45 research outputs found

    Gender differences in non-adherence among Brazilian patients initiating antiretroviral therapy

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    OBJECTIVE: We conducted a study to identify gender differences in factors associated with the first episode of non-adherence in the 12 months following the first antiretroviral prescription. METHODS: A concurrent prospective study of patients initiating antiretroviral therapy in Brazil was conducted from 2001-2002. The self-reported measurement of adherence was defined as an intake of less than 95% of the prescribed number of doses. Only the first occurrence of non-adherence was considered in this analysis. All analyses were stratified by gender. A Cox proportional hazard model was used to estimate the risk of non-adherence, and the time to non-adherence was estimated using the Kaplan-Meier method. RESULTS: The cumulative incidence of non-adherence was 34.6% (29.7% and 43.9% among men and women, respectively; p=0.010). Marital status (being married or in stable union; p=0.022), alcohol use in the month prior to the baseline interview (p=0.046), and current tobacco use (p=0.005) increased the risk of non-adherence among female participants only, whereas a self-reported difficulty with the antiretroviral treatment was associated with non-adherence in men only. For both men and women, we found that a longer time between the HIV test and first antiretroviral therapy prescription (p=0.028) also presented an increased risk of non-adherence. CONCLUSIONS: In this cohort study, the incidence of non-adherence was 1.5 times greater among women compared to men. Our results reinforce the need to develop interventions that account for gender differences in public referral centers. Additionally, we emphasize that, to achieve and maintain appropriate adherence levels, it is important to understand the barriers to seeking and utilizing health care services

    Cost-related underuse of medications in older adults: ELSI-Brazil

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    OBJECTIVE: To assess the prevalence and factors associated with cost-related underuse of medications in a nationally representative sample of Brazilians aged 50 years and over. METHODS: Among the 9,412 participants of the Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Aging (ELSIBrazil), 6,014 reported using at least one medication on regular basis and were included in the analysis. Underuse of medications was by stopping taking or reducing the number of tablets or the dose of any prescribed medication for financial reasons. The theoretical framework used for the selection of the exploratory variables included predisposing factors, enabling factors, and factors of need. Associations were tested by Poisson regression. RESULTS: The prevalence of underuse of medications was 10.6%. After adjustments for relevant covariables, positive and statistically significant associations (p < 0.05) with the outcome were found for females [prevalence ratio (PR) = 1.39], sufficiency of the family income for expenses (PR = 1.74 for sometimes and PR 2.42 for never), frequency with which the physician explains about the disease and treatment (PR = 1.31 for rarely or never), number of medications used (PR = 1.39 for 2–4 and 1.53 for 5 or more), fair (PR = 2.02) and poor or very poor self-rated health (PR = 2.92), and a previous medical diagnosis of depression (PR = 1.69). Negative associations were observed for the age groups of 60–79 years (PR = 0.75) and 80 years and over (PR = 0.43), socioeconomic status of the household (PR = 0.70, 0.79, and 0.60 for the second, third, and fourth quartile, respectively), and private health plan coverage (PR = 0.79). There were no associations between hypertension and self-reported diabetes and underuse of medications. CONCLUSIONS: Cost-related underuse of medications is multidimensional and complex, and it covers socio-demographic characteristics, health conditions, and the use of health services. The explanation about the disease and its treatment to the patient and the expansion of the universal access to pharmaceutical care can minimize the risks of underuse.OBJETIVO: Determinar a prevalência e os fatores associados à subutilização de medicamentos por motivos financeiros em amostra nacional representativa da população brasileira com 50 anos ou mais. MÉTODOS: Entre 9.412 participantes do Estudo Longitudinal sobre a Saúde dos Idosos Brasileiros (ELSI-Brasil), 6.014 informaram usar medicamento(s) de uso contínuo e foram incluídos na análise. A subutilização de medicamentos foi definida como ter, por motivos financeiros, deixado de tomar ou ter diminuído o número de comprimidos ou a dose de algum medicamento receitado pelo médico. O marco teórico empregado para a seleção das variáveis exploratórias incluiu fatores predisponentes, capacitantes e de necessidade. As associações foram testadas por meio de regressão de Poisson. RESULTADOS: A prevalência de subutilização de medicamentos foi de 10,6%. Após ajustes pertinentes, associações positivas e estatisticamente significantes (p < 0,05) com o desfecho foram observadas para o sexo feminino [razão de prevalência (RP) = 1,39]; renda familiar às vezes (RP = 1,74) e nunca (RP = 2,94) suficiente para as despesas; frequência com que o médico explica sobre a doença e tratamento (RP = 1,31 para raramente ou nunca); número de medicamentos utilizados (RP = 1,39 para 2–4 e 1,53 para 5 ou mais); autoavaliação da saúde razoável (RP = 2,02) e ruim ou muito ruim (RP = 2,92); e diagnóstico médico de depressão (RP = 1,69). Associações negativas foram observadas para idade igual a 60–79 (RP = 0,75) e 80 anos ou mais (RP = 0,43), posição socioeconômica do domicílio (RP = 0,70; 0,79 e 0,60 para o segundo, terceiro e quartil superior) e cobertura por plano privado de saúde (RP = 0,79). Não foram observadas associações entre hipertensão e diabetes autorreferidos e subutilização de medicamentos. CONCLUSÕES: A subutilização de medicamentos por motivos financeiros tem caráter multidimensional e complexo, abrangendo características sociodemográficas, de condições de saúde e de utilização de serviços de saúde. Esclarecer ao paciente sobre a doença e o seu tratamento, e ampliar o acesso universal à assistência farmacêutica, podem minimizar os riscos da subutilização

