8 research outputs found
Analysis of brand strategy and communication of O2 Czech Republic sub-brands
This thesis deals with the brand strategy of O2 Czech Republic and the analysis of its sub-brands. Consumer perception of sub-brands has a significant impact on the cash flow of the company. Therefore, it is important to deal with this topic. A literature research on brand theory and umbrella brand strategy was conducted. Based on expert interviews, the strategy of specific sub-brands was explained. An analysis of Median data was carried out. Furthermore, a questionnaire survey was conducted to verify the findings from the literature. By combining the research methods, the theoretical concepts could be comprehensively tested in practice. The thesis concludes that the O2 brand is perceived as reliable and of high quality, but inconsistent across sub-brands. It was found that although O2 advertisements are not rated as appealing, their effect on spontaneous brand fit is significant. The strongest sub-brand is O2 TV, which is strongly associated with sport. From the findings, managerial recommendations for the management of the O2 Czech Republic brand were derived. The main contribution of the thesis is the insight into the brand strategy of O2 Czech Republic through expert interviews with marketing staff. The chosen topic does not appear in the available literature.Tato práce se zabývá značkovou strategií firmy O2 Czech Republic a analýzou jejích pod-značek. Spotřebitelské vnímání pod-značek má významný vliv na cashflow firmy. Má proto smysl se tímto tématem zabývat. Byla provedena rešerše literatury na téma teorie značek a strategie typu deštníková značka. Na základě expertních rozhovorů byla vysvětlena strategie konkrétních pod-značek. Byla analyzována data společnosti Median. Dále bylo provedeno dotazníkové šetření ověřující poznatky z literatury. Kombinací výzkumných metod bylo možné teoretické koncepty komplexně ověřit v praxi. Práce dochází k závěrům, že značka O2 je vnímána jako spolehlivá a kvalitní, avšak nekonzistentní napříč pod-značkami. Bylo zjištěno, že ačkoliv reklamy O2 nejsou hodnoceny jako líbivé, jejich působení na spontánní vybavení značky je významné. Nejsilnější pod-značkou je O2 TV, která je silně asociována se sportem. Z poznatků byla vyvozena manažerská doporučení pro řízení značky O2 Czech Republic. Hlavním přínosem práce je vhled do značkové strategie O2 Czech Republic díky expertním rozhovorům s marketingovými pracovníky. Zvolené téma se v dostupné odborné literatuře dosud nevyskytuje
Orofacial Stimulation for People with Cerebral Diseases
Communication is an importatnt ability for establishing social relations which are precondition for the establishment of comunity, civilization or culture. With the fine richly innervated muscel of the face we are able to alter our expression by a wide variety of very small movements. Together with movement of the head, facial expression is a prime communicator. We use both constantly to support what we are saying or to replace speech together at certain times. Through minute changes we can express pleasure, disbelief, love, disapproval etc. Graduation theses is focused at the method of orofacial stimulation used in physiotheraphy. In the theoretical part are analysed the deseases with problems in the area of the face and mouth. Next we can find character of individual methods using in fhysiotheraphy. In the practical part we use informations from the theoretical part. The method of orofacial stimulation was applicated and used for people with cerebral diseases and the efficiency of this method was found out
Muscle metabolism and its effect on physical condition in patients with chronic renal failure receiving hemodialysis
Title: Muscle metabolism and its effect on physical condition in patients with chronic renal failure receiving hemodialysis Objective: Assess the status of muscle metabolism in patients starting hemodialysis and patients receiving hemodialysis long time, to determine some changes in muscle metabolism in both groups in the time period and ultimately assess its impact on physical condition and quality of life of hemodialysis patients. Method: Fill anamnestic questionnaire and examination of body composition using bioimpedence device (BCM) in the group of patients with chronic renal failure who are beginning to be treated with hemodialysis and a group of patients treated with hemodialysis for several years. Compare the results of both groups. To obtain additional information from medical records. Results: It was found that hemodialysis therapy affects the status of muscle metabolism in terms of reducing muscle mass (LTM). The dependence of LTM, however, the duration of hemodialysis treatment assays. The study showed that if patients are nutritionally stable and regularly engaged in some physical activity, loss of muscle mass is lower than in individuals who have a passive way of life. Keywords: chronic renal failure, hemodilysis, muscle metabolism, physical conditio
