52 research outputs found

    Tigers on trails: occupancy modeling for cluster sampling

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    Occupancy modeling focuses on inference about the distribution of organisms over space, using temporal or spatial replication to allow inference about the detection process. Inference based on spatial replication strictly requires that replicates be selected randomly and with replacement, but the importance of these design requirements is not well understood. This paper focuses on an increasingly popular sampling design based on spatial replicates that are not selected randomly and that are expected to exhibit Markovian dependence. We develop two new occupancy models for data collected under this sort of design, one based on an underlying Markov model for spatial dependence and the other based on a trap response model with Markovian detections. We then simulated data under the model for Markovian spatial dependence and fit the data to standard occupancy models and to the two new models. Bias of occupancy estimates was substantial for the standard models, smaller for the new trap response model, and negligible for the new spatial process model. We also fit these models to data from a large-scale tiger occupancy survey recently conducted in Karnataka State, southwestern India. In addition to providing evidence of a positive relationship between tiger occupancy and habitat, model selection statistics and estimates strongly supported the use of the model with Markovian spatial dependence. This new model provides another tool for the decomposition of the detection process, which is sometimes needed for proper estimation and which may also permit interesting biological inferences. In addition to designs employing spatial replication, we note the likely existence of temporal Markovian dependence in many designs using temporal replication. The models developed here will be useful either directly, or with minor extensions, for these designs as well. We believe that these new models represent important additions to the suite of modeling tools now available for occupancy estimation in conservation monitoring. More generally, this work represents a contribution to the topic of cluster sampling for situations in which there is a need for specific modeling (e.g., reflecting dependence) for the distribution of the variable(s) of interest among subunits

    Understanding the Role of PknJ in Mycobacterium tuberculosis: Biochemical Characterization and Identification of Novel Substrate Pyruvate Kinase A

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    Reversible protein phosphorylation is a prevalent signaling mechanism which modulates cellular metabolism in response to changing environmental conditions. In this study, we focus on previously uncharacterized Mycobacterium tuberculosis Ser/Thr protein kinase (STPK) PknJ, a putative transmembrane protein. PknJ is shown to possess autophosphorylation activity and is also found to be capable of carrying out phosphorylation on the artificial substrate myelin basic protein (MyBP). Previous studies have shown that the autophosphorylation activity of M. tuberculosis STPKs is dependent on the conserved residues in the activation loop. However, our results show that apart from the conventional conserved residues, additional residues in the activation loop may also play a crucial role in kinase activation. Further characterization of PknJ reveals that the kinase utilizes unusual ions (Ni2+, Co2+) as cofactors, thus hinting at a novel mechanism for PknJ activation. Additionally, as shown for other STPKs, we observe that PknJ possesses the capability to dimerize. In order to elucidate the signal transduction cascade emanating from PknJ, the M. tuberculosis membrane-associated protein fraction is treated with the active kinase and glycolytic enzyme Pyruvate kinase A (mtPykA) is identified as one of the potential substrates of PknJ. The phospholabel is found to be localized on serine and threonine residue(s), with Ser37 identified as one of the sites of phosphorylation. Since Pyk is known to catalyze the last step of glycolysis, our study shows that the fundamental pathways such as glycolysis can also be governed by STPK-mediated signaling

    Impact of financial inclusion in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review of reviews

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    Financial inclusion programmes seek to increase access to financial services such as credit, savings, insurance and money transfers and so allow poor and low-income households in low- and middle-income countries to enhance their welfare, grasp opportunities, mitigate shocks, and ultimately escape poverty. This systematic review of reviews assesses the evidence on economic, social, behavioural and gender-related outcomes from financial inclusion. It collects and appraises all of the existing meta-studies - that is systematic reviews and meta-analyses - of the impact of financial inclusion. The authors first analyse the strength of the methods used in those meta-studies, then synthesise the findings from those that are of a sufficient quality, and finally, report the implications for policy, programming, practice and further research arising from the evidence. Eleven studies are included in the analysis

    Proteins with Complex Architecture as Potential Targets for Drug Design: A Case Study of Mycobacterium tuberculosis

