17 research outputs found

    ANCA-negative Churg-Strauss Syndrome

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    A rare and a disease of unknown etiology, Churg-Strauss syndrome (CSS) is a granulomatous necrotizing small vessel vasculitis characterized by the presence of asthma, sinusitis, and hypereosinophilia, which is initially described by Churg and Strauss in 1951. Because of its clinical and pathological features that overlap with those of the other anti-neutrophil antibody (ANCA)-associated systemic vasculitides (AASVs) and now the disease is classified as AASVs. The ANCA status may dictate the clinical phenotype. ANCA-positive patients are significantly more likely to have disease manifesta­tions associated with small-vessel vasculitis, including oecrotising glomemlonephritis, mononeuritis and purpura, whereas ANCA-negative cases predominantly likely to have cardiac and lung involvement. The objective of this case report is to point out the possibility of vasculitic rash in ANCA-negative CSS in a 35-year-old man and the disease rarely occurs in Bangladeshi population. We analyze the history, clinical examinations and relevant investigations related to the patient to establish the diagnosis in our department. The clinical scenario and biopsy help us to attain the diagnosis. But due to unavailability of patients' cohort we have limitations of comparison of ANCA status in Bangladeshi populations. Though ANCA-positive and ANCA-negative CSS differ phenotypically, primary therapy for both the conditions is systemic glucocorticoids. Additional immunosuppressive agents like cyclophosphamide, mycophenolate mofetil, azathioprine, rituxin1ab are occasionally added in patients with more advanced or refractory disease

    (Invited) intrinsic reliability assessment of 650V rated AlGaN/GaN based power devices:an industry perspective

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    Although astounding performance is already proven by many research papers, the widespread adoption of GaN power devices in the market is still hampered by (1) yield and reproducibility ; (2) cost ; (3) reliability. All three factors are to be considered, but to convince customers to adopt GaN power devices, proven device and product reliability is a must. Cost is kept acceptably low by growing the GaN epi stack on 6 inch and 8inch Si substrates, and by processing the GaN power device technology in standard CMOS production lines. This paper will focus on the most important intrinsic reliability mechanisms for GaN power devices. It will cover gate dielectric reliability, Ohmic contact reliability, accelerated drain stress testing (high temperature reverse bias--HTRB) and high voltage device wear-out testing (high voltage off-state stress--HVOS). Acceleration models are discussed A measurement strategy to extract valuable information about the physical properties of the buffer layers (e.g. activation energies of the traps, conduction mechanisms, \u2026) based on simple transmission line structures, is outlined

    On the photoluminescence changes induced by ageing processes on zinc white paints

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    Recent research is focusing on the study of interaction mechanisms between pigments and binders, as they are crucial for understanding paint ageing and conservation issues. In this work, we investigate these mechanisms and follow the changes induced by ageing on zinc white paint by employing Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) and Time-Resolved Photoluminescence (TRPL) spectroscopies. The two techniques, applied on thermally aged mock-up samples and on a 19th oil painting, provide complementary information on the effect of the binder on the ZnO pigment particles. The characterization of the infrared absorption spectra confirms the well-known tendency of amorphous metal carboxylate formation in zinc white paint following ageing. At the same time, the ageing of paint film produces significant changes in the photoluminescence emission from defect centres of ZnO. The emission that is mostly affected by the changes of the micro-environment is the blue band (430 nm) – associated with surface defects – whereas the green emission (530 nm) is stable. The results demonstrate that the evolution of the pigment-binder system has detectable consequences on the crystalline structure of the pigment particles and we speculate that the main cause of these modifications is the functionalization of the pigment particle surfaces. The possibility to follow crystal structure changes with time-resolved photoluminescence can thus support chemical studies on metal carboxylate formation and paint deterioration by providing information about pigment-binder interactions

    The effect of scolicidal solutions on the biliary tracts (An experimental study in rats) SKOLISIDAL AJANLARIN SAFRA YOLLARI UZERINE ETKISI (DENEYSEL CALISMA)

