58 research outputs found

    Diagnosis of the Basic Sanitation of the Prata Lagoon and Maresia Lagoon, Prosai-Maués Project, Located in the Municipality of Maués - Amazonas

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    The discussion about the quality of Environmental Sanitation (ES) services is currently highlighted because it is directly linked to the population\u27s quality of life. Assessing the scope of SA services has become an important tool for the management of municipalities and states, as it allows the adaptation to the reality of the population to improve future planning, foreseeing the expansion of SA services. The Municipal Basic Sanitation Plan - PMSB was established by Law No. 11.455 / 2007 as an important planning tool for basic sanitation services. It consists of programs, projects and actions aimed at improving the conditions of services that constitute basic sanitation: water supply, sanitation, as well as urban solid waste management and urban river water. With the accelerated urban growth in the municipality of Maués and the intense aggressions to the environment, the PROSAI-MAUÉS ES indicators were identified and diagnosed, which propose improvements in the urban, environmental and basic sanitation conditions of the municipality with the recovery of Lagoas do Silver and Maresia, which for many years have suffered from pollution around the lagoons. The lagoons in question were chosen for the implementation of PROSAI-MAUÉS, explained by the occupation of its margins by low-income population installed on stilts, the existence of flood risk points and the need for renewal of this urban fragment of tourist importance. On-site research was conducted using observation techniques and photographic recording to describe the conditions of local sanitation services. The experience of the PROSAI-MAUÉS project indicates that it is necessary to seek the institutional strengthening of the entities involved with the local society since the early stages. from the initial planning and execution to the final phase of monitoring and follow-up of the services provided by the basic sanitation works, thus ensuring the sustainability of the Program for future generations

    Briquetting as an Alternative for the Use of Urban Wood Waste as a Mitigation Process on Environmental Impacts in Manaus

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    Waste generation has become one of the most important issues of the century, every production process has significant losses due to the lack of proper management, especially wood waste, which becomes environmental liabilities, given the search for low environmental impact solutions, such as Microusina. Briquettes The scenario for initial investments that would be R 63,706.62infixedcostsforimplementationpurposesandR 63,706.62 in fixed costs for implementation purposes and R 109,274.02 in variable costs for the first month, added up to R $ 792,980.64 (20%) of the amount spent in the year. 2018. The results of this research reflected that briquetting is an economically viable technological alternative that sets precedents for sustainable development in the Amazon, and may prove to be a powerful instrument for environmental compensation and cooperation among generating agents, collectors and the public authorities. , where it successfully fulfills its social function, generating cultural change and change and attitude towards waste disposal, reduction of generation, reduction of pressure under native forests, and minimization of environmental liabilities

    Proposal of LPS Implementation in Popular Buildings in Manaus City

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    This research proposes a study about a lightning protection system - LPS applied to popular buildings in the city of Manaus-AM, considering its importance for the protection of the whole structure, as well as the people who circulate in it. Atmospheric discharge is a force of nature, so it is almost impossible to stop this process from occurring or flowing with you. However, measures can be taken to avoid damage to the population, such as risk of death to living beings, as well as problems with electronic equipment and compromise of the building structure, with the adoption of lightning protection system in the most efficient way. . In addition, an atmospheric discharge, when it hits a structure, can cause internal systems to fail, considering that each structure is subject to damage determined by certain factors, such as: type of construction, function of the structure, power lines and metal pipes, among others. . The region and its intrinsic characteristics should also be considered as an indicator of climate change, indicating an increase in the region\u27s occurrence

    Quantification of CO2 Emissions by Top-down Method of Manaus Public and Private Transport Fleet

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    Air pollutants emitted by motor vehicles make a major contribution to air pollution in large urban centers, accounting for about 75% of emissions. The estimation of GHG emissions by the “Top-down” method used in the National Energy Balance - BEN, provides for the conversion of all fuel consumption measures to a common unit. Thus, the study aimed to guide the monitoring and monitoring of the concentrations of pollutant gases emitted by diesel combustion vehicles, comparing CO2 emissions in 2018, in two public and private transport fleets in the city of Manaus. - AM Based on the application of the Top-Down methodology generating the data in the comparative table of public and private transport companies, it is evident that CO2 emissions for both fleets present a high air pollution index suggesting the adaptation of the vehicle fleet. by adopting similar fuel with lower pollutant content. The data obtained in the study show that fuels with low emission factors should be used in urban public transport vehicles

