142 research outputs found

    Scientific Study in Human Science

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    تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى إبراز أهمية العلم وهو تلك المعرفة المؤكدة بالتجريب، إذ بفضله نصل إلى الدقة والموضوعية كالتي نلمسها في الفيزياء والبيولوجيا مثلا، دليل ذلك تلك القوانين الكثيرة التي توصل إليها العلماء، هذا النجاح أغرى بقية الباحثين بمحاولة تطبيق المنهج التجريبي في مجالات أخرى غير المادة، ومن ضمن هذه المجالات الظواهر الإنسانية سواء أكانت نفسية، تاريخية، اجتماعية. وتوصلت الدراسة إلى أن أنه من المفيد أن ننظر إلى العلوم الإنسانية والاجتماعية، أن لها أهمية بالغة ومكانة هامة بين العلوم الأخرى لاسيما العلوم الطبيعية، ويمكن أن تؤدي دورها الفعال في بناء المعرفة الإنسانية، وبهذا فهي قادرة وجديرة بأن تنهض بدورها بصفتها علم من العلوم.This study shows the importance of science, which is that knowledge confirmed by experimentation, it is thanks to it that we reach the precision and the objectivity as we see in physics and biology as an example, The evidence is the laws that scientists reached, This success motivates other searchers to try to apply the experimental method in other fields rather than material, among those fields’ human phenomena, whether psychological, historical or social.  The study found that it is beneficial to consider the human and social sciences as having great importance and notable position as other sciences especially the natural sciences, and it can play its effective role in the building of the human knowledge, in this way it is able and worthy to fulfill its role as one of the sciences


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    xii, 98 hlm. : ilus. ; tab. ; 29 cm

    Automated Random Testing of Numerical Constrained Types

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    International audienceWe propose an automated testing framework based on constraint programming techniques. Our framework allows the developer to attach a numerical constraint to a type that restricts its set of possible values. We use this constraint as a partial specification of the program, our goal being to derive property-based tests on such annotated programs. To achieve this, we rely on the user-provided constraints on the types of a program: for each function f present in the program, that returns a constrained type, we generate a test. The tests consists of generating uniformly pseudo-random inputs and checking whether f 's output satisfies the constraint. We are able to automate this process by providing a set of generators for primitive types and generator combinators for composite types. To derive generators for constrained types, we present in this paper a technique that characterizes their inhabitants as the solution set of a numerical CSP. This is done by combining abstract interpretation and constraint solving techniques that allow us to efficiently and uniformly generate solutions of numerical CSP. We validated our approach by implementing it as a syntax extension for the OCaml language

    Étude de systèmes magnétiques par rotations de spins de muons et chaleur spécifique

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    Ce manuscrit décrit les projets de recherche qui ont porté sur l’étude de deux familles de matériaux magnétiques frustrés. La première partie traite de la réalisation d’expériences de chaleur spécifique sur le pyrochlore Sm2Ti2O7. Ces expériences ont eu lieu dans un réfrigérateur à dilution 3He-4He, à l’Université de Sherbrooke, dont le fonctionnement est décrit en amont. Ces expériences ont notamment permis l’étude de ce matériau aux températures inédites de 160 mK, où une transition magnétique du second ordre a été mise en évidence. La deuxième partie de ce mémoire porte sur l’étude des perovskites 6H, Ba3MRu2O9, à l’aide de la technique de rotation de spins de muons (mSR). Un chapitre de ce manuscrit est consacré à la description de cette technique, et les expériences ont eu lieu au centre de recherche TRIUMF, à Vancouver. Cette technique consiste à sonder le magnétisme local des matériaux placés dans un cryostat, afin de pouvoir remonter à la configuration magnétique de leur état fondamental. Contrairement à laRMN, la techinque de mSR présente le grand avantage de pouvoir sonder des matériaux avec des moments nucléaires nuls, et des expériences pouvant être réalisées sans l’application de champ externe, garantissant la conservation de l’état fondamental des matériaux étudiés. Nos expériences ont été réalisées sur quatre échantillons, avec M = La, Lu, In et Y, et bien que de précédentes études par diffraction de neutrons n’ont révélé aucune ordre magnétique à longue portée dans deux de ces composés, nos expériences ont pu mettre en évidence l’existence d’un état fondamental avec un faible moment magnétique. Enfin, l’importance des résultats de ces deux projets réside dans le fait d’avoir observé un état fondamental ordonné même si ces états n’ont pas pu être sondé à l’aide d’autres techniques, du fait des faibles moments magnétiques des matériaux étudiés