    Ten-year kidney transplant survival of cyclosporine- or tacrolimus-treated patients in Brazil

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    Background: Cyclosporine and tacrolimus are well established immunosuppressants; however little know about long term survival rates. Aim: Compare 10-year graft survival and associated factors among kidney transplant patients within the Brazilian Public Health system (SUS) prescribed either medicine. Methods: Analyze a national cohort of kidney transplant recipients within SUS. Graft loss defined by death or dialysis for more than three months. Kaplan-Meier method used to estimate cumulative probabilities of survival. Cox proportional hazards model used to evaluate factors associated with progression to graft loss. Results: 13,811 patients were included, 5,887 used cyclosporine and 7,924 tacrolimus. A higher risk of graft loss was associated with tacrolimus, a deceased donor, additional years of age, median period of dialysis greater than 47 months, diagnosis of diabetes as the primary cause of chronic kidney disease and transplantation between 2005 and 2009. Conclusions: Among other factors, tacrolimus-based regimens were associated with worse graft survival

    A cross-sectional study of quality of life among Brazilian adults with type 1 diabetes treated with insulin glargine : findings and implications

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    We conducted a cross-sectional study with 401 patients of type 1 diabetes mellitus treated with insulin glargine in Minas Gerais, Brazil. Health-related quality of life (HRQoL) was assessed using EQ-5D-3L and the Diabetes Quality of Life Measure. Our findings showed that a worse HRQoL was associated with a low level of education, self-perceived health reported as poor/very poor, being bedridden and not physically exercised, had seen a doctor more than four times in the past year before the interview, and had reported comorbidities and episodes of hypoglycemia

    A cross-sectional study of the quality of life of patients living with type 1 diabetes treated with insulin glargine and neutral protamine hagedorn insulin and the implications

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    Objectives: The study aim was to identify key factors associated with the health-related quality of life (HRQOL) of patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) treated with neutral protamine Hagedorn (NPH) insulin or human insulin analog glargine (IGLA). Methods: We conducted two cross-sectional studies in Minas Gerais State, Brazil. One with 401 patients treated with IGLA, and the other with 179 T1DM patients treated with NPH. HRQOL was measured by Euroqol (EQ-5D-3L). Key findings: Most participants were male (51%), aged between 18 and 40 years (47%), non-black (58%) and from the highest economic strata (A1-B2) (74%). Participants perceived their health as good/very good (51%), had one to three medical consultations in the previous year (51%), were not hospitalized in the previous year (74%), did not report angina (96%), diabetic neuropathy (90%), hearing loss (94%) or kidney disease (89%). Non-severe hypoglycaemia episodes in the last 30 days were reported by 17% of participants. Conclusions: Higher HRQOL was associated with younger age (18-40 years), good/very good health self-perception, having had up to three medical consultations in the last year, not being hospitalized in the last year, having none to three comorbidities, not reporting angina, diabetic neuropathy, hearing loss or kidney disease and having had episodes of non-severe hypoglycaemia. In addition, the findings of our study demonstrated inequalities in access to treatment, which will be the subject of future research projects

