36 research outputs found

    Fano 3-folds in P2xP2 format, Tom and Jerry

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    We study Q-factorial terminal Fano 3-folds whose equations are modelled on those of the Segre embedding of P^2xP^2. These lie in codimension 4 in their total anticanonical embedding and have Picard rank 2. They fit into the current state of classification in three different ways. Some families arise as unprojections of degenerations of complete intersections, where the generic unprojection is a known prime Fano 3-fold in codimension 3; these are new, and an analysis of their Gorenstein projections reveals yet other new families. Others represent the "second Tom" unprojection families already known in codimension 4, and we show that every such family contains one of our models. Yet others have no easy Gorenstein projection analysis at all, so prove the existence of Fano components on their Hilbert scheme

    Model based dynamics analysis in live cell microtubule images

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    Background: The dynamic growing and shortening behaviors of microtubules are central to the fundamental roles played by microtubules in essentially all eukaryotic cells. Traditionally, microtubule behavior is quantified by manually tracking individual microtubules in time-lapse images under various experimental conditions. Manual analysis is laborious, approximate, and often offers limited analytical capability in extracting potentially valuable information from the data. Results: In this work, we present computer vision and machine-learning based methods for extracting novel dynamics information from time-lapse images. Using actual microtubule data, we estimate statistical models of microtubule behavior that are highly effective in identifying common and distinct characteristics of microtubule dynamic behavior. Conclusion: Computational methods provide powerful analytical capabilities in addition to traditional analysis methods for studying microtubule dynamic behavior. Novel capabilities, such as building and querying microtubule image databases, are introduced to quantify and analyze microtubule dynamic behavior

    Gorenstein Formats, Canonical and Calabi–Yau Threefolds

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    Gorenstein formats present the equations of regular canonical, Calabi–Yau and Fano varieties embedded by subcanonical divisors. We present a new algorithm for the enumeration of these formats based on orbifold Riemann-Roch and knapsack packing-type algorithms. We apply this to extend the known lists of threefolds of general type beyond the well-known classes of complete intersections and also to find classes of Calabi-Yau threefolds with canonical singularities


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    Bu çalışmada; büküm makinesinde metal tel takviyeli kompozit iplik üretilmiştir. Merkezde literatürde sıklıkla kullanılan bakır, çelik, krom/nikel tellerin dışında tungsten teli kullanılmıştır. Manto lifi olarak Naylon 6.6 kullanılmıştır. Merkezde tungsten ve etrafına naylon 6.6 sarılmak suretiyle kompozit iplik elde edilmiştir. Isıtma amaçlı kullanılması hedeflendiği için telin maksimum seviyede kapatılması amacıyla ikisi 1400 dtex biri 2100 dtex olmak üzere üç ayrı Naylon 6.6 ipliği kullanılmıştır. Üretilen kompozit ipliğin performansı numara, büküm, kopma yükü ve kopma uzaması testleri yapılarak ölçülmüştür ve kademeli olarak akım verilerek elektriğe bağlı yüzey sıcaklık değerleri detaylı olarak incelenmiştir ve sonuçları analiz edilmiştirProduction methods of metal wire reinforced composite yarn were investigated and tungsten wire reinforced composite yarn was produced in the twisting machine. In the literature, commonly copper, cromium/nickel, steel were used as core but tungsten wire was used in core of yarn differently in this study and nylon 6.6 yarns were used as sheath. Two 1400 dtex and one 2100 dtex %100 nylon 6.6 yarns were plied in the ‘S’ direction and produced plied yarn is wrapped around the tungsten wire in the ‘Z’ direction so especially voluminous sheath yarns were prefered to cover around the tungsten wire completely. Performance of produced tungsten wire reinforced composite yarn was tested by measuring yarn count, twist, and tensile properties. Also surface temperature of composite yarn was measured, depending on electrical current and compared with surface temperature of bare tungsten wir

    Tracing curvilinear structures in live cell images

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    Tracing of curvilinear structures is one of the fundamental tools in the quantitative analysis of biological images, for extracting information about structures such as blood vessels, neurons, microtubules, and similar entities. Due to the limitations in biological sample preparation and fluorescence imaging, typical images in live cell studies exhibit severe noise and considerable clutter. These images are manually analyzed through a laborious and approximate set of quantification tasks. In this paper, we describe a constrained optimization method for extracting curvilinear structures from live cell fluorescence images. We show that the proposed method is largely insensitive to frequent intersections, intensity variations along the curve, and generates successful traces within noisy regions. We demonstrate the results of our approach on live cell microtubule images. Index Terms — Biomedical image processing, biomedical measurement


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    Bu çalışmada, gaz atomizasyon yöntemi ile üretilen AA2014 alaşım tozlarına, basınçlı infiltrasyon yöntemiyle, %10 ve %20 B4C takviye edilerek kompozit yapı elde edilmeye çalışılmıştır. Üretilen AA2014-B4C kompozit yapısına uygulanan; sıvı faz sinterleme, yaşlandırma ve kriyojenik soğutma işlemlerinin sertliğe ve mikro yapıya etkileri belirlenmeye çalışılmıştır. Mikro yapıların incelemelerinde SEM ve MAP analizlerinden yararlanılarak, ısıl işlemlerin mikro yapı etkileri belirlenmeye çalışılmıştır. Kriyojenik soğutma işlemi sonrasında elde edilen sertlik değerleri, sinterleme ve yaşlandırma sonrasında elde edilen sertlik değerlerinden yüksek çıkması, kriyojenik işlemin bilhassa yaşlandırılabilir alaşımlar üzerinde etkin rol oynayabileceğini göstermektedir.In this study, powders of gas atomized AA2014 and solid B4C were mixed and then used in an infiltration system. To attain particulate reinforced aluminum composites, fine particles of B4C were added in right proportions of 10% and 20% respectively. Micro structures of AA2014-B4C composite were then analyzed systematically, where at first hardness measurement were applied after liquid phase sintering, ageing and cryogenic cooling. Samples were then analyzed with scanning electron microscopy (SEM) techniques to determine the effect of several heat treatment steps on the microstructure. It was found that hardness values particularly obtained right after cryogenic cooling treatment were considerably higher than that of sintering and ageing treatments. These results show that, application of cryogenics may play an effective role in the behaviour of age-hardenable alloys