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    Several cases of sclerosing cholangitis have been reported after surgical treatment of hepatic hydatid disease. In these patients, hypertonic saline of formaldehyde solutions had been given into the cysts. In our country, 3% hydrogen peroxide has been frequently injected into the cyst as a scolicidal agent and there have been no reported case of sclerosing cholangitis. In this experimental study, we showed that injection of 20% hypertonic saline solution, 2% formaldehyde solution, 3% hydrogen peroxide solution and 10% hydrogen peroxide solution into the biliary tract in rats caused lesions of the biliary epithelium. As compared with 20% hypertonic saline solution, 2% formaldehyde solution and 3% H2O2 resulted in more severe lesions in the biliary epithelium and in addition, induced the development of periductal fibrosis and pseudocirrhosis. This experimental study confirms the deleterious effect of all scolicidal solutions to the biliary epithelium and the liver

    Evaluation and comparison of in vitro biocompatibility of Poly (glycolic acid) and poly (lactide-co-glycolide acid) on mature spheroids of tumorigenic and non-tumorigenic cell lines [Poliglikolik asit ve polilaktid ko-glikolid asitlerinin tümörijenik ve non-tümörijenik matür sferoidlerde i·n vitro biyouyumlulugunun degerlendirilmesi ve karşilaştmlmasi]

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    Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate and compare in vitro biocompatibility and poly(glycolic acid) (PGA) and poly(lactide-co-glycolide acid) (PLGA) on tumorigenic and non-tumorige- nic mature spheroids. Material and Methods: This is an in vitro experimental study. Tumorigenic (C6 glioma, SH-SY5Y, MDAH2774, MCF-7) and non-tumorigenic cells [CRL11372, primary osteoblasts (MCPO)] as well as their mature spheroids were cultured alone as a control group as well as in combination with PGA and PLGA. Total cell numbers, bromodeoxyuridine labeling index (BrDU-LI), apoptosis, morphology, and ultrastructure were evaluated. Results: PGA and PLGA significantly decreased the number of SH- SY5Y and C6 glioma cells; MDAH 2774 cells also decreased, but not significantly (p> 0.05). Low BrDU- LI (p< 0.05) with a high level of apoptosis (p< 0.05) at C6 glioma and a high level of BrDU-LI (p< 0.05) with a low level of apoptosis at MDAH2774 (p< 0.01) were noted. These biopolymers mostly decreased the number of CRL-11372 cells (p< 0.05), but indicated an increased apoptosis (p< 0.01) and significant BrDU- LI (p< 0.05). Biopolymers induced chromatin condensation (typical apoptotic ultrastructure) and vacuolization primarily at SH-SY5Y spheroids but rarely at MDAH-2774 spheroids. This apoptotic ultrastucture was most often observed at MCPO spheroids. PLGA and PGA induced similar BrDU-LI decreases among tumorigenic spheroids (p< 0.05), although this decrease was greater at MCF-7 (p< 0.05) in the PGA group. PGA primarily decreased BrDU-LI at CRL 11372 (p< 0.05), although the decrease was almost identical to that at MCPO for the two biopolymers (p< 0.05). A significant attachment affinity was determined at MDAH -2774 and C6 glioma spheroids. Conclusion: This study demonstrated the biocompatibility of PGA and PLGA at mature spheroids of tumorigenic and non-tumorigenic cell lines, which changed according to the cell type. © 2011 by Türkiye Klinikleri

    Chemical Constituents of Pedicularis longiflora var. tubiformis (Orobanchaceae), a Common Hemiparasitic Medicinal Herb from the Qinghai Lake Basin, China