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    Lengthy co-evolution of Homo sapiens and Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the main causative agent of tuberculosis, resulted in a dramatically successful pathogen species that presents considerable challenge for modern medicine. The continuous and ever increasing appearance of multi-drug resistant mycobacteria necessitates the identification of novel drug targets and drugs with new mechanisms of action. However, further insights are needed to establish automated protocols for target selection based on the available complete genome sequences. In the present study, we perform complete proteome level comparisons between M. tuberculosis, mycobacteria, other prokaryotes and available eukaryotes based on protein domains, local sequence similarities and protein disorder. We show that the enrichment of certain domains in the genome can indicate an important function specific to M. tuberculosis. We identified two families, termed pkn and PE/PPE that stand out in this respect. The common property of these two protein families is a complex domain organization that combines species-specific regions, commonly occurring domains and disordered segments. Besides highlighting promising novel drug target candidates in M. tuberculosis, the presented analysis can also be viewed as a general protocol to identify proteins involved in species-specific functions in a given organism. We conclude that target selection protocols should be extended to include proteins with complex domain architectures instead of focusing on sequentially unique and essential proteins only

    Estimating tropical forest ungulate densities from sign surveys using abundance models of occupancy

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    Large ungulates critically influence forest structure and functioning besides being seriously threatened by anthropogenic pressures. For assessing their populations, surveys of ungulate sign encounters are widely used because of their practicality. However, these yield unreliable results because of their failure to address the problem of imperfect detection. Here, we present an innovative application to address this key weakness in traditional ungulate sign surveys. We describe the ecological process of ungulate sign deposition as well as the observation process of sign detection in our modelling. We simulate 183 ecological and sampling-related parameter values to first evaluate model performance. Simulation results demonstrate that we can achieve good estimates of animal density when the radius of the animal daily movement range is accounted for during survey design. We design and conduct a field survey of ungulate signs to estimate ungulate densities using both occupancy and distance sampling approaches. For five species of ungulates, the densities estimated from our sign survey (number of ungulate clusters km−2) were 1.46(0.68) chital Axis axis, 1.42(0.67) sambar Rusa unicolor, 1.01(0.44) gaur Bos gaurus, 0.74(0.39) wild pig Sus scrofa and 1.42(1.59) muntjac Muntiacus muntjak, and were similar to those generated from line transect sampling 2.16(0.76) chital, 2.47(0.56) sambar, 0.94(0.3) gaur, 1.09(0.37) wild pig and 4.03(0.83) muntjac), except for muntjac. The potential utility of this approach extends beyond sign surveys of forest ungulates to a wider range of animal monitoring contexts, including those based on scent-station surveys and camera trap surveys of elusive mammals

    Measurements of low-mode asymmetries in the areal density of laser-direct-drive deuterium-tritium cryogenic implosions on OMEGA using neutron spectroscopy

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    Areal density is one of the key parameters that determines the confinement time in inertial confinement fusion experiments, and low-mode asymmetries in the compressed fuel are detrimental to the implosion performance. The energy spectra from the scattering of the primary deuterium–tritium (DT) neutrons off the compressed cold fuel assembly are used to investigate low-mode nonuniformities in direct-drive cryogenic DT implosions at the Omega Laser Facility. For spherically symmetric implosions, the shape of the energy spectrum is primarily determined by the elastic and inelastic scattering cross sections for both neutron-deuterium and neutron-tritium kinematic interactions. Two highly collimated lines of sight, which are positioned at nearly orthogonal locations around the OMEGA target chamber, record the neutron time-of-flight signal in the current mode. An evolutionary algorithm is being used to extract a model-independent energy spectrum of the scattered neutrons from the experimental neutron time-of-flight data and is used to infer the modal spatial variations (l = 1) in the areal density. Experimental observations of the low-mode variations of the cold-fuel assembly (ρL0 + ρL1) show good agreement with a recently developed model, indicating a departure from the spherical symmetry of the compressed DT fuel assembly. Another key signature that has been observed in the presence of a low-mode variation is the broadening of the kinematic end-point due to the anisotropy of the dense fuel conditions