255 research outputs found
Critical Branching Random Walks with Small Drift
We study critical branching random walks (BRWs) on~
where for each , the displacement of an offspring from its parent has
drift~ towards the origin and reflection at the origin. We
prove that for any~, conditional on survival to
generation~, the maximal displacement is asymptotically
equivalent to . We further show that for a
sequence of critical BRWs with such displacement distributions, if the number
of initial particles grows like~ for some and ,
and the particles are concentrated in~ then the
measure-valued processes associated with the BRWs, under suitable scaling
converge to a measure-valued process, which, at any time~ distributes its
mass over~ like an exponential distribution
On the Maximal Displacement of Subcritical Branching Random Walks
We study the maximal displacement of a one dimensional subcritical branching
random walk initiated by a single particle at the origin. For each
let be the rightmost position reached by the
branching random walk up to generation . Under the assumption that the
offspring distribution has a finite third moment and the jump distribution has
mean zero and a finite probability generating function, we show that there
exists such that the function g(c,n):=\rho ^{cn} P(M_{n}\geq cn),
\quad \mbox{for each }c>0 \mbox{ and } n\in\mathbb{N}, satisfies the
following properties: there exist such that if , then while if , then Moreover, if the jump distribution has a finite right range ,
then . If furthermore the jump distribution is "nearly
right-continuous", then there exists such that
for all . We
also show that the tail distribution of , namely, the
rightmost position ever reached by the branching random walk, has a similar
exponential decay (without the cutoff at ). Finally, by
duality, these results imply that the maximal displacement of supercritical
branching random walks conditional on extinction has a similar tail behavior.Comment: 29 page
On the estimation of integrated covariance matrices of high dimensional diffusion processes
We consider the estimation of integrated covariance (ICV) matrices of high
dimensional diffusion processes based on high frequency observations. We start
by studying the most commonly used estimator, the realized covariance (RCV)
matrix. We show that in the high dimensional case when the dimension and
the observation frequency grow in the same rate, the limiting spectral
distribution (LSD) of RCV depends on the covolatility process not only through
the targeting ICV, but also on how the covolatility process varies in time. We
establish a Mar\v{c}enko--Pastur type theorem for weighted sample covariance
matrices, based on which we obtain a Mar\v{c}enko--Pastur type theorem for RCV
for a class of diffusion processes. The results explicitly
demonstrate how the time variability of the covolatility process affects the
LSD of RCV. We further propose an alternative estimator, the time-variation
adjusted realized covariance (TVARCV) matrix. We show that for processes in
class , the TVARCV possesses the desirable property that its LSD
depends solely on that of the targeting ICV through the Mar\v{c}enko--Pastur
equation, and hence, in particular, the TVARCV can be used to recover the
empirical spectral distribution of the ICV by using existing algorithms.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/11-AOS939 the Annals of
Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aos/) by the Institute of Mathematical
Statistics (http://www.imstat.org
Discrete Fractal Dimensions of the Ranges of Random Walks in Associate with Random Conductances
Let X= {X_t, t \ge 0} be a continuous time random walk in an environment of
i.i.d. random conductances {\mu_e \in [1, \infty), e \in E_d}, where E_d is the
set of nonoriented nearest neighbor bonds on the Euclidean lattice Z^d and d\ge
3. Let R = {x \in Z^d: X_t = x for some t \ge 0} be the range of X. It is
proved that, for almost every realization of the environment, dim_H (R) = dim_P
(R) = 2 almost surely, where dim_H and dim_P denote respectively the discrete
Hausdorff and packing dimension. Furthermore, given any set A \subseteq Z^d, a
criterion for A to be hit by X_t for arbitrarily large t>0 is given in terms of
dim_H(A). Similar results for Bouchoud's trap model in Z^d (d \ge 3) are also
Occupation Statistics of Critical Branching Random Walks in Two or Higher Dimensions
Consider a critical nearest neighbor branching random walk on the
-dimensional integer lattice initiated by a single particle at the origin.
Let be the event that the branching random walk survives to generation
. We obtain limit theorems conditional on the event for a variety of
occupation statistics: (1) Let be the maximal number of particles at a
single site at time . If the offspring distribution has finite th
moment for some integer , then in dimensions 3 and higher,
; and if the offspring distribution has an exponentially
decaying tail, then in dimensions 3 and higher, and
in dimension 2. Furthermore, if the offspring
distribution is non-degenerate then for
some . (2) Let be the number of multiplicity- sites
in the th generation, that is, sites occupied by exactly particles. In
dimensions 3 and higher, the random variables converge jointly to
multiples of an exponential random variable. (3) In dimension 2, the number of
particles at a "typical" site (that is, at the location of a randomly chosen
particle of the th generation) is of order , and the number of
occupied sites is
The random conductance model with Cauchy tails
We consider a random walk in an i.i.d. Cauchy-tailed conductances
environment. We obtain a quenched functional CLT for the suitably rescaled
random walk, and, as a key step in the arguments, we improve the local limit
theorem for in [Ann. Probab. (2009). To appear],
Theorem 5.14, to a result which gives uniform convergence for
for all in a ball.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/09-AAP638 the Annals of
Applied Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aap/) by the Institute of
Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org
Statistical Properties of Microstructure Noise
We study the estimation of moments and joint moments of microstructure noise.
Estimators of arbitrary order of (joint) moments are provided, for which we
establish consistency as well as central limit theorems. In particular, we
provide estimators of auto-covariances and auto-correlations of the noise.
Simulation studies demonstrate excellent performance of our estimators even in
the presence of jumps and irregular observation times. Empirical studies reveal
(moderate) positive auto-correlation of the noise for the stocks tested
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