112 research outputs found

    The morphological and stereological study of basolateral part of amygdaloid complex of rat neonatally treated with estrogen

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    U cilju boljeg poznavanja topografije i morfologije bazolateralnog dela amigdaloidnog kompelksa (AK) pacova, kao i u cilju analiziranja razlika u njegovoj osetljivosti na egzogeno neonatalno aplikovan estrogen, stereološkim i histološkim metodoma ispitivana su dva jedra: bazolateralno (NBL) i posteriorno lateralno jedro (NLp). Ispitivanja su sprovedena na mužjacima i ženkama pacova koji su tretirani jednokratno sa l mg estradiol- dipropionata 3. dana po koćenju, a žrtvovani, zajedno sa svojim kontrolama, u odgovarajućim periodima života: kasnom neonatalnom (16. dana), juvenilnom (38. dana) i adultnom periodu (86. dana). Kod kontrolnih životinja oba pola, analizom morfologije ova dva jedra, u svim ispitivanim starostima, jasno se uočavaju dobro diferentovani anteriorni i posteriorni subregioni, determinisani na osnovu rostro-kaudalnog pružanja, na osnovu oblika i veličine tela neurona, kao i gustine populacije neurona koji im pripadaju. Neuroni bazolateralne amigdale impregnirani Goldži metodom, pokazuju sličnost po obliku i veličini tela neurona i dendritske morfologije. Najčešće impregnirani tip u oba ispitivana jedra bazolateralnog dela AK su krupni bipolarni i multipolarni piramidalni i kruškoliki neuroni sa 1 do 2 dobro razvijena apikalna dendrita i tankim aksonom u predelu osnove tela neurona. Stereološka analiza ispitivanih parametara (volumenske gustine) jedra neurona, ukazala je na postojanje strukturnog polnog dimorfizma u svim ispitivanim starosnim grupama kod bazolateralnog i kod posteriornog lateralnog jedra, dok stereološka analiza numeričke gustine odnosno broja neurona u ispitivanoj jedinici prostora kod bazolateralnog i posteriornog lateralnog nukleusa, pokazala je, da nije bio statistički značajne izmene u odnosu na pol životinja, u svim ispitivanim periodima života. Sa starošću životinja, kod ženki pacova, za razliku od mužjaka, za oba ispitivana nukleusa, vrednosti volumenske gustine jedara neurona bile su najviše u ispitivanom neonatalnom periodu razvića. Kod neonatalno tretiranih mužjaka i ženki pacova žrtvovanih 16. 38. i 86. dana života u okviru ispitivanih nukleusa i dalje se na osnovu rostrokaudalnog pružanja, oblika i veličine tela neurona, kao i gustine populacije neurona, koji im pripadaju, uočavaju njihovi dobro diferentovani anteriorni i posteriorni subregioni. Krupni piramidalni i kruškoliki neuroni bazolateralne amigdale, takođe su najdominantniji impregnirani tip neurona u oba ispitivana jedra, a vrednosti totalne aree njihove some pokazale su značajna statistička odstupanja u vezi sa ispitivanim periodom, kao i u odnosu na pol životinje. U oba ispitivana nukleusa, stereološki rezultati pokazali su značajni dimorfizam promena; kod bazolateralnog jedra, sem vrednosti volumenske gustine međućelijskog prostora, kod 16. i 38. dana žrtvovanih životinja, i volumenske gustine citoplazme, kod 38. dana žrtvovanih životinja, svi ostali stereološki parametri, bili su statistički značajno različiti (p<0.05) među polovima; kod posteriornog lateralnog jedra takođe, sem volumenske gustine citoplazme 16. i 38. dana žrtvovanih životinja i volumenske gustine međućelijskog prostora kod 38. dana žrtvovanih, sve ostale vrednosti ispitivanih stereoloških parametara, takođe su bile signifikantno različite (p<0.05) u odnosu na pol životinja. Sa starošću životinja, kod oba pola, za oba ispitivana nukleusa, vrednosti volumenske gustine jedara neurona bile su najviše u ispitivanom neonatalnom periodu razvića sa tendencijom opadanja u juvenilnom i adultnom periodu života. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata može se zaključiti da je estrogen iako dat jednokratno u neonatalnom periodu izazvao promene u odnosu na pol životinje i ispitivani period života.In order to get a deeper knowledge of topography and morphology of the basolateral part of the rat amygdaloid complex (AC), as well as to analyse diferences in its sensitivity to exogenously neonatally applied estrogen, two nuclei, basolateral (NBL) and posterior lateral (NLp), were studied by stereological and histological methods. The study was performed on male and female rats treated with a single dose of 1 mg of estradiol dipropionate on the third day after birth, and sacrificed, together with appropriate controls, in different periods of life, late neonatal (16th day), juvenile (38th day) and adult period (86th day). In control animals of both sexes, by analysis of morphology of these two nuclei, in all investigated periods of life well differentiated anterior and posterior subregions determined on the basis of rostrocaudal extension, shape and size of neuron body, as well as the density of appropriate neuron populations, are clearly observed. Neurons of the basolateral amygdala, impregnated by Golgi method, show similarities in shape and size of the neuron body and dendrite morphology.The most frequently impregnated type in both examined nuclei of the basolateral part of AC are large bipolar and multipolar pyramidal and pear-like neurons with one or two well developped apical dendrites and a thin axon in the region of the basis of the neuron body. Stereological analysis of the investigated parameters (volume density) of the neuron nucleus indicated the existence of structural sexual dimorphism of basolateral and posterior lateral nuclei in all investigated age groups, while stereological analysis of numerical density, i.e. number of neurons in unit of investigated volume, with basolateral and posterior lateral nuclei, showed that there was no statistically significant change with respect of sex of the animals, in any period of life. With respect to the age of the animals, in female rats, in contrast to male rats, for both investigated nuclei, values of volume density of neuron nuclei were highest in the investigated neonatal period of development. With neonatally treated male and female rats sacrificed on 16th, 38th and 86th day, within the examined nuclei, based on rostrocaudal extension, shape and size of the neuron body, as well as the population density of the corresponding neurons, still can be observed their well differentiated anterior and posterior subregions. Large pyramidal and pear-like neurons of the basolateral amygdala are also the dominant impregnated neuron type in both investigated nuclei and the values of total area of their soma showed a significant statistical deviation concerning the investigated period and the sex of the animals. In both investigated nuclei stereological results showed a significant dimorphism of changes; with basolateral nuclei except the value of the volume density of the intercellular space with the animals sacrificed on the 16th and 38th day and the volume density of the cytoplasm with the animals sacrificed on the 38th day all the other stereological parameters were statistically significantly different (p< 0.05) between sexes; with posterior lateral nucleus except the volume density of the cytoplasm of the animals sacrificed on 16th and 38th day, and the volume density of the intercellular space with the animals sacrificed on the 38th day all the other values of the stereological parameters were also significantly different (p< 0.05) with respect to the sex of the animals. Regarding the age of the animals of both sexes, for both examined nuclei, the values of the volume density of neuron nuclei were highest in the investigated neonatal period of development, with the decreasing trend in juvenal and adult periods of life. Based on the obtained results it can be concluded that the estrogen, although applied in one dose in the neonatal period, caused changes with respect to the sex of the animals, and the investigated period of life

