211 research outputs found
Između društvenih potreba i čuvanja baštine: primjeri solidarnosti i suradnje u vrijeme Covid-19 krize: portugalska studija
Purpose. This article aims to analyze some examples of solidarity and cooperation between Portuguese cultural institutions, enterprises, artists, workers, volunteers, and local communities during the Covid-19 crisis. The research will focus on the years 2020 and 2021.
Approach/methodology. Our approach to the subject matter encompasses four main components. One is an in-text glossary to clarify a few concepts in view of national legislation. The second is a brief contextualization of the evolution of the pandemic at an (inter)national level. The third one is a description of how cultural institutions, heritage sites, and professionals were affected by the widespread virus. And the fourth one is the analysis of
five case studies of actions of solidarity and cooperation within the cultural field.
Findings. Thanks to our research, we distinguish the negative impacts of Covid-19 from pre-existent problems in the sector. We have also found that some initiatives created to support cultural heritage may be questionable. Since the sanitary crisis is not over yet, the research is limited to the current state of knowledge. Future exploration on the matter may be relevant to find new case studies and consequences of the pandemic. We believe this article can have a social impact since it promotes a reflection on the economic sustainability, social engagement, and ethical responsibilities of cultural institutions and stakeholders. Besides, the discussion about the vulnerable conditions in which cultural workers found themselves during this crisis is of utmost urgency to design a better future for the sector and those who keep it running.
Originality. The originality of our study lies in the registration of creative strategies found to counteract the outcomes of the pandemic, which may be inspiring in future times of emergency.Cilj. Ovaj rad donosi analizu primjera solidarnosti i suradnje između portugalskih ustanova u kulturi, poduzeća, umjetnika, radnika, volontera i lokalnih zajednica za vrijeme Covid-19 krize. Istraživanje se provodilo tijekom 2020. i 2021.Pristup/metodologija. Ovoj temi pristupamo iz četiri gledišta. Prvo, provodimo analizu korištenih pojmova kako bi se razjasnili koncepti iz perspektive portugalskog zakonodavst-va. Drugo, kontekstualiziramo razvoj pandemije na nacionalnim i međunarodnim razinama. Treće, opisujemo kakav je utjecaj imao virus na poslovanje ustanova u kulturi, zaštićenih baštinskih lokaliteta te baštinskih stručnjaka. Četvrto, donosimo analizu pet studija slučaja koji prikazuju solidarne aktivnosti i suradnje u polju kulture. Rezultati. Istraživanje je ustanovilo negativne utjecaje Covid-19 krize na već postojeće probleme u sektoru. Također smo ukazali na to da su neke inicijative, stvorene kako bi podržale kulturnu baštinu, zapravo upitne. Budući da nije proglašen kraj pandemije, istraživanje je bilo ograničeno na trenutačno stanje u sektoru kulture u Portugalu. Buduća istraživanja mogla bi pokazati, s pomoću novih studija slučaja, kakve su posljedice pandemije. Ovim radom donosi se refleksija na ekonomsku održivost, društveni angažman i etičku odgovornost ustanova u kulturi i drugih dionika. Osim toga, rasprava o ranjivim stanjima u kojima su se našli radnici u kulturi za vrijeme krize apsolutno je neophodna kako bi se planirala bolja budućnost i za sam sektor i za one koji ga pokreću. Originalnost. Originalnost je rada u pronalasku kreativnih strategija koje neutraliziraju ishode pandemije, a koje ujedno mogu poslužiti kao inspiracija za buduća krizna razdoblja
Methodology Behind Implementations: A Process Improvement Analysis
Dissertation presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Information Management, specialization in Knowledge Management and Business IntelligenceAn organisation’s success is as good as its ability to maintain and improve its processes. For the contemporary organisation this might mean the outsourcing of a Business Process Improvement project to a consulting company. The classical BPM lifecycle doesn’t apply to most of these projects, so a new Line of BPM Events is presented in its stead. This thesis is a study of a possible methodology of work for a successful BPI project, with a field work as an extensive example of all the activities inside each step. A BPI project is only successful if the organisation keeps the TO-BE model as their new standard process. To guarantee the success of the implementation of the new process, the whole methodology has into consideration change culture. Organisations are made by people and processes are run by people; therefore the collaborators of the organisation might be the “make it or break it” of the process. If the collaborators are not willing to change their ways, once the consulting team finishes its job in the organisation the collaborators will revert to their old habits, or they might raise problems in the implementation of the changes to begin with. On the other hand, an organisation with a positive change culture might not have these problems. All this will influence the implementation plan and application. The thesis studies a BPI project from beginning to end, including change culture
Património Mundial e os sítios culturais em risco iminente. Primeiras reflexões