    Perfil epidemiológico dos pacientes em terapia renal substitutiva no Brasil, 2000-2004

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    OBJECTIVE: To describe the clinical and epidemiological profile of patients under renal replacement therapies, identifying risk factors for death. METHODS: This is a non-concurrent cohort study of data for 90,356 patients in the National Renal Replacement Therapies Database. A deterministic-probabilistic linkage was performed using the Authorization System for High Complexity/Cost Procedures and the Mortality Information System databases. All patients who started dialysis between 1/1/2000 and 12/31/2004 were included and followed until death or the end of 2004. Age, sex, region of residence, primary renal disease and causes of death were analyzed. A proportional hazards model was used to identify factors associated with risk of death. RESULTS: The prevalence of patients under renal replacement therapies increased an average of 5.5%, while incidence remained stable during the period. Hemodialysis was the predominant initial modality (89%). The patients were majority male with mean age 53 years, residents of the Southeast region and presented unknown causes as the main cause of chronic renal disease, followed by hypertension, diabetes and glomerulonephritis. Of these patients, 42% progressed to death and 7% underwent kidney transplantation. The patients on peritoneal dialysis were older and had higher prevalence of diabetes. The death rate varied from 7% among transplanted patients to 45% among non-transplanted patients. In the final Cox proportional hazards model, the risk of mortality was associated with increasing age, female sex, having diabetes, living in the North and Northeast region, peritoneal dialysis as a first modality and not having renal transplantation. CONCLUSIONS: There was an increased prevalence of patients on renal therapy in Brazil. Increased risk of death was associated with advanced age, diabetes, the female sex, residents of the North and Northeast region and lack of renal transplant.OBJETIVO: Describir el perfil epidemiológico y clínico de pacientes en terapia renal substitutiva, identificando factores asociados al riesgo de muerte. MÉTODOS: Estudio de observación, prospectivo no concurrente, a partir de datos de 90.356 pacientes de la Base Nacional en Terapias Renales Substitutivas, en Brasil. Fue realizado reracionamiento determinístico-probabilístico del Sistema de Información de Mortalidad. Fueron incluidos todos los pacientes incidentes que iniciaron diálisis entre 1/1/2000 y 31/12/2004, acompañados hasta la muerte o final de 2004. Edad, sexo, región de residencia, enfermedad renal primaria, causa del óbito fueron analizados. Se ajustó un modelo de riesgos proporcionales para identificar factores asociados al riesgo de muerte. RESULTADOS: Ocurrió un aumento promedio de 5,5% en la prevalencia de pacientes en terapia, con relación a la incidencia se mantuvo estable en el período. Hemodiálisis fue la modalidad inicial predominante (89%). La mayoría de los pacientes era del sexo masculino, con edad promedio de 53 años, residente en la región Sureste y presentaba causa indeterminada como principal causa básica de la enfermedad renal crónica, seguida de la hipertensión, diabetes y glomerulonefritis. De esos pacientes, 7% realizaron transplante renal y 42% evolucionaron a óbito. Los pacientes en diálisis peritoneal eran más ancianos y presentaban mayor prevalencia de diabetes. Entre los no transplantados, 45% fueron a óbito y, entre los transplantadas 7%. En el modelo final de riesgos proporcionales de Cox, el riesgo de mortalidad estuvo asociado con el aumento de la edad, sexo femenino, tener diabetes, residir en la región Norte y Noreste, diálisis peritoneal como modalidad de entrada y no haber realizado transplante renal. CONCLUSIONES: Hubo aumento de la prevalencia de pacientes en terapia renal en Brasil. Pacientes con edad avanzada, diabetes, del sexo femenino, residentes en la región Norte y Noreste y sin transplante renal presentan mayor riesgo de muerte.OBJETIVO: Descrever o perfil epidemiológico e clínico de pacientes em terapia renal substitutiva, identificando fatores associados ao risco de morte. MÉTODOS: Estudo observacional, prospectivo não concorrente, a partir de dados de 90.356 pacientes da Base Nacional em Terapias Renais Substitutivas, no Brasil. Foi realizado relacionamento determinístico-probabilístico do Sistema de Autorização de Procedimentos de Alta Complexidade/Custo e do Sistema de Informação de Mortalidade. Foram incluídos todos os pacientes incidentes que iniciaram diálise entre 1/1/2000 e 31/12/2004, acompanhados até a morte ou final de 2004. Idade, sexo, região de residência, doença renal primária, causa do óbito foram analisados. Ajustou-se um modelo de riscos proporcionais para identificar fatores associados ao risco de morte. RESULTADOS: Ocorreu um aumento médio de 5,5% na prevalência de pacientes em terapia enquanto a incidência manteve-se estável no período. Hemodiálise foi a modalidade inicial predominante (89%). A maioria dos pacientes era do sexo masculino, com idade média de 53 anos, residente na região Sudeste, e apresentava causa indeterminada como principal causa básica da doença renal crônica, seguida da hipertensão, diabetes e glomerulonefrites. Desses pacientes, 7% realizou transplante renal e 42% evoluiu para o óbito. Os pacientes em diálise peritoneal eram mais idosos e apresentavam maior prevalência de diabetes. Entre os não transplantados, 45% foi a óbito e, entre os transplantados, 7%. No modelo final de riscos proporcionais de Cox, o risco de mortalidade foi associado com o aumento da idade, sexo feminino, ter diabetes, residir nas regiões Norte e Nordeste, diálise peritoneal como modalidade de entrada e não ter realizado transplante renal. CONCLUSÕES: Houve aumento da prevalência de pacientes em terapia renal no Brasil. Pacientes com idade avançada, diabetes, do sexo feminino, residentes nas regiões Norte e Nordeste e sem transplante renal apresentam maior risco de morte

