17,190 research outputs found

    Perspectiva didática para auxiliar no fortalecimento da identidade indígena do povo Mendonça Potiguara

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    The objective was to report the contributions of a teaching sequence that discussed the implications criterion for demarcating indigenous lands, which contributed to the elaboration of indigenous fables, in order to describe how this literature can help strengthen the ethnic identity of the Mendonça Potiguara people. The teaching sequence was developed in 2021, with approximately 150 students from the Escola Estadual Indígena de Ensino Fundamental e Médio Professor Francisco Silva do Nascimento. The methodological approach of socioscientific issues was adopted for the treatment of the implications of the criterion for demarcating indigenous, under the perspective of the Three Pedagogical Moments. The students were divided into five groups and had to plan and make up an indigenous fable, each one. The fables produced were written in two versions, one in Portuguese and another version translated into the mother tongue (Ancient Tupi).Objetivou-se relatar as contribuições de uma sequência de ensino, que discutiu as implicações do marco temporal de terras indígenas, que contribuiu na elaboração de fábulas indígenas, de modo, a descrever como essa literatura pode auxiliar no fortalecimento da identidade étnica do povo Mendonça Potiguara. A sequência de ensino foi desenvolvida em 2021 com, aproximadamente, 150 estudantes da Escola Estadual Indígena de Ensino Fundamental e Médio Professor Francisco Silva do Nascimento. Adotou-se à abordagem metodológica de Questões Sociocientíficas para o tratamento das implicações do marco temporal de terras indígenas, sob a perspectiva dos Três Momentos Pedagógicos. Os alunos foram divididos em cinco grupos e tiveram que planejar e constituir uma fábula indígena, cada um. As fábulas produzidas foram escritas em duas versões, uma na língua portuguesa e outra versão traduzida para a língua materna (Tupi Antigo)

    Equality of symmetrized tensors and the coordinate ring of the flag variety

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    In this note we give a transparent proof of a result of da Cruz and Dias da Silva on the equality of symmetrized decomposable tensors. This will be done by explaining that their result follows from the fact that the coordinate ring of a flag variety is a unique factorization domain.Comment: 5 page

    Cyclical Effects of Bank Capital Buffers with Imperfect Credit Markets: international evidence

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    This paper analyzes the cyclical effects of bank capital buffers using an international sample of 2,361 banks from 92 countries over the 1990-2007 period. We find that capital buffers reduce the bank credit supply but – through what could be “monitoring or signaling effects” – have also an expansionary effect on economic activity by reducing lending and deposit rate spreads. This influence on lending and deposit rate spreads is more pronunced in developing countries and during downturns. The results suggest that capital buffers have a counter-cyclical effect in these countries. Our data do not suggest differences in the cyclical effects of capital buffers between Basel I and Basel II.

    Fairness and Income Redistribution- an Analysis of the Latin American Tax System

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    This paper assesses the effects of income redistribution policies on "responsibilit -sensitive" fairness levels in major Latin American countries. In doing so, the following items are analyzed- i) the fairness rule described in Bossert (1995),Konow (1996), and Cappelen & Tungodden (2007) and; ii) the redistribution mechanism (taxation policy) proposed by Ooghe & Peich (2010). The results indicate that taxation does not have a significant effect on Latin American fairness indicators. This behavior can be explained, among other factors, by the fiscal design used, which utilizes high rates associated with the effort variables and fails to equalize unequal opportunities.Theory of Justice,Redistribution,