Considering the rising impact of heritage matters in the international community and assuming the growth of worldwide recognized sites, it is relevant to reflect about their hierarchies and effectiveness of protection. Therefore, starting from the analysis of UNESCO’s List of World Heritage in Danger (2018-2019), it is proposed to clarify the degree of preservation, recognition and communication of these sites through the study of UNESCO’s webpage and some fundamental texts for the issue. Ultimately, cultural sites in imminent danger will be addressed, through the analyses of main threats and their consequences for the safeguarding and preservation of the properties
Health-related quality of life in hereditary transthyretin amyloidosis polyneuropathy: a prospective, observational study
Hereditary Transthyretin Amyloidosis Polyneuropathy is a rare life-threatening neurologic disease that imposes considerable mortality and it is associated with progressive related disabilities. In this study, we aimed to assess the effect of the disease across health-related quality of life dimensions, in both carriers of the mutation and patients, to compare health-related quality of life with general population, as well as to explore health-related quality of life prognostic factors among patients, including disease progression and treatment.
This study was a multi-institutional, longitudinal, prospective, observational study of hereditary Transthyretin Amyloidosis Polyneuropathy Portuguese adult subjects (621 asymptomatic carriers and 733 symptomatic patients) enrolled in the Transthyretin Amyloidosis Outcomes Survey. Health-related quality of life was captured with the preference-based instrument EQ-5D-3 L. For general population the dataset included all subjects enrolled in a representative national study (n = 1500). Different econometric models were specified; multivariate probit, generalized linear model and generalized estimating equations model; including demographic and clinical covariates.
Hereditary Transthyretin Amyloidosis Polyneuropathy patients have their health status severely impaired in all quality of life dimensions and more anxiety/depression problems were found among asymptomatic carriers. No differences on utility were found between carriers and general population (p = 0.209). Among patients, the utility value is estimated to be 0.51 (0.021), a decrement of 0.27 as compared with general population utility. Higher disease duration, advanced disease stage and not receiving treatment are associated with impaired health-related quality of life. No differences were found between genders (p = 0.910) or between late (≥50 years) and early-onset patients (p = 0.254). The utility estimate ranged from 0.63 (0.009) in stage I to 0.01 (0.005) in stage IV.
Hereditary Transthyretin Amyloidosis Polyneuropathy symptoms and progressive associated disabilities substantially decrease patient’s health-related quality of life. Clinical strategies focused on health-related quality of life preservation such as close follow-up of asymptomatic carriers, prompt diagnosis and adequate, early treatment would benefit patient’s long-term outcomes, slowing the progressive decline in health-related quality of life.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Publicidade em jornais: estratégias que instigam o consumo e o lugar do crédito
The expansion of consumption and the democratization of credit can be identified as triggers of an economy of indebtedness. As the advertising of credit contributes to this scenario, we analyzed its discursive production in order to identify what is enunciated about consumption and credit, and discuss its effects on the modes of subjectivation. The materials, 83 ads collected from a newspaper, were analyzed according to the Foucaultian perspective of analysis of discourse and according to what is endorsed on the Code of Consumer Protection (CDC). As a result, we found a production of a transitory temporality and the constitution of products as personalized and capable of conferring differentiation, which foster consumption. The product credit is naturalized, as if it was only a purchase addendum. Its conditions are almost never present according to the Code, which can lead to unreflect purchase and to the over-indebtedness. According to the results, we point to an imperative review of this type of advertising.A expansão do consumo e a democratização do crédito podem ser apontadas como desencadeantes de uma economia do endividamento. Como a publicidade do crédito contribui para tal cenário, analisamos a produção discursiva dessa a fim de identificar o que se enuncia sobre consumo e crédito, e discutir seus efeitos nos modos de subjetivação. Os materiais,83 anúncios coletados de um jornal, foram analisados a partir da perspectiva da análise de discurso foucaultiana e face ao preconizado no Código de Defesa do Consumidor. Constatamos a produção de uma temporalidade fugaz e a constituição dos produtos como personalizados e capazes de conferir diferenciação, o que pressiona ao consumo. O produto crédito é naturalizado como se fosse mero adendo da compra. Suas condições quase nunca são devidamente apresentadas conforme o Código, o que pode levar à contratação irrefletida e ao superendividamento. Face aos resultados, apontamos ser imperiosa uma revisão deste tipo de publicidade
Dispondo de si : autonomia, género e envelhecimento nos quotidianos de saúde
