38 research outputs found
Demographic, Social-Emotional and Educational Aspects of Specific and Generalized Social Anxiety Subtypes Among Palestinian Arab Minority Student Teachers in Israel
The current study is aimed to assess the differences between Palestinian Arab minority student teachers in Israel with specific and generalized social anxiety from various demographic, social-emotional and educational aspects. For this purpose, 543 Palestinian Arab minority student teachers in Israel from Sakhnin College responded to the research tools which measure these aspects and they were divided into three categories (no social anxiety, specific social anxiety, and generalized social anxiety). The findings indicated that the average age of the student teachers with generalized social anxiety was higher than the average age of those with specific social anxiety, while no differences were found between the two categories in certain demographic variables. The study found that average social anxiety, social fear and social avoidance levels were higher among student teachers with generalized social anxiety than among those with specific social anxiety. In addition, there is a statistically significant correlation between levels of social anxiety and levels of depression and motivation for learning, while there are no statistically significant links between levels of social anxiety and levels of self-esteem and perceived social and family support. A regression analysis reveals that the specific social anxiety levels of Palestinian Arab minority student teachers in Israel can be explained by the level of their perceived social and family support and their ages, whereas the levels of their generalized social anxiety can be explained by their depression levels and ages. The practical pedagogical implications suggest that both social anxiety student teachers groups should be exposed to educational- interventional programs in order to be integrated into the educational system
Perspective Chapter: Higher Education in Arab Minority in Israel - Challenges and Struggles
Education plays a critical role in building community and contributing to cohesion in society. Arab society views education as one of the main challenges in its shaping, development, promotion and preservation of its character and heritage, and therefore its involvement in increasing educational matters. For many years, the education system and especially higher educational institutions in the Arab society has suffered from neglect and discrimination, manifested in large gaps between it and the education system in the Jewish society, both in resources and achievements. This chapter will focus on Arab society higher education institutions challenges and struggles in light of the complex relationship between the Jewish majority and the Arab minority in Israel. Arab society in Israel operates in the context of a Jewish majority state. This leaves it in the hands of the majority, while the minority group has limited involvement in its contents. This article also attempts to clarify the collective rights of the Arabs while discussing the relationship between the Jewish majority and the Arab minority in Israel. Moreover, the article paints a picture of the current situation of the Arab population, while emphasizing the changes that have taken place since the establishment of the State (1948) until today
Psychosocial and psychopathological characteristics of Spanish adolescents sample throw Youth Self-Report/11-18
En este estudio se analizan las competencias psicosociales y características psicopatológicas evaluadas por el YSR/11-18 (Achenbach y Rescorla, 2000, 2001) en una muestra de 961 adolescentes españoles de 13-18 años de edad. Los resultados encontrados indicaron que los varones puntúan de forma elevada en distintas actividades sociales y psicopatología externalizante, mientras que las mujeres presentan mayores puntuaciones en rendimiento en diferentes tareas y sintomatología internalizante. Los adolescentes de menor edad presentan puntuaciones más altas que los mayores en la participación en grupos y organizaciones, así como en la mayoría de las escalas sindrómicas del YSR/11-18, mientras que los se-gundos prefieren realizar actividades no deportivas y trabajos o tareas. Los alumnos de ESO y Bachillerato presentan más actividad en todas las com-petencias psicosociales que los de Ciclos Formativos, aunque éstos últimos superan a los primeros en la mayoría de las escalas sindrómicas. Los ado-lescentes sin relación de pareja puntuaron más alto en las competencias psicosociales que los que disfrutan de la misma, aunque éstos muestran más psicopatología que los primeros. Por último, realizar una actividad laboral (además de estudiar) no parece ser relevante a la hora de establecer diferencias respecto a las competencias psicosociales y a las escalas sin-drómicas.In this study we analyzed the psychosocial competences and psychopathological characteristics assessed by the YSR/11-18 in a sample of 961 Spanish adolescents from 13-18 years. The results indicated that men scored high in various social activities and externalized psychopa-thologies, while women have high scores for performance in different tasks and internalized symptoms. Younger adolescents showed higher scores than older ones in participation in groups and organizations, as well as in most of the YSR/11-18 syndromic scales, while older adolescent’s preferred no sports activities and works or tasks. Students at Compulsory Secondary Education and Non-Compulsory Secondary Education showed more activity than those in Vocational Training Cycles in all psychosocial competencies, but the latter overcame the first in most of the syndromic scales. Adolescents without romantic relation scored higher in the psycho-social competencies than those who enjoyed romantic relation, although the second ones showed more psychopathology than the first ones. Fi-nally, working (in addition to studying) did not seem to be relevant in determining differences regarding the psychosocial competencies and syndromic scales
