2,528 research outputs found

    Power Scaling of Uplink Massive MIMO Systems with Arbitrary-Rank Channel Means

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    This paper investigates the uplink achievable rates of massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) antenna systems in Ricean fading channels, using maximal-ratio combining (MRC) and zero-forcing (ZF) receivers, assuming perfect and imperfect channel state information (CSI). In contrast to previous relevant works, the fast fading MIMO channel matrix is assumed to have an arbitrary-rank deterministic component as well as a Rayleigh-distributed random component. We derive tractable expressions for the achievable uplink rate in the large-antenna limit, along with approximating results that hold for any finite number of antennas. Based on these analytical results, we obtain the scaling law that the users' transmit power should satisfy, while maintaining a desirable quality of service. In particular, it is found that regardless of the Ricean KK-factor, in the case of perfect CSI, the approximations converge to the same constant value as the exact results, as the number of base station antennas, MM, grows large, while the transmit power of each user can be scaled down proportionally to 1/M1/M. If CSI is estimated with uncertainty, the same result holds true but only when the Ricean KK-factor is non-zero. Otherwise, if the channel experiences Rayleigh fading, we can only cut the transmit power of each user proportionally to 1/M1/\sqrt M. In addition, we show that with an increasing Ricean KK-factor, the uplink rates will converge to fixed values for both MRC and ZF receivers

    Power Allocation Schemes for Multicell Massive MIMO Systems

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    This paper investigates the sum-rate gains brought by power allocation strategies in multicell massive multipleinput multiple-output systems, assuming time-division duplex transmission. For both uplink and downlink, we derive tractable expressions for the achievable rate with zero-forcing receivers and precoders respectively. To avoid high complexity joint optimization across the network, we propose a scheduling mechanism for power allocation, where in a single time slot, only cells that do not interfere with each other adjust their transmit powers. Based on this, corresponding transmit power allocation strategies are derived, aimed at maximizing the sum rate per-cell. These schemes are shown to bring considerable gains over equal power allocation for practical antenna configurations (e.g., up to a few hundred). However, with fixed number of users (N), these gains diminish as M turns to infinity, and equal power allocation becomes optimal. A different conclusion is drawn for the case where both M and N grow large together, in which case: (i) improved rates are achieved as M grows with fixed M/N ratio, and (ii) the relative gains over the equal power allocation diminish as M/N grows. Moreover, we also provide applicable values of M/N under an acceptable power allocation gain threshold, which can be used as to determine when the proposed power allocation schemes yield appreciable gains, and when they do not. From the network point of view, the proposed scheduling approach can achieve almost the same performance as the joint power allocation after one scheduling round, with much reduced complexity

    Existence of solutions for fourth order differential equation with four-point boundary conditions

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    AbstractIn this paper we investigate the existence of solutions of a class of four-point boundary value problems for a fourth order ordinary differential equation. Our analysis relies on a nonlinear alternative of Leray–Schauder type

    ETGP: Top-K Geography-Text P/S Approach without Threshold

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    Social media are more and more popular. Subsequently, geography-text data has caused wide attention. Different from the traditional publish/subscribe (P/S), geography-text data is published and subscribed in the form of dynamic data flow in the mobile network. The difference raises higher demands for facility. However, previous top-k geography-text P/S approaches want to set a set of thresholds. A user should take time to set a threshold for each subscription, which is not facile enough. The threshold yields many weaknesses to users. Therefore, we herein propose an efficient top-k geography-text P/S approach that excludes the threshold, called ETGP. Our approach does not need users to set any threshold. Subsequently, the ETGP returns the highest score results to the subscriber without setting a threshold. Therefore, our approach can lessen redundant computations, promote the query integrity rate, and make P/S system easier for the user to use. Comprehensive experiments prove the efficiency of the proposed approach with high facility
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