728 research outputs found
Efectos adversos de crac-cocaína en organismos marinos en condiciones de acidificación
After administration, illicit drugs and its metabolites are excreted and reaches the wastewater treatment plants where they may not be eliminated by conventional treatment technologies. Recent research demonstrates they can influence and alter physiology as well as behavior of aquatic organisms. Since 1970, cumulative carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from fossil fuel combustion, cement production and flaring have tripled, and cumulative CO2 emissions from forestry and other sources have increased by about 40%. Rising atmospheric CO2 concentration is causing global warming and ocean acidification. The inorganic carbon system is one of the most important chemical equilibria in the ocean and is largely responsible for controlling seawater’s pH. Once pH values decreased, organic compound may also suffer some alterations in bioavailability. Based on that, the hypothesis of this work is that the acidification in the marine environment will modify toxicity of the illicit drug cocaine and its byproducts. Aiming to address the effects of the combination of the all different stressors on the organisms used, and besides, to distinguish the effect observed related to each of the stressors, it was developed an integrated, and more precise, interpretation of the risks associated with CO2 enrichment in the marine environment: the multivariate analysis tools. Using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) it was possible to understand the correlation between the biological effects measured in laboratory associated with the concentration of protons and Crack-Cocaine. The experiments have shown negative effects mainly associated with high concentration of protons (lower pH values) and relatively high concentrations of crack-cocaine for all the organisms used in the different assays. This thesis demonstrate that acidification of coastal ecosystems will trigger enhanced adverse effects on marine organisms exposed to drugs
Tendência em séries hidrológicas e de mudanças no uso e cobertura da terra em uma bacia tropical do Nordeste do Brasil
Flow is one of the hydrological variables of greatest interest due to its connection with water availability and its multiple uses. However, in recent years this resource has been threatened by intense land use and climate change, affecting patterns previously considered to be stationary. The goal of this study was to evaluate trends in changes of patterns of flow, precipitation, and land use in a basin located in the Brazilian Cerrado. 33 years of rainfall, fluviometric, and land use data were used, covering the period of 1985 to 2018 on an annual scale. Mann-Kendall and Sen Slope’s nonparametric test was applied to evaluate the trends in temporal series, as well as the Spearman Rho and Pettit, which were used to analyze the correlations between variables and detect the point of change in the series, respectively. The results show statistically significant trends in flow reduction over time. At the same time, a considerable reduction in natural areas occurred, with an increase of +750% in agricultural areas. The results also show that although a tendency to reduce precipitation was detected, its magnitude was not significant, with land use changes being the main factor for the negative changes in the flow of the Rio Grande tributary.A vazão é umas das variáveis hidrológicas de maior interesse por sua importância econômica e ligação direta com a disponibilidade para os usos múltiplos da água. Nos últimos anos, no entanto, esse recurso tem sido ameaçado pelas grandes alterações no uso e ocupação do solo e pelas mudanças climáticas, com alterações nos padrões antes tido como estacionários. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar as tendências de mudança nos padrões de vazão, precipitação e de uso e ocupação do solo e sua correlação ao longo do tempo na bacia do Alto Rio Grande. Foram utilizados 33 anos de dados pluviométricos, fluviométricos e mapas de uso e ocupação do solo para o período de 1985–2018, em escala anual. Para indicar a presença ou não tendências nas séries históricas, foi aplicado o teste não param trico de Mann-Kendall; para avaliar a magnitude dessas tendências, foi utilizado o coeficiente Sen’s Slope, além dos testes de Spearman Rho e Pettitt para correlacionar as variáveis e detectar o ponto de mudança nas séries, respectivamente. Os resultados inferem tendências de redução no posto fluviométrico verificado, estatisticamente significante a 5% de probabilidade. Concomitantemente, houve considerável redução das áreas naturais e ascensão de +750% das áreas agrícolas. Os resultados mostram ainda que, embora tenha sido detectada uma tendência de redução na precipitação, sua magnitude não foi relevante quando relacionada vazão, sendo as mudanças do uso e ocupação do solo o principal fator para as mudanças negativas na vazão do afluente Rio Grande
Materialização do hiper-real na matriz: intermidialidade entre Baudrillard e Matrix
