110 research outputs found


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    KRD Bojonegoro merupakan kereta api ekonomi lokal yang menjadi salah satu transportasi pilihan masyarakat Jawa Timur, terutama daerah yang menjadi lintasan kereta api tersebut yang mana dikelola oleh PT. Kereta Api Indonesia Daerah Operasional 8 (DAOP 8). Dilihat dari kondisi kereta api yang akhir-akhir ini mengalami overload dikarenakan masih menerima penumpang meskipun jumlah kursi sudah terpenuhi, maka perlu diadakan sebuah penilaian kepada penumpang guna mengetahui seberapa puas atas kinerja dan fasilitas yang didapatkan melalui pemberian kuisioner atas pelayanan dan fasilitas dengan mengacu pada Peraturan Menteri Perhubungan Nomor PM 63 Tahun 2019 Tentang Standar Pelayanan Minimum Angkutan Orang Dengan Kereta Api. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) dan Importance Performance Analysis (IPA). Dengan melakukan pengumpulan data melalui kuisioner terhadap 100 responden, dari hasil pengolahan data yang sudah dilakukan, berdasarkan hasil dari metode Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) diperoleh nilai 81,53% (sangat puas) dan rata-rata nilai tingkat kesesuaian 89,76% (sangat sesuai) untuk metode Importance Performance Analysis (IPA). Didapatkan juga dari hasil analisis diagram kartesius berupa Fasilitas dan Informasi Keselamatan maupun Kesehatan yang masih diperlukan adanya perbaikan yang diharapkan dapat digunakan sebagai acuan guna meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan pada kereta api KRD Bojonegoro

    Cost Analysis of Road Congestion Losses on Road Construction (Rigid Pavement) Judging from the Travel Delay Time

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    Along the duduksampeyan highway there is road construction (rigid pavement) so that the road section has narrowed, which originally had 4 two-way lanes reduced to 2 two-way lanes along 1.5 km so that traffic became paralyzed and caused long queues of vehicles. This results in a significant delay that can harm transportation users who cross the road. The purpose of this study was to determine the length of queues and travel delay times. Then the data that has been obtained from the field is then analyzed based on technical aspects based on the Indonesian road capacity guidelines in 2014 (PKJI, 2014). From the analysis of the queue length above, the longest queue with a length of 2481.3 meters from the direction of Lamongan - Surabaya and the shortest queue with a length of 1187.1 meters in the direction of Lamongan - Surabaya. The results of the delay time analysis found that the highest delay time occurred on Monday at 07:00 – 08:00 with a delay time of 26,26 minutes from the direction of Lamongan - Surabaya and on Wednesday at 08:00 – 09:00 was the lowest delay time with a delay time of 0,1 minutes from the direction of Lamongan - Surabaya


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    Hair is something that grows from within the skin, grows as horns, and is spread almost all over the skin of the body, face, and head, except on the lips, palms of the hands and soles of the feet. Mango leaves (Mangifera indica L) from the Anacardiaceae family are plants that contain anthocyanins, in which mango leaves are expressed in red, purple and blue colors. The purpose of this study was to determine that mango leaf dye (Mangifera indica L) can be used in hair dye preparations with the addition of pyrogalol, copper (II) sulfate, xanthan gum, and the concentration of mango leaf dye extract which produces a more intense color. dark


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    Hair is something that grows from within the skin, grows as horns, and is spread almost all over the skin of the body, face, and head, except on the lips, palms of the hands and soles of the feet. Mango leaves (Mangifera indica L) from the Anacardiaceae family are plants that contain anthocyanins, in which mango leaves are expressed in red, purple and blue colors. The purpose of this study was to determine that mango leaf dye (Mangifera indica L) can be used in hair dye preparations with the addition of pyrogalol, copper (II) sulfate, xanthan gum, and the concentration of mango leaf dye extract which produces a more intense color. dark


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    The problem of waste in Indonesia is a problem that has not been resolved until now, especially plastic waste. If there are amount of plastic waste and the plastics are difficult to decompose on the ground and sea, it means the surrounding environment will be polluted. As known that disposable drinking bottle waste is often found in the surrounding environment. Considering the problem above, this study is important to do to see that a lot of plastic bottle waste is wasted and there is no function value. Therefore, the use of plastic as an alternative added material is expected to improve the quality of asphalt concrete pavement. Based on the study, it was found that the addition of PET from vaiations of 0%, 1%, 1,5%, 2%, 2,5% obtained the appropriate content at 1% variation with a stability value of 1548,59 kg increased on 4,078% from normal asphalt content than without PET mixture. It has better resistence with a VIM value of 4.08% followed by a VMA value of 17,56%, while MQ value with the addition of 1% variation of PET of 288,80 kg/mm with specification of Bina Marga 2018 minimum 250 kg/mm which has met tha requirement


