19 research outputs found

    Comparison of the Nutrition of Patients with and without Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver in Tehran

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    Introduction: A high prevalence of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is associated with obesity and lifestyle disorders. The present study was conducted to compare the nutritional pattern of patients with and without non-alcoholic fatty liver disease referred to the hospitals affiliated to Tehran University of Medical Sciences in 2017.Materials and Methods: The present case-control study was performed on a total of 300 outpatients and inpatients, aged 18–65 years. These patients were referred to the ultrasonography section of the hospitals, and those recruited in the study were selected by the convenience method of sampling. According to the results of ultrasonography, these subjects were divided into two groups: case (100 patients) and control (200 subjects for increasing the statistical power of study). The data were analyzed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (version 19), descriptive statistics, and the Mann–Whitney test. P<0.05 was considered significant.Results: A significant difference was detected between the mean consumption of unhealthy foods in the case group as compared to the control group (P=0.001), while those with fatty liver reported a low average intake of fruits and vegetables with a significant difference (P=0.001).Conclusion: The results showed that patients with fatty liver complied with poor dietary habits as compared to individuals without the disease.

    Effect of Time Management Training on Lifestyle of Nurses Working at General Surgery Wards of Hospitals in Sari Affiliated to Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences, 2016

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    AbstractBackground and objective: time management skills are necessary for success and promotion of clinical competency of nurses. Effective use of time is one of the unavoidable necessities for success in work and life and is considered as one of the methods to create balance between work and life aspects. Time management includes the use of skills to control and use time. This study aimed to determine the effect of time management training on lifestyle of nurses working in medical surgical wards of selected hospitals of Sari under the supervision of Medical University of Mazandaran in 2016.Material and methods: this intervention study was conducted on 70 nurses working in medical surgical ward of selected hospitals of Sari. Samples were selected by the available sampling method. Subjects were divided into control and experimental groups. Data were gathered by two questionnaires including demographic information and Walker’s Health Promoting Lifestyle Profile (1987) before and after time management skills training. The validity of instruments was examined and necessary modifications were done. The reliability of instruments was measured by Cronbach’s alpha (0.83). Time management skills were instructed for 3 hours in two sessions for the experimental group. After a month, all participants in two groups again completed the questionnaire. Data were analyzed using SPSS 22, descriptive and analytical statistics such as mean, standard deviation, absolute and relative frequency, independent t-test, and pairwise t-test.Findings: control group and experimental group were similar in terms of demographic variables and lifestyle in all aspects and no significant difference was observed. One month after intervention, no significant difference was observed between variables. Scores in all aspects and total score of lifestyle in both groups before and after intervention showed a significant difference.Conclusion: the findings of this study showed that time management training influences lifestyle at all aspects and total score. Therefore, some efforts should be applied to train time management skills and lead to improved lifestyle. Therefore, it is recommended to consider time management training in programs for nurses.

    The evaluation of the human dimension in the nursing curriculum: a qualitative study

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    Introduction: Nursing education is a human affair that is founded on human interaction to identify and meet human needs. At the present time, due to the increasing technological advances, demographic changes, globalization, the spread of new health programs, and the increasing complexity of the health care system and the role of the professional nurse, the professional and social roles of nurses have been challenged. Nurses must be able to anticipate and manage the care of patients under complex and rapidly changing conditions. However, many of the nursing curriculums used at present cannot meet the rapidly changing needs. Therefore, the curriculum must be able to instill in nursing students the skills to meet the health needs of the society. Method: This qualitative study was conducted using content analysis. In order to collect data, individual semi-structured interviews and focus group interviews were used. Sampling was performed using convenience sampling method. After each interview, recorded data were typed and transferred to the MAXQD 2007 software. To analyze the data, conventional content analysis method was used. Results: The main theme of lack of attention to human dimensions in the curriculum was achieved through content analysis. Moreover, 87 codes, 13 sub-categories, and 5 categories (the necessity of a client-oriented curriculum, the necessity of attention to the human dimensions of students in the curriculum, lack of attention to the role of the nurse in the curriculum, lack of attention to the role of the teacher in the curriculum, and lack of attention to human and human needs) were obtained. Conclusion: The results of this study indicate the human dimension and the role of human subjects in four axes (client, nursing student, nursing instructor, and nurse) in the undergraduate nursing curriculum. Furthermore, it raises the point that it may be necessary to emphasize human dimensions with regard to the cultural and religious considerations of the society, in the designing, implementation, and evaluation of undergraduate nursing curriculum. Keywords: Undergraduate nursing curriculum, Human dimension, Qualitative stud

    Effect of Providing Ostomy Care Education to Mothers of Neonates with Peristomal Skin Complications