The influences of Jean Baudrillard's (1991) theorie in present in Matrix (1999) can be interpreted through the process of media transposition (RAJEWSKY, 2005). In the theory arising from Simulacra and Simulation (1991), the reproduction of the hyper-real happens through the manipulation of truth, the uncontrolled reproduction of simulacra and the collectivization of identities, this is the reference book for cinematographic production. In the film, these theories are analyzed through experience within the simulation program created by the machines called Matrix. In this virtual system, the mind is subject to slavery since it is through it that the information inputs and outputs sent to the brain occur to keep human beings numb. This article seeks to clarify the connection points between the two works and to analyze how the concept of intermidiality helps in understanding the transposition between the two media: writing and film production. Finally, it is observed that the relationship between the two works mentioned here is essentially an intermidiality process.As influências da teoria de Jean Baudrillard em Simulacro e Simulação (1991) presentes em Matrix (1999) podem ser interpretadas através do processo de transposição midiática (RAJEWSKY, 2005). Na teoria, a reprodução do hiper-real acontece através da manipulação da verdade, produção desenfreada de simulacros e coletivização das identidades. Esse é o livro referência para a produção cinematográfica. No filme, essas teorias são analisadas através da experiência dentro do programa de simulação, Matrix, criado pelas máquinas. Nesse sistema virtual, a mente está sujeita à escravidão já que é através dela que ocorrem os inputs e outputs de informação enviados para o cérebro para manter os seres humanos entorpecidos. Este artigo busca explicitar os pontos de conexão entre as duas obras e analisar como o conceito de intermidialidade auxilia na compreensão da transposição entre as duas mídias: a escrita e a produção cinematográfica. Por fim, observa-se que a relação entre as duas obras aqui citadas é um processo essencialmente de intermidialidade
Lumbar Malignant Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumor in a Young Dog
Background: The most common location of malignant tumors of the peripheral nerve sheath in the spinal cord is the intradural-extramedullary region, and is rare in the spinal nerve roots in the lumbar region. They mainly affect large female dogs over six years of age. Imaging tests assist in the presumptive diagnosis, but confirmation requires histopathological and immunohistochemical examination. The prognosis is guarded. Diagnostic imaging, anatomopathological and immunohistochemical findings of a malignant tumor of the intradural-extramedullary peripheral nerve sheath with medullary infiltration in the lumbar region in a young dog are reported.Case: A body of a 6-year-old Poodle dog was donated for necropsy and diagnostic clarification. In the history, there was a suspicion of lumbar intramedullary neoplasia, detected by computed tomography (CT), with a 4 years progressive chronic evolution. Additionally, the dog had hidden spina bifida (L7 to S3), as detected by radiography and CT. On post mortem radiographic examination (X-ray), there was an enlargement of the vertebral canal (T10 to S2), intense osteolysis (L1 to S2), spinous processes (L5 to L7), and ankylosis (L3 to L7). Necropsy revealed ankylosis (L3 to L7) and intradural-extramedullary mass (9.5 × 2.6 × 2.3 cm) (L2 to L6). No metastases were identified. On microscopy, there was neoplastic proliferation of cells with intense pleomorphism, arranged in bundles interlaced in palisades and sometimes solid mantles. The mitotic index was high, ranging from 10 to 12 mitoses per field. There was also necrosis, hemorrhage, edema, and focal axonal demyelination of the adjacent white matter in the spinal cord. Masson Trichrome staining highlighted an intense diffuse conjunctive stroma. There was a suspicion of a malignant tumor of the peripheral nerve sheath and an immunohistochemical panel was performed for confirmation. There was strong and diffuse positivity for vimentin and S-100 and partial positivity for neuron-specific enolase (NSE), negative for anti-factor VIII, glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), α-actin for smooth muscle, cytokeratin, neurofilament, and desmin. Thus, the diagnosis of malignant neoplasm of the peripheral nerve sheath was confirmed.Discussion: Peripheral nerve sheath tumors are classified as benign or malignant. In dogs, they are frequent in elderly, females, and large breeds. In this case report, the animal was young, female, and small breed. The location of the spinal nerve roots is uncommon, and is more commonly found in the brachial plexus. In the animal reported, the tumor was observed as lumbar swelling. Clinical signs vary with the affected region, however, neurogenic claudication and muscle atrophy are more frequent, as observed in this report. Imaging examinations such as X-rays and CT assist in the presumptive diagnosis. In this case report, spina bifida was identified on radiography, and CT suggested the presence of intramedullary neoplasia and allowed to monitor tumor growth. Post mortem X-ray imaging revealed intense osteolysis and ankylosis, which were confirmed at necropsy, which also elucidated its intradural-extramedullary location with infiltration into the spinal cord. The confirmation of the neoplasm was made by histopathological and immunohistochemical examination; the latter should be made a panel, not restricted to the use of antibodies S-100 and vimentin only. The prognosis of malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors (MPNST) of the spinal cord is poor, and although there are palliative methods, there is no curative treatment, as complications can interfere with the quality of life of the animal. MPNST should be included in the differential diagnosis of spinal disorders, even in young dogs and small breeds. CT helps in early diagnosis to make decisions aimed at the animal's well-being