    The budget impact of monoclonal antibodies used to treat metastatic colorectal cancer in Minas Gerais, Brazil

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    Introduction: Biological medicines have increased the cost of cancer treatments, which also raises concerns about sustainability. In Brazil, three monoclonal antibodies (mAbs)—bevacizumab, cetuximab, and panitumumab—are indicated for the treatment of metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC) but not currently funded by the Unified Health System (SUS). However, successful litigation has led to funding in some cases. Objective: Our objective was to evaluate the budgetary impact of including the mAbs bevacizumab, cetuximab, and panitumumab in standard chemotherapy for the treatment of mCRC within the SUS of Minas Gerais (MG), Brazil. Method: A budget impact analysis of incorporating mAbs as first-line treatment of mCRC in MG was explored. The perspective taken was that of the Brazilian SUS, and a 5-year time horizon was applied. Data were collected from lawsuits undertaken between January 2009 and December 2016, and the model was populated with data from national databases and published sources. Costs are expressed in US.Results:Intotal,351lawsuitsresultedinfundingforfirstlinetreatmentwithmAbsformCRC.Thethreealternativescenariosanalyzedresultedincostincreasesof348395US. Results: In total, 351 lawsuits resulted in funding for first-line treatment with mAbs for mCRC. The three alternative scenarios analyzed resulted in cost increases of 348–395% compared with the reference scenario. The use of panitumumab had a budgetary impact of US103,360,980 compared with the reference scenario over a 5-year time horizon, and bevacizumab and cetuximab had budgetary impacts of US111,334,890and113,772,870,respectively.Theuseoftheantiepidermalgrowthfactorreceptor(EGFR)mAbs(cetuximabandpanitumumab)isrestrictedtotheapproximately41US111,334,890 and 113,772,870, respectively. The use of the anti-epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) mAbs (cetuximab and panitumumab) is restricted to the approximately 41% of patients with KRAS mutations, so the best cost alternative for incorporation would be the combination of panitumumab and bevacizumab, with a cost of approximately US106 million. Conclusion: These results highlight the appreciable costs for incorporating bevacizumab, cetuximab, and panitumumab into the SUS. Appreciable discounts are likely to be necessary before incorporation of these mAbs is approved