1,338 research outputs found

    Characterization of Acoustic Resonance in a High Pressure Sodium Lamp

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    With the last decades, the high pressure sodium (HPS) lamp has been supplied in high frequency in order to increase the efficacy of the lamp/ballast system. However, at some given frequencies, standing acoustic waves, namely acoustic resonance (AR), might develop in the burner and cause lamp luminous fluctuation, extinction and destruction in the most serious case. As we seek for a control method to detect and avoid the lamp AR some main characteristics of the acoustic resonances in a 150W HPS lamp are presented in this paper,. The first one is the characteristic of the lamp AR threshold power, the second one is the differences between forward and backward frequency scanning effects during lamp open loop operation. Thirdly, lamp AR behaviour in closed loop operation with an LCC half bridge inverter will be presented and leads to a new point of view and a change in the choice of the AR detection method. These characteristics allow us to further understand the AR and to better control the lamp

    Disputes in the Digital era : the evolution of dispute resolution and the model ODR system

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    Le sujet de la thĂšse est la rĂ©solution en ligne des litiges (ODR) et l'objectif de la thĂšse est de proposer un modĂšle de systĂšme ODR basĂ© sur l'expĂ©rience du mouvement de rĂ©solution des diffĂ©rends. ODR n’est pas un phĂ©nomĂšne isolĂ© de ces derniers temps, mais en raison de l'Ă©volution des conflits et la rĂ©solution des diffĂ©rends. Initialement, les diffĂ©rends survenus entre les parties Ă  la proximitĂ© gĂ©ographique et pour laquelle les tribunaux traditionnels sont le principal moyen de rĂ©solution. Cependant, comme les gens ont commencĂ© Ă  voyager de plus grandes distances et de communiquer de loin, les conflits ont Ă©voluĂ© comme ils ont augmentĂ© en nombre, sont devenus frontiĂšre plus complexe et de plus en plus transversale. RĂ©solution des diffĂ©rends Ă©voluĂ©s en rĂšglement des diffĂ©rends parallĂšle et alternatif (ADR) a Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©e. Cependant, les conflits ont Ă©voluĂ© une fois de plus quand le monde est entrĂ© dans l'Ăšre numĂ©rique. Non seulement les conflits sont devenus encore plus transfrontalier, mais de nouveaux conflits sont apparus qui proviennent exclusivement dans le cyberespace. Afin de satisfaire aux exigences de l'Ăšre numĂ©rique, la rĂ©solution des diffĂ©rends fit sortir le concept de l'ODR. ODR est nĂ©e de la combinaison de l'ADR et de la technologie de l'information et de la communication (TIC) de l'Ăšre numĂ©rique. D'autres moyens de rĂšglement des diffĂ©rends ont Ă©tĂ© transfĂ©rĂ©s dans le monde virtuel et ont donnĂ© naissance Ă  la rĂ©solution des litiges en ligne. ADR et ODR sont examinĂ©s largement, et l'examen comprend leurs concepts, leur origine, les principales formes de nĂ©gociation, de mĂ©diation et d'arbitrage et leurs Ă©quivalents en ligne, ainsi que leurs avantages et leurs inconvĂ©nients. La thĂšse illustre l'Ă©volution des conflits et la rĂ©solution des diffĂ©rends de l'Ăšre analogique, lorsque la rĂ©solution des diffĂ©rends Ă©tait face Ă  face, Ă  l'Ăšre du numĂ©rique, lorsque les diffĂ©rends sont rĂ©glĂ©s dans le cyberespace. Il dĂ©montre que l'ODR est une nĂ©cessitĂ© de l'Ăšre numĂ©rique, mais aussi qu'il a le potentiel pour ĂȘtre un moyen rĂ©volutionnaire, efficace et rĂ©ussi Ă  rĂ©soudre les diffĂ©rends; d'une maniĂšre qui sera l'avenir de la rĂ©solution des diffĂ©rends. Sur la base de l'expĂ©rience accumulĂ©e par l'examen de l'Ă©volution de la rĂ©solution des diffĂ©rends et sur ? Lla base des conclusions tirĂ©es, la thĂšse formule une proposition pour le systĂšme ODR. La thĂšse dĂ©crit le systĂšme ODR, de son processus en trois Ă©tapes et la nĂ©cessitĂ© de l'arbitrage en ligne, sur le rĂ©seau ODR, la rĂ©gulation du systĂšme ODR, l'architecture technologique des fournisseurs ODR, leur financement, ainsi que les mesures nĂ©cessaires de la sensibilisation et la confiance afin que ODR remplit son plein potentiel.The subject of the thesis is Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) and the aim of the thesis is to propose a model ODR system based on the experience of the dispute resolution movement. ODR is not an isolated phenomenon of recent times but a result of the evolution of disputes and dispute resolution. Initially, disputes occurred between parties with geographical proximity and for which traditional courts were the principal way of resolution. However, as people started to travel further distances and communicate from afar, disputes evolved as they increased in number, became more complex and increasingly cross border. Dispute resolution evolved in parallel and Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) was employed. However, disputes evolved once more when the world entered into the digital era. Not only disputes became yet again increasingly cross-border, but new disputes appeared that arose solely in cyberspace. In order to satisfy the requirements of the digital era, dispute resolution brought forth the concept of ODR. ODR arose from the combination of ADR and the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) of the digital era. Alternative means of dispute resolution were transferred to the virtual world and gave birth to Online Dispute Resolution. ADR and ODR are examined extensively, and the examination includes their concepts, their origin, the main forms of negotiation, mediation and arbitration and their online equivalents, as well as their advantages and drawbacks.The thesis illustrates the evolution of disputes and dispute resolution from the “analog” era, when dispute resolution was face to face, to the “digital” era, when disputes are resolved in cyberspace. It demonstrates that ODR is a necessity of the digital era but also that it has the potential to be a revolutionary, effective and successful way to resolve disputes; a way that will be the future of dispute resolution. Based on the experience accumulated by examining the evolution of dispute resolution and based on the conclusions drawn, the thesis formulates a proposal for the ODR system. The thesis describes the ODR system, from its three step process and the necessity of online arbitration, to the ODR network, the regulation of the ODR system, the technological architecture of ODR providers, their funding, as well as the necessary steps of creating awareness and trust so that ODR fulfils its fullest potential

