42 research outputs found
Thermal characteristics of springs fed by mountain permafrost in Val di Sole (Eastern Italian Alps)
In alpine areas, spring-water temperature is affected by the presence of permafrost and by changes in the periglacial domain caused by the current atmospheric warming. Our interest in spring-water temperature is related to the possibility of investigating the spatial distribution of alpine permafrost and its changes. In particular, spring-water temperature might be helpful as indicator of permafrost occurrence in areas where it is discontinuous or sporadic, and in general where its distribution is poorly known. The spring-water temperature in late summer is a useful evidence of permafrost, and various authors employed such method as auxiliary permafrost evidence, or as a stand-alone method that can be used for mapping permafrost distribution at the catchment scale. However, little is known on the spatial and temporal variability of water temperature at springs with different permafrost contribution and characteristics. Here we present an analysis of the spatial and temporal variability of spring-water temperature in a 795 km2 catchment located in the Eastern Italian Alps, aimed at investigating the spatial distribution of permafrost and its effect on spring-water temperature. From 2018 to 2021, we measured the late-summer spring-water temperature at 220 springs, 133 of which are located downslope of rock glaciers, 81 downslope of other deposits, and 8 in bedrock. In addition, we installed dataloggers for continuous temperature measurements at 31 springs. Results show that the cold springs are mainly associated with intact rock glaciers but also with rock glaciers classified as relict, especially if they have blocky and sparsely vegetated surface. Accordingly, the latter should be reclassified as pseudo-relict, i.e. they appear to be visually relict but host patchy permafrost, as confirmed by geophysics carried out at selected case studies. These results have important implications for the study and modelling of the hydrological, hydrochemical and ecological response of periglacial environments under ongoing climate change
Brief communication: Mountain permafrost acts as an aquitard during an infiltration experiment monitored with electrical resistivity tomography time-lapse measurements
Frozen layers within the subsurface of rock glaciers are
generally assumed to act as aquicludes or aquitards. So far, this behavior
has been mainly defined by analyzing the geochemical characteristics of spring
waters. In this work, for the first time, we experimentally confirmed this
assumption by executing an infiltration test in a rock glacier of the
Southern Alps, Italy. Time-lapse electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) technique
monitored the infiltration of 800 L of saltwater released on the
surface of the rock glacier; 24 h ERT monitoring highlighted that the
injected water was not able to infiltrate into the underlying frozen layer.</p
Ricerche su Gerardo Boldieri di Verona (1405 c. - 1485), docente di medicina a Padova. La famiglia, l'inventario dei libri e dei beni, la cappella
Profilo di un grande medico, docente universitario a Padova, e studio ed edizione della sua bibliotec
Melanoma in situ a diffusione superficiale: riflessioni sui margini. di escissione.
Le Linee Guida Internazionali consigliano per il melanoma in situ un’asportazione chirurgica che abbia un
margine di escissione (definito “di sicurezza”) di 5 mm e che raggiunga, in profondità , la fascia muscolare.
L’esame istologico è un’indagine indispensabile per indicare se una lesione melanocitaria, clinicamente
atipica, sia o non sia un melanoma. Pertanto, in presenza di un nevo clinicamente atipico, si procede alla sua
asportazione chirurgica; l’escissione viene effettuata ad una distanza massima di 3 mm per deformare meno
l’area interessata ed ottenere anche un miglior risultato estetico. Se il risultato istologico è di “melanoma in
situ”, si interviene una seconda volta allargando la sede cicatriziale per portare la distanza dell’incisione
chirurgica a 5 mm, rispetto alla lesione melanocitaria iniziale e si deve raggiungere anche la fascia muscolare
Lo scopo del presente studio è quello di capire se esiste un motivo nell’effettuare il secondo intervento di
allargamento della ferita chirurgica di pregresso melanoma in situ a diffusione superficiale, giĂ asportato con
margini e fondo indenni. Vengono esclusi dal presente studio gli altri istotipi di melanoma. A tale fine sono
stati controllati i referti istologici di tutti gli allargamenti dei melanomi in situ a diffusione superficiale degli
ultimi sei anni degli ambulatori di dermatologia chirurgica e dell’Azienda Ospedaliero - Universitaria di
Parma e dell’Ospedale “Santa Chiara” di Trento. L’analisi di tali dati non ha mai rilevato infiltrazioni, né
residui di cellule di melanoma nel pezzo operatorio ottenuto dal secondo intervento.
I dati raccolti nel presente studio sollevano il dubbio che l’indicazione al secondo intervento chirurgico di
allargamento, come dettato dalle Linee Guida Internazionali, rappresenti piĂą una precauzione eccessiva che
una effettiva necessitĂ ; certamente il suddetto risultato rappresenta un ulteriore stimolo per approfondire la
ricerca in tema di melanoma in situ a diffusione superficiale
Exploiting clinical knowledge for supporting early diagnosis of melanoma
Nowadays there is an increasing availability of Information and Communication Technologies in the health care sector. This can represent a great opportunity to exploit Intelligent Data Analysis (IDA) in order to build effective tools for supporting medical decision-making.