Esta tese de doutoramento tem como objectivo geral compreender as experiências de autonomia individual na actual geração de adultos mais velhos, enquadrados pelas construções identitárias de género e assumindo como plataforma de observação as vivências quotidianas de saúde. Para tanto, justifica-se a centralidade do valor da autonomia individual na contemporaneidade, para depois se problematizar o conceito a partir de uma perspectiva feminista, com base na conceptualização proposta por este corpo teórico. O feminismo propõe a adopção do conceito de autonomia relacional, que ao reconhecer a natureza social do self e das identidades, é capaz de proporcionar uma leitura crítica e contextualizada da autonomia de cada sujeito, por integrar não só as especificidades, estímulos, oportunidades e contingências de um tempo e de um espaço social, como também o poder resolutivo, transformador e de resistência da agência individual. A vivência da velhice constitui, cada vez mais, um exercício de individualidade. No envelhecer, a vivência da saúde ganha especiais contornos. Não só porque o cuidar de si se tornou um aspecto biográfico de progressiva acentuação, como também por ser este um tempo da vida em que os dilemas, inquietações e exigências com o corpo se acentuam. A individualização dos trajectos biográficos que nas sociedades contemporâneas surge com cada vez maior expressão sugere a importância do estudo das diferentes ecologias sociais, com base na precisão e no detalhe. A tese adoptou uma estratégia metodológica de estudos de casos, concretizada num estudo de caso múltiplo, de tipo qualitativo. Os sentidos conferidos às experiências da autonomia individual pela actual geração de adultos mais velhos, nos seus quotidianos de saúde, mobilizam e matizam diferentes modelos culturais, iluminando a ideia de uma transição sociocultural que abandona parcialmente certos aspectos, mas que mantém tantos outros. No envelhecer, a vivência da autonomia individual é mediatizada por diferentes performatividades femininas e masculinas, tendo sido três os espaços principais de expressão social da autonomia, resultantes do seu cruzamento com o género, enquanto dimensão de análise principal. Tem-se que estas diferenças entre espaços factoriais vêm demonstrar o hibridismo dos posicionamentos resultante da crescente individualidade das trajectórias de vida. Face à saúde, a capacidade de adaptação e de auto-gestão mais positivos relacionam-se, face às mulheres, com a expressão singular de uma maior individualidade e, face aos homens, com o valor social conferido a diferentes masculinidades.This doctoral thesis aims at understanding the social experiences of personal autonomy among Portuguese older adults, from a gender perspective, in everyday health practices. With this purpose, the centrality of the value of individual autonomy in the western contemporary societies is introduced and discussed from a feminist perspective, based on the conceptualization proposed by this theoretical corpus. Feminism introduces the concept of relational autonomy, which is based on the social nature of the self and of the identities, aspects that are considered critical to provide an analysis of each individual’s autonomy that integrates the temporal and spatial contextual specificities, challenges and opportunities, as well as the decision, negotiation and resistance capacities of individual agency. Ageing is increasingly a process of individuation and at this life phase health gains a particular significance, not only because health and self-care have become important biographical traces of contemporary societies, but also because this is a time in life that knows growing body concerns, adaptations and demands. The growing individualization of life course in contemporary societies calls for the importance of studying different social ecologies, with precision and detail. From a methodological perspective, this thesis is based on a multiple case study, of qualitative nature. The main conclusions are: the personal autonomy meanings expressed by the current generation of older adults in their health quotidian’s merge different cultural models, which reinforces the idea of a socio-cultural transition that partially abandons certain cultural aspects, but that keeps so many others. At old age, the experience of personal autonomy is mediated by different feminine and masculine performances. This study highlights three main forms of personal autonomy expression that result from its intersection with gender, as the main dimension of analysis. These intersectional differences demonstrate the hybridism of the life paths increasing individuality. As far personal health is concerned, the capacity to adapt and to self-manage are strongly related with a greater sense of individuality in women, and to the social value attributed to different masculinities, in men
Estudo Paramétrico do Efeito de Arco em Barragens de Terra
Esta dissertação tem por objetivo o estudo paramétrico do efeito de arco numa barragem de terra. O
efeito de arco está intrinsecamente ligado à segurança das barragens de aterro contudo, embora seja
objeto de estudo em barragens de enrocamento, o seu efeito não é muito estudado em barragens de
O fenómeno de efeito de arco surge associado à fase de construção da barragem, primeiro enchimento
e exploração da mesma. Propõe-se o estudo deste fenómeno durante a fase de construção da barragem.
