4,848 research outputs found

    An Explanation to Individual Knowledge and Behavior Based on Empirical Substrates

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    Using recent findings from modern empirical disciplines and mainly building on F.A.Hayek’s thoughts, the paper gives a definition of knowledge in accord with the Austrian School’s tradition, and basing on the definition, it sums up three behavior assumptions and a framework on explaining individual behavior and expounds ideas on hierarchical knowledge and its change in real situations. By this way, the paper believes that the Austrian School can be greatly advanced with the help of modern empirical findings.knowledge, shared knowledge, hierarchy, behavioral assumption, reduced framework, empirical foundation

    A Discussion on Empirical Micro-Bases of Hayek’s Methodological Individualism

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    There are essential differences in ‘methodological individualism(MI)’ between neoclassic economics and Hayek’s theory. On basis of The Sensory Order, this paper shows relations between Hayek’s MI and it, the micro-bases of Hayek’s MI from contemporarily empirical disciplines, and some viewpoints verified by succeeding ones; then points out some questions that need to be answered henceforth between Hayek’s theory and interdisciplinary studies in modern economics. It is concluded that Hayek’s MI has its empirical micro-bases, and that his interdisciplinary exploration in the youth can help advance modern economics.methodological individualism; Hayek; the sensory order; empirical micro-bases; interdisciplinary research in economics

    Transport in chaotic systems

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    This dissertation addresses the general problem of transport in chaotic systems. Typical fluid problem of the kind is the advection and diffusion of a passive scalar. The magnetic field evolution in a chaotic conducting media is an example of the chaotic transport of a vector field. In kinetic theory, the collisional relaxation of a distribution function in phase space is also an advection-diffusion problem, but in a higher dimensional space.;In a chaotic flow neighboring points tend to separate exponentially in time, exp({dollar}\omega t{dollar}) with {dollar}\omega{dollar} the Liapunov exponent. The characteristic parameter for the transport of a scalar in a chaotic flow is {dollar}\Omega\ \equiv\ \omega L\sp2/D{dollar} where L is the spatial scale and D is the diffusivity. For {dollar}\Omega\ \gg\ 1{dollar}, the scalar is advected with the flow for a time {dollar}t\sb{lcub}a{rcub}\ \equiv{dollar} ln(2{dollar}\Omega{dollar})/2{dollar}\omega{dollar} and then diffuses during the relatively short period 1/{dollar}\omega{dollar} centered on the time {dollar}t\sb{lcub}a{rcub}{dollar}. This rapid diffusion occurs only along the field line of the {dollar}\rm \ s\sb\infty{dollar} vector, which defines the stable direction for neighboring streamlines to converge. Diffusion is impeded at the sharp bends of an {dollar}\rm \ s{dollar} line because of a peculiarly small finite time Lyapunov exponent, hence a class of diffusion barriers is created inside a chaotic sea. This result comes from a fundamental relationship between the finite time Lyapunov exponent and the geometry of the {dollar}\rm \ s{dollar} lines, which we rigorously show in 2D and numerically validated for 3D flows.;The evolution of a general 3D magnetic field in a highly conducting chaotic media is also related to the spatial-temporal dependence of the finite time Lyapunov exponent. The Ohmic dissipation in a chaotic plasma will become a dominate process despite a small plasma resistivity. We show that the Ohmic heating in a chaotic plasma occurs in current filaments or current sheets. The particular form is determined by the time dependence of spatial gradient of the finite time Lyapunov exponent along a direction in which neighboring point neither diverge nor converge
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