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    Pedicularis longiflora var. tubiformis (Orobanchaceae) is an abundant parasitic herb mainly found in the Xiaopohu wetland of the Qinghai Lake Basin in Northwestern China. The species has an important local medicinal value, and in this study, we evaluated the chemical profile of its stems, leaves and seeds using mass spectrometry. Dried samples of stems, leaves and seeds were grinded, weighted, and used for a series of extractions with an ultrasonic device at room temperature. The chemical profiles for each tissue were determined using Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) and Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS). Twenty-seven amino acids and organic acids were identified and quantified from stems, leaves and seeds. The content of amino acids detected in leaves and seeds was higher than the amount found in stems. Six flavonoids were also detected, including isoorientin, orientin, luteolin-7-O-glucoside, luteolin, apigenin and tricin. The concentrations of luteolin-7-O-glucoside, luteolin and tricin were the highest and more concentrated in leaves, while that of orientin was the lowest and mainly found in stems. Soluble monosaccharides and oligosaccharides below tetramer were also examined, and our analyses detected the presence of arabitol, fructose, galacturonic acid, glucose, glucuronic acid, inositol, sucrose, and trehalose. This is the first study to identify and quantify the main components of amino acids, organic acids, flavonoids and soluble sugars from stems, leaves and seeds of P. longiflora var. tubiformis. Eight of the amino acids detected are essential for humans, highlighting the medicinal importance of this species. Results shown here can be used as a reference case to develop future studies on the chemical constituents of Pedicularis herbs and other medicinal plants from the Tibetan region

    Nonlinear Boost of Optical Angular Momentum Selectivity by Hybrid Nanolaser Circuits

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    Selective control of light is essential for optical science and technology, with numerous applications. However, optical selectivity in the angular momentum of light has been quite limited, remaining constant by increasing the incident light power on previous passive optical devices. Here, we demonstrate a nonlinear boost of optical selectivity in both the spin and orbital angular momentum of light through near-field selective excitation of single-mode nanolasers. Our designed hybrid nanolaser circuits consist of plasmonic metasurfaces and individually placed perovskite nanowires, enabling subwavelength focusing of angular-momentum-distinctive plasmonic fields and further selective excitation of nanolasers in nanowires. The optically selected nanolaser with a nonlinear increase of light emission greatly enhances the baseline optical selectivity offered by the metasurface from about 0.4 up to near unity. Our demonstrated hybrid nanophotonic platform may find important applications in all-optical logic gates and nanowire networks, ultrafast optical switches, nanophotonic detectors, and on-chip optical and quantum information processing

    Nonlinear Boost of Optical Angular Momentum Selectivity by Hybrid Nanolaser Circuits

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    Selective control of light is essential for optical science and technology, with numerous applications. However, optical selectivity in the angular momentum of light has been quite limited, remaining constant by increasing the incident light power on previous passive optical devices. Here, we demonstrate a nonlinear boost of optical selectivity in both the spin and orbital angular momentum of light through near-field selective excitation of single-mode nanolasers. Our designed hybrid nanolaser circuits consist of plasmonic metasurfaces and individually placed perovskite nanowires, enabling subwavelength focusing of angular-momentum-distinctive plasmonic fields and further selective excitation of nanolasers in nanowires. The optically selected nanolaser with a nonlinear increase of light emission greatly enhances the baseline optical selectivity offered by the metasurface from about 0.4 up to near unity. Our demonstrated hybrid nanophotonic platform may find important applications in all-optical logic gates and nanowire networks, ultrafast optical switches, nanophotonic detectors, and on-chip optical and quantum information processing

    Nonlinear Boost of Optical Angular Momentum Selectivity by Hybrid Nanolaser Circuits

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    Selective control of light is essential for optical science and technology, with numerous applications. However, optical selectivity in the angular momentum of light has been quite limited, remaining constant by increasing the incident light power on previous passive optical devices. Here, we demonstrate a nonlinear boost of optical selectivity in both the spin and orbital angular momentum of light through near-field selective excitation of single-mode nanolasers. Our designed hybrid nanolaser circuits consist of plasmonic metasurfaces and individually placed perovskite nanowires, enabling subwavelength focusing of angular-momentum-distinctive plasmonic fields and further selective excitation of nanolasers in nanowires. The optically selected nanolaser with a nonlinear increase of light emission greatly enhances the baseline optical selectivity offered by the metasurface from about 0.4 up to near unity. Our demonstrated hybrid nanophotonic platform may find important applications in all-optical logic gates and nanowire networks, ultrafast optical switches, nanophotonic detectors, and on-chip optical and quantum information processing