1,221 research outputs found

    The biology of Simulium noelleri and Simulium dolini: morphological, ecological and molecular data

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    Molecular genetic research has revolutionized the taxonomy and systematics of the Simuliidae family. Simulium noelleri Friederichs, 1920 is a species of blackfly, common in the Holarctic, reported for 33 countries. In 1954, Topchiev recorded it in Ukraine for the first time. Simulium dolini Usova et Sukhomlin, 1989 has been recorded at the borders of Ukraine and Belarus. It was described for the first time by Usova and Sukhomlin in 1989 from the collection from the territory of Volyn region in 1985. Usova and Sukhomlin, Yankovsky, Adler state that S. noelleri and S. dolini are different species by the morphological characteristics that differ in all phases of development. Adults differ in the structure of the genital appendages, palps, the margin and shape of the face and forehead, the colour of the legs; the larva – in the pattern on the frontal capsule, the number of rays in the fans, mandibular teeth and the hypostoma, the structure of the hind organ of attachment; pupae – in the branching way of gills. Molecular data are becoming an increasingly important tool in insect taxonomy. Therefore, we had to check that these two closely related species also have genetic difference. The development of S. noelleri and S. dolini was studied in four small rivers of Volyn region, Ukraine (Chornohuzka, Konopelka, Putylivka, Omelyanivka) in the period from 2017 to 2019. During initial processing of insect samples, we used the standard protocols EPPO PM7/129. We obtained the nucleotide sequence of S. dolini. It was proved that the populations of S. noelleri and S. dolini from medium and small rivers of Volyn differ in biological, morphological, behavioural and genetic characteristics. Comparison of the species S. noelleri with the data of the GenBank confirms the identification of three distinct morphotypes from Volyn, Great Britain and Canada. As a result of the conducted researches, it was confirmed that two close species of S. dolini and S. noelleri from the noelleri species group differ in the structure of mitochondrial DNA, which confirms their independent taxonomic status. Additional studies comprising more individuals from larger areas of Europe are required to verify the taxonomic position of these two species

    Providing tire stiffness tests in LMS Virtual.Lab-Imagine.Lab AMESim co-simulation

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    Tire stretched string model creating and stiffness tests performance are discussed. Main emphasis is put on the possibility of using data of string modal decomposition (string eigen forms and eigen frequencies) obtained from ABAQUS and co-simulation with Imagine.Lab AMESim which provide tuning of represented model. Also comparison of virtual simulated tests with real tests is performed.Рассмотрено создание струнной модели растяжения шины и проведено ее испытание на жесткость. Главный акцент сделан на возможности использования данных для струнной модели из программы ABAQUS и на проведении совместного моделирования с помощью программы Imagine.Lab AMESim, которая обеспечивает настройку представленную модель. Выполнено сравнение результатов проведенного моделирования с результатами реальных тестов

    The Spatial-Kinematic Structure of the Region of Massive Star Formation S255N on Various Scales

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    The results of a detailed analysis of SMA, VLA, and IRAM observations of the region of massive star formation S255N in CO(2---1), \nh, \nhh, \co and some other lines is presented. Combining interferometer and single-dish data has enabled a more detailed investigation of the gas kinematics in the moleclar core on various spatial scales. There are no signs of rotation or isotropic compression on the scale of the region as whole. The largest fragments of gas (\approx0.3 pc) are located near the boundary of the regions of ionized hydrogen S255 and S257. Some smaller-scale fragments are associated with protostellar clumps. The kinetic temperatures of these fragments lie in the range 10---80 K. A circumstellar torus with inner radius Rin_{in} \approx 8000 AU and outer radius Rout_{out} 12 000 AU has been detected around the clump SMA1. The rotation profile indicates the existence of a central object with mass \approx 8.5/ sin 2 (i) M_\odot . SMA1 is resolved into two clumps, SMA1---NE and SMA1---SE, whose temperatures are \approx150 K and \approx25 K, respectively. To all appearances, the torus is involved in the accretion of surrounding gas onto the two protostellar clumps

    Validity of abundances derived from spaxel spectra of the MaNGA survey

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    We measured the emission lines in the spaxel spectra of MaNGA galaxies in order to determine the abundance distributions therein. It has been suggested that the strength of the low-ionization lines, R_2, N_2, and S_2 may be increased (relative to Balmer lines) in (some) spaxel spectra of the MaNGA survey due to a contribution of the radiation of the diffuse ionized gas. Consequently, the abundances derived from the spaxel spectra through strong-line methods may suffer from large errors. We examined this expectation by comparing the behaviour of the line intensities and the abundances estimated through different calibrations for slit spectra of HII regions in nearby galaxies, for fibre spectra from the SDSS, and for spaxel spectra of the MaNGA survey. We found that the S_2 strength is increased significantly in the fibre and spaxel spectra. The mean enhancement changes with metallicity and can be as large as a factor of 2. The mean distortion of R_2 and N_2 is less than a factor of 1.3. This suggests that Kaufmann et al.'s demarcation line between AGNs and HII regions in the BPT diagram is a useful criterion to reject spectra with significantly distorted strengths of the N_2 and R_2 lines. We find that the three-dimensional R calibration, which uses the N_2 and R_2 lines, produces reliable abundances in the MaNGA galaxies. The one-dimensional N2 calibration produces either reliable or wrong abundances depending on whether excitation and N/O abundance ratio in the target region (spaxel) are close to or differ from those parameters in the calibrating points located close to the calibration relation. We then determined abundance distributions within the optical radii in the discs of 47 MaNGA galaxies. The optical radii of the galaxies were estimated from the surface brightness profiles constructed based on the MaNGA observations.Comment: 19 pages, 15 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Multi-frequency Studies of Massive Cores with Complex Spatial and Kinematic Structures

