40 research outputs found

    Concrete Structures’ Quality Control in Practice

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    The Croatian civil engineering is characterized by a lack of systematic approach to planning, control and quality assurance in all phases of project realization. The results obtained in establishing the quality management system in some segments of civil engineering production represent initial trends in solving this problem. Benefits are of two types: the achievement of quality for the contractor and obtaining that quaity is being achieved for clients. Execution of concrete structures is a complex process that includes various activities. The basic principle of the development and the application of quality management system during the execution of concrete structures is the process approach. Defining the processes, identification and interaction of sub-processes are performed with the objective of quality monitoring and control that are required in order to achieve concrete structures’ specifications. Quality management system in the area of execution of concrete structures must also comply with national acts, rules, regulations and standards that are essential for concrete structures design, execution and concrete production

    Overview and analysis of legislation in the field of thermal protection of buildings

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    U radu su prikazane promjene zakonske regulative Hrvatske u području toplinske zaštite u zgradarstvu s ciljem izrade sustavnog prikaza povijesnog razvoja propisa. Pregledom zakonske regulative obuhvaćen je period od donošenja prvog propisa o toplinskoj zaštiti zgrada 1970. godine do danas. Budući da je koeficijent prolaska topline U (W/m2K) najvažniji čimbenik koji se koristi za opisivanje toplinskih svojstava zgrada, a time i ukupne energetske učinkovitosti neke zgrade, osim pregleda i analize postojećih propisa, grafički su prikazane i promjene najvećih dopuštenih vrijednosti koeficijenta prolaska topline U (W/m2K) za vanjski zid kao karakteristični građevinski element u ovisnosti o zakonskoj regulativi i karakterističnim razdobljima izgradnje zgrada u Hrvatskoj.The paper presents developments and changes in Croatian legislation in the field of thermal protection of buildings with the aim of systematic overview of the historical development of regulations. A review of the legal regulations is done for the period from the adoption of the first regulation on thermal protection of buildings in 1970 until today. Since the thermal transmittance coefficient U (W/m2K) is the most important factor used to describe the thermal properties of buildings, and thus the overall energy efficiency of a building, except for the review and analysis of the existing regulations, changes of maximum permissible values of the heat transfer coefficient U (W/m2K) for the external wall as a characteristic building element are graphically presented depending on the legal regulation and typical construction period in Croatia


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    Opisuje se sustav upravljanja kvalitetom pri izvođenju betonskih konstrukcija kao integralni dio sustava upravljanja kvalitetom poduzeća. Definirane su i opisane zakonske obveze i odgovornosti sudionika u gradnji vezano uz izvođenje betonskih konstrukcija. Ti sudionici su: projektant, nadzorni inženjer, izvođač radova i proizvođač betona. Detaljno je analiziran proces izvođenja betonskih radova i predlaže se model sustava upravljanja dokumentacijom za sve aktivnosti procesa.The quality management system applied during realization of concrete structures is described as an integral part of the quality management system used in companies. Legal obligations and responsibilities of participants in construction, as related to realization of concrete structures, are defined and described. These participants are: designer, supervising engineer, contractor, and concrete manufacturer. The concrete works realization process is analyzed in detail and a model of a document management system is proposed for all activities included in the process.Le système de gestion de qualité appliqué pendant la réalisation des structures de béton est décrit comme une partie intégrante des systèmes de gestion de qualité utilisés par les sociétés. Les obligations et les responsabilités légales des participants en construction, relatives à la réalisation des structures en béton, sont définies et décrites. Les participants dans la construction sont: ingénieur d'études, ingénieur superviseur, entrepreneur et fabricant de béton. Le procédé de réalisation des travaux de bétonnage est analysé en détail, et un modèle du système de gestion des documents est proposé pour toutes les activités incluses dans le procédé.Описывается система управления качеством при изготовлении бетонных конструкций как составной части системы управления качеством предприятия. Определяются и описываются законнaя обязательства и ответственность участников строительства при изготовлении бетонных конструкций. К участникам строительства относятся: проектировщик, инженер по надзору, исполнитель работ и производитель бетона. Подробно анализируется процесс выполнения бетонных работ, предлагается модель системы управления документацией по всем видам деятельности процесса.Man beschreibt ein System der Leitung der Qualität bei der Ausführung von Betonkonstruktionen als Integralteil der Leitung des Unternehmens. Definiert und beschrieben sind die gesetzlichen Verpflichtungen und Verantwortungen der Teilnehmer im Bauen in Verbindung mit der Ausführung von Betonkonstruktionen. Diese Teilnehmer sind: Entwurfsverfasser, Aufsichtsingenieur, Bauausführer und Erzeuger des Betons. Detailliert analysiert man das Prozess der Ausführung von Betonarbeiten. Vorgeschlagen ist ein Modell des Systems der Leitung der Dokumentation für alle Tätigkeiten des Prozesses


