4,093 research outputs found


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    The use of different quantities of vegetables, forages or fresh grass as fodder for growing-finishing pigs is an important factor of the northern Portugal traditional system. The increasing development of swine production in outdoor systems, extensive and organic production, turns to upcoming natural diets, in which grass performs a significant part. With regard to this, some investigation has been made concerning the use of fibre-rich feed ingredients in pig nutrition. Metabolic effects of its ingestion are analysed concerning different sights (economical, social, environmental and physiological ones). The aim of this work was to study the effects of grass utilization in the diets on performances of finishing Bísaro pigs. A total of 22 pigs (16 castrated males and 6 females) was housed outdoor and fed ad libitum (37 – 85 kg live weight) with a growing diet and then transferred to an indoor system (with free access to an outdoor area) for 49 days, according to 3 different treatments: 100% concentrate (C), 75% concentrate + ad libitum grass (CE75), 50% concentrate + ad libitum grass (CE50). The grass was supplied and its intake registered on a daily basis. Every 14 days, the pigs were weighted and their back fat (P2 in vivo) measured. After slaughter (average weight of 107 kg LW), yield and ½ left carcass characteristics were controlled. During the outdoor growing phase, the ADG was 513 g/day. During the indoor finishing phase, the increase grass intake was proportional to the reduction of concentrate in the diet. The ADG (g) and the fat deposition (P2 cm) were significantly different (P<0,05) in the 3 treatments (ADG: C=641, CE75=467, CE50=356 and: C=11,4, CE75=+9,5, CE50=+6,2). The empty body weight (kg) was also proportional to the intake of concentrate (C=116,2; CE75=107,7; CE50=102,2). Comparatively to the weight of the body parts, pigs that had higher intake of grass and lower of concentrate showed a higher % of shoulder (P<0,05; C=20,4, CE75=21,7, CE50=22,2) and the pH45min of CE carcasses was significantly higher (P<0,05). As a conclusion, concentrate substitution for grass showed a slower growing rate, thinner carcasses and a high technological quality. Neverthelles variability (CV %) of the productive parameters at the end of this study were higher in the treatments that included grass: live weight (C= 10,5%; C75=10,7%; C50=14,3%), finishing ADG (C=24%; C75=37%, C50=42%), and final fat (C=37%; C75=32%, C50=52%). These values suggest that the utilization of fibrous feeds in growing-finishing swine may be one of the possible explanations of the more heterogeneous products and carcasses found in the traditional or extensive systems, common users of fibrous feeds in the carcass finishing phase

    Nutrient absorption in lambs fed diets containing different amounts of phosphorus

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    Objective. Evaluate the effect of increasing P intake on nutrient digestibility, and compare the true and apparent absorption coefficients of P and Ca in lambs. Materials and methods. Twenty-four Santa Ines sheep, with an average weight of 33.6 ± 1.6 kg, were distributed into four treatments (0, 2, 4 and 6 g/day of supplementary P) with forage: concentrate ratio of 70:30. The study of apparent nutrient digestibility was conducted during the first week, using the total feces collection method. During the second week, after injection of 7.4 MBq of 32P and 7.7 MBq of 45Ca, apparent (AAC) and true (TAC) absorption coefficients of P and Ca were determined. The lambs were kept in metabolic cages. Results. The increase in P intake did not affect (p>0.05) dry matter, crude protein, NDF or ADF digestibility, but the TAC of P and Ca and mineral matter digestibility decreased. The AAC was not affected (p=0.10). A cubic relationship was observed between P intake and TAC (TAC=2.16–1.95X+0.55X2-0.04X3; R2=0.38) and linear relationship with the TAC of Ca (TAC=0.559–0.03X; R2=0.26). TAC and AAC values were different (p<0.001). Conclusions. The increase in P intake doesn’t impact organic matter digestibility, but does affect P and Ca absorption. Apparent digestibility is not a reliable parameter to determine the efficiency of P and Ca absorption

    Quintessential inflation from 5D warped product spaces on a dynamical foliation

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    Assuming the existence of a 5D purely kinetic scalar field on the class of warped product spaces we investigate the possibility of mimic both an inflationary and a quintessential scenarios on 4D hypersurfaces, by implementing a dynamical foliation on the fifth coordinate instead of a constant one. We obtain that an induced chaotic inflationary scenario with a geometrically induced scalar potential and an induced quasi-vacuum equation of state on 4D dynamical hypersurfaces is possible. While on a constant foliation the universe can be considered as matter dominated today, in a family of 4D dynamical hypersurfaces the universe can be passing for a period of accelerated expansion with a deceleration parameter nearly -1. This effect of the dynamical foliation results negligible at the inflationary epoch allowing for a chaotic scenario and becomes considerable at the present epoch allowing a quintessential scenario.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figure Accepted for publication in Modern Physics Letters