    CIS-acting elements controlling the expression of the human GLI3 gene

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    Die Entwicklung der Gliedmaßen ist ein komplexer Vorgang, der zahlreiche molekulare Faktoren und Signalwege involviert. Diese dirigieren wĂ€hrend der Embryogenese die Umwandlung der Gliedmaßenknospe zu den fertigen ExtremitĂ€ten. Die antero-posteriore Musterbildung wird vom SignalmolekĂŒl „sonic hedgehog“ gesteuert, das ĂŒber die GLI-Transkriptionsfaktoren die TranskriptionsaktivitĂ€t von Zielgenen reguliert. Zeit, Lokalisierung und Menge der GLI-Transkription sind von kritischer Bedeutung. Mutationen, die das Vorhandensein der notwendigen Menge dieser Faktoren in den Zellen beeinflussen oder ihre Funktion stören, können in den Gliedmaßenknospen zu Wachstumsdefekten und andernorts zur Krebsentstehung fĂŒhren. Um einen Beitrag zum Nachweis und zur funktionellen Charakterisierung von cis-regulatorischen Elementen von GLI3 und deren potentieller Bedeutung fĂŒr die PathogenitĂ€t zu liefern, wurden in dieser Dissertation drei Fragen bearbeitet: · Wie wird die Expression von humanem GLI3 reguliert? · Besitzen GLI2 und GLI3 Ă€hnliche regulatorische Elemente? · Sind Mutationen in regulatorischen Elementen von GLI3 an der PathogenitĂ€t involviert? Um letzteres vorzubereiten wurden 24 Patienten mit Gliedmaßendefekten, die als potentielle GLI3-Morphopathien klassifiziert waren, auf Punktmutationen hin untersucht. 20 FĂ€lle, bei denen keine Mutation in der kodierenden Sequenz gefunden werden konnte, sind Kandidaten fĂŒr eine Mutationssuche in cis-regulatorischen Elementen. An der Kontrolle der Transkription des GLI3-Gens sind die Promoterregion und andere cis-aktive Sequenzen, wie Enhancer, beteiligt. Ein minimaler Promotor wurde definiert und funktionell getestet. Zwei Initiationsstellen der Transkription wurden mit cDNA aus Plazenta und Skelettmuskeln identifiziert. Durch Mutagenese wurden Sequenzelemente, die an der Kontrolle der GLI3-Expression beteiligt sind, eingegrenzt. Funktionelle Studien an transgenen MĂ€usen hatten gezeigt, dass die ExpressionsdomĂ€nen von GLI2 und GLI3 in großen Bereichen ĂŒberlappen. Die transkribierte Region von GLI2 wurde im 5’-Bereich gegenĂŒber der bekannten cDNA um 1 kb nicht kodierender DNA ausgedehnt. Trotzdem konnten Sequenzvergleiche zwischen Mensch und Maus keine Homologie zwischen regulatorischen Elementen von GLI2 oder GLI3 entdecken. Die genomische Sequenz von GLI3 wurde fĂŒr evolutionĂ€re Vergleiche benutzt, um nach hochkonservierten, nicht-kodierenden Elementen zu suchen, die eventuell cis-regulatorische Elemente reprĂ€sentieren. Drei so entdeckte potentielle Enhancerelemente wurden in transient transfizierten Zellen daraufhin untersucht, ob sie die Transkription eines Reportergens unter der Kontrolle des minimalen GLI3-Promoters steuern konnten. Durch Mutagenese vorhergesagter Bindungssequenzen fĂŒr Transkriptionsfaktoren und nachfolgende Analyse der regulatorischen KapazitĂ€t der Elemente in zellulĂ€ren Reportergentests wurden funktionell besonders bedeutsame Stellen definiert. An diese Bereiche bindende Transkriptionsfaktoren, die in die Regulation von GLI3 involviert sein könnten, wie NFATp, mĂŒssen noch bestĂ€tigt werden. Die drei Elemente wurden ebenfalls auf ihre FĂ€higkeit hin untersucht, in transgenen MĂ€usen ein Reportergen zu aktivieren. In transgenen Mausembryonen konnte beobachtet werden, dass eines der potentiellen Enhancerelemente ein Expressionsmuster steuerte, das zeitlich und rĂ€umlich einem Teil des endogenen Maus-GLI3-Musters entsprach, vor allem im Gehirn, den Mandibeln, im Nasenbereich und im Herzen. Die erzielten Ergebnisse tragen zum VerstĂ€ndnis der rĂ€umlichen und zeitlichen Expressionskontrolle von GLI3 bei, dem SchlĂŒsselfaktor der „sonic hedgehog“- Signalkaskade, und verschaffen einen Einblick in die potentielle Rolle hochkonservierter, nicht-kodierender Sequenzelemente im menschlichen Genom