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    In this paper authors suggest and test evolutionary algorithm of multiple criteria solver (MCS) for asphalt supply chain optimization. On the basis of the defined imperfection of the basic mathematical model authors made an algorithm and conducted simulations of transportation problems cases generated from the given realistic input intervals in order to determine the constraints and possibilities for improvement of the original model of the transportation problem of large amounts of asphalt mixture. Results have shown that the suggested model verifies and eliminates the lack of the original model. As well, it is shown in which scenarios of transportation problem and to which extent the suggested methodology contributes to the total transportation costs savings and insurance of the program’s optimality.U radu je predložen i testiran evolucijski algoritam za optimizaciju lanca procesa transporta asfaltne mješavine na gradilišta. Izrađen je algoritam (rješavatelj MCS) na temelju definiranog nedostatka postojećeg matematičkog modela te provedena simulacija slučajeva transportnog problema kako bi se utvrdila ograničenja i mogućnosti za poboljšanje originalnog modela za rješavanje transportnog problema velikih količina asfaltne mješavine. Rezultati su pokazali da predložen model pridruživanja i isključivanja potencijalnih izvora potvrđuje i otklanja nedostatak originalnog modela. Pokazano je i u kojim slučajevima transportnog problema i u kojoj mjeri predložena metodologija doprinosi uštedi i osiguranju optimalnosti ponuđenog programa

    Construction procedures for public goods on roads of local interest in Slovenia

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    This paper deals with the issue of construction procedures for public goods on roads of local interest in Slovenia. The methodological frameworks of construction procedures for investment maintenance works and maintenance works in public interest are proposed for that purpose. A complete flow of activities required for such constructions is presented here, namely from preparation of project documentation through realization and inspection to the final acceptance of executed works. The applicability of the discussed approach is shown on practical examples. The paper is intended to serve as a guide to the local communities in Slovenia as well as an informative material to nearby countries that have similar regulations in considered field. The aim is to improve the local governance related to public goods on road infrastructure as well as to share key information about considered topic with a wider international expert audience for discussion and proposals of improvement


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    Although the construction industry has always been project-oriented, limited attention has been paid to the Project Management Software (PMS), particularly in the transitional countries. This paper contributes to a deeper understanding of the needs of the transitional economies by providing new insight into deficiencies of implementing the Western PMS in the construction industry of Southeast Europe (SEE). Thus, while the construction industries of the developed economies use PMS for a wider range of project management processes, the SEE construction industry still practices management mainly through financial procedures and material planning. Therefore, the PMS originating from developed countries, in the present form, is of little use in transitional economies.Iako je građevinska industrija uvijek bila projektno orijentirana, tijekom proteklih godina, izrazito mala pažnja je dana računalnim aplikacijama za upravljanje projektima (RUP). Ovaj članak doprinosi dubljem razumijevanju potreba tranzicijskih ekonomija, predstavljajući nedostatke uvođenja RUP-a, nastalih u Zapadnim sustavima, u građevinske industrije Jugoistočne Europe (JE). Istraživanje je pokazalo kako postoji značajna razlika u načinu i procesima kojima se upravlja projektima u građevinskim industrijama Zapada u odnosu na praksu u JE. Tako dok Zapadna praksa pokazuje potrebu za korištenjem mnoštva procesa za upravljanje projektima (npr. upravljanje rizicima, niveliranje resursa u planu itd.), građevinska praksa JE se još uvijek temelji na financijskim procedurama i planiranju potrebnog materijala. Zbog ovih razloga može se ustvrditi kako su RUP, koji potječu iz Zapadnih praksa, u svom trenutnom obliku, od male koristi za tranzicijske ekonomije