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    Five regions of massive star formation have been observed in various molecular lines in the frequency range 8589\sim 85-89 GHz. The studied regions possess dense cores, which host young stellar objects. The physical parameters of the cores are estimated, including kinetic temperatures (2040\sim 20-40 K), sizes of the emitting regions (0.10.6\sim 0.1-0.6 pc), and virial masses (40500M\sim 40-500 M_{\odot}). Column densities and abundances of various molecules are calculated in the local thermodynamical equilibrium approximation. The core in 99.982+4.17, associated with the weakest IRAS source, is characterized by reduced molecular abundances. Molecular line widths decrease with increasing distance from the core centers (bb). For b\ga 0.1~pc, the dependences ΔV(b)\Delta V(b) are close to power laws (bp\propto b^{-p}), where pp varies from 0.2\sim 0.2 to 0.5\sim 0.5, depending on the object. In four cores, the asymmetries of the optically thick HCN(1--0) and HCO+^+(1--0) lines indicate systematic motions along the line of sight: collapse in two cores and expansion in two others. Approximate estimates of the accretion rates in the collapsing cores indicate that the forming stars have masses exceeding the solar mass.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figures, 6 table


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    The article comprises the main principles of interlocking intramedullary metallic-polymeric nailing (IIMPN) and the experience of its implementation in 1200 cases of shaft fractures during the period of 40 years. Three generations of metallic-polymeric nails and techniques for closed, semi-closed and open IIMPN were designed. The nails can successfully be interlocked with proximal and distal bone fragments without an intraoperative X-ray control. Therefore, the operation can be made in any hospital capable of surgical treatment of fractures. Unlike interlocking metallic nailing, the dynamic variant of IIMPN makes the additional operation of dynamization unnecessary. CMPN-3 and CMPN-2 nails have options of intraoperative axial and lateromedial compression between fragments, which is impossible in interlocking metallic nailing. The carving conjunction between screws and polymer, which flexibility is close to that of the bone, excludes critical concentration of tensions and considerable dynamic loadings, and therefore prevents fractures of the interlocking screws. Good follow-up results were obtained in 94.2% patients.The article comprises the main principles of interlocking intramedullary metallic-polymeric nailing (IIMPN) and the experience of its implementation in 1200 cases of shaft fractures during the period of 40 years. Three generations of metallic-polymeric nails and techniques for closed, semi-closed and open IIMPN were designed. The nails can successfully be interlocked with proximal and distal bone fragments without an intraoperative X-ray control. Therefore, the operation can be made in any hospital capable of surgical treatment of fractures. Unlike interlocking metallic nailing, the dynamic variant of IIMPN makes the additional operation of dynamization unnecessary. CMPN-3 and CMPN-2 nails have options of intraoperative axial and lateromedial compression between fragments, which is impossible in interlocking metallic nailing. The carving conjunction between screws and polymer, which flexibility is close to that of the bone, excludes critical concentration of tensions and considerable dynamic loadings, and therefore prevents fractures of the interlocking screws. Good follow-up results were obtained in 94.2% patients

    The biology of Simulium erythrocephalum and S. chelevini (Diptera, Simuliidae): Morpho-logical, ecological and molecular data

