4,465 research outputs found

    A Reference Matrix for Information System in Supply Chain Management

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    Considering the importance of information systems (ISs) in supply chain management (SCM), an attempt has been made in this paper to review the literature concerning reference models that organize the different ISs necessary for the success of a supply chain under a SCM perspective. These ISs are generally organized in a SCM matrix formed by two dimensions: decision levels (the vertical axis) and supply chain business processes (the horizontal axis). The goal of this paper is to conduct an exploratory study concerning SCM matrixes for IS in order to bring out pertinent factors that would support other researchers<br />and practitioners in understanding the organization of ISs in SCM. Several reference models based on the SCM matrix were identified and analyzed and then used to form the basis of a general framework that was applied to two supply chain cases in Brazil

    Ubiquity of optical activity in planar metamaterial scatterers

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    Recently it was discovered that periodic lattices of metamaterial scatterers show optical activity, even if the scatterers or lattice show no 2D or 3D chirality, if the illumination breaks symmetry. In this Letter we demonstrate that such `pseudo-chirality' is intrinsic to any single planar metamaterial scatterer and in fact has a well-defined value at a universal bound. We argue that in any circuit model, a nonzero electric and magnetic polarizability derived from a single resonance automatically imply strong bianisotropy, i.e., magneto-electric cross polarizability at the universal bound set by energy conservation. We confirm our claim by extracting polarizability tensors and cross sections for handed excitation from transmission measurements on near-infrared split ring arrays, and electrodynamic simulations for diverse metamaterial scatterers.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Capabilities and skills to orchestrate innovation networks

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    Purpose – This study aims to present a theoretical analysis on the capabilities (at the organizational) andskills (at the individual level) of the hub organization (orchestrator) in an innovation network.Design/methodology/approach – The authors conducted literature reviews on the orchestration ofinnovation networks; and networking capabilities.Findings – This study presents a theoretical model and a research agenda.Originality/value – In interorganizational relations, a central actor can stand out the role of intentionally creating,extracting and distributing value in the network, generating gains for all members. Literature recognizes this set ofintentional and deliberate actions as the “orchestration” of resources in the network. Despite the increasing interestregarding the theme, the phases and specific capabilities for orchestration still lack further investigation

    Reação de clones comerciais de cajueiro anão à antracnose e ao mofo preto.

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    A expansao da cultura do cajueiro depende, fundamentalmente, da adocao de modernas tecnicas de producao, colheita e utilizacao de seus produtos. Evidentemente, o uso de clones de cajueiro anao representa um consenso generalizado dentro deste novo enfoque empresarial da cultura.bitstream/CNPAT-2010/11951/1/Ct-012.pd

    Adaptive POD model reduction for solute transport in heterogeneous porous media

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    We study the applicability of a model order reduction technique to the solution of transport of passive scalars in homogeneous and heterogeneous porous media. Transport dynamics are modeled through the advection-dispersion equation (ADE) and we employ Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD) as a strategy to reduce the computational burden associated with the numerical solution of the ADE. Our application of POD relies on solving the governing ADE for selected times, termed snapshots. The latter are then employed to achieve the desired model order reduction. We introduce a new technique, termed Snapshot Splitting Technique (SST), which allows enriching the dimension of the POD subspace and damping the temporal increase of the modeling error. Coupling SST with a modeling strategy based on alternating over diverse time scales the solution of the full numerical transport model to its reduced counterpart allows extending the benefit of POD over a prolonged temporal window so that the salient features of the process can be captured at a reduced computational cost. The selection of the time scales across which the solution of the full and reduced model are alternated is linked to the Péclet number (Pe), representing the interplay between advective and dispersive processes taking place in the system. Thus, the method is adaptive in space and time across the heterogenous structure of the domain through the combined use of POD and SST and by way of alternating the solution of the full and reduced models. We find that the width of the time scale within which the POD-based reduced model solution provides accurate results tends to increase with decreasing Pe. This suggests that the effects of local-scale dispersive processes facilitate the POD method to capture the salient features of the system dynamics embedded in the selected snapshots. Since the dimension of the reduced model is much lower than that of the full numerical model, the methodology we propose enables one to accurately simulate transport at a markedly reduced computational cost

    New Constraints on the Lyman Continuum Escape Fraction at z~1.3

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    We examine deep far-ultraviolet (1600 Angstrom) imaging of the Hubble Deep Field-North (HDFN) and the Hubble Ultra Deep Field (HUDF) to search for leaking Lyman continuum radiation from starburst galaxies at z~1.3. There are 21 (primarily sub-L*) galaxies with spectroscopic redshifts between 1.1<z<1.5 and none are detected in the far-UV. We fit stellar population templates to the galaxies' optical/near-infrared SEDs to determine the starburst age and level of dust attenuation, giving an accurate estimate of the intrinsic Lyman continuum ratio, f_1500/f_700, and allowing a conversion from f_700 limits to relative escape fractions. We show that previous high-redshift studies may have underestimated the amplitude of the Lyman Break, and thus the relative escape fraction, by a factor of ~2. Once the starburst age and intergalactic HI absorption are accounted for, 18 galaxies in our sample have limits to the relative escape fraction, f_esc,rel < 1.0 with some limits as low as f_esc,rel < 0.10 and a stacked limit of f_esc,rel < 0.08. This demonstrates, for the first time, that most sub-L* galaxies at high redshift do not have large escape fractions. When combined with a similar study of more luminous galaxies at the same redshift we show that, if all star-forming galaxies at z~1 have similar relative escape fractions, the value must be less than 0.14 (3 sigma). We also show that less than 20% (3 sigma) of star-forming galaxies at z~1 have relative escape fractions near unity. These limits contrast with the large escape fractions found at z~3 and suggest that the average escape fraction has decreased between z~3 and z~1. (Abridged)Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ. aastex format. 39 pages, 11 figure

    Use of \u3cem\u3eN\u3c/em\u3e-Alkane Technique to Estimate Sheep Dry Matter Intake

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    Given the complexity of evaluating intake on grazing, some compounds have been studied to promote qualitative and quantitative estimates of animal physiology. In this sense, the technique using n-alkanes as a marker has been used in several animal species, especially in grazing ruminants (Dove and Mayes 1996). By definition, validation under grazing or browsing conditions is not possible, because actual intakes are unknown (Dove and Mayes 2005). Thus, the aim of the study was to evaluate the methodology of n-alkanes to estimate herbage intake by sheep in metabolic cages