7,887 research outputs found

    Relativistic Hamiltonians in many-body theories

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    We discuss the description of a many-body nuclear system using Hamiltonians that contain the nucleon relativistic kinetic energy and potentials with relativistic corrections. Through the Foldy-Wouthuysen transformation, the field theoretical problem of interacting nucleons and mesons is mapped to an equivalent one in terms of relativistic potentials, which are then expanded at some order in 1/m_N. The formalism is applied to the Hartree problem in nuclear matter, showing how the results of the relativistic mean field theory can be recovered over a wide range of densities.Comment: 14 pages, uses REVTeX and epsfig, 3 postscript figures; a postscript version of the paper is available by anonymous ftp at ftp://carmen.to.infn.it/pub/depace/papers/951

    Fermion propagators in space-time

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    The one- and the two-particle propagators for an infinite non-interacting Fermi system are studied as functions of space-time coordinates. Their behaviour at the origin and in the asymptotic region is discussed, as is their scaling in the Fermi momentum. Both propagators are shown to have a divergence at equal times. The impact of the interaction among the fermions on their momentum distribution, on their pair correlation function and, hence, on the Coulomb sum rule is explored using a phenomenological model. Finally the problem of how the confinement is reflected in the momentum distribution of the system's constituents is briefly addressed.Comment: 26 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication on Phys. Rev.

    Inelastic electron-nucleus scattering and scaling at high inelasticity

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    Highly inelastic electron scattering is analyzed within the context of the unified relativistic approach previously considered in the case of quasielastic kinematics. Inelastic relativistic Fermi gas modeling that includes the complete inelastic spectrum - resonant, non-resonant and Deep Inelastic Scattering - is elaborated and compared with experimental data. A phenomenological extension of the model based on direct fits to data is also introduced. Within both models, cross sections and response functions are evaluated and binding energy effects are analyzed. Finally, an investigation of the second-kind scaling behavior is also presented.Comment: 39 pages, 13 figures; formalism extended and slightly reorganized, conclusions extended; to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Hoarding disorder: A new obsessive-compulsive related disorder in DSM-5

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    Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and related disorders have been the subject of significant revisions in the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-5). One of these major changes has been the removal of OCD from the \u2018Anxi- ety Disorders\u2019 section and its instalment in a new and distinct Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders (OCRDs) chap- ter. However, it is the instatement of Hoarding Disorder (HD) as a new OCRD that marks the most significant change. Previously considered a symptom of OCPD, and subsequently linked to OCD, it is now acknowledged that hoarding can emerge inde- pendently from any alternative condition. The present paper provides an updated review of recent investigations supporting the status of HD as an independent nosological entity. Specifi- cally, we will present the new DSM-5 diagnostic criteria and examine the literature pertaining to the psychopathological and phenomenological aspects of the disorder, with particular atten- tion to practical strategies that can help clinicians to recognise and differentiate HD from OCD. Finally, the available assess- ment and treatment strategies for HD are summarised

    New Measurements of Nucleon Structure Functions from the CCFR/NuTeV Collaboration

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    We report on the extraction of the structure functions F_2 and Delta xF_3 = xF_3nu-xF_3nubar from CCFR neutrino-Fe and antineutrino-Fe differential cross sections. The extraction is performed in a physics model independent (PMI) way. This first measurement for Delta xF_3, which is useful in testing models of heavy charm production, is higher than current theoretical predictions. The F_2 (PMI) values measured in neutrino and muon scattering are in good agreement with the predictions of Next to Leading Order PDFs (using massive charm production schemes), thus resolving the long-standing discrepancy between the two sets of data.Comment: 5 pages. Presented by Arie Bodek at the CIPNAP2000 Conference, Quebec City, May 200