262 research outputs found

    Greenhouse gas emissions of regionally produced alternative feedstuffs rich in protein for Austrian dairy production

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    The aim of this study was to analyse the potential greenhouse gas emissions (GHGE) of locally and regionally produced, alternative protein‐rich feedstuffs (APRFs) which can be utilised in dairy cattle feeding as compared to extracted soybean meal (SBME) in a complete life‐cycle chain for Austria. In addition to GHGE from soil (N2O), from the production of mineral fertilizers and pesticides, industrial processes (oil milling, distillery, and drying plant) and use of fuels, the effects of land use change (LUC) were included in the calculation of GHGE. Currently, SBME, which is mainly imported from South‐America, is the most important protein feedstuff for livestock in Austria, but recently it was started to replace it by APRFs in diets for dairy cows for various reasons. In this study, the GHGE of SBME was compared to those of regionally cultivated and locally processed APRFs. Furthermore, mixtures of APRFs were evaluated which provided energy and available protein equivalent to one kg of SBME. In conclusion, utilisation of more locally produced APRFs shows clear advantages in terms of GHGE. Balanced mixtures of APRFs may offer specific benefits in this regard. On average of all four balanced mixtures of APRFs presented in this study, they result in a reduction of GHGE of about 55% as compared to SBME

    Partial substitution of concentrates by maize silage in rations for organic dairy cows and its influence on performance and utilization efficiency

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    The aim of the present study was to investigate the influence of partial substitution of purchased concentrates with maize silage on feed intake, energy and nutrient supply, milk production and feed utilization efficiency in organic dairy cows. In the experiment, two winter rations were compared. In the experimental group (E) 2/3 of average herd concentrate intake were replaced by maize silage. In group E total dry matter, protein und energy intake was significantly lower than in the control group (C) (16.3 and 17.8 kg, 99 and 110 MJ NEL, 2170 and 2460 g crude protein, respectively). Milk yield decreased in group E by 1.7 kg, which was not statistically significant. Ruminal nitrogen balance and dietary protein to energy ratio was significantly lower in group E as compared to group C (-8 and 22 g, 21 and 24 g/MJ NEL, respectively). The diet for group E had no effect on milk composition, except milk urea content, which was in tendency lower in group E (15 and 17 mg 100ml-1). Estimated milk yield from forage was considerably higher in group E (15.9 vs 13.5 kg). Efficiency of nitrogen (N) utilization was tendencially higher in group E

    Effects of a feeding strategy to increase intramuscular fat content of pork under the conditions of organic farming

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    In an ongoing study, the effect of the implementation of a specific feeding strategy using a high portion of home-grown grain legumes on the intramuscular fat (IMF) content of pork, is assessed under different conditions on organic farms in Germany and Austria. Preliminary results indicate that variation in the IMF content seems to be higher between farms than between treatments within each farm

    ICOPP: WP3 progress report

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    Meeting concerning ICOPP 12 month project meeting, 9-10 October 2012, The Field Station, Wytham, Oxford, GB

    Bewertung der sozialen Nachhaltigkeit von Lebensmittel-Bereitstellungsketten – Überlegungen zur Eignung von LCA-AnsĂ€tzen

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    Der Beitrag stellt einen quantitativen LCA-basierten methodischen Ansatz vor, um wesentliche Aspekte sozialer Nachhaltigkeit von Lebensmittel-Bereitstellungsketten zu analysieren. Dabei wird fĂŒr alle betrachteten Indikatoren ein gemeinsamer Wirkungsindikatorwert (Zeit je kg Produkt), gewichtet mit Lebens- und ArbeitsqualitĂ€t von Arbeitsschritten, verwendet. Dies erlaubt eine Integration zentraler sozialer Wirkungen und ermöglicht eine Darstellung von Unterschieden in Lebensmittel-Wertschöpfungsketten, einschließlich Faktoren wie ökologische und herkömmliche Bewirtschaftung, unterschiedliche Arbeitsbedingungen oder Unterschiede bei Mitspracherechten von Arbeitnehmern

    Sainfoin seeds as protein source for weaned piglets - a new utilization of a long-known forage legume

