8 research outputs found

    Democracy as Part of Values of the Intellectuals

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    The article analyses values of the intellectuals (intelligentsia) in Russia in regard to democracy basing on the data of sociologic research of 1992-2007.The article is based on the secondary analysis of such surveys as «True Russia: Social Stratification in Modern Russian Society»; «Elites and Future of Russia: Regional Perception» and public opinion monitoring in Volgograd Region

    Про найкраще $L_2$-наближення функцій багатьох змінних за допомогою сплайнів

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    We obtain sharp inequalities of Jackson type for the best approximations of functions in $L_2(\mathbb{R}^m)bymeansofpartialsumsofwaveletseriesincaseofmultidimensionalanaloguesofShannonKotelnikovwavelets.ОдержаніточнінерівностітипуДжексонадлянайкращихнаближеньв by means of partial sums of wavelet series in case of multidimensional analogues of Shannon-Kotelnikov wavelets.Одержані точні нерівності типу Джексона для найкращих наближень в L2(Rm)L_2(\mathbb{R}^m)$ функцій за допомогою частинних сум вейвлет-рядів у випадку багатовимірних аналогів вейвлет Шеннона-Котельникова

    New Promising Varieties of Spring Hard Wheat as the Best Raw Material for Pasta Production

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    Pasta is the most demanded product on the market, although Russia is not the world’s leader in per capita consumption. This is due to the fact that the main raw material for pasta products (up to 80 %) is bakery flour. For production of pasta all over the world, durum wheat grains are used, which have distinctive characteristics from soft wheat. These include: grain nature not less than 800 g/l, glassiness of 80 %, protein content of 15 %, IDK 4.5 units by device (Glutograph-E Brabender), color index by Minolta device is 22 cu. For more than a century, Saratov breeders have been creating durum wheat varieties with high technological potential. This article discusses new varieties of the laboratory for selection and seed production of spring durum wheat of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution Federal Agrarian Scientific Center of South-East: Luch 25, Pamyati Vasilchuka and Tamara - varieties that are promising for use in pasta production as raw materials that meet high international quality standards


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    At the moment, there is a food problem due to a lack of fodder protein and an environmental one due to large untreated oil products reserves.To solve these two, one of the most important problems, we propose a technology for the production of feed protein from oil and petroleum products

    Anodic protection of equipment in the production of ammonium carbonates

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