Orofacial Stimulation for People with Cerebral Diseases
Communication is an importatnt ability for establishing social relations which are precondition for the establishment of comunity, civilization or culture. With the fine richly innervated muscel of the face we are able to alter our expression by a wide variety of very small movements. Together with movement of the head, facial expression is a prime communicator. We use both constantly to support what we are saying or to replace speech together at certain times. Through minute changes we can express pleasure, disbelief, love, disapproval etc. Graduation theses is focused at the method of orofacial stimulation used in physiotheraphy. In the theoretical part are analysed the deseases with problems in the area of the face and mouth. Next we can find character of individual methods using in fhysiotheraphy. In the practical part we use informations from the theoretical part. The method of orofacial stimulation was applicated and used for people with cerebral diseases and the efficiency of this method was found out
Analysis of Factors Influencing the Development of the Fertility Rate in the Countries of the European Union
Práce zkoumá faktory ovlivňující míru porodnosti v zemích Evropské unie. V praktické části byla použita panelová regrese, kde bylo zkoumáno 28 států v období let 1995 až 2015. Z výsledků plyne, že vysvětlující proměnné o geografické poloze státu na severu, jihu, západu, východu nebo středu Evropy jsou statisticky významné při analýze vývoje míry porodnosti, přičemž jejich vliv se ukázal být nejvýznamnějším ze všech zvolených proměnných. Další statisticky významnou proměnnou při vysvětlování míry porodnosti se ukázaly být státní výdaje na zdravotnictví vyjádřené podílem HDP. Zvýšení tohoto podílu má pozitivní vliv na míru porodnosti. Hypotézu o negativním vlivu zvyšování státních výdajů na vzdělání vyjádřených podílem HDP na míru porodnosti se nepodařilo potvrdit, z důvodu statistické nevýznamnosti této proměnné.This thesis analyzes determinants of the fertility rate in member countries of the European union. In the empirical part were the 28 member countries investigated during the years from 1995 till 2015 using a panel regression. The results show that the exogenous variables concerning geographical location of individual countries are statistically significant when analyzing the development of the fertility rate in European union. In addition, the effect of these variables is the most significant out of all the exogenous variables investigated. Total health care spending turned out to be another statistically significant variable having a positive effect on the fertility rate. The hypothesis regarding a negative effect of total education spending on fertility rate was not proven due to the statistical insignificance of this variable
Phosphorylation of tyrosine 90 in SH3 domain is a new regulatory switch controlling Src kinase
The activation of Src kinase in cells is strictly controlled by intramolecular inhibitory interactions mediated by SH3 and SH2 domains. They impose structural constraints on the kinase domain holding it in a catalytically non-permissive state. The transition between inactive and active conformation is known to be largely regulated by the phosphorylation state of key tyrosines 416 and 527. Here, we identified that phosphorylation of tyrosine 90 reduces binding affinity of the SH3 domain to its interacting partners, opens the Src structure, and renders Src catalytically active. This is accompanied by an increased affinity to the plasma membrane, decreased membrane motility, and slower diffusion from focal adhesions. Phosphorylation of tyrosine 90 controlling SH3-medited intramolecular inhibitory interaction, analogical to tyrosine 527 regulating SH2-C-terminus bond, enables SH3 and SH2 domains to serve as cooperative but independent regulatory elements. This mechanism allows Src to adopt several distinct conformations of varying catalytic activities and interacting properties, enabling it to operate not as a simple switch but as a tunable regulator functioning as a signalling hub in a variety of cellular processes
Tyrosine phosphorylation within the SH3 domain regulates CAS subcellular localization, cell migration, and invasiveness
Crk-associated substrate (CAS) Tyr-12 phosphorylation has an important role in ligand binding, CAS localization, turnover of adhesion structures, migration, and invasiveness. CAS Tyr-12 phosphorylation thus possibly represents a novel regulatory mechanism by which CAS-mediated signaling could trigger different cellular responses