    Limiting intellectual property : the competition interface

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    PhDThis is a study of legal limits of the exercise of intellectual property, with emphasis on chip designs. In Part One, the focus is on the economics of innovation dynamics and the nature of the social bargain underlying intellectual property. It analyses the function of intellectual property and the structure of protection of chip designs under the US chip law, the IPIC Treaty and the Agreement on TRIPS. It suggests that while protection of intellectual property is designed to promote technical innovation and enhance competition in the public favour, the innovation process is carried out in conditions of increasingly imperfect competition. On these grounds, a point is made to limit the exercise of proprietary rights in the welfare/efficiency perspective. Part Two addresses the treatment of legal limitations. An analysis is made concerning the evolution of the safeguarding provisions on which unauthorised use of copyright and patent in the British legal system relies. These safeguards, structured within the intellectual property law, have gradually been developed to also rely on a resurgent competition legislation, which has been considerably used by OECD countries to order the exercise of proprietary rights. The ability of modem competition law to induce an intellectual property order, and the features of the adjudicatory process of non-voluntary licences over UK patents are also examined. From the findings the emergence of; namely, a safeguarding policy is identified. The conceptualisation of this institutional policy, aiming at efficiency and welfare objectives related to the exercise of proprietary rights, is a central theme. It shows that safeguarding provisions intrinsic to intellectual property law is insufficient to pursue these objectives, and holds that to protect intellectual property without an effective control of anti-competitive practices is a distorting and unsustainable legal policy

    Teaching through lives: biographical-narrative constructions thought as an active and meaningful methodology

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    The present work intends to present as a perspective of the field of social sciences, the biographical-narrative approach of lives, has the founding potential – when applied in teaching – to activate and make meaningful (and significant) both learning and the lives of students and educators. Based on an interpretive and reflective reading, the methodology is based on a broad discussion about dealing with biographical narratives. Along with this, the relational possibilities that narrating and reconstructing trajectories reveal are pointed out, added to the understanding of how these are intercrossed in contexts and relationships at the micro and macro level, in the private and public spheres, encompassing traditional, popular and cultivated knowledge. This fact leads to the pedagogical latency of this methodological experience of teaching-learning-research. Therefore, it is intended to point to ways of operationalizing – disciplinary and also inter-, multi- and transdisciplinary – the processes and tools, as well as the gains in interests and contextualization of the contents proposed by the curricula and school calendars. These procedures have the relevant role of revealing the socio-historical present of the trajectories and of the agents that circulate educational life, but also of the families and, especially, of the students themselves, and place them as historical agents filled with subjectivities built in the daily interrelationships and intercoms. In this way, it is pointed out, finally, how the biographical-narrative approach has the potential to constitute itself as an active, interpretive and reflective methodology, without forgetting to be critical and to produce openings for the emancipation of the agents (educator and student).Este trabalho pretende apresentar como uma perspectiva do campo das ciências sociais, a abordagem biográfico-narrativa de vidas, tem o potencial fundante – ao ser aplicado no ensino – de ativar e tornar significativo (e significante) tanto o aprendizado quanto as vidas dos educandos e educadores. Fundamentado em uma leitura interpretativa e reflexiva, a metodologia está baseada em uma discussão ampla sobre o trato com as narrativas biográficas. Junto a isso, são apontadas as possibilidades relacionais que o narrar-se e o reconstruir de trajetórias revela, somado à compreensão de como essas são intercruzadas em contextos e relações de nível micro e macro, nos âmbitos particular e público, encerrando conhecimentos tradicionais, populares e cultivados. Este fato encaminha a latência pedagógica desse modo de experiência metodológica de ensino-aprendizagem-pesquisa. Para tanto, pretende-se apontar modos de operacionalizar – disciplinar e, também inter, multi e transdisciplinarmente – os processos e ferramentas, bem como os ganhos de interesses e de contextualização dos conteúdos propostos pelos currículos e calendários escolares. Esses procedimentos têm o relevante papel de revelar o presente sócio-histórico das trajetórias e dos agentes que circulam a vida educacional, mas também das famílias e, especialmente, dos próprios educandos, e situá-los como agentes históricos preenchidos de subjetividades construídas nas interrelações e intercomunicações diárias. Desse modo, aponta-se, por fim, como a abordagem biográfico-narrativa tem o potencial para se constituir como uma metodologia ativa, interpretativa e reflexiva, sem olvidar de ser crítica e de produzir aberturas para a emancipação dos agentes (educador e educando)

    Incidence of myocardial injury in patients submitted to carotid endarterectomy: a systematic review

