807 research outputs found


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    Objective: The article presents an investigation into the implementation of information support for state policy in the field of higher education in the Russian Federation. The relevance of the problem is determined by the specificity of the powers imposed on state bodies, which have recently undergone a series of changes. The study aims to test the congruence between the responsibilities assigned to the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (as a key player in this policy) and the information policy it carries out. Method: The research method includes a content analysis of materials posted on the main media resources of the Ministry. Results and Conclusion: The conducted content analysis shows that the information support of state policy in the field of higher education in the Russian Federation on social media carried out by the Ministry as the key subject partially corresponds to the assigned responsibilities. However, the content posted can only indicate formal management of social networks without recognition of their social significance. Therefore, while the Ministry's presence in the social media landscape aligns with its responsibilities, the content it shares could be seen as lacking in substantial social impact

    Strategic Trade and Industrial Policies with International R&D Spillovers

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    Language Contact with Crew of Rykyu\u27s Drifting Ships in the Qing Dynasty

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    The communication between Ryukyu・Okinawa and China has a long history. It has been said that the history has begun even at Ming Dynasty Ryukyu Dynasty were canonized by Chinese king even after Satsuma clan (now Kagoshima Prefecture)\u27s invasion in the beginning of 17 century. The tributary relations between Ryukyu and China had last for 5 centuries until Ryukyu became Okinawa Prefecture by Meiji Japanese government in 1872. The relationship between China and Ryukyu basic were tributary relations. However, the main transportation mean in Ryukyu were by ship,and lots of ship encountered typhoon, lost control of their ship,and finally were drifted to China continent. You can refer to these historical documentation in the book「Selected documentation of China-Ryukyurelations in Qing Dynasty」which was public by China First Historical Archives. Lots of ship-drift cases are written in this book from Qianlong era to Guangxu era of Qing Dynasty. Various forms of transportation can be found form those cases. This paper will not focus on tributary ships from Ryukyu, but on the part of rescue and aid from Qing government to those who were drifted from Ryukyu.文部科学省グローバルCOEプログラム 関西大学文化交渉学教育研究拠点東アジアの歴史と動

    Heterochronic changes in parameters of cardiac pumping function in rat pups

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    Cardiac pumping function was studied in rat pups by thoracic tetrapolar rheography. The mean daily increment in blood stroke volume increased with age, while the mean daily changes in HR decreased starting from day 30 of life. Changes in the parameters of minute volume of circulation to a greater extent depended on stroke volume than on HR. © Springer Science+Business Media, Inc. 2006

    Variation : Vergleichende Untersuchungen zum Nibelungenlied und zum zentralasiatischen Epos Alpamys

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    Die Dissertation nähert sich der Diskussion über die Mündlichkeit des Nibelungenliedes aus der vergleichenden Perspektive mit den mündlichen Epenvarianten aus Zentralasien. Die Haupthandschriften des Nibelungenliedes A, B und C werden anhand von Fragen nach der Makro- und Mikro-Variation, den Inkonsistenzen im Motiv- und Textgefüge sowie Formeln und Erzählschablonen mit den sechs Varianten des zentralasiatischen Epos Alpamys kontrastiv untersucht. Ziel ist es, durch Ergebnisse dieser vergleichenden Analysen einen Anreiz für weitere Diskussionen in der Nibelungenforschung zu geben. Zum einen liegt das Epos Alpamys in seiner usbekischen Version von Saidmurod Panoh-óghly in der Übersetzung von Karl Reichl (2001) auf Deutsch vor. Zum anderen bietet das Epos interessante Parallele zur Rückkehr des Odysseus in der Odyssee, worauf man in der westlichen Forschung bereits aufmerksam wurde. Aber auch die Nachweisbarkeit ihrer Mündlichkeit ist ein weiterer Grund, warum diese Epen als Vergleichsmaterial hinzugezogen wurden. Dadurch lassen sich Merkmale der Oralität anschaulicher illusstrieren. Zudem fügt sich die Untersuchung gut in die jüngst von Harald Haferland (2004) eröffnete Diskussion ein: Haferland unterscheidet zwischen improvisierender und memorierender Mündlichkeit. Er vertritt die These, dass sich die Varianz in der Nibelungenlied-Überlieferung aus den Gegebenheiten memorierender Mündlichkeit erkläre. Die Analyse der Makro-Variation stützt sich auf die Methode des russischen Wissenschaftlers Viktor Zhirmunskij (1960; 1973) und unterscheidet die Varianten nach Umfang, Form, Inhalt und Motivstruktur. Die Analyse der Mikro-Variation geht von der Methode Joachim Bumkes (1996) aus, die er auf die Klage-Handschriften anwendete. Bumke unterscheidet zwischen Bearbeitungen und Fassungen anhand der Abweichungen in der Textstruktur, -folge und Formulierungen. Diese Methoden sollen helfen anhand vergleichender Analysen zu erhellen, inwiefern die Nibelungenlied-Handschriften von den rein mündlichen Alpamys-Varianten abweichen. Des weiteren untersucht die Arbeit das Nibelungenlied nach sogenannten mündlichen Kompositionsmitteln - Formeln und Erzählschablonen -, aber auch Wiederholungen werden getrennt besprochen, um zwischen Formeln und Wiederholungen in der Mündlichkeit zu unterscheiden. Methodisch geht der Ansatz von der "Oral-Formulaic Theory" Milmann Parrys und Albert Lords aus. Durch einen Vergleich des Nibelungenliedes mit dem Alpamys anhand dieser Mittel ist es möglich geworden, das Ausmaß der mündlichen Kompositionsmittel in den jeweiligen Traditionen festzustellen: Darin sind sie einander nicht gelichzusetzen. Inkonsistenzen oder Widersprüche im Motiv- und Textgefüge sind sowohl im Nibelungenlied als auch im Alpamys vorhanden. Anhand der Analyse der sechs Varianten des Alpamys wird deutlich, dass Inkonsistenzen in einer Variante durch entsprechende Szenen/Episoden in einer anderen Variante durchaus geklärt werden können. Auf diese Weise ließ sich nachweisen, wodurch Inkonsistenzen im Alpamys allgemein bedingt sein könnten. Möglicherweise liegen die Erklärungen für widersprüchliche Stellen bzw. Inkonsistenzen im Nibelungenlied in dessen Vorstufen bzw. in der Nibelungenüberlieferung


