82 research outputs found

    Avaliação de circuito eletrônico para medição de temperatura em instalações agrícolas por meio da porta paralela de um computador

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    Os sistemas de aquisição de dados de temperatura disponíveis comercialmente apresentam alto custo e grande complexidade operacional para a sua utilização em instalações agrícolas climatizadas. Este trabalho teve por objetivos propor, calibrar e validar um circuito eletrônico de baixo custo para a aquisição de dados de temperatura com base na freqüência de oscilação da tensão elétrica (0 a 5 V). O sensor empregado no circuito foi um termistor com resistência ômica de 10 k a 25 oC e coeficiente de temperatura negativo. O circuito eletrônico, conectado a um computador via porta paralela, foi calibrado por comparação com um termômetro- padrão de mercúrio em vidro. Após as medições, análises de regressão foram realizadas com os dados experimentais, gerando-se equações que relacionam freqüência com resistência e resistência com temperatura. Os coeficientes de determinação demonstraram excelentes correlações entre as variáveis (R 2 > 0,9999). Posteriormente, foram realizadas comparações entre as medições obtidas com o circuito eletrônico e dois sistemas convencionais de aquisição de dados. Os resultados demonstraram que o circuito proposto é capaz de medir com exatidão e precisão a temperatura na faixa de 10 a 40 oC.The temperature data acquisition systems available commercially present high costs and operational complexity to be applied in environment controlled agricultural buildings. The objective of this work was to propose, calibrate and validate a low cost electronic circuit for measuring temperature based on the frequency of an alternating voltage (0 to 5 V). The sensor connected to the circuit was a thermistor with resistance of 10 k at 25 oC and negative temperature coefficient. The electronic circuit was connected to a computer using the parallel port and calibration was performed by comparing the thermistor to a standard liquid-in-glass thermometer. Regression analyses were performed on experimental data to obtain equations relating the frequency variation to resistance and resistance to temperature. The coefficients of determination showed excellent correlation among the variables (R 2 > 0.9999). Comparisons of the measurements obtained with the electronic circuit and two conventional data acquisition systems were carried out. The results demonstrated that the proposed circuit is capable to measure temperatures from 10 to 40 oC with precision and accuracy

    Non–Water–Stressed Baseline as a Tool for Dynamic Control of a Misting System for Propagation of Poinsettias

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    A technique is presented for dynamically adjusting misting intervals during propagation of vegetative cuttings. A crop setpoint temperature for activation of misting was defined by a non-water-stressed baseline concept, using infrared thermometry to acquire canopy temperature for plant feedback. The critical crop setpoint temperature was calculated from instantaneous values of air temperature, incident radiation, and air vapor pressure deficit (VPDair). Misting was activated when the actual crop temperature exceeded the critical crop setpoint temperature. The dynamic control was shown to have the potential to reduce the amount of applied water from 9 to 12 times during low levels of VPDair (0.8 to 1.1 kPa) and under dark conditions when compared to a conventional on/off misting interval of 5 s each 5 min. In addition, misting intervals were reduced three-fold, from 30 to 11 min, when incident radiation increased from 0 to 100 W m-2 and VPDair was maintained in the range from 2.3 to 2.6 kPa. Further increases in radiation levels from 200 to 300 W m-2 did not appreciably change the misting frequency. The dynamic misting control provides a large potential for increasing the period between misting events under dark conditions and with low to moderate levels of incident radiation. It automatically increases misting frequency as VPDair and/or radiation increase

    Evaluation of a simplified model for estimating energy balance in broilers production housing