    Energy Efficiency Analysis in a Higher Education Institution in Manaus - Amazonas

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    Thinking about solving the problem of high consumption and high cost in the electricity bill, this study proposes to present proposals to increase the energy efficiency of the site. In this sense, it is proposed an energy efficiency analysis of a Public Higher Education Institution in the Municipality of Manaus, Amazonas. A building survey was performed on the appliances and components of the building\u27s electrical system, as well as an assessment of electricity bills to measure consumption. In order to verify voltage, current and power, electric measuring instruments were used to elaborate proposals aiming at increasing the energy efficiency of the site. Through the results obtained during the building survey at the IES, it was possible to observe the anomalies of the systems and indicate proposals for repair or replacement of equipment to increase the energy efficiency of the building. From the results obtained from the invoice it was possible to propose a new value of demand contract and by comparing the collected data, we identified the appliances that make the electric system less efficient, in this case, the air conditioners. Recurring payment problems with overconsumption were encountered. Adhering to the proposal of a new contract value with possible annual savings of R 22,543.92referringtothepaymentofthedemandportionintheelectricitybill.ItisalsoproposedtoreplacecurrentlampswithLEDtubelamps,reducingenergyconsumptionby9,122kWh/monthandsavingR 22,543.92 referring to the payment of the demand portion in the electricity bill. It is also proposed to replace current lamps with LED tube lamps, reducing energy consumption by 9,122 kWh / month and saving R 3,263.57 per month. As for the proposal presented for the HVAC system, given the exchange of existing appliances for new and energy efficient, was not viable. Despite representing a reduction of 41869.91 kWh / month, the expected investment is not paid

    Degrees of Risk of Environmental Impacts Arising from Irregular Occupations in the Northern Zone of Manaus - Amazonas

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    The disordered urban growth in the city of Manaus has had serious consequences for the environment in recent years, especially towards the northern part of the city. It is extremely important to verify the environmental impacts caused by this situation, in order to define the priority areas for planning and recovery actions of the areas. Sixteen areas were identified during the study, which were divided into four quadrants to define their risk levels. The risk levels were I - low, II - medium, III - high and IV - very high. The first criterion for dividing the areas in the quadrants was to identify similar characteristics between them and the second, the proximity of the areas, considering, therefore, the size of the area, as well as the loss of vegetation cover, the state of the soil and the existence and quality of the areas. water resources near the occupied areas. It was found that the presence of streams is a decisive factor to increase the environmental risk of a occupied area, in which anthropic actions intensify natural processes. Another factor considered is related to the degree of erosive processes, therefore, the occurrence of gullies and ravines accounted for the increased risk. After accounting for recorded impacts, quadrant B, located in the Cidade de Deus neighborhood, has a high environmental risk, while quadrants C and D have medium risk. These three quadrants have streams in their areas, however, quadrant A, which has no water body, has a low degree of risk, although three of its four areas have gullies. From this analysis, it is possible to define mitigation and impact containment measures, allowing natural resources to be preserved for the well-being of everyone today and for years to come

    Applicability Study of ISO 14001: 2015 for Implementation of the Environmental Management System in an Electro-Electronic Industry in PIM

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    This article presents the result of a diagnosis made through a checklist based on the ISO 14001: 2015 normative items in a company that operates in the electronics industry. This study sought to identify the level of environmental sustainability recommended by ISO 14001, the change in behavior with the implementation of selective collection in the company and the elaboration of environmental control procedures, idealizing economic growth in a sustainable manner, preserving the environment and ensuring the environment. future of future generations. The conclusions are that the evaluated company needs to comply with 65% of the mandatory items of NBR ISO 14001: 2015, which evidenced the need for an environmental education program to assist in the implementation of the environmental management system in the evaluated industry
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