24,282 research outputs found

    Mining top-k granular association rules for recommendation

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    Recommender systems are important for e-commerce companies as well as researchers. Recently, granular association rules have been proposed for cold-start recommendation. However, existing approaches reserve only globally strong rules; therefore some users may receive no recommendation at all. In this paper, we propose to mine the top-k granular association rules for each user. First we define three measures of granular association rules. These are the source coverage which measures the user granule size, the target coverage which measures the item granule size, and the confidence which measures the strength of the association. With the confidence measure, rules can be ranked according to their strength. Then we propose algorithms for training the recommender and suggesting items to each user. Experimental are undertaken on a publicly available data set MovieLens. Results indicate that the appropriate setting of granule can avoid over-fitting and at the same time, help obtaining high recommending accuracy.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures, submitted to Advances in Granular Computing and Advances in Rough Sets, 2013. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1305.137

    Phase transitions and spin excitations of spin-1 bosons in optical lattice

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    We investigate ground state properties of spin-1 bosonic system trapped in optical lattice with extended standard basis operator (SBO) method. For both ferromagnetic (U20U_20) systems, we analytically figure out the symmetry properties in Mott-insulator and superfluid phases, which would provide a deeper insight into the MI-SF phase transition process. Then by applying self-consistent approach to the method, we include the effect of quantum and thermal fluctuations and derive the MI-SF transition phase diagram, which is in quantitative agreement with recent Monte-Carlo simulation at zero temperature, and at finite temperature, we find the underestimation of finite-temperature-effect in the mean-field approximation method. If we further consider the spin excitations in the insulating states of spin-1 system in external field, distinct spin phases are expected. Therefore, in the Mott lobes with n=1n=1 and n=2n=2 atoms per site, we give analytical and numerical boundaries of the singlet, nematic, partially magnetic and ferromagnetic phases in the magnetic phase diagrams.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figure
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