122 research outputs found

    Modeling Longitudinal Oscillations of Bunched Beams in Synchrotrons

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    Longitudinal oscillations of bunched beams in synchrotrons have been analyzed by accelerator physicists for decades, and a closed theory is well-known [1]. The first modes of oscillation are the coherent dipole mode, quadrupole mode, and sextupole mode. Of course, these modes of oscillation are included in the general theory, but for developing RF control systems, it is useful to work with simplified models. Therefore, several specific models are analyzed in the paper at hand. They are useful for the design of closed-loop control systems in order to reach an optimum performance with respect to damping the different modes of oscillation. This is shown by the comparison of measurement and simulation results for a specific closed-loop control system.Comment: 14 pages, 14 figure

    Zyklotronresonanzen von Ionen im hochfrequenz-modulierten magnetisch fokussierten Elektronenstrahl

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    Ein Prototyp einer Kombination aus Penningfalle und EBIS/T wurde im Rahmen dieser Arbeit entwickelt. Dazu wurde ein Standard NMR­Magnet erfolgreich so umgebaut, daß er in Bezug auf Vakuum, Temperatur und TemperaturbestĂ€ndigkeit den Erfordernissen einer EBIS/T als Ionenfalle entspricht. Diese Apparatur ermöglicht nun die Untersuchung der in der EBIS/T erzeugten Ionen mit den Methoden der 'Fallenphysik'. Die Anregung der Ionen in der Falle wurde hier erstmals durch Hochfrequenzmodulation des Elektronenstroms ĂŒber die Wehneltelektrode der Elektronenkanone durchgefĂŒhrt. Messungen haben gezeigt, daß man in der EBIS/T erzeugte Ionen selektiv nach ihrem VerhĂ€ltnis von Masse zu Ladung mit der Modulation in Resonanz bringen kann, bis sie den Elektronenstrahl verlassen. Die Ionen besitzen auch im dichten Elektronenstrahl eine charakteristische Eigenfrequenz, die zwar von der Raumladung in der Falle abhĂ€ngt, mit der jedoch trotzdem eine Resonanzanregung durchgefĂŒhrt werden kann. Im Experiment bestĂ€tigte sich die Vorhersage fĂŒr die Mindestdauer der Anregung in der GrĂ¶ĂŸenordnung von Mikrosekunden und fĂŒr Relaxionszeiten der kohĂ€renten Ionenbewegungen im Bereich von Millisekunden, was eine grundsĂ€tzliche Voraussetzung fĂŒr eine resonante Separation verschiedener Ionensorten darstellt. Die auftretenden Eigenfrequenzen der unterschiedlichen Ionen lassen sich theoretisch und im Einklang mit numerischen Simulationen beschreiben. Die Anregung der Eigenfrequenzen von Ionen ĂŒber den Elektronenstrahl funktioniert bis zu so hohen Ionendichten, wie sie in einer EBIS vorkommen. Ionenmanipulationen, wie man sie von den Penningfallen her kennt, lassen sich auf ein Ionenensemble mit bis zu 10 10 Ionen pro cm 3 ĂŒbertragen. Die gemessenen Verschiebungen der Eigenfrequenzen gegenĂŒber der Zyklotronfrequenz geben darĂŒber hinaus Aufschluß ĂŒber den Kompensationsgrad des Elektronenstrahls in der EBIS/T und können damit als wichtiges Diagnosehilfsmittel fĂŒr die Optimierung von Elektronenstrahl­Ionenquellen verwendet werden. LĂ€ĂŸt man die Resonanzanregung kontinuierlich einwirken, so tritt ĂŒberraschenderweise eine Erhöhung des Anteils an hochgeladenen Ionen in der EBIS/T