pelo que se começa por uma breve descrição relativamente ao efeito de arco e qual a importância do
seu estudo. A diferença entre os assentamentos ocorridos no núcleo da barragem e nos maciços
durante a construção da barragem provoca uma variação de tensões no núcleo da barragem que podem
levar à fraturação hidráulica. À diferença de tensões existente entre o núcleo e os maciços chamamos
de efeito de arco.
Neste trabalho, recorrendo ao software Plaxis2D, apresenta-se um primeiro caso base descrevendo o
faseamento construtivo do mesmo. Procede-se a uma análise aos deslocamentos verticais, tensões
verticais totais e tensões verticais efetivas considerando vários tempos de consolidação e diferentes
estados de saturação dos materiais. É ainda feito um estudo relativamente à secção a considerar para
analise do efeito neste caso base e de seguida analisa-se o efeito de arco.
Por fim, efetua-se uma análise paramétrica onde se estuda a influência no efeito de arco da
deformabilidade do maciço e do núcleo, da resistência ao corte no maciço e no núcleo, das inclinações
dos taludes do núcleo e da altura da barragem. De onde se concluiu que o parâmetro com maior
influência no efeito de arco é a deformabilidade dos maciços e do núcleo
contributo para uma investigação em saúde pública
A violência contra pessoas idosas em contexto familiar constitui um problema de saúde pública numa sociedade envelhecida. A dimensão do problema exige a realizac¸ão de estudos que permitam um maior conhecimento deste fenómeno na sociedade portuguesa, justificando as intervenc¸ões de saúde como jurídico-penais. Este artigo apresenta uma abordagem terminológica dos conceitos, bem como uma operacionalizac¸ão das condutas descritas face à legislac¸ão portuguesa. Considerando a complexidade deste fenómeno, entendeu-se pertinente a realizac¸ão de uma análise de direito comparado, à luz do caso português. No âmbito dos ordenamentos jurídicos estudados, foram considerados aqueles que procuram acautelar os direitos sociais da pessoa idosa. ABSTRACT - The violence against elderly people in the family context is a recognized problem of public health in an ageing society. The dimension of the problem requires the development of prevalence studies in order to deepen our knowledge about it in Portuguese society; in order to justify health intervention and legal framework. The aim of this article is to propose a terminological approach of the concepts and the operationalization of abusive conducts according to the Portuguese Law. Given the complexity of the phenomenon, a comparative law analysis was considered relevant in the light of Portuguese case. In addition, in the case of the international jurisdictions analyzed, we adopted those that better reflect the protection of the social rights of the elderly.publishersversionpublishe
Lignin from sugarcane bagasse as a prebiotic additive for poultry feed
Diet is a crucial factor on health and well-being of livestock animals. Nutritional strengthening with diet formulations is essential to the livestock industry and animal perfor-mance. Searching for valuable feed additives among by-products may promote not only circular economy, but also functional diets. Lignin from sugarcane bagasse was proposed as a potential prebiotic additive for chickens and incorporated at 1 % (w/w) in commercial chicken feed, tested in two feed forms, namely, mash and pellets. Physico-chemical characterization of both feed types with and without lignin was performed. Also, the prebiotic potential for feeds with lignin was assessed by an in vitro gastrointestinal model and evaluated the impact on chicken cecal Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium. As for the pellet's physical quality, there was a higher cohesion of the pellets with lignin, indicating a higher resistance to breakout and lignin decreases the tendency of the pellets for microbial contamination. Regarding the prebiotic potential, mash feed with lignin showed higher promotion of Bifidobacterium in comparison with mash feed without lignin and to pellet feed with lignin. Lignin from sugarcane bagasse has prebiotic potential as additive to chicken feed when supplemented in mash feed diets, presenting itself as a sustainable and eco-friendly alternative to chicken feed additives supplementation.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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