    Spatio-Temporal Neural Networks for Space-Time Series Forecasting and Relations Discovery

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    International audienceWe introduce a dynamical spatio-temporal model formalized as a recurrent neural network for forecasting time series of spatial processes, i.e. series of observations sharing temporal and spatial dependencies. The model learns these dependencies through a structured latent dynamical component, while a decoder predicts the observations from the latent representations. We consider several variants of this model, corresponding to different prior hypothesis about the spatial relations between the series. The model is evaluated and compared to state-of-the-art baselines, on a variety of forecasting problems representative of different application areas: epidemiology, geo-spatial statistics and car-traffic prediction. Besides these evaluations, we also describe experiments showing the ability of this approach to extract relevant spatial relations

    Virtual Exosuit with Haptic Feedback

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    Exosuits are mainly used in military settings or depicted in movies such as the Alien or the Matrix trilogies. They enhance humans\u27 capability and strength. In this demonstration, visitors will have the opportunity to try a virtual exosuit that combines the oculus rift with the Raser Hydra motion sensor, haptic feedback provides on the feet (sliding motion), under the seat (tactile transducer), and around the arms (tactile actuators). The purpose of this demonstration is to demonstrate that cheap haptics can enhance the virtual interaction

    History of the development of educational theories

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    عرف الفكر التربوي عبر العصور التاريخية المختلفة تغيرات وتحولات كثيرة، غيرت من مفهوم التربية وخصائصها ومناهجها وأهدافها، وذلك بحسب ظروف ومعطيات كل مرحلة تاريخية.                         لقد كانت التربية قديما تمارس بطريقة بسيطة وبدائية في وسائلها، قائمة على التلقين والتقليد والمشاركة. إلا أن هذا المفهوم تطور عما كان عليه مع تطور الحياة البشرية. فقد تميزت التربية عند اليونانيين بالتجديد والابتكار والحرية الفردية. وعند المسيحيين ركزت على معرفة الخالق، وتنشئة الفرد على أساس خدمة الرب. أما عند المسلمين فيعتبر القرآن الكريم والسنة النبوية أصلان لكل عملية تربوية وتعليمية، ومنهما تستقى المناهج والأهداف والغايات. أما في العصر الحديث فقد عرفت العملية التربوية ظهور عدة اتجاهات ومدارس تربوية ممثلة بأبرز المفكرين التربويين من أمثال: جون جاك روسو، فروبل، هاربارت سبنسر، ... وغيرهم. لتدخل التربية في الفترة المعاصرة في تحديات جديدة بسبب العولمة والتطور العلمي والتكنولوجي       The  educational thought has known several changes over the different historical eras and changed the definition of the education and its properties, process and goals and this according to circumstances and data of each historical period.       years ago, education used to be practiced simply and in a primitive way based on prompting, emitation and sharing. However this definition evoluated in parallel with humanity evolution. In addition, education at Greeks was distinguished by renewal, innovation and the personal freedom. At Chritians it insisted on knowing the creator and self upbringing based on service. But regarding to Mauslims, the holy Quran and the Sunnah (life of our prophet peace be upon him), these two are considered as a source or an origin to any educational and teaching process, and methods, goals and destinations are taken from them. How ever, in the modern era the educational process faced the apparition of many trends and educational schools represented by the skillest education intellectuals such as: John. Jack Russo, Froebel, Maria Montessori John Dewey and lots others, in order to make education in the modern era go through new challenges because of the globalization, the scientific and technological développement

    FrontPanel: Tangible User Interface for Touch-Screens Dedicated to Elderly

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    In this paper, we describe FrontPanel, a tangible user interface that enhances accessibility features in an iPad. More specifically, FrontPanel was designed for the senior population who has difficulty interacting with touch-screen tablets because of the lack of tangibility. FrontPanel is a result of one year help sessions with elderly who wished to replace their desktop/laptop computer with a touch-screen tablet that has the advantage of being light and mobile