7,961 research outputs found

    On the nature of the spin-polarized hole states in a quasi-two-dimensional GaMnAs ferromagnetic layer

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    A self-consistent calculation of the density of states and the spectral density function is performed in a two-dimensional spin-polarized hole system based on a multiple-scattering approximation. Using parameters corresponding to GaMnAs thin layers, a wide range of Mn concentrations and hole densities have been explored to understand the nature, localized or extended, of the spin-polarized holes at the Fermi level for several values of the average magnetization of the Mn ystem. We show that, for a certain interval of Mn and hole densities, an increase on the magnetic order of the Mn ions come together with a change of the nature of the states at the Fermi level. This fact provides a delocalization of spin-polarized extended states anti-aligned to the average Mn magnetization, and a higher spin-polarization of the hole gas. These results are consistent with the occurrence of ferromagnetism with relatively high transition temperatures observed in some thin film samples and multilayered structures of this material.Comment: 3 page

    A mid-IR study of Hickson Compact Groups II. Multi-wavelength analysis of the complete GALEX-Spitzer Sample

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    We present a comprehensive study on the impact of the environment of compact galaxy groups on the evolution of their members using a multi-wavelength analysis, from the UV to the infrared, for a sample of 32 Hickson compact groups (HCGs) containing 135 galaxies. Fitting the SEDs of all galaxies with the state-of-the-art model of da Cunha (2008) we can accurately calculate their mass, SFR, and extinction, as well as estimate their infrared luminosity and dust content. We compare our findings with samples of field galaxies, early-stage interacting pairs, and cluster galaxies with similar data. We find that classifying the groups as dynamically "old" or "young", depending on whether or not at least one quarter of their members are early-type systems, is physical and consistent with past classifications of HCGs based on their atomic gas content. [...ABRIDGED...] We also examine their SF properties, UV-optical and mid-IR colors, and we conclude that all the evidence point to an evolutionary scenario in which the effects of the group environment and the properties of the galaxy members are not instantaneous. Early on, the influence of close companions to group galaxies is similar to the one of galaxy pairs in the field. However, as the time progresses, the effects of tidal torques and minor merging, shape the morphology and star formation history of the group galaxies, leading to an increase of the fraction of early-type members and a rapid built up of the stellar mass in the remaining late-type galaxies.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A. Figure resolution degraded for arXiv limits, full resolution paper available at http://www.physics.uoc.gr/~bitsakis/paperII_bitsakis.pd

    Melting temperature of screened Wigner crystal on helium films by molecular dynamics

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    Using molecular dynamics (MD) simulation, we have calculated the melting temperature of two-dimensional electron systems on 240 240\AA-500 500\AA helium films supported by substrates of dielectric constants ϵs=2.211.9 \epsilon_{s}=2.2-11.9 at areal densities nn varying from 3×109 3\times 10^{9} cm2^{-2} to 1.3×1010 1.3\times 10^{10} cm2^{-2}. Our results are in good agreement with the available theoretical and experimental results.Comment: 4 pages and 4 figure

    Spin-polarized transport in ferromagnetic multilayered semiconductor nanostructures

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    The occurrence of inhomogeneous spin-density distribution in multilayered ferromagnetic diluted magnetic semiconductor nanostructures leads to strong dependence of the spin-polarized transport properties on these systems. The spin-dependent mobility, conductivity and resistivity in (Ga,Mn)As/GaAs,(Ga,Mn)N/GaN, and (Si,Mn)/Si multilayers are calculated as a function of temperature, scaled by the average magnetization of the diluted magnetic semiconductor layers. An increase of the resistivity near the transition temperature is obtained. We observed that the spin-polarized transport properties changes strongly among the three materials.Comment: 3 pages, 4 figure

    Épocas de aplicação e fontes nitrogenadas no desenvolvimento do feijoeiro.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da época de aplicação e de fontes nitrogenadas em cobertura no crescimento do feijoeiro cultivado em sistema plantio direto.CONAFE

    Fitomassa aérea e o potencial de adição de carbono de espécies forrageiras.

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    Em virtude das questões que envolvem as mudanças climáticas globais, quantificar a fitomassa aérea da vegetação é imperativo para determinar a capacidade de aportar carbono para o sistemas agrícolas em análise. O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar a fitomassa aérea de capim-buffel (Cenchrus ciliaris L.), palma forrageira (Opuntia ficus indica Mill), gliricídia (Gliricidia sepium) e leucena (Leucaena leucocephala L.) para verificar a adição potencial de carbono destas espécies forrageiras cultivadas no Semiárido e fornecer subsídios aos estudos de balanço de carbono no Bioma Caatinga. As espécies forrageiras foram cultivadas em um Argissolo Vermelho-Amarelo distrófico. Foram amostradas a parte área de quatro espécies forrageiras para determinação da fitomassa seca e a quantidade de carbono estocado. A gliricídia, a palma forrageira, o capim-buffel e a leucina produziram 16,25 Mg.ha-1; 15,20 Mg.ha-1; 11,80 Mg.ha-1 e 9,61 Mg.ha-1 de matéria seca e estocaram 6,95 Mg.ha-1; 5,57 Mg.ha-1; 4,50 Mg.ha-1 e 4,15 Mg.ha-1 de carbono, respectivamente

    O crescimento de plântulas de tomateiro é afetado por extratos de vermicomposto.

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    O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de extratos de vermicomposto sobre a morfologia da parte aérea e radicular de plantulas de tomateiro. Observou-se um aumento linear significativo da área foliar (AF) e massa foliar fresca (MFF)