    Disputes in the Digital era : the evolution of dispute resolution and the model ODR system

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    Le sujet de la thĂšse est la rĂ©solution en ligne des litiges (ODR) et l'objectif de la thĂšse est de proposer un modĂšle de systĂšme ODR basĂ© sur l'expĂ©rience du mouvement de rĂ©solution des diffĂ©rends. ODR n’est pas un phĂ©nomĂšne isolĂ© de ces derniers temps, mais en raison de l'Ă©volution des conflits et la rĂ©solution des diffĂ©rends. Initialement, les diffĂ©rends survenus entre les parties Ă  la proximitĂ© gĂ©ographique et pour laquelle les tribunaux traditionnels sont le principal moyen de rĂ©solution. Cependant, comme les gens ont commencĂ© Ă  voyager de plus grandes distances et de communiquer de loin, les conflits ont Ă©voluĂ© comme ils ont augmentĂ© en nombre, sont devenus frontiĂšre plus complexe et de plus en plus transversale. RĂ©solution des diffĂ©rends Ă©voluĂ©s en rĂšglement des diffĂ©rends parallĂšle et alternatif (ADR) a Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©e. Cependant, les conflits ont Ă©voluĂ© une fois de plus quand le monde est entrĂ© dans l'Ăšre numĂ©rique. Non seulement les conflits sont devenus encore plus transfrontalier, mais de nouveaux conflits sont apparus qui proviennent exclusivement dans le cyberespace. Afin de satisfaire aux exigences de l'Ăšre numĂ©rique, la rĂ©solution des diffĂ©rends fit sortir le concept de l'ODR. ODR est nĂ©e de la combinaison de l'ADR et de la technologie de l'information et de la communication (TIC) de l'Ăšre numĂ©rique. D'autres moyens de rĂšglement des diffĂ©rends ont Ă©tĂ© transfĂ©rĂ©s dans le monde virtuel et ont donnĂ© naissance Ă  la rĂ©solution des litiges en ligne. ADR et ODR sont examinĂ©s largement, et l'examen comprend leurs concepts, leur origine, les principales formes de nĂ©gociation, de mĂ©diation et d'arbitrage et leurs Ă©quivalents en ligne, ainsi que leurs avantages et leurs inconvĂ©nients. La thĂšse illustre l'Ă©volution des conflits et la rĂ©solution des diffĂ©rends de l'Ăšre analogique, lorsque la rĂ©solution des diffĂ©rends Ă©tait face Ă  face, Ă  l'Ăšre du numĂ©rique, lorsque les diffĂ©rends sont rĂ©glĂ©s dans le cyberespace. Il dĂ©montre que l'ODR est une nĂ©cessitĂ© de l'Ăšre numĂ©rique, mais aussi qu'il a le potentiel pour ĂȘtre un moyen rĂ©volutionnaire, efficace et rĂ©ussi Ă  rĂ©soudre les diffĂ©rends; d'une maniĂšre qui sera l'avenir de la rĂ©solution des diffĂ©rends. Sur la base de l'expĂ©rience accumulĂ©e par l'examen de l'Ă©volution de la rĂ©solution des diffĂ©rends et sur ? Lla base des conclusions tirĂ©es, la thĂšse formule une proposition pour le systĂšme ODR. La thĂšse dĂ©crit le systĂšme ODR, de son processus en trois Ă©tapes et la nĂ©cessitĂ© de l'arbitrage en ligne, sur le rĂ©seau ODR, la rĂ©gulation du systĂšme ODR, l'architecture technologique des fournisseurs ODR, leur financement, ainsi que les mesures nĂ©cessaires de la sensibilisation et la confiance afin que ODR remplit son plein potentiel.The subject of the thesis is Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) and the aim of the thesis is to propose a model ODR system based on the experience of the dispute resolution movement. ODR is not an isolated phenomenon of recent times but a result of the evolution of disputes and dispute resolution. Initially, disputes occurred between parties with geographical proximity and for which traditional courts were the