95 research outputs found

    Data_Sheet_1_Development and preliminary application of a quadruplex real-time PCR assay for differential detection of porcine circovirus 1–4 in Chengdu, China.PDF

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    Porcine circovirus (PCV) typically causes severe immune suppression in pigs, leading to mixed clinical infections with various pathogens that can cause significant harm to the pig industry. PCV has four subgenotypes, with PCV4 being an emerging virus that requires investigation due to its potential for epidemic outbreaks. Therefore, there is a need to develop a method that can detect all four PCV strains simultaneously. In this study, four pairs of specific primers and TaqMan probes were designed based on the conserved sequence of the PCV1–4 ORF2 gene to establish a PCV1–4 TaqMan multiplex real-time quantitative PCR method. The novel method was compared to six commercial testing kits for its efficacy. Then, a total of 595 mixed samples of spleen and lymph node collected from 12 districts in Chengdu from July to December 2021 were tested using the novel method. The results showed that the novel PCV1–4 TaqMan multiplex real-time quantitative PCR detection method has satisfied specificity, sensitivity, and repeatability. The positive rates of PCV1, PCV2, and PCV3 in Chengdu were 2.18%, 31.60%, and 15.29%, respectively, while no positive PCV4 was detected. The mixed infection rate of PCV2 and PCV3 was 5.21%. Our novel method may be as a potential method for PCV1–4 detection. Currently, PCV2 is the main epidemic PCV subtype in Chengdu, while the potential threat of PCV4 should also be considered.</p

    Molecular characterization and multi-locus genotypes of <i>Enterocytozoon bieneusi</i> from captive red kangaroos (<i>Macropus Rfus</i>) in Jiangsu province, China

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    <div><p><i>Enterocytozoon bieneusi</i> is the most common pathogen of microsporidian species infecting humans worldwide. Although <i>E</i>. <i>bieneusi</i> has been found in a variety of animal hosts, information on the presence of <i>E</i>. <i>bieneusi</i> in captive kangaroos in China is limited. The present study was aimed at determining the occurrence and genetic diversity of <i>E</i>. <i>bieneusi</i> in captive kangaroos. A total of 61 fecal specimens (38 from red kangaroos and 23 from grey kangaroos) were collected from Nanjing Hongshan Forest Zoo and Hongshan Kangaroo Breeding Research Base, Jiangsu province, China. Using the nested PCR amplification ITS gene of rRNA of <i>E</i>. <i>bieneusi</i>, totally 23.0% (14/61) of tested samples were PCR-positive with three genotypes (i.e. one known genotype, CHK1, and two novel genotypes, CSK1 and CSK2). Multi-locus sequence typing using three microsatellites (MS1, MS3, and MS7) and one minisatellite (MS4) revealed one, five, two, and one types at these four loci, respectively. In phylogenetic analysis, the two genotypes, CHK1 and CSK1, were clustered into a new group of unknown zoonotic potential, and the novel genotype CSK2 was clustered into a separate clade with PtEb and PtEbIX. To date, this is the first report on the presence of <i>E</i>. <i>bieneusi</i> in captive red kangaroos in Jiangsu province, China. Furthermore, a high degree of genetic diversity was observed in the <i>E</i>. <i>bieneusi</i> genotype and seven MLGs (MLG1-7) were found in red kangaroos. Our findings suggest that infected kangaroo may act as potential reservoirs of <i>E</i>. <i>bieneusi</i> and be source to transmit infections to other animal.</p></div

    Distribution of phylogenetic groups and STs in 74 MDR <i>E</i>. <i>coli</i> strains from pet dogs.

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    (A) The distribution of phylogroups in MDR strains. Commensal groups included groups A and B1, and virulent extraintestinal-related groups included groups B2 and D. Marking * represents a significant difference, *, P P P P P P E. coli isolates belonging to the corresponding phylogroups (abscissa) and STs (ordinate). Blue indicates a low number of strains, white indicates an intermediate value, and red indicates a high number of strains. As the heatmap shows, B2-ST10 was the most prevalent clone.</p

    Antibiotic resistance patterns of <i>E</i>. <i>coli</i> isolates from pet dogs.

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    (A) The abscissa 0R represents the strains that were sensitive to all antibiotics, and 1–6 R represents strains that were resistant to 1–6 antibiotic categories, respectively. Seventy-four E. coli isolates are MDR, of which 17 strains were resistant to 6 antibiotic categories; (B) Color bars demonstrate the distribution of phenotypic resistance patterns in 74 MDR E. coli isolates, and the Arabic number represent the number of strains. A total of 56 resistance patterns were observed by using disc diffusion assay. The red boxes highlight the prevalent resistant-phenotypes patterns (occurring three times), the other combinations (without red box) occurred only once or twice.</p
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