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    INTRODUÇÃO Lesão miocárdica após cirurgia não cardíaca (MINS) está associada a maiores taxas de mortalidade e de eventos adversos cardiovasculares major a curto e longo prazo em doentes submetidos a endarterectomia carotídea (CEA). No entanto, a sua incidência ainda não é clara neste subgrupo de doentes. Neste sentido, esta revisão sistemática com meta-análise visa determinar a incidência de MINS em doentes submetidos a CEA. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS Três bases de dados eletrónicas MEDLINE, Scopus e Web of Science foram utilizadas para procurar estudos que avaliassem a ocorrência de MINS no período pós-operatório de doentes submetidos a CEA. A incidência de MINS foi agrupada por meta-análise de efeitos aleatórios, com exploração de fontes de heterogeneidade por meta-regressão. Adicionalmente, a incidência de MINS relativa a subgrupos de doentes (anestesia geral vs. regional) foi analisada. A avaliação da qualidade dos estudos foi realizada utilizando National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) Study Quality Assessment Tool for Observational Cohorts and Cross-Sectional Studies e Risk of Bias 2 tools. RESULTADOS Vinte estudos foram incluídos, com um total de 117.933 participantes. Quatro desses eram ensaios clínicos randomizados controlados (RCT), sendo os restantes estudos de coorte. Todos os estudos observacionais apresentavam um risco de viés global alto, excetuando Pereira Macedo et al. Três desses tinham população repetida, pelo que só os dados do estudo mais recente foram considerados. Por outro lado, todos os RCT tinham um risco de viés global baixo. Em doentes submetidos a anestesia regional, a incidência de MINS em estudos primários variava entre 2% e 15,3%, comparando com 0-42,5% para anestesia geral. A incidência meta-analítica de MINS após CEA foi de 6,3% [95% CI 2,0%-10,6%], mas foi observada heterogeneidade severa (I2 = 99,1%). CONCLUSÃO MINS aparenta ser relativamente comum em doentes submetidos a CEA. A heterogeneidade severa observada aponta para a necessidade de estudos adicionais maiores adotando definições de MINS consistentes e valores de corte equivalentes.BACKGROUND Myocardial injury following noncardiac surgery (MINS) is associated with higher mortality and major adverse cardiovascular event rates in the short- and long-term in patients undergoing carotid endarterectomy (CEA). However, its incidence is still unclear in this subset of patients. Therefore, this systematic review with meta-analysis aims to determine the incidence of MINS in patients undergoing CEA. MATERIALS AND METHODS Three electronic databases MEDLINE, Scopus, and Web of Science were used to search for studies assessing the occurrence of MINS in the postoperative setting of patients undergoing CEA. The incidence of MINS was pooled by random-effects meta-analysis, with sources of heterogeneity being explored by meta-regression. Additionally, the incidence of MINS regarding subgroups of patients (general anesthesia vs. regional anesthesia) was also analysed. Assessment of studies' quality was performed using National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) Study Quality Assessment Tool for Observational Cohorts and Cross-Sectional Studies, and Risk of Bias 2 tools. RESULTS Twenty studies were included, with a total of 117,933 participants. Four of them were randomized controlled trials (RCT), while the remaining were cohort studies. All observational cohorts had an overall high risk of bias, except for Pereira Macedo et al. Three of them had repeated population, thus only data from the most recent one was considered. On the other hand, all RCT had an overall low risk of bias. In patients under regional anesthesia, the incidence of MINS in primary studies ranged between 2% and 15.3%, compared to 0-42.5% for general anesthesia. The meta-analytical incidence of MINS after CEA was of 6.3% [95% CI 2.0%-10.6%], but severe heterogeneity was observed (I2 = 99.1%). CONCLUSION MINS appears to be relatively common among patients undergoing CEA. The observed severe heterogeneity points to the need for further larger studies adopting consistent definitions of MINS and equivalent cut-off values

    Proton Profile Function at 52.8 GeV

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    We present the results of a novel model-independent fit to elastic proton-proton differential cross section data at s\sqrt s = 52.8 GeV. Taking into account the error propagation from the fit parameters, we determine the scattering amplitude in the impact parameter space (the proton profile function) and its statistical uncertainty region. We show that both the real and imaginary parts of the profile are consistent with two dynamical contributions, one from a central dense region, up to roughly 1 fm and another from a peripheral evanescent region from 1 to 3 fm.Comment: Published in Int. J. Mod. Phys.