principal way of resolution. However, as people started to travel further distances and communicate from afar, disputes evolved as they increased in number, became more complex and increasingly cross border. Dispute resolution evolved in parallel and Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) was employed. However, disputes evolved once more when the world entered into the digital era. Not only disputes became yet again increasingly cross-border, but new disputes appeared that arose solely in cyberspace. In order to satisfy the requirements of the digital era, dispute resolution brought forth the concept of ODR. ODR arose from the combination of ADR and the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) of the digital era. Alternative means of dispute resolution were transferred to the virtual world and gave birth to Online Dispute Resolution. ADR and ODR are examined extensively, and the examination includes their concepts, their origin, the main forms of negotiation, mediation and arbitration and their online equivalents, as well as their advantages and drawbacks.The thesis illustrates the evolution of disputes and dispute resolution from the “analog” era, when dispute resolution was face to face, to the “digital” era, when disputes are resolved in cyberspace. It demonstrates that ODR is a necessity of the digital era but also that it has the potential to be a revolutionary, effective and successful way to resolve disputes; a way that will be the future of dispute resolution. Based on the experience accumulated by examining the evolution of dispute resolution and based on the conclusions drawn, the thesis formulates a proposal for the ODR system. The thesis describes the ODR system, from its three step process and the necessity of online arbitration, to the ODR network, the regulation of the ODR system, the technological architecture of ODR providers, their funding, as well as the necessary steps of creating awareness and trust so that ODR fulfils its fullest potential

    2014 Status Report on Organic Light Emitting Diodes (OLED)

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    Organic light emitting diodes (OLED) are promising candidates for general illumination, since they offer the possibility to realize large area light sources which can even be transparent and flexible. The energy-saving potential of OLEDs is similar to that of LEDs, but the two technologies differ in a number of ways. The present report introduces the basics of the OLED technologies and its latest developments. It also describe the emerging markets, industry landscape and standardisation requirementsJRC.F.7-Renewables and Energy Efficienc

    2014 Update on the Status of LED market

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    Light-emitting diodes (LEDs), a type of solid-state lighting (SSL), are revolutionizing the lighting market. In just the last few years, LED performance has accelerated quickly and a wave of new commercial, industrial and institutional LED ïŹxtures has been introduced. LED technology is fulfilling its promise of offering the market the most efficient means of converting electrons into photons.. The present report contains information on the latest technological developments concerning LED lighting. The report covers also in details the latest development in the LED markets in Europe and other key countries.JRC.F.7-Renewables and Energy Efficienc