    Resposta de plantas jovens de limeira-ácida 'Tahiti' a diferentes níveis de irrigação

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of different irrigation levels on canopy and root growth, productivity, and fruit quality of young ‘Tahiti’ acid lime trees. The experiment was installed in Piracicaba, Brazil in a 1.0-ha orchard plot with ‘Tahiti’ acid lime trees, grafted on ‘Swingle’ citrumelo rootstock and carried out from August of 2002 to May 2005. Each treatment was assigned to a drip irrigation level, based on ETc as follows: T1) non-irrigated, T2) 25%, T3) 50%, T4) 75% and T5) 100% of ETc determined by weighing lysimeter presented in the orchard plot. Trunk diameter and tree height were evaluated monthly. The roots were evaluated when the trees were 30 and 48 months old. The yield and fruit quality was evaluated in 2004 and 2005. The results showed that irrigation did not influence root distribution in depth, and trees irrigated with 75% and 100% ETc showed horizontal root distribution concentrated until 0.6 m from the trunk. Irrigation did not improve the quality of fruit. Yield increased in all irrigated treatment, but the most efficient yield mean per unit of water applied was the 25% ETc treatment.O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de diferentes níveis de irrigação sobre o crescimento da copa e raízes, produtividade e qualidade de frutos de plantas jovens de limeira-ácida ‘Tahiti’. O experimento foi instalado em Piracicaba, em um hectare plantado com limeira-ácida ‘Tahiti’ enxertadas sobre porta-enxerto citromelo ‘Swingle’e irrigadas por gotejamento. O experimento foi conduzido durante o período de agosto de 2002 a maio de 2005. Cada tratamento correspondeu a um nível de irrigação baseado nos valores de evapotranspiração da cultura (ETc): T1) não irrigado; T2) 25%; T3) 50%; T4) 75% e T5) 100% da ETc determinada por meio de um lisímetro de pesagem, presente na área. O diâmetro e a altura das plantas foram avaliados mensalmente. As raízes foram avaliadas quando as plantas estavam com 30 e 48 meses de idade. A produtividade e a qualidade dos frutos foram avaliadas em 2004 e 2005. Os resultados mostraram que a irrigação não influenciou na distribuição do sistema radicular em profundidade, e que plantas irrigadas com lâminas de água equivalentes a 75 e 100% da ETc mostraram uma distribuição horizontal de raízes concentradas a 0,60 m de distância do tronco. Aos 48 meses, a irrigação não influenciou na distribuição do sistema radicular no perfil do solo. A irrigação não melhorou a qualidade dos frutos. A produtividade aumentou em todos os tratamentos irrigados, mas o tratamento correspondente à lâmina de 25% da ETc foi o mais eficiente por unidade de água aplicada

    A hybrid MPPT algorithm based on DE-IC for photovoltaic systems under partial shading conditions

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    This paper presents a hybrid maximum power point tracking (MPPT), which combines a metaheuristic algorithm and a traditional MPPT method applied in a photovoltaic system operating under partial shading conditions. The MPPTs based on traditional methods are not able to track the global maxi-mum power point (GMPP) when partial shadings occur. Thus, MPPT algorithms based on metaheuristic algorithms, which are used for global optimization, have presented efficiency to extract the maximum power from photovoltaic arrays. However, these methods are random, resulting in large power oscillations in transients of small variations in solar irradiance. Therefore, this paper proposes the metaheuristic algorithm called Differential Evolution (DE) to seek and track the GMPP. After the DE convergence, the MPPT algorithm is switched to Incremental Conductance (IC) in order to refine the tracking. The effectiveness of the algorithm is proved through simulation results. Furthermore, comparative analyses are provided for each algorithm (DE and IC) to evaluate their performances in the PV system

    Surface photochemistry: photodegradation study of pyrene adsorbed onto microcrystalline cellulose and silica

