36 research outputs found

    Methodological bases of building the system of key performance indicators for stimulating the project participants in executive bodies

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    Objective the scientific understanding of the individual key performance indicators function within the mechanism of stimulating the participants of project activities of executive authorities is supplemented with knowledge of the direction and impact of their actions. Methods combination of logical and analytical deduction of theories and methodologies of stimulating the project activity participants under the stimulating influence of key performance indicators at executive authority bodies identification of correlation dependence of the stimulated participantsrsquo behaviour by the data of questionnaire survey of project activity experts. Results on the basis of theoretical and methodological provisions and evidence of the stimulating effect of key performance indicators in the activity of project participants it is proved that the effect has a complex mechanism inherent in project activities of executive authorities. It is determined that the key performance indicators serve as a means of identifying problem areas of the system of project participantsrsquo motivation. The quantitative ratios are found of the stimulating influence of nonmaterial and material individual key performance indicators on the project success as well as the required working hours and the valueoriented importance of observing them. It is proposed to supplement the individual key performance indicators with an indicator that focuses the project activities towards the project success. The results show that unsystematic adoption of any key performance indicators as the main one leads to a significant deterioration of the stimulating impact of the remaining indicators on the project participants. It is revealed that the activities of the project participants are mostly 26.2 focused on the qualitative implementation of the project activities and to the least degree 14.9 ndash on the observance of discipline. The most timeconsuming activity 15.2 for the project participants is obtaining unique results. The quantitative rule is found that the maximization of the project complexity stimulation leads to the minimization of the incentives for the qualitative implementation of the project activities and the uniqueness of its results. Scientific novelty for the first time it is determined that the key performance indicators in their economic form reflect three types of costs conditionally constant and variable part of payment as well as transaction costs for the purposeorientation of the project participants. Practical significance the main provisions and conclusions of the article can be used in research of the stimulating effect of key performance indicators on the activity of project participants and in the development of methods for building systems of key performance indicators to stimulate them in the executive authority bodies

    Effect of low temperatures on osserous and cartilaginous tissues

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    The use of extreme cold to treat tumoral afflictions of the extremities is discussed. Cryogenic methods and instruments are discussed, and the levels of accumulated knowledge in this area (as well as the areas still in question) are evaluated. The overall promise for cryogenic methods of treatment is acknowledged, and areas which need further development are noted

    Mathematical models for cell migration: A non-local perspective

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    We provide a review of recent advancements in non-local continuous models for migration, mainly from the perspective of its involvement in embryonal development and cancer invasion. Particular emphasis is placed on spatial non-locality occurring in advection terms, used to characterize a cell's motility bias according to its interactions with other cellular and acellular components in its vicinity (e.g. cell-cell and cell-tissue adhesions, non-local chemotaxis), but we also briefly address spatially non-local source terms. Following a short introduction and description of applications, we give a systematic classification of available PDE models with respect to the type of featured non-localities and review some of the mathematical challenges arising from such models, with a focus on analytical aspects. This article is part of the theme issue 'Multi-scale analysis and modelling of collective migration in biological systems'

    Nonlocal and local models for taxis in cell migration: a rigorous limit procedure

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    A rigorous limit procedure is presented which links nonlocal models involving adhesion or nonlocal chemotaxis to their local counterparts featuring haptotaxis and classical chemotaxis, respectively. It relies on a novel reformulation of the involved nonlocalities in terms of integral operators applied directly to the gradients of signal-dependent quantities. The proposed approach handles both model types in a unified way and extends the previous mathematical framework to settings that allow for general solution-dependent coefficient functions. The previous forms of nonlocal operators are compared with the new ones introduced in this paper and the advantages of the latter are highlighted by concrete examples. Numerical simulations in 1D provide an illustration of some of the theoretical findings

    On an exponential attractor for a class of PDEs with degenerate diffusion and chemotaxis

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    In this article we deal with a class of strongly coupled parabolic systems that encompasses two different effects: degenerate diffusion and chemotaxis. Such classes of equations arise in the mesoscale level modeling of biomass spreading mechanisms via chemotaxis. We show the existence of an exponential attractor and, hence, of a finite-dimensional global attractor under certain 'balance conditions' on the order of the degeneracy and the growth of the chemotactic function

    Current Approaches, Typologies and Predictors of Deviant Work Behaviors: A Scoping Review of Reviews