Subtipos de ansiedad social en población adulta e infanto-juvenil : distinción cuantitativa versus cualitativa
The social anxiety disorder has been less investigated than other anxiety disorders. There is still very little information in adult population about the differences and similarities between the specific and generalized forms of this disorder, and still less in children and adolescents. For that reason, in the present review principals studies carried in adult and adolescent population about these two forms are described. Also, attempts of some authors to offer a quantitative and/or qualitative distinction of both social anxiety subtypes are analyzed for a better differentiation of them. The conclusions indicate a lazy separation between specific and generalized subtypes of social anxiety. This determine the ne-cessity of more studies that pretend regain the knowledge associated to the definition, etiology, psy-chopathology and treatment of social anxiety and its subtypes.El trastorno de ansiedad social ha sido menos investigado que los otros trastornos de ansiedad. To-davía se tiene escasa información sobre las diferencias y similitudes entre las dos formas, específica y generalizada, de este trastorno en la población adulta, y menos todavía en la infanto-juvenil. Por ello, en el presente estudio teórico se describen las principales investigaciones relacionadas con es-tas dos formas realizadas en población adulta y adolescente. También se analizan los intentos de algunos autores por ofrecer una distinción cuantitativa y/o cualitativa de estas dos formas de ansiedad social para una mejor diferenciación de las mismas. Las conclusiones indican una vaga separación entre los subtipos específico y generalizado de la ansiedad social, señalando la necesidad de llevar a cabo más estudios que pretenden recobrar el conocimiento asociado a la definición, etiología, psico-patología y tratamiento de la ansiedad social y de sus subtipos
Evaluación de la relación entre rasgos psicopatológicos de la personalidad y la calidad del sueño
La relación que existe entre la psicopatología y
las alteraciones de sueño ha sido demostrada en diversos estudios.
Los datos procedentes del ámbito psiquiátrico ambulatorio muestran
que 70-75% de los pacientes señala haber tenido problemas
de sueño. Las quejas más frecuentes hacen referencia a una alteraci
ón del sueño nocturno, una excesiva somnolencia diurna, una
dificultad para levantarse por la mañana y desajustes del ritmo
circadiano en el ciclo sueño-vigilia. Son varios los estudios que
han relacionado los rasgos psicopatológicos de la personalidad y
los trastornos del sueño; la mayoría de ellos utiliza muestras de
pacientes. Todos estos trabajos ponen de manifiesto que las personas
con trastornos del sueño se suelen caracterizar por la presencia
de rasgos psicopatológicos (ansiedad, psicastenia, depresión, etc.).
Existe cierta evidencia de que la estructura de algunos trastornos del sueño (como puede ser el caso del insomnio) es similar en la
población general y en muestras psiquiátricas, siendo las diferencias
más de tipo cuantitativo que cualitativo. En muestras de
estudiantes universitarios, el porcentaje de individuos que informa
de una mala calidad del sueño ha resultado similar al porcentaje
de insomnes en la población general. Con el objetivo de
profundizar más en la analogía entre la calidad del sueño en sujetos
normales y la de las muestras clínicas, y ante la escasez de
estudios que relacionen rasgos psicopatológicos de la personalidad
y la calidad del sueño en población normal, en el presente
estudio tratamos de explorar en una muestra de sujetos, sin ning
ún diagnóstico de trastorno del sueño, la relación entre las variables
psicopatológicas de la personalidad incluidas en el Inventario
Multifásico de Personalidad de Minnesota-2 (MMPI-2) y la calidad
de sueño evaluada por medio del Indice de Calidad de Sueño
de Pittsburg, así como determinar qué variables psicopatológicas
incluidas en el MMPI-2 predicen la calidad del sueño en una
muestra no clínica.Diverse studies have demonstrated the relationship
between psychopathology and sleep alterations. Data proceeding
from the ambulatory psychiatric field show that 70-75% of the
patients experience sleep problems. The most frequent complaints
refer to nighttime sleep alterations, excessive daytime sleep,
difficulty with morning waking, and disturbances in the circadian
rhythm of the sleep-wake cycle. Many studies, most of which use
patient samples, have associated psychopathological personality
traits and sleep disorders. All of these studies reveal that subjects
with sleep disorder tend to be characterized by psychopathological
traits (anxiety, psychasthenia, depression, etc.). There is some
evidence that the structure of some dream dysfunctions (such as
insomnia) is similar among general population and psychiatric
samples; differences are more quantitative than qualitative. In
samples of university students, the percentage of individuals
who report bad sleep quality has been similar to the percentage of
insomniacs in general population. With the aim to delve more
deeply into the analogy between the sleep quality of normal
subjects and clinical samples, and given the shortage of studies
relating psychopathological traits of personality and sleep quality
in normal population, this study intends to explore the relationship
between the psychopathological personality variables included in
the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 (MMPI-2)
and the sleep quality evaluated with the Pittsburg Sleep Quality
Index in a sample of subjects who have no diagnosed sleep disorder.