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    Sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia) has been used as a forage legume for centuries and is also popular for use as green manure in some Austrian regions, but so far the protein-rich seeds have not been utilized as a feedstuff. As part of the EU Core Organic ll research project ICOPP (Improved contribution of local feed to support 100% organic feed supply to pigs and poultry), sainfoin seeds have recently been tested as a protein source for weaned piglets. The protein-rich components of the control diet were peas and soybean cake, which were substituted by sainfoin seeds in the experimental diets H (10% sainfoin seeds), D 10 and D 16 (10 and 16% dehulled sainfoin seeds, respectively; as fed basis). Neither feed intake and body weight gain nor feed conversion ratio differed between treatments. This leads to the conclusion that sainfoin seeds can be used as a protein source for piglets just as well as peas and soybean cake

    Konventionalisierung auf Biobetrieben: WĂ€ren Indikatoren hilfreich? (Workshop)

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    Die ‚Konventionalisierung’ der biologischen Landwirtschaft (manchmal auch ‚Industrialisierung’ oder ‚Professionalisierung’ genannt) wird schon seit ĂŒber 10 Jahren diskutiert. Dennoch fehlen bis heute klare Kriterien, Kennzahlen oder Indikatoren, mithilfe derer es möglich wĂ€re, diesen Entwicklungstrend klar von anderen Entwicklungen im Biolandbau abzugrenzen. In diesem Workshop soll differenziert darĂŒber diskutiert werden, ob ein Indikatoren-Set auf der Ebene der landwirtschaftlichen Betriebe sinnvoll wĂ€re und wenn ja, wie dieses Set gestaltet werden sollte. Ziel des Workshops: Aufbauend auf den Ergebnissen eines Ganztages-Workshops mit österreichischen Bio-ExpertInnen soll die Struktur eines Indikatorensets besprochen sowie eindeutige Kriterien fĂŒr die Konventionalisierung auf landwirtschaftlichen Betrieben identifiziert werden

    The Casco Bay Interlocal Stormwater Working Group: A Case Study in Regionalism

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    Authentic Assessment in Infant and Toddler Care Settings: Review of Recent Research

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    Authentic assessment provides an alternative approach to gathering child performance information and designing developmentally-appropriate curriculum for infants and toddlers. Conventional tests and assessment have been shown to lead to the mismeasurement of children through the use of norm-referenced testing practices (Bagnato, 2007). Additionally, many of these traditional testing practices have not been developed or validated for infants or toddlers and result in biased samples of a child’s functioning (i.e. results that differ from how a child actually behaves.) This policy brief describes what authentic assessment is, the role observation plays in authentic assessment, how information from observations is used to develop curriculum, outcomes from authentic assessment, and the need to include authentic assessment training in professional development activities for early childhood practitioners who work with infants and toddlers

    Nicht Zentralisierung, sondern Austausch. Die Aufgaben des Katholischen Medienhauses

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    Mit der Einweihung des Katholischen Medienhauses beginnt zwar nicht gleich eine neue Zeitrechnung, aber wir gehen mit mutigem Blick in einer sich rasch verĂ€ndernden Medienwelt einen großen Schritt nach vorne unter Anerkennung dessen, was bisher schon geleistet wurde. Vor gut einem Jahr sind die ersten Unternehmen in dieses neue Haus gezogen. Notwendige Umbauarbeiten wurden durchgefĂŒhrt, die ArbeitsfĂ€higkeit ist nun hergestellt. Bei der Einweihung ist nicht nur das GebĂ€ude im Blick, es geht auch darum, dass wir mit der Einrichtung des Medienhauses einen wichtigen Schritt in der Neuausrichtung unserer kirchlichen Medienarbeit vollziehen. Mit der offiziellen Einweihung senden wir auch ein Signal an die Partner im Medienbereich und die Öffentlichkeit: „Wir sind bereit .“ (...)Anmerkung: GekĂŒrzte Fassung der Ansprache anlĂ€sslich der Einweihung des Katholischen Medienhauses in Bonn am 11 . Juni 2012 .