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    U radu je prikazana struktura projekta izgradnje uređaja za pročišćavanje otpadnih komunalnih voda u Kneževim Vinogradima, kapaciteta 2500 ES, „SBR“ tehnologijom. Struktura projekta prikazana je kroz tri faze projekta: koncipiranje, definiranje i izvođenje, uz povezivanje vremena i troškova projekta.This paper presents the architecture of the project construction of waste water treatment plant in Kneževi Vinogradi 2500 population equivalent by „SBR“ purification technology principle. Architecture of the project is displayed through three stages: conception, defining and realization where are made link between timeline and project costs


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    Prikazuju se rezultati istraživanja troškova kvalitete u građevinskim projektima visokogradnje. Opisana je struktura troškova kvalitete i karakteristike komponenata. Utvrđene su vrijednosti troškova kvalitete u ugovorenoj vrijednosti projekata. Provedena je analiza odnosa promatranih komponenata troškova kvalitete i analiza odnosa troškova kvalitete sa drugim ugovornim veličinama – cijenom i rokom. Formuliran je model za upravljanje troškovima kvalitete u građevinskim projektima.Results obtained during quality cost analysis for building construction projects are presented. The quality cost structure and characteristics of individual components are described. The proportion of quality costs in the total contract price of projects is defined. Correlations among individual quality cost components are analysed, and quality costs are compared with other contract parameters - price and completion time. The quality cost management model for construction projects is formulated.Les résultats obtenus au cours de l'analyse des frais de qualité sur les projets de construction sont présentés. La structure des frais de qualité et les propriétés des composants individuels sont décrites. La partie des frais de qualité dans le prix contractuel total de projets est définie. Les corrélations entre les composants individuels des frais de qualité sont analysées, et les frais de qualité sont comparés avec les autres paramètres contractuels - prix et délai. Le modèle de gestion des frais de qualité pour les projets de construction est proposé.Dargestellt sind die Ergebnisse der Forschung der Qualitätskosten bei Bauproblemen des Hochbaus. Beschrieben ist die Struktur der Qualitätskosten und die Kennzeichen der Komponenten. Festgelegt sind die Werte der Qualitätskosten im vereinbarten Wert des Projekts. Durchgeführt ist die Analyse der Verhältnisse der betrachteten Komponenten der Qualitätskosten und die Analyse der Verhältnisse der Qualitätskosten zu den übrigen Vertragsgrössen - Preis und Frist. Formuliert ist ein Modell für die Leitung der Qualitätskosten in Bauprojekten

    Scenario simulation model for optimized allocation of construction machinery

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    Metode optimizacije imaju veliku važnost pri sužavanju izbora resursa na konačni i pri alokaciji resursa u svim fazama projekata. To se naročito odnosi na složena projektna okruženja gdje je potrebno provesti alokaciju resursa (strojeva) na više građevinskih projekata u njihovim raznim fazama i prioritetima. U radu se predlaže model koji se zasniva na algoritmu višekriterijske optimizacije i rangiranja scenarija suboptimalnih programa serijskog višekanalnog rada građevinskih strojeva pri konačnom broju strojeva za izbor, te izlučivanje presjeka optimalnih programa i/ili scenarija programa u složenom okruženju.Optimization methods for narrowing down the choice of resources, and for their allocation, are highly important in all phases of construction projects. This particularly concerns complex project environments where resources (construction machines) have to be allocated to several construction projects at different phases and with different priorities. The authors propose a model based on the multi-criteria optimisation algorithm and the ranking of scenarios involving sub-optimal programs for serial multi-channel operation of construction machines, with a fixed number of machines for final selection, and with separation of the optimum program and/or program scenario cross-sections in complex environment


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    Organizational processes modelling and scenario simulation is proved to be an efficient tool for the quantitative strengthening of the decision making process. In business of production, transportation and paving of great quantities of asphalt mixture, solving problem of project’s fragmented sub-processes has been emphasized by previous researchers as a high priority. Detached process modeling and optimization without taking into account constraints of interrelations among sub-processes cannot offer the optimal or quality solution. Thus, it is necessary to structure a developing and easily adjustable model which will be able to integrate all sub-processes with their interrelations. In this paper authors gave a review of the findings and recommendations of the previous researches. Based on the recommendations, authors structured a developing simulation model for planning and optimization “just in time” chain of processes of production, transportation and paving of great quantities of asphalt mixture. Suggested model is based on the algorithm for scenario simulations which is dynamic and adjustable for changes and updates of the input parameters