The psychopathological variables included in the MMPI-2 which
predict sleep quality in a non-clinical sample are also determined
Ansiedad social específica y generalizada: ¿variantes del mismo trastorno o categorías diferentes con características similares?
El objetivo de este estudio descriptivo transversal fue evaluar las diferencias
y similitudes entre la ansiedad social específica y generalizada en una muestra de
adolescentes españoles. Para ello, un total de 1.012 jóvenes fueron evaluados, en su
entorno escolar, mediante una serie de pruebas que miden variables demográficas,
ansiedad social, competencias psicosociales y distintos problemas clínicos. Dos grupos
de ansiedad social (específica, n = 50; generalizada, n = 38) fueron establecidos en
función de un doble criterio cuantitativo mediante la Escala de Ansiedad en Interacción
Social. Los resultados indicaron que no había diferencias significativas entre los dos
grupos respecto a las variables demográficas y competencias psicosociales evaluadas.
Las únicas diferencias significativas encontradas fueron obtenidas en las variables referidas
a la actuación e interacción en situaciones sociales, donde los adolescentes con
ansiedad social generalizada puntaron más alto que los que presentaban ansiedad social
específica. Parece ser que el patrón de las diferencias en los niveles de ansiedad va
asociado a las propias situaciones de actuación e interacción social.The aim of this transversal descriptive study was to assess the differences
and similarities between the specific and generalized social anxiety in a sample of
Spanish adolescents. For this purpose, a total of 1.012 young people were assessed -
at school – by means of some measurements that assess demographic variables,
psychosocial competences and different clinical problems. The specific (n = 50) and
generalized (n = 38) social anxiety groups were established according to a double
quantitative criterion based on the Social Interaction Anxiety Scale. The results indicated
that no significant differences in the assessed demographic variables and psychosocial
competences were found between these two groups of social anxiety. The difference
between the mean scores in the social anxiety groups was significant only in the
variables that referred to the social interaction and performance situations. In these
variables, the generalized social anxiety group punctuated significantly higher than the
specific social anxiety one. It seems that the different patterns in anxiety levels are
associated to the situations of social interaction themselves and performance situations.O objectivo deste estudo descritivo transversal foi avaliar as diferenças e
as semelhanças entre a ansiedade social específica e a generalizada numa amostra de
adolescentes espanhóis. Para isso, um total de 1.012 jovens foram avaliados, no seu
ambiente escolar, mediante uma série de provas que medem variáveis demográficas,
ansiedade social, competências psicossociais e problemas clínicos distintos. Dois grupos
de ansiedade social (específica, n = 50; generalizada, n = 38) foram estabelecidos
em função de um duplo critério quantitativo através da Escala de Ansiedade em Interacção
Social. Os resultados indicaram que não havia diferenças significativas entre os grupos
a respeito das variáveis demográficas e competências psicossociais avaliadas. As únicas
diferenças significativas encontradas foram obtidas em variáveis referidas na actuação
e interacção em situações sociais, donde os adolescentes com ansiedade social generalizada
pontuaram mais alto que os que apresentavam ansiedade social específica. Parece
que o padrão das diferenças nos níveis de ansiedade está associado às próprias
situações de actuação e interacção social
Youth Self-Report Factor Structure: Detecting Sex and Age Differences in Emotional and Behavioral Problems among Spanish School Adolescent Sample
The Youth Self-Report (YSR/11-18) is a widely used child-report measure that assesses problem behaviors along two “broadband scales”: internalizing and externalizing. It also scores eight empirically based syndromes and DSM-oriented scales and provides a summary of total problems. Although the YSR was designed for youths ages 11-18, no studies have systematically evaluated whether youths under the age of 11 can make valid reports using the YSR broad-band, syndrome and DSM-oriented scales. It is a parallel form to the caretaker-completed Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) and teacher-completed Teacher Report Form (TRF). Few studies related to YSR/11-18 (Achenbach, & Rescorla, 2000, 2001) factor structure were carried out in Spanish children and adolescent population. This study analyses the factor structure of this assessment tool, in 961 Spanish adolescents attending school from 13 to 18 years old. A principal components method was used to extract the factors followed by a Varimax rotation. According to current research, each sex was treated separately, and only items referred to misbehavior (105 out of 119) were included. Seven first-order common factors were found in both, boys and girls: Anxious/Depressed, Somatic Complaints, Delinquent Behavior, Aggressive Behavior, Attention Problems, Thought Problems and Relational Problems. Factoring of these seven syndromes led to a single second-order factor in younger males. Older males and females showed labeled internalize and externalize symptoms. These results resembled that obtained in former studies with Spanish population
Evaluación de las características de la ansiedad social específica y generalizada en jóvenes
Tesis Univ. Granada. Departamento de Personalidad, Evaluación y Tratamiento Psicológico. Leída el 28 de junio de 2000