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    Abstract. Regular monitoring of the cardiovascular system is necessary not only for individuals predisposed to heart and vascular diseases, but is also of particular importance for persons with congenital diseases of other systems. One of the factors that could affect the normal development of the cardiovascular system may be congenital or early acquired hearing pathology. It should be noted that the age-related physiological characteristics of hemodynamic parameters may differ in individuals with varying degrees of hearing loss. Measurement of hemodynamic parameters in real time in young people with varying degrees of hearing loss in two age groups revealed deviations from the indicators of the control group, as well as between the indicators in different age groups. A number of hemodynamic parameters were analyzed, such as: blood pressure, heart rate, stroke volume, stroke volume index, cardiac output,cardiac index, systemic vascular resistance, systemic vascular resistance index, blood flow integral, ejection time, etc. We obtained significantly higher values of hemodynamic parameters and low values of systemic vascular resistance inindividuals with mild and moderate degree of hearing loss. The effect of arterial stiffness on hemodynamic parameters in patients with severe hearing loss was noted. These studies can be used for medical examinations of students, persons with disabilities; primary admission by a cardiologist of persons with concomitant diseases; functional diagnostics in sports medicine (among professional athletes, amateurs, participants of the Paralympic Games).Keywords: Diagnosis, cardiovascular system, hemodynamics, cardiac output, ultrasound methods

    Antioxidants as analytes in analytical chemistry

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    Procedures for the determination of individual antioxidants of different nature in biological materials with the use of electrochemical, chromatographic, spectrochemical, and other methods were considered. The main performance characteristics of these procedures are presented. © 2005 Pleiades Publishing, Inc

    Natural phenolic antioxidants in bioanalytical chemistry: State of the art and prospects of development

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    © 2015 Russian Academy of Sciences and Turpion Ltd. Published data of the last decade on the chemical analysis and related problems of investigation of phenolic antioxidants as components of complex biomedical and food objects are generalized. The physicochemical properties of these compounds are presented in accordance with the up-to-date classification of their structures. Particular attention is paid to the development of new and advancement of traditional methods for determination of natural phenolic antioxidants in relation to public health protection problems. The interdisciplinary character of the considered problems is emphasized and the ways for problem solution are outlined

    Coulometry in antioxidant analysis

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    Methods for coulometric determination of individual antioxidants in model solutions, pharmaceuticals, and human biological fluids using electrogenerated halogens as titrants are proposed. The RSD of determination are 0.01-0.09. Stoichiometric coefficients of the antioxidants reaction with electrogenerated halogens are established and possible mechanisms of this interactions are discussed

    Complex electrochemical and impedimetric evaluation of DNA damage by using DNA biosensor based on a carbon screen-printed electrode

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    DNA biosensor (DNA/SWCNT-COOH-CHIT/SPCE) composed of dsDNA adsorptive layer on a carboxylated single-walled carbon nanotubes-chitosan composite deposited at a commercial carbon based screen-printed electrode has been prepared and applied to a complex investigation of damage to DNA by the Fenton type cleavage agent (hydroxyl radicals formed in the mixture of Cu2+, H 2O2 and ascorbic acid) and copper(ii)-quercetin system in 0.1 M PBS pH 7.0 under aerobic conditions. The dsDNA damage detection is performed by using square-wave voltammetry (SWV), cyclic voltammetry (CV) and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) in 1 × 10-7 M thioridazine and 1 × 10-3 M K4[Fe(CN) 6]/K3Fe(CN)6 in the 0.1 M phosphate buffer solution, pH 7.0. Initial enhancement of the intrinsic guanine and adenine moieties SWV response over that of original dsDNA one indicates opening of the helix structure in the first stage of damage. At the same time, decrease in the intercalated thioridazine response confirms damage of the helix structure in parallel to deep degradation of the DNA chain and its removal from the electrode surface as indicated by the CV and EIS measurements in the presence of the [Fe(CN)6]3-/4- redox indicator in solution. © 2011 The Royal Society of Chemistry