auf. DarĂŒberhinaus konnte experimentell gezeigt werden, daß die hochgeladenen Ionen auf der Achse des Elektronenstrahls konzentriert werden, wĂ€hrend niedrig geladene Ionenen dort verschwinden und bevorzugt den Ă€ußeren Strahlbereich bevölkern. Die ErklĂ€rung dafĂŒr ist, daß durch kontinuierliches Entfernen dieser niedrig geladenen Ionen aus dem Elektronenstrahl eine vollstĂ€ndige Kompensation der Raumladung des Elektronenstrahls verhindert wird. Dadurch lassen sich Ionen in der Ionenquelle ĂŒber einen lĂ€ngeren Zeitraum zĂŒchten. Vorteilhafterweise drĂ€ngt die Anregung ĂŒber eine Modulation des Elektronenstrahls ­ im Gegensatz zu der normalen Dipolanregung ­ bevorzugt niedrig geladenen Ionen, mit grĂ¶ĂŸerer Aufenthaltswahrscheinlichkeit am Rand, aus dem Elektronenstrahl. Dies fĂŒhrt zu einer verstĂ€rkten Coulomb­KĂŒhlung der hochgeladenen Ionen und konzentriert diese in der Mitte des Strahls, wo die Anregung fast unwirksam ist. Diese KĂŒhlkraft wirkt als Zusammenspiel der attraktiven radialen Kraft des nicht vollstĂ€ndig raumladungskompensierten Elektronenstrahls und der CoulombstĂ¶ĂŸe der Ionen untereinander. Durch diese Methode der KĂŒhlung der Ionen untereinander können verstĂ€rkt Ionen hoher LadungszustĂ€nde in der Ionenquelle konzentriert werden. Der Vorgang der KĂŒhlung durch CoulombstĂ¶ĂŸe konnte mit einem Modell beschrieben werden, bei dem die thermische Verteilung aller Ionen im Elektronenstrahl einer Boltzmann­ Verteilung folgt. Das Modell benutzt vier KrĂ€fte: die magnetische Kraft, die elektrische Haltekraft des Elektronenstrahls, die periodische elektrische Anregungskraft und die Reibung der Ionen proportional zu ihrer Geschwindigkeit und ihres Ladungszustandes bzw. die StĂ¶ĂŸe der Ionen untereinander. Die Resonanzanregung im Raumladungspotential sowie die Aufenthaltsverteilung der Ionen im Elektronenstrahl konnten damit dargestellt werden. FĂŒr PrĂ€zisionsexperimente an hochgeladenen Ionen bietet sich die Kombination aus einer EBIS/T mit integrierter Penningfalle an. Die Experimente haben gezeigt, daß es möglich ist, Ionenspektren mit einem eingekoppelten Wechselfeld in dem Ionisationsraum der EBIS/T zu separieren und zu reinigen. FĂŒr die Zukunft wĂŒnscht man sich aber eine grĂ¶ĂŸere EffektivitĂ€t fĂŒr das vollstĂ€ndige Entfernen bestimmter Ionensorten. Dies kann man erreichen, indem man den Elektronenstrahl noch dichter mit der Ionisationsröhre umschließt. Durch die kontinuierliche Resonanzanregung profitiert man von einer lĂ€ngeren Einschlußzeit fĂŒr die stufenweise Ionisierung zu höheren LadungszustĂ€nden und/oder eröffnet Elektronenstrahl­Ionenquellen neue Einsatzmöglichkeiten unter schlechteren Vakuumbedingungen. Die verstĂ€rkte KĂŒhlung und Zentrierung der Ionen auf der Achse wĂ€hrend dieses Betriebsmodus verbessert die Emmitanz von Elektronenstrahl­Ionenquellen. FĂŒr die Zukunft kann man sich eine EBIS mit moduliertem Elektronenstrahl auch im Strahlweg niederenergetischer hochgeladener Ionen zum Verbessern deren Emittanz vorstellen. Die im Elektronenstrahl erzeugten und sich selbst kĂŒhlenden Ionen wirken durch CoulombstĂ¶ĂŸe als KĂŒhlmedium ohne die Gefahr der Umladung wie bei gasgefĂŒllten hf­Quadrupolen

    Morphological variation in the metatarsal bones of selected recent and pre-pastoral humans from South Africa