    Multi-objective fuzzy optimization of sizing and location of piezoelectric actuators and sensors

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    Ovaj rad predstavlja višeciljnu fazi optimizaciju veličine i položaja piezoelektričnih aktuatora i senzora na tankozidu kompozitnu gredu za aktivno upravljanje vibracija koristeći stepen upravljivosti (DC) kontrolisanih modova kao kriterijum optimizacije. Proces optimizacije je izvršen uz ograničenje promene prvobitnih dinamičkih karakteristika, uključujući ograničenje u porastu mase, upotrebljavajući ili zanemarujući ograničenja stepena upravljivosti rezidualnih modova za redukciju 'spillover' efekta. Pseudociljne funkcije izvedene na bazi teorije fazi skupova na jedinstven način definišu globalne funkcije cilja eliminišući upotrebu kaznenih funkcija. Problem je definisan upotrebom metode konačnih elemenata bazirane na 'TSD' teoriji. 'Particle Swarm' optimizacija je upotrebljena za nalaženje optimalne konfiguracije. Nekoliko numeričkih primera je prikazano za slučaj konzole.This paper presents the multi-objective fuzzy optimization of sizing and location of piezoelectric actuators and sensors on the thin-walled composite beam for active vibration control, using the degree of controllability (DC) for controlled modes as optimization criteria. The optimization process is performed constraining the original dynamics properties change including the limitation of increase of the mass, using or neglecting the limitation in degrees of controllability for residual modes for reduction spillover effect. Pseudogoal functions derived on the fuzzy set theory gives a unique expression for global objective functions eliminating the use of penalty functions. The problem is formulated using the finite element method based on the third-order shear deformation theory. The particle swarm optimization technique is used to find optimal configuration. Several numerical examples are presented for the cantilever beam

    Ferrocene Compounds. XXIV. Synthesis and Reactions of Some (ω,ω\u27-(1,1\u27-Ferrocenylene)bis(thiaaliphatic Acids)