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    This study provides a scoping review of the recent conceptual developments about the deviant work behavior and counterproductive work behavior constructs. It also examines the specific types of deviant work behavior that have been more consistently investigated in the last decade, and whether they cover the interpersonal or organizational type of deviant behavior. In addition, individual, group, and organizational predictors of deviant work behaviors are examined. A scoping review of reviews was conducted on Scopus and Web of Science databases and 54 studies published from 2010 to June 2021 were taken into account. Results show that more recent conceptualizations are based on well established models in the literature and consider the hierarchical structure of these two constructs. Recent reviews examine the relationships of deviant work behavior with job performance and ethical behavior constructs, the multilevel nature of deviant work behavior, and the consequences for the actor of the deviance. The specific types of deviant work behavior more frequently reviewed in the last decade are workplace abuse, incivility, ostracism, bullying and sexual harassment, and abusive and destructive leadership; this evidence suggests a much greater attention to interpersonal, rather than organizational, forms of deviant work behavior. Regarding antecedents, results show the continuing prevalence of personality factors antecedents. Limitations of the study and theoretical and practical implications for the field are also provided

    Formation of the Pre-Pensioner Segment in the Labor Market: Financial and Management aspects

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    В статье рассмотрены результаты реализации пенсионной реформы России 2018 г., отраженные в изменениях по- казателей рынка труда по данным Росстата. Цель исследования — развитие научного представления о процессах становления сегмента предпенсионеров российского рынка труда под воздействием его внешних и внутренних факторов. Применены методы статистического, корреляционного и регрессионного анализов, расчет средней по определенному интегралу функций, а также метод линейного моделирования множественной регрессии. Оценена научная разработанность проблематики темы за рубежом и в России. Проанализированы вопросы финансовой гра- мотности населения. Рассмотрено финансирование обучения предпенсионеров актуально востребуемым на рынке труда профессиональным компетенциям и поддержки безработных предпенсионеров, состоящих на учете в цент- ре занятости. Выполнен отбор релевантных данных демографии и выборочного обследования рабочей силы по возрастным группам. Рассчитана общая численность предпенсионеров в 2018–2020 гг. и их структура по статусу трудовой активности на российском рынке труда. Проанализированы общие динамические, структурные и гендер- ные характеристики экономической активности предпенсионеров на рынке труда. Оценена востребованность пред- пенсионеров по видам экономической деятельности в 2019 г. Сделан вывод, что существует тенденция уменьше- ния доли сегмента предпенсионеров на рынке труда после достижения проектного рубежа пенсионного возраста с 10,88 до 9,76%. Уровень занятости в этой группе населения составит 66%. Установлено, что востребованность предпенсионеров по видам экономической деятельности на рынке труда у женщин в 1,13 раза выше, чем у мужчин. Разработан методический подход к анализу результатов оценки востребованности предпенсионерами мер государ- ственной поддержки. Проанализировано влияние финансовых и социальных мер господдержки предпенсионеров на повышение их трудовой активности и конкурентоспособности на рынке труда. Результаты исследования могут быть использованы органами власти для обоснования оценки эффективности финансирования принимаемых ими мер по социально-экономической поддержке предпенсионеров.The article considers the results of the implementation of the pension reform in Russia in 2018, reflected in changes in labor market indicators according to Rosstat. The purpose of the study is to develop a scientific understanding of the processes of formation of the pre-pensioner segment of the Russian labor market under the influence of its external and internal factors. The authors use methods of statistical, correlation, and regression analyses, the calculation of the assesses the scientific elaboration of the research topic abroad and in Russia. The issues of financial literacy of the population are analyzed. The financing of the training of pre-retirees in the professional competencies that are currently in demand on the labor market and support for unemployed pre-retirees who are registered with the employment center are considered. The selection of relevant demographic data and a sample labor force survey by age group has been carried out. The total number of pre-pensioners in 2018–2020 has been calculated and their structure according to the status of labor activity in the Russian labor market has been identified. The general dynamic, structural, and gender characteristics of the economic activity of pre-pensioners in the labor market are analyzed. The demand for pre-retirees by type of economic activity in 2019 is assessed. The authors conclude that there is a tendency to reduce the share of the pre-pensioner segment in the labor market after reaching the project retirement age threshold from 10.88% to 9.76%. The employment rate in this group of the population will be 66%. The study has established that the demand for pre-pensioners by type of economic activity in the labor market is 1.13 times higher for women than for men. A methodical approach has been developed to analyze the results of assessing the demand for state support measures by pre-pensioners. The article analyzes the influence of financial and social measures of state support for pre-pensioners on increasing their labor activity and competitiveness in the labor market. The results of the study can be used by the authorities to substantiate the assessment of the effectiveness of financing the measures they take to provide social and economic support to pre-retirees

    Psychological Climate of Sporting Command. Compatibility of Members of Sporting Command.