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    PhD - ScienceThe study of the human metatarsals reveals frequent morphological variations from the typical descriptions. Pathologies of these bones in contemporary humans are common, and it has been suggested that some of these may be associated with some of these variants. Within this context, it was not clear to what extent footwear and other environmental factors such as modern substrates have influenced metatarsal morphology. This study essentially consists of three parts. First a preliminary morphometric study of the first, second and fifth metatarsals, to demonstrate the broad patterns of discrimination between selected hominoidea, namely humans, gorillas, chimpanzees and orangutans. In addition, the SKX 5017 first metatarsal fossil thought to be of Paranthropus robustus was included. Second, a primary morphometric investigation into the patterns of morphological discrimination in the five metatarsals of selected humans from South Africa, namely Sotho, Zulu, European and pre-pastoral subgroups. The contemporary human subgroups are associated with modern lifestyles and the pre-pastoral individuals represent habitually unshod forager societies from the western and southern Cape, dated 9750 - 2000 B.P. Third, a non-metric investigation into the patterns of variation in epigenetic and pathological variants of the metatarsus of the four human subgroups. A suite of existing metrical data was utilized for the preliminary hominoid study, and a suite of metrical and non-metrical data was collected for the primary human study from appropriate skeletal collections. Univariate analysis of these iv samples revealed important, though simplistic trends in morphology. Subsequent multivariate analyses utilizing principal components and canonical variates analysis were undertaken. Multivariate analysis of the hominoid samples revealed large scale variation between the species. This discrimination was on the basis of genetics, locomotor function and geography. Multivariate analysis of the human metrical data revealed very subtle morphological discrimination within and between the subgroups. Most of this discrimination appears to be genetic, followed by a functional or life-style based discrimination suggesting a broad discrimination between recent humans and the habitually unshod pre-pastoral subgroup. The epigenetic traits reveal considerable variation within groups, with similar trends between them. All subgroups have an appreciable number of identifiable pathological changes, with the recent human subgroups having the most and the prepastoral subgroup the least. In all subgroups, the hallucal metatarsal displays by far the greatest frequency in osseous modification. The main conclusions of this study are: 1.) The general patterns of morphological discrimination between the metatarsals of the human subgroups are very subtle. The non-metric traits are very variable, but do not discriminate between any of the subgroups. 2.) Both recent and ancient human groups present with similar patterns of pathological changes, but the frequency is different, these changes are to a great extent influenced by lifestyle. Regardless of temporal context, no clear correlation between morphological variation and pathological changes could be found

    An evergreen mind and a heart for the colors of fall

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    With the finest biochemical and molecular approaches, convincing explorative strategies, and long-term vision, Stefan Hörtensteiner succeeded in elucidating the biochemical pathway responsible for chlorophyll degradation. After having contributed to the identification of key chlorophyll degradation products in the course of the past 25 years, he gradually identified and characterized most of the crucial players in the PAO/phyllobilin degradation pathway of chlorophyll. He was one of the brightest plant biochemists of his generation, and his work opened doors to a better understanding of plant senescence, tetrapyrrole homeostasis, and their complex regulation. He sadly passed away on 5 December 2020, aged 57

    Recent origin of low trabecular bone density in modern humans

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    Humans are unique, compared with our closest living relatives (chimpanzees) and early fossil hominins, in having an enlarged body size and lower limb joint surfaces in combination with a relatively gracile skeleton (i.e., lower bone mass for our body size). Some analyses have observed that in at least a few anatomical regions modern humans today appear to have relatively low trabecular density, but little is known about how that density varies throughout the human skeleton and across species or how and when the present trabecular patterns emerged over the course of human evolution. Here, we test the hypotheses that (i) recent modern humans have low trabecular density throughout the upper and lower limbs compared with other primate taxa and (ii) the reduction in trabecular density first occurred in early Homo erectus, consistent with the shift toward a modern human locomotor anatomy, or more recently in concert with diaphyseal gracilization in Holocene humans. We used peripheral quantitative CT and microtomography to measure trabecular bone of limb epiphyses (long bone articular ends) in modern humans and chimpanzees and in fossil hominins attributed to Australopithecus africanus, Paranthropus robustus/early Homo from Swartkrans, Homo neanderthalensis, and early Homo sapiens. Results show that only recent modern humans have low trabecular density throughout the limb joints. Extinct hominins, including pre-Holocene Homo sapiens, retain the high levels seen in nonhuman primates. Thus, the low trabecular density of the recent modern human skeleton evolved late in our evolutionary history, potentially resulting from increased sedentism and reliance on technological and cultural innovations

    Earliest hominin cancer: 1.7-million-year old osteosarcoma from Swartkrans Cave, South Africa