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    Proyek adalah aktivitas dalam kegiatan sementara pada tanggal mulai dan selesai pekerjaan yang ditetapkan yang ditetapkan dengan seringkali terbatas pendanaan, dan bertujusn untuk menghasilkan sebuah perubahan yang berharga atau bermanfaat. Proyek pembangunan main road Tol Serang-Panimbang paket 1 terletak pada Kecamatan Cikulur, Kabupaten Lebak, Banten. Dimulai pada tanggal 21 Agustus 2021 dengan STA 45+675 s/d 50+677 yang khusus pada pekerjaan tanah, dan proyek ini adalah proyek dari PT. Wijaya Karya (Persero) Tbk. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui waktu dan biaya proyek pekerjaan tanah setelah percepatan, penambahan jam kerja dan jumlah alat berat setelah dilakukan percepatan. Hasil penelitian pekerjaan tanah menggunakan metode time cost trade off dalam melaksanakan proyek main road Tol Serang-Panimbang paket 1 biaya yang diperoleh dengan biaya normal Rp. 80.787.082.000,00 sedangkan setelah dianalisis dengan percepatan biaya Rp. 80.610.944.000,00. Estimasi durasi normal 307 hari, setelah dianalisis percepatan 209 hari, dan lebih cepat 98 hari dengan penambahan jam kerja lembur 4 jam. Jumlah alat berat untuk menyelesaikan proyek pembangunan main road Tol Serang-Panimbang paket 1 setelah dianalisis 3 excavator, 13 dump truck, 1 motorgrader, 1 vibrator roller, 1 bulldozer

    Analisis Faktor-faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Produksi Padi di Kabupaten Langkat

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    Langkat Regency is one of the national rice buffer. The rice needs is increasing every year, as well the population increasing. This study aimed to investigate the effect of the rice production input, land, labor, seed, and fertilizer, on the production of rice in Langkat Regency. Secondary data from 22 districts at Langkat Regency for two years (pooled data) was analyzed to answer the research objectives. The data analyzed with multiple regression by Coob-Douglas production function. The analysis showed that the positively significant impact of variables of land, labor, seed and fertilizer on the rice production. Production elasticity value is 1.671 (elastic). This generally means that rice farming in Langkat Regency in increasing returns to scale. Keywords: production, rice, input, scale, Langkat

    Maintaining storability of shelled rubber (Hevea brasilliensis, Muell - Arg) seed using potential osmotic solution and fungicide

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    Rubber seed will loose its storability in a short time. Seed germination and fungal attack were factors that barrier the storage period. The research aim was to test the ability of the potential osmotic solution and fungicides to reduce seed germination. Completely randomized design with two factors and three replications, i.e: PEG 6000 (w/v): 0%, 15%, 30%, 45%, 60% (potential osmotic solution) and fungicide (active ingredients were pyraclostrobin + metiram ) (g / 1 kg seed): 0 g, 10 g, 20 g, 30 g and 40 g, were applied.The results showed that PEG 30% can inhibit seed germination up to 9.07% and 37.47% and fungicides 40 g/1kg can reduce fungal attack during storage of 12 and 16 days.  Combination of PEG-6000 30% and fungicides 40g / 1 kg could maintain seed storability by pressing the seeds germination up to 10.67% and fungal attacks up to 18.00% during storage of 16 days with 96.80% germination


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    Analysis of Integration System of Cow And Oil Palm In Increasing Farmers Income In Labuhanbatu District ". Kabupten Labuhanbatu was chosen as the location in this study on the grounds that this district is a center of palm oil production and cattle breeding center in North Sumatra. Kecamatan Sampel selected sub district Bilah Hulu, Bilah Hilir and Pangkatan because as a center of production of palm oil and cattle in Labuhanbatu regency. This research used field observation method using questionnaire and interview instrument, this research type is descriptive quantitative. The population in this study was 78 oil palm farmers/ranchers selected randomly. The sample consists of 44 oil palm farmers without integration with saip and 34 palm oil farmers with integration with cows. Data analysis model used is descriptive and quantitative analysis. To test the difference of farmer's income, it is used the mean difference test (t test) and to analyze the factors influencing the farmer's income is used Multiple Linear Regression Analysis with the help of SPSS software version 17. Result of research: There is a very significant difference of income level between farmers who implement and farmers who have not implemented a system of cattle and oil palm integration in the research area. The income difference is Rp. 7.87 Million / Year. Educational factors, farm experience and the number of family dependents have no significant effect on farmers' income. While the factor of farming system and land area have a very significant effect to farmer's income. Keywords: Palm oil, cattle, integration, forage, waste, income, education, farming syste
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