trade, utility was 0.917. Among AMB + AMD, 38 % accepted risk of death in exchange for cure, overall mean standard gamble utility was 0.999. Among BAMD, 49 % accepted risk of death, utility was 0.998. Utility was not related to visual acuity but it was to age (p = 0.02). Conclusion: Elderly patients with BVI, caused by persistent amblyopia and age-related macular degeneration (AMD) or by bilateral AMD, had an approximately 8 % loss of TTO utility. Notably, the 8 % loss in elderly with BVI differs little from the 3.7 % loss we found previously in 35-year-old persons with unilateral amblyopia with good vision in the other eye. The moderate impact of BVI in senescence could be explained by adaptation, comorbidity, avoidance of risk and a changed percept of cure
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