8,298 research outputs found

    Naturally Small Dirac Neutrino Mass with Intermediate SU(2)LSU(2)_{L} Multiplet Fields

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    If neutrinos are Dirac fermions, certain new physics beyond the standard model should exist to account for the smallness of neutrino mass. With two additional scalars and a heavy intermediate fermion, in this paper, we systematically study the general mechanism that can natrally generate the tiny Dirac neutrino mass at tree and in one-loop level. For tree level models, we focus on natural ones, in which the additional scalars develop small vacuum expectation values without fine-tuning. For one-loop level models, we explore those having dark matter candidates under Z2DZ_2^D symmetry. In both cases, we concentrate on SU(2)LSU(2)_L multiplet scalars no larger than quintuplet, and derive the complete sets of viable models. Phenomenologies, such as lepton flavor violation, leptogenesis, and LHC signatures are briefly discussed.Comment: 31 pages, 16 figure

    Ozone Measurements with Meteors: A Revisit

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    Understanding the role of ozone in the Mesosphere/Lower Thermosphere (MLT) region is essential for understanding the atmospheric processes in the upper atmosphere. Earlier studies have shown that it is possible to use overdense meteor trails to measure ozone concentration in the meteor region. Here we revisit this topic by comparing a compilation of radar observations to satellite measurements. We observe a modest agreement between the values derived from these two methods, which confirm the usefulness of the meteor trail technique for measuring ozone content at certain heights in the MLT region. Future simultaneous measurements will help quantifying the performance of this technique.Comment: MNRAS in pres

    The Bβˆ’LB-L Scotogenic Models for Dirac Neutrino Masses

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    We construct the one-loop and two-loop scotogenic models for Dirac neutrino mass generation in the context of U(1)Bβˆ’LU(1)_{B-L} extensions of standard model. It is indicated that the total number of intermediate fermion singlets is uniquely fixed by anomaly free condition and the new particles may have exotic Bβˆ’LB-L charges so that the direct SM Yukawa mass term Ξ½Λ‰LΞ½RΟ•0β€Ύ\bar{\nu}_L\nu_R\overline{\phi^0} and the Majorana mass term (mN/2)Ξ½RCβ€ΎΞ½R(m_N/2)\overline{\nu_R^C}\nu_R are naturally forbidden. After the spontaneous breaking of U(1)Bβˆ’LU(1)_{B-L} symmetry, the discrete Z2Z_{2} or Z3Z_{3} symmetry appears as the residual symmetry and give rise to the stability of intermediated fields as DM candidate. Phenomenological aspects of lepton flavor violation, DM, leptogenesis and LHC signatures are discussed.Comment: 18 pages, 16 figure

    LHC Phenomenology of the Type II Seesaw Mechanism: Observability of Neutral Scalars in the Nondegenerate Case

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    This is a sequel to our previous work on LHC phenomenology of the type II seesaw model in the nondegenerate case. In this work, we further study the pair and associated production of the neutral scalars H^0/A^0. We restrict ourselves to the so-called negative scenario characterized by the mass order M_{H^{\pm\pm}}>M_{H^\pm}>M_{H^0/A^0}, in which the H^0/A^0 production receives significant enhancement from cascade decays of the charged scalars H^{\pm\pm},~H^\pm. We consider three important signal channels---b\bar{b}\gamma\gamma, b\bar{b}\tau^+\tau^-, bbΛ‰β„“+β„“βˆ’ETb\bar{b}\ell^+\ell^-\cancel{E}_T---and perform detailed simulations. We find that at the 14 TeV LHC with an integrated luminosity of 3000/fb, a 5\sigma mass reach of 151, 150, and 180 GeV, respectively, is possible in the three channels from the pure Drell-Yan H^0A^0 production, while the cascade-decay-enhanced H^0/A^0 production can push the mass limit further to 164, 177, and 200 GeV. The neutral scalars in the negative scenario are thus accessible at LHC run II.Comment: v1: 32 pages, 17 figures, 3 tables. v2: added 2 refs (2nd in [61] and [66]), revised Acknowledgments, and corrected grammatical errors according to proofs; no other change
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