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    AbstractIntroduction: Ostomy is a surgical procedure performed to divert feces and urineoutput in cases of anorectal anomalies. Although this procedure is a crucial interventionwith excellent treatment effect, it is associated with complications, such peristomal skinlesions. This study aimed at evaluating the effect of providing ostomy care education tomothers of infants with peristomal skin complications.Methods: Forty mothers of neonates with intestinal stomies were informed about theaim of this study and invited to participate. The sampling was conducted in accordancewith the quota sampling method. The participants were randomly and equallyallocated to the control and experimental groups. The mothers in the experimentalgroup attended a three-session educational program, whereas the mothers in thecontrol group received information about routine care methods used by the studysettings. The peristomal skin conditions of the infants in both groups were examinedbefore discharge and 30 days after discharge using the Telegram Software or in person,according to an established checklist. Data were analyzed with the SPSS 21 software toobtain descriptive and analytical statistics.Results: Prior to discharge, the majority of the neonates in both groups had healthyperistomal skin. In the control group, five neonates had acute dermatitis and one hadchronic dermatitis. In the experimental group, four neonates had acute dermatitis andtwo had chronic dermatitis. The χ-square test showed that the two groups were notsignificantly different (p-value = 0.94). After discharge, most of the neonates in theexperimental group had intact peristomal skin and only four neonates had chronicdermatitis. In contrast, in the control group, only six neonates had intact peristomalskin. The results of Fisher’s exact test indicated that the two groups of study weresignificantly different (p-value = 0.013). In the experimental group, 16 and 14 neonateshad intact peristomal skin before and after discharge, respectively. In the control group,14 and 6 neonates had intact peristomal skin before and after discharge, respectively.The results of McNemar’s test revealed no significant differences in the experimentalgroup before and after discharge (p-value = 0.69), whereas the control group showedsignificant difference in this context (p-value = 0.021).Conclusions: Providing mothers with education on proper ostomy care significantlydecreased the occurrence of peristomal skin lesions in neonates with intestinal ostomies

    The Effect of Continuous Care Model on Surgical Site Infection in Patients Undergoing Spine Surgery: A Quasi-Experimental Study

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    Background: Surgical site infection is an irreversible complication of spine surgery. Postoperative care instructions are of utmost significance and can decrease surgical complications, including surgical site infection.Aim: The present study was performed with aim to evaluate the impact of the continuous care model on surgical site infection in patients undergoing spine surgery.Method: This quasi-experimental study was conducted on seventy spine surgery patients referred to a teaching hospital in Tehran, Iran. The sampling process lasted from June 1 until November 30, 2022.The patients were assigned into two equal groups. The intervention involved education to patients undergoing spine surgery from admission until four weeks post-discharge based on a four-stage continuous care model. Bluebelle Wound Healing Questionnaire (BWHQ) was completed in both groups four weeks after discharge.Results: Despite the non-significant statistical difference in demographic and clinical information between the two groups, the mean total score of post-intervention infection was 9.37±5.93 in the control group and 2.65±1.43 in the intervention group. This finding indicates a significant reduction in surgical site infection in the intervention group compared to the control group (p<0.001).Implications for Practice: This study suggests that patient education based on the continuous care model following spine surgery is effective in decreasing surgical complications, specifically surgical site infection in these patients. Thus, the design and implementation of such postoperative care models are recommended for patients undergoing spine surgery

    Hospital Triage Standards: A Qualitative Study and Content Analysis based on Experts’ Experiences in Iran

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    Introduction: The lack of a fixed and clear protocol causes confusion for nurses resulting in care performance delay in the emergency room (ER). Given that the purpose of triage is to examine the patient upon arrival in ER for the rapid classification and prioritization of emergency patients in need of treatment, it seems that the development and implementation of hospital triage standards can greatly affect this purpose.&nbsp;Objective: The present study was conducted to review the experiences of experts in hospital triage in terms of determining the standards of hospital ER triage.&nbsp;Methods: This qualitative research was conducted through content analysis method based on Donabedian model. Participants include experts (Politician, Nurse Supervisor, Nurse, Midwife, Faculty of Nursing, Emergency Medicine Specialist) working in educational and private hospitals and single-specialized ERs. Data were collected through in-depth and semi-structured interviews lasting between 25-60 minutes. The main interview questions were: What are the structural standards of a good triage?&nbsp; What are the process standards for a good triage?&nbsp; What are the standards of a good triage? Data analyzed through Content Directed Analysis with Shannon and Hsieh approach.&nbsp;Results: Totally, 21 experts the mean age of 46.9±1.8 (ranged from 30 to 57) years and the mean work experience of 18.9± 8.21 years were participated, of whom 16 (76.2%) persons were male. From the analysis, we extracted 48 codes, 14 subcategories and 3 main categories of "structural standards", "process standards" and "outcome standards".&nbsp;Conclusions: Guidelines are needed so that the nurse in charge of triage can quickly and accurately undertake the important responsibility of patient triage. Additionally, having structure and process and outcome standards improves triage performance

    Effect of community-based education on undergraduate nursing students’ skills: a systematic review