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    The reported incidence of neoplasia in the extinct human lineage is rare, with only a few confirmed cases of Middle or Later Pleistocene dates reported. It has generally been assumed that premodern incidence of neoplastic disease of any kind is rare and limited to benign conditions, but new fossil evidence suggests otherwise. We here present the earliest identifiable case of malignant neoplastic disease from an early human ancestor dated to 1.8–1.6 million years old. The diagnosis has been made possible only by advances in 3D imaging methods as diagnostic aids. We present a case report based on re-analysis of a hominin metatarsal specimen (SK 7923) from the cave site of Swartkrans in the Cradle of Humankind, South Africa. The expression of malignant osteosarcoma in the Swartkrans specimen indicates that whilst the upsurge in malignancy incidence is correlated with modern lifestyles, there is no reason to suspect that primary bone tumours would have been any less frequent in ancient specimens. Such tumours are not related to lifestyle and often occur in younger individuals. As such, malignancy has a considerable antiquity in the fossil record, as evidenced by this specimen

    Locomotor variability in Sterkfontein Member 4: Analysis of the external shape and internal bone structure of the StW 562 and StW 595 first metatarsals

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    Recent fossil discoveries have highlighted the diversity of foot morphology among fossil hominins. However, determining whether such morphological differences can be interpreted as a signal of substantively different gaits and/or contributions of arboreal locomotion to a species’ behavioural repertoire is unclear. Here, we address this question of behavioural diversity in two fossil first metatarsals from Member 4 of Sterkfontein that differ in their external morphology: StW 562 and StW 595. We analyse external shape using landmark based geometric morphometrics and the internal structure using cross sectional geometry and whole-bone analysis of cortical and trabecular bone structure in StW 562, StW 595, and a comparative sample of humans (N=7), chimpanzees (N=14), bonobos (N=9), gorillas (N=7) and orangutans (N=11). Results of the shape analysis support previous descriptions with both fossil metatarsals being intermediate in shape between humans and extant great apes, with StW 562 more similar to the human sample and StW 595 more similar to extant apes. Cross-sectional geometric analysis demonstrates that StW 562 shares a robust shaft with humans and African apes, whereas StW 595 has a low bending rigidity and cross-sectional area, similar to the less robust orangutans. The pattern of distribution of cortical and trabecular bone differs between these fossils, adding further evidence of morphological and perhaps functional diversity. These results suggest two foot morphotypes may be present in specimens from Sterkfontein Member 4. Future work will further explore the potential biomechanical implications of these differing morphologies and the taxonomic affiliation of these two specimens

    A digital beam-phase control system for a heavy-ion synchrotron with a double-harmonic cavity system

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    For the new Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) at GSI Helmholtzzentrum fĂŒr Schwerionenforschung GmbH (http://www.gsi.de), the heavy ion synchrotron SIS18 will be operated with a double harmonic cavity system. The second cavity, running at twice the fundamental frequency, is used to create a lengthened bucket which introduces nonlinearities to the control system. To damp longitudinal rigid dipole oscillations a digital feedback system consisting of a filter and an integrator is used. For the existing single-harmonic setup an FIR-filter is implemented which realizes a multiple bandpass filter with the first passband centre frequency close to the synchrotron frequency. Both, the feedback gain and the passband frequency of the filter depend on the actual value of the synchrotron frequency. It was shown by simulations and in an experiment that this setup can be transferred to a double-harmonic cavity system obtaining similar results for the region of stabilizing feedback parameters, if the oscillation frequency of the bunch barycenter is considered instead of the synchrotron frequency of a linearized bucket

    Generation of RF Frequency and Phase References on the FAIR Site

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    Based on the Bunch Phase Timing System (BuTiS) local analog radio frequency reference signals (RF references) like the particle revolution frequency and their multiple harmonics will be generated. These references are used to control the phase of the accelerator cavities to altering harmonics of the bunch revolution frequency. Delay or phase shifts from the FAIR-Center to references at the BuTiS endpoints are already compensated by the BuTiS receivers. Phase shifts from the RF reference generators to LLRF electronics can be compensated by controlling the output phases of the DDS modules of the RF references. However phase shift delays of multiple harmonics at the same interconnecting electrical path are not identical at the same time. Configurable electronics manage phase calibration of the RF references to their endpoints. Calibration may depend on frequency and harmonic of the RF reference, aging as well as on thermal effects. The electrical length and impedance of interconnecting cables for phase control loops can be compensated. This is an important feature, in particular if control loops are switched between different harmonic frequencies