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    The simulation of poultry house thermal behavior with and without Adiabatic Evaporative Cooling (SRAE) allows the decision makers to evaluate the economical feasibility and the installation costs of a poultry production business. The first step in this research investigation was test the thermal behavior model developed by Gates et al. (1995) for broiler houses in the United States based on the hypothesis that this model, using climatized sheds, as proposed by the authors, could be used under Brazilian conditions. The model is suitable for the proposed objective in the form proposed by Gates et al. (1995) for poultry houses with an elevated mass air flow rate (120.8 kg air s -1 or higher). A correction factor referring to a series of heat sources not included in the model, or the inclusion of these sources, is necessary for poultry houses without a high mass air flow.A simulação do comportamento térmico de galpões avícolas com e sem Sistemas de Resfriamento Adiabáticos Evaporativos (SRAE) permite aos tomadores de decisão avaliarem a viabilidade econômica e os custos da instalação de um empreendimento na avicultura de corte. Para operacionalização desta investigação, o primeiro passo foi a execução do teste do modelo de comportamento térmico desenvolvido por Gates et al. (1995) para galpões avícolas nos Estados Unidos, com base na hipótese de que este modelo, utilizando-se galpões climatizados, como sugerido pelos autores, possa ser usado em condições brasileiras. O modelo se mostrou adequado para o objetivo previsto, na forma indicada por Gates et al. (1995) para galpões com vazão mássica do ar elevada, (120,8 kg de ar por segundo ou maior). É necessário um fator de correção referente a uma série de fontes de calor desprezada pelo modelo para galpões sem uma grande vazão mássica, ou a inclusão dessas fontes

    Alterations on the evapotranspiration of sugarcane cultivars under distinct salinity levels applied in the fertigation

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    The aim of this research was to evaluate the effect of distinct levels of salinity on the evapotranspiration of the RB867515, RB855453, RB92579 and RB928064 sugarcane cultivars. The evapotranspiration was monitored during daytime period under meteorological conditions influenced, mainly by cloud variations. The salinity values were established by addition of 0, 50, 100 and 150 mM of Sodium Chloride (NaCl) to the nutrient solution, which was applied by fertigation, in such way that the electrical conductivity (EC) of the leached solution was near 3, 6, 10 and 13 dS m -1 , respectively. The increase of the NaCl concentration in the nutrient solution affected, significantly and in a linear manner, the evapotranspiration of all sugarcane cultivars, such that the days with low cloud provided the highest evapotranspiration values and the greater reduction among salinity levels. Analysis of the evapotranspiration accumulated during the daytime period showed that there were no significant differences among sugarcane cultivars and that, under the highest atmospheric water demand, the evapotranspiration decreased 48.5 g plant -1 EC -1 . This value represents the average reduction of 5.1% EC -1 when compared to the treatment without NaCl, considering data of all cultivars

    Association of morphological and water factors with irrigated forage cactus yield

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    This study aimed to understand the relationship of morphological characteristics and actual evapotranspiration of forage cactus clones with their productive capacity under different water regimes. The data used in this study were collected between the years 2012 and 2013, in Serra Talhada, State of Pernambuco. The clones Sertânia IPA - IPA, Miúda - MIU and Orelha de Elefante Mexicana - OEM were submitted to three irrigation depths (2.5, 5.0 and 7.5 mm) and three irrigation intervals (7, 14 and 28 days). Cladode and plant morphology, accumulated actual evapotranspiration and yield were obtained at the moment of harvest. Pearson’s correlation matrix was elaborated and, in the sequence, multicollinearity, canonical and path analysis were applied. There was no correlation of yield with the soil water supply and actual evapotranspiration of the clones (p > 0.05). Forage cactus yield was more associated with peculiarities of the morphological characteristics of the clones than with the different soil water supplies or the crop actual evapotranspiration. However, regardless of the water regime and clone, the vigor of the basal cladodes was highly decisive for the expression of the forage cactus productive capacity.Objetivou-se, neste trabalho, compreender a relação de características morfológicas e da evapotranspiração real de clones de palma forrageira com sua capacidade produtiva em diferentes regimes hídricos. Os dados usados nesta pesquisa foram coletados entre os anos de 2012 e 2013, em Serra Talhada, PE. Os clones IPA Sertânia - IPA, Miúda - MIU e Orelha de Elefante Mexicana - OEM foram submetidos a três lâminas (2,5; 5,0; e 7,5 mm) e três intervalos de irrigação (7; 14 e 28 dias). Dados morfológicos dos cladódios e da planta, evapotranspiração real acumulada e desempenho produtivo foram obtidos na ocasião da colheita. A matriz de correlação de Pearson foi elaborada e, em seguida, foram aplicadas análises de multicolinearidade, canônica e de trilha. Não houve correlação da produtividade com o suprimento de água e evapotranspiração real dos clones (p > 0,05). A produtividade da palma esteve mais associada a peculiaridades das características morfológicas dos seus clones do que aos diferentes suprimentos de água no solo ou à evapotranspiração real da cultura. Mas, independente do regime hídrico e do clone, o vigor do cladódio basal foi bastante decisivo para a expressão da capacidade produtiva da palma forrageira irrigada