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    Abstract: Background: Community-based education, as an effective approach to strengthen nurses’ skills in response to society’s problems and needs has increased in nursing education programs. The aim of this study was to review the effect of community-based education on nursing students’ skills. Methods: For this systematic review, ProQuest, EMBASE, Scopus, PubMed/ MEDLINE, Cochran Library, Web of Science, CINAHL and Google Scholar were searched up to February 2021. The methodological quality of the studies was assessed using the Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool (MMAT). Seventeen studies were included in this systematic review. Inclusion criteria included articles published in English and were original articles. Results: In all studies, undergraduate nursing students’ skills were improved by participation in a community-based education program. Community-based education enhances professional skills, communication skills, self-confidence, knowledge and awareness, and critical thinking skills and teamwork skills in undergraduate nursing students. Conclusions: Community-based education should be used as an effective and practical method of training capable nurses to meet the changing needs of society, to improve nurses ‘skills and empower them to address problems in society

    Effect of the rehabilitation program on the fatigue of patients with coronary artery diseases

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    Background: This study aimed to evaluate the changes in fatigue of patients with coronary artery diseases after the rehabilitation intervention based on demographic and clinical variables. Methods: This study was a single-arm clinical trial with a pre and post-intervention design. The statistical population of the study included patients with coronary artery diseases who underwent coronary artery bypass surgery or percutaneous coronary interventions, 4-6 weeks after discharge, referred to Khorramabad Cardiac Rehabilitation Center. They were selected by a purposeful sampling method. The data were collected through demographic and clinical information questionnaires and Piper Fatigue Measurement Questionnaire. Education on risk factors at home (weeks 4 and 8) was presented in the area of rehabilitation, the data were analyzed with descriptive and analytical statistics in SPSS software. Results: Most of the patients were male (54.4%), married (87%), and in the age group of 47-58 years (50%). Their mean age was 54.63 ± 8.87 years, and the mean duration of heart disease in the subjects (by months) was 33.24 ± 50.84. Comparing the mean changes in fatigue after the intervention based on some influencing demographic variables of the patients, including age, gender, type of treatment, and the duration of the disease showed no significant difference (p&gt;0.05). Conclusion: The implementation of a home cardiac rehabilitation program by nurses, as a low-cost, accessible, and feasible intervention, can be considered an effective step in reducing the fatigue of patients with coronary artery disease and should be considered by managers

    The impact of the education program based on dimensions of quality of work life among emergency medical services providers

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    Abstract Background Quality of work life is a vital factor for health care providers. This study aimed to determine the impact of the education program based on dimensions of quality of work life among emergency medical services employees. Methods The quasi-experimental study was conducted on 100 emergency medical services employees in Tehran, Iran, who were chosen using a convenience sampling method (50 in the intervention group and 50 in the control group). The information was gathered using a Demographic Questionnaire and a Walton Quality of Work Life Questionnaire with eight dimensions. The research was carried out in three stages: design, implementation, and evaluation of the education program. During the design phase, the educational needs of the participants were determined in terms of the dimensions of the quality of work life and work and total living space. The education program on work-life quality was implemented in four virtual group sessions, emphasizing the educational needs identified through uploading educational content to the WhatsApp application. The evaluation was conducted in two stages: before the education program and three months after the program. With a significance level of 0.05, the data was analyzed using SPSS version 24 software. Results The results revealed that an education program on the quality of work life and its dimensions, emphasizing strategies to improve work and total living space, can improve the score of this dimension in the intra-group comparison of both the intervention and control groups (p = 0.046), as well as in the inter-group comparison, at the three-month post-intervention stage, there is a significant difference and a significant increase (p = 0.030), but it does not have a significant effect on the quality of work life and its other dimensions. Conclusion It is recommended that emergency medical services managers plan to improve the quality of working life of their employees, particularly in terms of work and total living space

    Explaining of existing challenges of community-based undergraduate nursing education in Iran: a qualitative study

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    Abstract Background The education of nursing students should be such that the health needs of the community are met, but in Iran, due to some problems, students do not receive such education. Therefore, the present study was conducted to explain the existing challenges of community-based undergraduate nursing education in Iran. Methods Ten individual semi-structured interviews were conducted with the faculty members and nursing specialists in this qualitative study. Eight focus group interviews were conducted to the nurses and nursing students using a purpose-based sampling method in 2022. The interviews were recorded and transcribed and then content analysis was done by the Lundman and Granheim method. Results Five themes were obtained from the analysis of participants' responses, which include "weakness in community-based nursing education and curriculum", "treatment-oriented health system and education", "defect in the infrastructure and basic structures of community-based nursing education", "weakness in the implementation of community-based nursing education" and "weakness in the stakeholder engagement and cooperation of interested organizations". Conclusion Interviews with the participants provided a vision of the challenges of community-based nursing education so that the reviewers of the undergraduate nursing curriculum in the ministry and nursing schools, educators, policymakers and nursing managers can use the results of the present study to improve the quality of education and the effective use of nursing students in responding to the community’s needs and provide a proper context for improving students' learning