12 research outputs found

    Einstein equations in the null quasi-spherical gauge III: numerical algorithms

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    We describe numerical techniques used in the construction of our 4th order evolution for the full Einstein equations, and assess the accuracy of representative solutions. The code is based on a null gauge with a quasi-spherical radial coordinate, and simulates the interaction of a single black hole with gravitational radiation. Techniques used include spherical harmonic representations, convolution spline interpolation and filtering, and an RK4 "method of lines" evolution. For sample initial data of "intermediate" size (gravitational field with 19% of the black hole mass), the code is accurate to 1 part in 10^5, until null time z=55 when the coordinate condition breaks down.Comment: Latex, 38 pages, 29 figures (360Kb compressed

    Vortices in Superfluid Films on Curved Surfaces

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    We present a systematic study of how vortices in superfluid films interact with the spatially varying Gaussian curvature of the underlying substrate. The Gaussian curvature acts as a source for a geometric potential that attracts (repels) vortices towards regions of negative (positive) Gaussian curvature independently of the sign of their topological charge. Various experimental tests involving rotating superfluid films and vortex pinning are first discussed for films coating gently curved substrates that can be treated in perturbation theory from flatness. An estimate of the experimental regimes of interest is obtained by comparing the strength of the geometrical forces to the vortex pinning induced by the varying thickness of the film which is in turn caused by capillary effects and gravity. We then present a non-perturbative technique based on conformal mappings that leads an exact solution for the geometric potential as well as the geometric correction to the interaction between vortices. The conformal mapping approach is illustrated by means of explicit calculations of the geometric effects encountered in the study of some strongly curved surfaces and by deriving universal bounds on their strength.Comment: 50 pages, 38 figure

    Extended Theories of Gravity

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    Extended Theories of Gravity can be considered a new paradigm to cure shortcomings of General Relativity at infrared and ultraviolet scales. They are an approach that, by preserving the undoubtedly positive results of Einstein's Theory, is aimed to address conceptual and experimental problems recently emerged in Astrophysics, Cosmology and High Energy Physics. In particular, the goal is to encompass, in a self-consistent scheme, problems like Inflation, Dark Energy, Dark Matter, Large Scale Structure and, first of all, to give at least an effective description of Quantum Gravity. We review the basic principles that any gravitational theory has to follow. The geometrical interpretation is discussed in a broad perspective in order to highlight the basic assumptions of General Relativity and its possible extensions in the general framework of gauge theories. Principles of such modifications are presented, focusing on specific classes of theories like f (R)-gravity and scalar-tensor gravity in the metric and Palatini approaches. The special role of torsion is also discussed. The conceptual features of these theories are fully explored and attention is payed to the issues of dynamical and conformal equivalence between them considering also the initial value problem. A number of viability criteria are presented considering the post-Newtonian and the post-Minkowskian limits. In particular, we discuss the problems of neutrino oscillations and gravitational waves in Extended Gravity. Finally, future perspectives of Extended Gravity are considered with possibility to go beyond a trial and error approach.Comment: 184 pages, 3 figures, survey to appear in Physics Report

    Combining cauchy and characteristic codes IV: the characteristic field equations in axial symmetry

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    This paper is part of a long term program to develop combined Cauchy and characteristic codes as investigative tools in numerical relativity. In the third stage attention is devoted to axisymmetric systems possessing two spatial degrees of freedom. In the second of two preliminary theoretical papers, the vacuum field equations for the characteristic region are obtained and the compactified equations are regularized.<br/

    Combining cauchy and characteristic codes. V. cauchy-characteristic matching for a spherical spacetime containing a perfect fluid

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    This paper is part of a long term program to develop CCM (combined Cauchy and characteristic) codes as investigative tools in numerical relativity. The approach has two distinct features: (i) it dispenses with an outer boundary condition and replaces this with matching conditions at an interface between the Cauchy and characteristic regions, and (ii) by employing a compactified coordinate, it proves possible to generate global solutions. In this paper it is shown that CCM can be used effectively to model a spherically symmetric perfect fluid. A particular advantage of CCM in avoiding arbitrary mass inflow-outflow boundary conditions is pointed out. Results are presented which include fluid distributions which form black holes and those which give rise to mass outflow.<br/