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    Condensations of several a,a\u27-disubstituted 1,1\u27-ferrocenylenebis- carbinols (1) with mercaptoethanoic acid, 3-mercaptopropanoic acid or 3-acetylthio-2-methylpropanoic acid in the presence of tri- fluoroacetic acid have given the corresponding 1,1\u27-ferrocenylene- bisthiaaliphatic acids (2—4) in 49-90% yields. Reactions of acids 2-4 with trifluoroacetic anhydride yielded 15-29% of trans-2- oxa[3]ferrocenophanes (trans-8), 7-13% of [2,2]ferrocenophanes (9) and 8-15% of the ethanoferrocenylene oligomers (10). The mechanism of the reactions is discussed

    Impact of heat-assisted HVED plasma treatment on quality of apple juice

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    High voltage electrical discharge (HVED) plasma processing receives more and more attention due to its potential to assure microbial safety and retain quality of treated products. The influence of combined thermal and high voltage electrical discharge plasma treatment on apple juice quality was investigated. Apple juice samples were treated under defined plasma treatment parameters of time (3, 6 and 9 min), frequency (60, 90 and 120 Hz) and temperature (30, 40 and 50 oC) in hybrid plasma reactor. Prior to treatment, juice samples were inoculated with Saccharomyces cerevisiae ATCC 204508 to investigate inactivation possibilities of plasma treatment on yeasts as common juice microorganisms. Quality parameters (pH, electrical conductivity, phenolic content and antioxidant activity) of treated and untreated apple juice were investigated and compared. Results have shown effectiveness of HVED plasma treatment in yeast inactivation up to 6.6 log10 in 9 min of treatment at 120 Hz and temperature of 40 oC. In treated samples there were no significant changes in phenolic content

    Free vibration of structures composed of rigid bodies and elastic beam segments

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    Free vibration of structures composed of rigid bodies and elastic beam segments is considered, assuming that the mass centers of rigid bodies are not located on the neutral axes of undeformed elastic beam segments. It is assumed that the rigid bodies of the system perform planar motion in the same plane and that their mass centers are located in that plane. The elastic beam segments are treated as the Euler-Bernoulli beams. In order to determine natural frequencies of the system, modification of the conventional continuous-mass transfer matrix method has been clone. The order of the overall transfer matrix has been reduced by this modification. Theoretical considerations are accompanied by two numerical examples.This is the peer reviewed version of the article: Obradović, A.; Šalinić, S.; Trifković, D.; Zorić, N.; Stokić, Z. Free Vibration of Structures Composed of Rigid Bodies and Elastic Beam Segments. Journal of Sound and Vibration 2015, 347, 126–138. [https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsv.2015.03.001

    Mass minimization of an AFG Timoshenko cantilever beam with a large body placed eccentrically at the beam end

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    Shape optimization of an AFG Timoshenko cantilever beam of a variable cross-sectional area, with a specified fundamental frequency, is considered. The cantilever beam has a finitedimensional body placed eccentrically at the right end. Optimization is performed in terms of beam mass minimization. Considerations involve the case of coupled axial and bending oscillations, where contour conditions are the cause of coupling, which exist at the place of junction between the cantilever beam and the body. The problem is solved applying Pontryagin’s maximum principle, with the beam cross-sectional area being taken for control. The two-point boundary value problem is obtained, and the shooting method is applied to solving it. The property of self-adjoint systems is employed, where all costate variables are expressed by state variables, which facilitates solving the appropriate differential equations. Also, the percent saving of the beam mass is determined, achieved by using the cantilever beam of an optimum variable square cross-section compared to the cantilever beam of a constant cross-section at specified value of the fundamental frequency

    Mass minimization of an AFG Timoshenko cantilever beam with a large body placed eccentrically at the beam end

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    Shape optimization of an AFG Timoshenko cantilever beam of a variable cross-sectional area, with a specified fundamental frequency, is considered. The cantilever beam has a finitedimensional body placed eccentrically at the right end. Optimization is performed in terms of beam mass minimization. Considerations involve the case of coupled axial and bending oscillations, where contour conditions are the cause of coupling, which exist at the place of junction between the cantilever beam and the body. The problem is solved applying Pontryagin’s maximum principle, with the beam cross-sectional area being taken for control. The two-point boundary value problem is obtained, and the shooting method is applied to solving it. The property of self-adjoint systems is employed, where all costate variables are expressed by state variables, which facilitates solving the appropriate differential equations. Also, the percent saving of the beam mass is determined, achieved by using the cantilever beam of an optimum variable square cross-section compared to the cantilever beam of a constant cross-section at specified value of the fundamental frequency

    Multi-objective optimization of piezoelectric sensor and actuator placement and sizing for active vibration control