In this paper we will describe our approach to the use of IDA technique in the dermatology domain. In particular we will show how we have handled the different knowledge and expertise of dermatologists in order to build an effective decision support system for early diagnosis of melanoma. The early diagnosis is a key feature for the successful treatmento of this disease, and it is still a difficult task.
Our approach was the development of several systems, each of those was "tuned" on the specific skill of the dermatologist, by first weighting more the dermatologist's miscrìlassified cases, and then combining the systrem outputs with the clinical diagnosis.
Our preliminary results show that, taking adequately into account different diagnostic skills of single dermatologists, it is possible to develop systems that could enhance the recognition of early malignant skin lesions; it means that the combination fo support system + dermatologist yields better results than the dermatologis
Effetti dell\u2019acqua termale di Comano sulla sintesi e secrezione di citochine e chemochine in cheratinociti psoriasici in vitro.
Effetti dell\u2019acqua termale di Comano sulla sintesi e secrezione di citochine e chemochine in cheratinociti psoriasici in vitr
Comano\u2019s (Trentino) thermal water interferes with the interleukin-6 production and secretion and with cytokeratin-16 expression by cultured human psoriatic keratinocytes: Further potential mechanisms of its anti-psoriatic action.
Thermal balneotherapy with Comano's spa water (CW; Trentino, Italy) is used for psoriasis and other skin disorders but its mechanisms of action are mostly unknown. Previously, we showed that CW can interfere with the expression and secretion of various VEGF-A isoforms by cultured human psoriatic epidermal keratinocytes. In this study, confluent cultures of IL-6-hypersecreting keratino-cytes isolated from 6 psoriatic patients were exposed for 11-15 days to DMEM, the chemicals of which had been dissolved in either deionised water (DW-DMEM, controls) or CW (CW-DMEM, treated cells). As detected by means of immunocytochemistry, Western immunoblotting, and ELISA assays, the intracellular levels and secretion rates of IL-6 were drastically curtailed in the CW-DMEM-incubated keratinocytes and in their cell-conditioned media. A nearly maximal inhibition of IL-6 release had already been induced by a CW fraction in the DMEM as low as 25%. CW exposure also promptly, intensely, and persistently down-regulated the expression of cytokeratin-16 (CK-16), a marker associated with keratinocyte psoriatic phenotype. Hence, CW balneotherapy may beneficially affect the clinical manifestations of psoriasis via an attenuation of the local deregulation of several cytokines/chemokines, including IL-6 and VEGF-A isoforms, and of a concurrent, abnormal cell differentiation program entailing the expression, amongst other proteins, of CK-16
The Alpine Space \u201cPermaNET\u201d project in Trentino (eastern Italian Alps): advance of the research and monitoring activities
Research and monitoring activities on rock glacier and permafrost in Trentino (eastern Italian Alps) have received
a significant increase by the recent approval of the Alpine Space PermaNET project. In order to describe the
permafrost presence and condition in the territory, a number of investigations have been put in place since many
years, providing an extensive dataset of information that will form the basis for new studies.
First of all, a GIS-based inventory of permafrost evidences (i.e. rock glaciers) has been carried out for the whole
territory. The inventory is based on aerial photo interpretation and field observations, and describes the activity
status, geometry and geomorphological characteristics of rock glaciers. Part of these rock glaciers were selected
as test sites for further investigations like: a) surface velocity measurements using terrestrial topographic surveys
(total station and RTK-GPS); b) BTS measurements on an active landform and on nearby slopes; c) near-surface
continuous ground temperature measurements using MTDs (miniature temperature dataloggers) in the area of four
active rock glaciers and on nearby slopes.
Furthermore, ground temperature monitoring has started in a 20 m deep borehole - initially drilled for inclinometer
measurements - near the \u201cAi Caduti dell\u2019Adamello\u201d alpine hut (3030 m a.s.l., Adamello Group); this area will
therefore become a key-monitoring site for high altitude infrastructures and related permafrost-degradation
Finally, a 50 m deep borehole has been drilled at the Cavaion basin (2900 m a.s.l.), in the Ortles-Cevedale group.
This site is going to be fully instrumented with a thermistor chain and a meteorological station.
The aim of this contribution is: (i) to give an overview on the investigations of permafrost occurrence in Trentino,
(ii) to summarize the main results of the monitoring activities on rock glaciers obtained so far, and (iii) to describe
and evaluate the procedure used to choose the Cavaion site, based on geomorphological investigations, ground
surface thermal monitoring using MTDs and extensive BTS measurements.
These activities will eventually provide the ground temperature validation data set, upon which the statistical
model of permafrost distribution in Trentino will be based