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    Ground-state diffuse reflectance, time resolved laser-induced luminescence, diffuse reflectance laser flash-photolysis transient absorption and chromatographic techniques were used to elucidate the photodegradation processes of pyrene adsorbed onto microcrystalline cellulose and silica. Ground-state diffuse reflectance showed that on both substrates low concentrations display absorption of pyrene monomers. At high concentrations spectral changes attributed to aggregate formation were observed. Laser induced fluorescence showed that pyrene onto microcrystalline cellulose mainly presents fluorescence from monomers, while for silica, excimer-like emission was observed from low surface loadings (greater than or equal to 0.5 mumol g(-1)). Transient absorption and photodegradation studies were performed at concentrations where mainly monomers exist. On silica, pyrene presents transient absorption from its radical cation. On microcrystalline cellulose both radical cation, radical anion and pyrene triplet-triplet absorption were detected. Irradiation followed by chromatographic analysis showed that pyrene decomposes on both substrates. For pyrene on microcrystalline cellulose 1-hydroxypyrene was the main identified photoproduct since in the absence of oxygen further oxidation of 1-hydroxypyrene was very slow. For pyrene on silica photodegradation was very efficient. Almost no 1-hydroxypyrene was detected since in the presence of oxygen it is quickly oxidized to other photooxidation products. On both substrates, pyrene radical cation is the intermediate leading to photoproducts and oxygen it is not involved in its formation

    Binary Collisions and the Slingshot Effect

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    We derive the equations for the gravity assist manoeuvre in the general 2D case without the constraints of circular planetary orbits or widely different masses as assumed by Broucke, and obtain the slingshot conditions and maximum energy gain for arbitrary mass ratios of two colliding rigid bodies. Using the geometric view developed in an earlier paper by the authors the possible trajectories are computed for both attractive or repulsive interactions yielding a further insight on the slingshot mechanics and its parametrization. The general slingshot manoeuvre for arbitrary masses is explained as a particular case of the possible outcomes of attractive or repulsive binary collisions, and the correlation between asymptotic information and orbital parameters is obtained in general.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication Dec'07, Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronom

    Distance perception in a natural outdoor setting: is there a developmental trend to overconstancy?

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    The main purpose of the present study was to investigate whether in natural environment, using very large physical distances, there is a trend to overconstancy for distance estimates during development. One hundred and twenty-nine children aged 5 to 13 years old and twenty-one adults (in a control group), participated as observers. The observer’s task was to bisect egocentric distances, ranging from 1.0 to 296.0 m, presented in a large open field. The analyses focused on two parameters, constant errors and variable errors, such as measuring accuracy and precision, respectively. A third analysis focused on the developmental pattern of shifts in constancy as a function of age and range of distances. Constant error analysis showed that there are two relevant parameters for accuracy, age, and range of distances. For short distances, there are three developmental stages: 5-7 years, when children have unstable responses, 7-11, underconstancy, and 13 to adulthood, when accuracy is reached. For large distances, there is a two-stage development: 5-11 years, with severe underconstancy, and beyond this age, with mild underconstancy. Variable errors analyses indicate that precision is noted for 7 year-old children, independently of the range of distances. The constancy analyses indicated that there is a shift from constancy (or slightly overconstancy) to underconstancy as a function of physical distance for all age groups. The age difference is noted in the magnitude of underconstancy that occurs in larger distances, where adults presented lower levels of underconstancy than children. The present data were interpreted as due to a developmental change in cognitive processing rather than to changes in visual space perception.El principal objetivo de este estudio fue investigar si en un medio natural, empleando distancias físicas muy grandes, hay una tendencia a sobre-constancia para las estimaciones de distancias durante el desarrollo evolutivo. Participaron como observadores 129 niños de edades entre 5 y 13 años y 21 adultos (en un grupo control). La tarea de los observadores consistió en biseccionar unas distancias egocéntricas, que variaban entre 1,0 y 296,0 m, presentadas en un gran campo abierto. El análisis se centró en dos parámetros, error constante y error variable, de la exactitud y precisión de medida, respectivamente. Un tercer análisis se centró en el patrón evolutivo de cambios en la constancia en función de la edad y el rango de distancias. El análisis de los errores constantes mostró que hay dos parámetros relevantes para la precisión, edad y rango de distancias. Para distancias cortas, hay tres fases evolutivas: 5-7 años, cuando los niños dan respuestas inestables, 7-11, infra-constancia, y 13 años hasta la adultez, cuando alcanzan la exactitud (constancia). Para las distancias largas, hay un desarrollo de dos fases: 5-11 años, con infra-constancia severa, y más allá de esta edad, con ligera infraconstancia. El análisis del error variable indica que se alcanza precisión a partir de 7 años, con independencia del rango de distancias. En análisis de la constancia indica que existe un cambio desde la constancia (o una ligera sobre-constancia) a infra-constancia en función de la distancia física para todos los grupos de edad. La diferencia de edad se nota en la magnitud de la infra-constancia que ocurre en las distancias más largas, donde los adultos presentaban niveles menores de infra-constancia que los niños. Estos datos se interpretan como debidos a un cambio evolutivo en el procesamiento cognitivo más que a cambios en la percepción visual del espacio