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    Piezoelectric sensors and actuators have wide range of applications in suppression of vibrations and shape control. Design of thin-walled composite structures with integrated piezoelectric sensors and actuators is complex process, and it requires taking into account various design variables. The placement and sizing of the actuators and sensors are based on control effectiveness and observability, but these piezoelectric patches affect the host structure’s mass and original dynamics properties and in the case of failure of active system, this change of dynamics properties becomes significant. This paper deals with optimal placement and sizing of piezoelectric sensor and actuator on composite beam for maximum active vibration control effectiveness and observability considering residual modes to limit spill-over effects with minimal change in original system dynamics. The problem is formulated using finite element method (FEM) based on third-order shear deformation theory (TSDT). Particle swarm optimization method is used to find optimal configuration. Numerical example is presented for cantilever beam

    Multi-objective optimization of piezoelectric sensor and actuator placement and sizing for active vibration control

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    Piezoelectric sensors and actuators have wide range of applications in suppression of vibrations and shape control. Design of thin-walled composite structures with integrated piezoelectric sensors and actuators is complex process, and it requires taking into account various design variables. The placement and sizing of the actuators and sensors are based on control effectiveness and observability, but these piezoelectric patches affect the host structure’s mass and original dynamics properties and in the case of failure of active system, this change of dynamics properties becomes significant. This paper deals with optimal placement and sizing of piezoelectric sensor and actuator on composite beam for maximum active vibration control effectiveness and observability considering residual modes to limit spill-over effects with minimal change in original system dynamics. The problem is formulated using finite element method (FEM) based on third-order shear deformation theory (TSDT). Particle swarm optimization method is used to find optimal configuration. Numerical example is presented for cantilever beam

    Emisije ugljikovog dioksida (CO2) iz tla tijekom obnove sastojine hrasta lužnjaka (Quercus robur L.) u ljetnom razdoblju

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    SummaryThe loss of soil organic carbon stock and increased CO2 emission from soil are induced by various human activities. The aim of this study was to examine whether an anthropogenic influence during the regeneration of a pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.) stand can affect the increment of CO2 emission from the soil. The research was carried out within three plots, out of which two were exposed to different degrees of anthropogenic influence. The air samples were collected using the soil respiratory chambers and analysed using the gas chromatograph Agilent 8890. Based on the obtained results, soil temperature and moisture as the most dominant drivers of the CO2 emission had different effects on the CO2 flux from soil depending on the intensity of anthropogenic influences and environmental conditions. Within the experimental plot with the significant soil alteration, a reliable positive correlation was detected for the CO2 flux with the soil temperature (r = 0.77, p &lt; 0.05). High significant correlation was observed considering soil moisture (r = 0.85, p &lt; 0.05) in the natural soil where the application of pesticides was conducted. The results showed that both soils that were exposed to the anthropogenic influences had notably higher values of the CO2 flux in comparison to the reference natural soil without anthropogenic impacts.SažetakRad u šumarstvu razumijeva sve ljudske aktivnosti koje su prijeko potrebne za obavljanje planiranih šumarskih poslova, a radi ostvarivanja dobrobiti od šume i šumskoga zemljišta. U skladu s tim šumarski radnici, tj. ljudi s potrebnim znanjima, vještinama i sposobnostima, uz odgovarajuća sredstva za rad i predmet rada predstavljaju temeljni čimbenik šumarske proizvodnje. Stručno osposobljeni, odgovorni, savjesni i motivirani šumarski radnici imaju odlučujuću ulogu u ostvarivanju uspješnih proizvodnih i poslovnih rezultata te čine neodvojivu sastavnicu u suvremenoj, općeprihvaćenoj paradigmi održivoga gospodarenja šumama. Međutim, danas u svijetu stalnih promjena šumarstvo se neprestano nalazi pred izazovom osiguranja kvalificirane i održive radne snage. Nedostatak šumarskih radnika postaje sve učestaliji problem u europskom i svjetskom šumarstvu, a razlog tomu su različiti globalni demografski, ekonomski, tehnološki i politički procesi, kao i specifičnosti samog sektora. U radu se stoga, uz opće značajke šumarskog rada prikazuju neki pokazatelji stanja i položaja radne snage u šumarstvu Europe i svijeta. Posebno se obrađuju aktualna pitanja i problemi u regrutiranju potrebne šumarske radne snage (nedostatak radnika, manjak interesa kod mladih ljudi, starenje postojeće radne snage, šumarski poduzetnici, neformalno zapošljavanje i sl.) te određeni alati i instrumenti važni za uspješno privlačenje i zadržavanje šumarskih radnika (razumijevanje motivacije, kompenzacije za rad, obrazovanje i trening radnika, nove tehnologije i sl.). Svrha rada se sastoji u pružanju podloga koje mogu biti važan doprinos u unapređenju stanja i održivosti radne snage u šumarstvu