    Automatic control of the droplet spectrum of a hydropneumatic sprayer according to the vapor pressure deficit in the air

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    The principle of fractionation and droplets size are crucial for the success of pest control. This study aimed at developing and evaluating an automated system to control the spraying droplet spectrum according to the vapor pressure deficit in the air. The automatic control system consisted of a temperature and relative humidity sensor, a microcontroller, a servomotor and a hydropneumatic sprayer. Spraying was performed on water sensitive paper labels arranged on wooden supports for different vapor pressure deficits in the air. After scanning and analysing the paper labels, three working pressures were selected (633 kPa, 844 kPa and 1,055 kPa) for use in the automated system. The results indicated that the controller efficiently maintained the droplets spectrum when spraying pesticides. Automation enabled the maintenance of the spray volume by altering the working pressure, according to the vapor pressure deficit in the air. Spraying with the automated system presented a droplet spectrum quality superior to the one obtained by using the manual system at the pressure of 633 kPa

    Eficiência da pulverização utilizando ponta hidráulica tipo cone vazio a partir da análise espectral das gotas

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    The goal of this study was to evaluate, through the droplet spectrum, the quality of the spray nozzle hollow cone JA-2. Working pressures ranged from 633 to 1477 kPa, as recommended by the manufacturer. The spraying was accomplished using a Yamaho pump, driven by an 1,5 kW electric motor. The nozzles volumetric distribution uniformity was determined according to the coefficient of variation of all operating pressures recommended by the manufacturer . For the realization of the study, five nozzles were randomly selected from a set of twenty. The analysis of droplets spectrum was performed using a laser particle analyzer. The coefficient of variation presented values varying from 13 to 22% for pressures ranging from 633 to 1477 kPa. The diameter of the volumetric median reduced from 151 to 109 μm with increase of pressure from 633 to 1477 kPa. The terminal velocity of droplets decreased from 0.77 to 0.37 m s-1 for the pressure of 633 kPa and 1477, respectively.El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la calidad de la boquilla de pulverización de jato cónico vacío JA-2. Las presiones de trabajo oscilaron desde 633 hasta 1477 kPa, tal como recomendado por el fabricante. En la pulverización se usó una bomba Yamaho accionada por un motor eléctrico con una potencia de 1.5 kW. La uniformidad de distribución volumétrica de las boquillas fue determinada mediante la evaluación de los perfiles de los coeficientes de variación de distribución de líquido, teniendo en cuenta todas las presiones de trabajo recomendadas por el fabricante. Para este trabajo se eligió por sorteo cinco boquillas de un conjunto de veinte. La análisis del espectro de gota fue tomada utilizando un analizador de partículas por láser. El coeficiente de variación osciló entre 13 y 22% para las presiones de 633 a 1477 kPa. El diámetro mediano volumétrico se redujo desde 151 hasta 109 μm con el aumento de la presión de 633 a 1477 kPa. La velocidad terminal de las gotas disminuyó desde 0,77 hasta 0,37 m s-1considerando el rango de presiones estudiado.Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar a qualidade da ponta de pulverização de jato cônico vazio JA-2. As pressões de trabalho variaram de 633 a 1477 kPa, conforme recomendação do fabricante. Na pulverização, foi utilizada uma bomba Yamaho acionada por um motor elétrico com potência de 1,5 kW. A uniformidade de distribuição volumétrica das pontas foi determinada avaliando-se o coeficiente de variação dos perfis de distribuições de líquidos, considerando-se todas as pressões de trabalho recomendadas pelo fabricante. Para a realização deste trabalho foram sorteadas cinco pontas de um conjunto de vinte. A análise do espectro de gotas foi realizada utilizando se um analisador de partículas a laser. O coeficiente de variação variou entre 13 e 22%, para as pressões de 633 e 1477 kPa. O diâmetro da mediana volumétrico reduziu de 151 para 109 μm com o aumento da pressão de 633 para 1477 kPa. A velocidade terminal das gotas reduziu de 0,77 para 0,37 m s-1 considerando o intervalo das pressões estudado