Resenha do artigo técnicas de síntese e de resumo aplicadas a artigo sobre a agricultura familiar
This is a review of the article entitled, Synthesis and Summary Techniques Applied to an Article on Family Farming. This article is authored by: Jonas Rodrigo Gonçalves. The article reviewed here was published in the jornal Agro em Questão: Journal of Scientific Initiation of Faculdade CNA, in Year II (2018), Vol. II, n. 03.Esta é uma resenha do artigo intitulado “Técnicas de Síntese e Resumo Aplicadas a Artigo sobre a Agricultura Familiar”. Este artigo é de autoria de Jonas Rodrigo Gonçalves et al. O artigo aqui resenhado foi publicado no periódico Agro em Questão: Revista de Iniciação Cientifica da Faculdade CNA, no Ano II (2018), Vol. II, n.03. ISSN: 2594-5866
Biopharmaceutics classification system: importance and inclusion in biowaiver guidance
O tratamento farmacológico é essencial frente a várias patologias e é fundamental que a política de medicamentos tenha por objetivo oferecer à população tratamento seguro, eficaz e de preço acessível. Uma forma de alcançar esse objetivo é por meio da bioisenção, definida como a substituição de estudos de bioequivalência in vivo por estudos in vitro. Para bioisentar novos medicamentos sob a forma farmacêutica sólida oral de liberação imediata são utilizados dados de permeabilidade intestinal e solubilidade do fármaco, bem como sua dissolução a partir da forma farmacêutica. O Sistema de Classificação Biofarmacêutica (SCB) é um esquema científico que divide os fármacos em classes de acordo com a solubilidade e permeabilidade e vem sendo utilizado como critério para bioisenção em diversas legislações. O presente artigo faz uma avaliação da aplicação da bioisenção, abordando os conceitos gerais e parâmetros utilizados pelo SCB, fazendo um relato histórico da aplicação da bioisenção, das exigências pertinentes às legislações vigentes, dos benefícios e riscos inerentes a uma tomada de decisão sobre bioisenção baseada neste critério. Os resultados revelaram que a utilização do SCB como critério amplia enormemente as possibilidades de bioisenção, contribuindo para o maior acesso da população em geral a medicamentos com garantida eficácia, segurança e menor custo.Pharmacological therapy is essential in many diseases treatment and it is important that the medicine policy is intended to offering safe and effective treatment with affordable price to the population. One way to achieve this is through biowaiver, defined as the replacement of in vivo bioequivalence studies by in vitro studies. For biowaiver of new immediate release solid oral dosage forms, data such as intestinal permeability and solubility of the drug are required, as well as the product dissolution. The Biopharmaceutics Classification System (BCS) is a scientific scheme that divides drugs according to their solubility and permeability and has been used by various guides as a criterion for biowaiver. This paper evaluates biowaiver application, addressing the general concepts and parameters used by BCS, making a historical account of its use, the requirements pertaining to the current legislation, the benefits and risks associated with this decision. The results revealed that the use of BCS as a biowaiver criterion greatly expands the therapeutics options, contributing to greater therapy access of the general population with drug efficacy and safety guaranteed associated to low cost
This is a review of the article entitled “Choice of Course Work Theme in Undergraduate Law”. This is authored by: Jonas Rodrigo Gonçalves. The article reviewed here was published in the magazine “Revista Coleta Científica” no Ano V, Vol. V, n.9, jan.-jun., 2021”.Esta é uma resenha do artigo intitulado “Augusto Comte e Émile Durkheim: uma Sociologia ‘Apaziguadora’”. Este é de autoria de: Luís Augusto de Mola Guisard e Irineu Francisco Barreto Junior. O artigo aqui resenhado foi publicado na revista “Revista FMU Direito” no Ano 25, n.35, p.64-72, 2011
Este artigo tem o objetivo de analisar e compreender a composição do fundo público e o financiamento tributário da política social e da política sócio-assistencial na esfera do Sistema Único de Assistência Social (SUAS). Iniciaremos este artigo com uma breve conceituação de política social e as visões extremistas que pairam sobre o termo. Apontaremos como essas políticas são financiadas e qual a importância do fundo público para a efetivação das políticas sociais. Por fim, analisaremos o financiamento da política de assistência social, a partir do Sistema Único de Assistência Social - SUAS
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