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    У статті висвітлено роль психологічного мікроклімату команди, у заємозв’язку між тренером команди й колективом, сумісність членів спортивної команди. The role of psychological microclimate of command is reflected in the article, to intercommunication between the trainer of command and by a collective, compatibility of members of sporting command

    Становление сегмента предпенсионеров на рынке труда: финансовый и управленческий аспекты

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    The article considers the results of the implementation of the pension reform in Russia in 2018, reflected in changes in labor market indicators according to Rosstat. The purpose of the study is to develop a scientific understanding of the processes of formation of the pre-pensioner segment of the Russian labor market under the influence of its external and internal factors. The authors use methods of statistical, correlation, and regression analyses, the calculation of the average for a certain integral of functions, as well as the method of linear modeling of multiple regression. The study assesses the scientific elaboration of the research topic abroad and in Russia. The issues of financial literacy of the population are analyzed. The financing of the training of pre-retirees in the professional competencies that are currently in demand on the labor market and support for unemployed pre-retirees who are registered with the employment center are considered. The selection of relevant demographic data and a sample labor force survey by age group has been carried out. The total number of pre-pensioners in 2018–2020 has been calculated and their structure according to the status of labor activity in the Russian labor market has been identified. The general dynamic, structural, and gender characteristics of the economic activity of pre-pensioners in the labor market are analyzed. The demand for pre-retirees by type of economic activity in 2019 is assessed. The authors conclude that there is a tendency to reduce the share of the pre-pensioner segment in the labor market after reaching the project retirement age threshold from 10.88% to 9.76%. The employment rate in this group of the population will be 66%. The study has established that the demand for pre-pensioners by type of economic activity in the labor market is 1.13 times higher for women than for men. A methodical approach has been developed to analyze the results of assessing the demand for state support measures by pre-pensioners. The article analyzes the influence of financial and social measures of state support for pre-pensioners on increasing their labor activity and competitiveness in the labor market. The results of the study can be used by the authorities to substantiate the assessment of the effectiveness of financing the measures they take to provide social and economic support to pre-retirees.В статье рассмотрены результаты реализации пенсионной реформы России 2018 г., отраженные в изменениях показателей рынка труда по данным Росстата. Цель исследования – развитие научного представления о процессах становления сегмента предпенсионеров российского рынка труда под воздействием его внешних и внутренних факторов. Применены методы статистического, корреляционного и регрессионного анализов, расчет средней по определенному интегралу функций, а также метод линейного моделирования множественной регрессии. Оценена научная разработанность проблематики темы за рубежом и в России. Проанализированы вопросы финансовой грамотности населения. Рассмотрено финансирование обучения предпенсионеров актуально востребуемым на рынке труда профессиональным компетенциям и поддержки безработных предпенсионеров, состоящих на учете в центре занятости. Выполнен отбор релевантных данных демографии и выборочного обследования рабочей силы по возрастным группам. Рассчитана общая численность предпенсионеров в 2018–2020 гг. и их структура по статусу трудовой активности на российском рынке труда. Проанализированы общие динамические, структурные и гендерные характеристики экономической активности предпенсионеров на рынке труда. Оценена востребованность предпенсионеров по видам экономической деятельности в 2019 г. Сделан вывод, что существует тенденция уменьшения доли сегмента предпенсионеров на рынке труда после достижения проектного рубежа пенсионного возраста с 10,88 до 9,76%. Уровень занятости в этой группе населения составит 66%. Установлено, что востребованность предпенсионеров по видам экономической деятельности на рынке труда у женщин в 1,13 раза выше, чем у мужчин. Разработан методический подход к анализу результатов оценки востребованности предпенсионерами мер государственной поддержки. Проанализировано влияние финансовых и социальных мер господдержки предпенсионеров на повышение их трудовой активности и конкурентоспособности на рынке труда. Результаты исследования могут быть использованы органами власти для обоснования оценки эффективности финансирования принимаемых ими мер по социально-экономической поддержке предпенсионеров

    Flux limitation mechanisms arising in multiscale modelling of cancer invasion

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    Tumour invasion is an essential stage of cancer progression. Its main drivers are diffusion and taxis, a directed movement along the gradient of a stimulus. Here we review models with flux limited diffusion and/or taxis which have applications in modelling of cell migration, particularly in cancer. Flux limitation ensures control upon propagation speeds, precluding unnaturally quick spread which is typical for traditional parabolic equations. We recall the main properties of models with flux limitation effects and discuss ways to construct them, concentrating on multiscale derivations from kinetic transport equations.Comment: Review articl