    Air and liquid volumetric distribution in vertical in a hydro-pneumatic sprayer

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    The objective of this research was to evaluate the air flow and spray vertical distribution produced by a hydro-pneumatic sprayer. The sprayer was attached to a John Deere tractor, model 5705. The rotation of the fan was set at 226.19 rad s-1 (2.160 rpm). The study was performed on both sides of the sprayer, with the intent of identifying possible asymmetries in the air flow distribution. Measurements of air speed were taken at three positions along the fan periphery. The uniformity of liquid vertical distribution was analyzed at pressures of 633, 844 and 1.055 kPa using a vertical collector placed two meters from the center of the fan impeller. The experiment was arranged in a randomized blocks design, with three replications. The air average speed, taken at the ventilation outlet was of 35.5 m s-1 and the average vertical speed taken at 0.5 meters from the bar was of 5.9 and 5.1 m s-1 to the left and right side, respectively. Variation coefficients for the vertical distribution volume were 136, 136 and 141% for the working pressures of 633, 844 and 1055 kPa, respectively.Objetivou-se com esta pesquisa avaliar o fluxo de ar e a distribuição vertical da calda produzido por pulverizador hidropneumático. O pulverizador foi acoplado a um trator John Deere, modelo 5705. A rotação do rotor do ventilador foi de 226,19 rad s-1 (2.160 rpm). O estudo foi realizado objetivando determinar possíveis assimetrias na distribuição do vento. As medições da velocidade do ar foram feitas em três posições na borda do duto do ventilador axial. A uniformidade de distribuição de líquido na vertical foi analisada considerando as pressões de trabalho de 633, 844 e 1.055 kPa, utilizando um coletor vertical. O experimento foi montado no delineamento de blocos casualizados, com três repetições. A velocidade média do ar tomada na saída do ventilador foi de 35,5 m s-1 e a velocidade média de ar na vertical tomada a 0,5 metros da barra foi de 5,9 e 5,1 m s-1, para o lado esquerdo e direito, respectivamente. Os coeficientes de variação para a distribuição volumétrica vertical foram de 136, 136 e 141% para as pressões trabalho de 633, 844 e 1055 kPa, respectivamente

    Behavior of Japanese quail in different air velocities and air temperatures

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito combinado da temperatura e da velocidade do ar no comportamento de codornas japonesas (Coturnix coturnix japonica). Utilizaram-se 216 codornas japonesas na fase inicial de postura. Os comportamentos das aves foram estabelecidos no etograma comportamental (comer, beber, parar, abrir asas/arrepiar, outros). Utilizou-se o delineamento experimental de blocos ao acaso, em arranjo fatorial 4x4, com quatro velocidades do ar (0, 1, 2 e 3 m s-1) e temperaturas do ar (17, 23, 29 e 35°C). O comportamento “parar” foi maior quando as aves foram submetidas a 17°C. À temperatura de 35°C, houve redução significativa (p<0,05) para o comportamento “comer” a 0 m s-1, em comparação às demais velocidades. Os comportamentos das codornas poedeiras são semelhantes no período da manhã e da tarde. As codornas permanecem mais tempo paradas em condições de estresse por frio, a 17°C.The objective of this work was to evaluate the combined effects of air temperature and air velocity on the behavior of Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica). A total of 216 Japanese quail in their initial laying phase were used. Bird behavior was categorized with an ethogram (eat, drink, stop, open wings/shiver, others). The experimental design was a randomized complete block, in a 4x4 factorial arrangement, with four air velocities (0, 1, 2, and 3 m s-1) and air temperatures (17, 23, 29, and 35°C). The behavior “stop” was greater when the birds were subjected to 17°C. At 35°C, a significant reduction (p<0.05) was observed in the behavior “eat” at 0 m s-1, compared with the other velocities. The behaviors of laying quail are similar in the morning and in the afternoon. Quail remain stopped for a longer time under cold stress conditions, at 17°C