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    The subgenus Boophthora is a typical Palearctic taxon, which includes only 6 species, among them. Simulium erythrocephalum has a transpalearctic distribution. In Europe, Adler notes only the species S. erythrocephalum, and Yankovsky – two species S. (Boophthora) erythrocephalum and S. (Boophthora) chelevini. According to morphological characteristics, these species differ in their life stages. We have studied the development of S. erythrocephalum and S. chelevini from three rivers of Volyn region, Ukraine (Styr, Chornoguzka, Putylivka) from 2017 to 2019. We used the EPPO PM7 / 129 standard. Collected samples, 615-bp fragments of the COI gene were sequenced from five individuals of S. erythrocephalum and five individuals of S. chelevini and compared with four samples of S. erythrocephalum from the GenBank. We obtained the nucleotide sequence of S. chelevini. All of the S. erythrocephalum samples from Ukraine had 692 bases, the S. erythrocephalum samples from Armenia had 673 bases. S. erythrocephalum and S. chelevini did not have any intraspecific variations. These intraspecific variations were not larger than the interspecific variations. It has been proved that the populations of S. erythrocephalum and S. chelevini from medium and small rivers of Volyn do not differ in biological, behavioural and genetic characteristics. Comparison of S. erythrocephalum and S. chelevini life stages showed clear differences in 20 morphological features, which are probably manifestations of phenotypic variability. Comparison of species with data from the GenBank from Spain and Armenia on the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) gene confirmed the opinion that S. erythrocephalum and S. chelevini are one species. On the phylogenetic tree, the data are not grouped, there is no clear separation of the clades. Bootstrap values are 95–100%, which may indicate a significant similarity of all studied samples and the lack of isolation of individual morphotypes from Volyn, Spain and Armenia. To finally confirm the taxonomic position of these two species, additional research is needed covering more individuals from different parts of Europe and analysis of more genes

    Многоканальные системы автоматизированного измерения давления в аэродинамическом эксперименте

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    Викладені проблеми експериментальних досліджень в аеродинамічних трубах спрямоване на одночасне вимірюванням тиску повітря в розподілених отворах на моделях літальних апаратів і в струменях двигунів. Розглянута постановка задачі, багатоканальні засоби, інформаційно - вимірювальні системи, вимірювальні системи, первина обробка, визначення функції перетворення датчиків тиску, сумарні характеристики та алгоритми кожного етапу експериментальних досліджень.A significant part of the experimental investigations (EI) in wind tunnels (WT) aimed at simultaneous measurement of air pressure at distributed points as in the WT, and aircraft models (AM) and in jet engines. In this regard, the actual problem is creation of means and methods for simultaneous measurement of pressure as discussed in the work. The first method. The holes of the selection pressure pneumatic tracks (PT) are connected to the pressure sensor (PS), which are connected to the channels of the measuring system (MS). In this MS apply precision instrumentation programmable filter, communication interface with computer and time measurement for channel ≤40ms. The cost of this MS is high, even for 16 channels measurement interval ≥640ms, which for most of the EI is not acceptable. The second method is the use of electro-mechanical pneumatic switches (EMPS). For example, in EMPS type PS-180/ 300/ 420 continuously rotating the rotor of the switching node with a phase shift connects PT to PS, synchronously with the time of establishment of pressure measurement is performed. The third method is the use of mobile pneumatic modules with interface for the transmission of real-time experimental data (ED) in MS. Such devices, for example, can be up to 16 with the number of measured channels and 256. The proposed unified information-MS (IMS), which can be implemented on different hardware and software platforms (VME, PC/104, MicroPC, etc.). Processing. Is calculated, sorted and stored value of the absolute and relative pressure pulsations of velocity head. Determine the mean value and standard error. Normal distribution was confirmed by ED Pearson criterion X = 7.13 at the significance level Y = 0.95. Statistical reproducibility of ED is confirmed by the criterion of Cochran, assess the homogeneity and error. Is determined by the Reynolds number based on the physical parameters in the WT. The accuracy of the ED algorithm provides operational control of IMS. The transformation function PS is defined in terms of the polynomial. In difficult cases it is necessary to use D-optimal plans experiment. The coefficients of longitudinal and normal components of aerodynamic force, the coefficient of longitudinal moment, the relative position of the center of pressure, normal and tangential components of aerodynamic forces. The problem is to compute the integral with minimum error. It is recommended to apply the Romberg method.Изложенные проблемы экспериментальных исследований в аэродинамических трубах направленных на одновременное измерением давления воздуха в распределенных отверстия на моделях летательных аппаратов и в струях двигателей. Рассмотрена постановка задачи, многоканальные средства, информационно - измерительные системы, измерительные системы, первичная обработка, определение функции преобразования датчиков давления, суммарные характеристики и алгоритмы каждого этапа экспериментальных исследований

    Біологія індивідуального розвитку

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    Видання містить понад тридцять фотографій мікропрепаратів, які вивчаються студентами-біологами на лабораторних заняттях курсу «Біологія індивідуального розвитку». Мікрофотографії охоплюють всі теми навчального курсу які передбачені навчальним планом ОКР «Бакалавр» напряму 6.040102 «Біологія». Кожному рисунку передують коментарі, наведена інформація щодо забарвлення, збільшення та позначень. Список рекомендованої літератури містить 17 джерел

    Математичні методи в біології. Статистичні таблиці та основні статистичні формули

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    Видання вміщує дванадцять статистичних таблиць та основні формули для виконання лабораторних робіт з курсу «Математичні методи в біології», передбачених навчальним планом освітнього ступеня «Бакалавр» напряму 6.040102 «Біологія». Крім того, методичні матеріали можуть бути застосовані в самостійній роботі. Більшість наведених таблиць може бути використана студентами при вивченні багатьох біологічних курсів, виконанні курсових та дипломних робіт