502 research outputs found

    Oxygen clamps in gold nanowires

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    We investigate how the insertion of an oxygen atom in an atomically thin gold nanowire can affect its rupture. We find, using ab initio total energy density functional theory calculations, that O atoms when inserted in gold nanowires form not only stable but also very strong bonds, in such a way that they can extract atoms from a stable tip, serving in this way as a clamp that could be used to pull a string of gold atoms.Comment: 4 pages; 4 figure

    Mimicking Nanoribbon Behavior Using a Graphene Layer on SiC

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    We propose a natural way to create quantum-confined regions in graphene in a system that allows large-scale device integration. We show, using first-principles calculations, that a single graphene layer on a trenched region of [0001ˉ][000\bar{1}] SiCSiC mimics i)the energy bands around the Fermi level and ii) the magnetic properties of free-standing graphene nanoribbons. Depending on the trench direction, either zigzag or armchair nanoribbons are mimicked. This behavior occurs because a single graphene layer over a SiCSiC surface loses the graphene-like properties, which are restored solely over the trenches, providing in this way a confined strip region.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Disorder and the effective Mn-Mn exchange interaction in Ga1x_{1-x}Mnx_xAs diluted magnetic semiconductors

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    We perform a theoretical study, using {\it ab initio} total energy density-functional calculations, of the effects of disorder on the MnMnMn-Mn exchange interactions for Ga1xMnxAsGa_{1-x}Mn_xAs diluted semiconductors. For a 128 atoms supercell, we consider a variety of configurations with 2, 3 and 4 Mn atoms, which correspond to concentrations of 3.1%, 4.7%, and 6.3%, respectively. In this way, the disorder is intrinsically considered in the calculations. Using a Heisenberg Hamiltonian to map the magnetic excitations, and {\it ab initio} total energy calculations, we obtain the effective \JMn, from first (n=1n=1) all the way up to sixth (n=6n=6) neighbors. Calculated results show a clear dependence in the magnitudes of the \JMn with the Mn concentration xx. Also, configurational disorder and/or clustering effects lead to large dispersions in the Mn-Mn exchange interactions, in the case of fixed Mn concentration. Moreover, theoretical results for the ground-state total energies for several configurations indicate the importance of a proper consideration of disorder in treating temperature and annealing effects

    Formation of Atomic Carbon Chains from Graphene Nanoribbons

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    The formation of one-dimensional carbon chains from graphene nanoribbons is investigated using it ab initio molecular dynamics. We show under what conditions it is possible to obtain a linear atomic chain via pulling of the graphene nanoribbons. The presence of dimers composed of two-coordinated carbon atoms at the edge of the ribbons is necessary for the formation of the linear chains, otherwise there is simply the full rupture of the structure. The presence of Stone-Wales defects close to these dimers may lead to the formation of longer chains. The local atomic configuration of the suspended atoms indicates the formation of single and triple bonds, which is a characteristic of polyynes.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Bilayer graphene dual-gate nanodevice: An ab initio simulation

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    We study the electronic transport properties of a dual-gated bilayer graphene nanodevice via first principles calculations. We investigate the electric current as a function of gate length and temperature. Under the action of an external electrical field we show that even for gate lengths up 100 Ang., a non zero current is exhibited. The results can be explained by the presence of a tunneling regime due the remanescent states in the gap. We also discuss the conditions to reach the charge neutrality point in a system free of defects and extrinsic carrier doping

    Schwinger multichannel method: A study of a Feshbach resonance in e-H_2 collisions

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    We present results of the application of the Schwinger multichannel method to study the role of Feshbach resonances on the elastic and electronic excitation cross sections in e-H_2 collisions. Using a ^2Σ_g^+2 resonance associated with the a ^3Σ^+_g and E^1Σ^+_g states of H_2 as an example, we quantitatively illustrate the dramatic influence of open channels on the decay of such Feshbach resonances in electron-molecule collisions