88 research outputs found

    Identification of a novel iron regulated basic helix-loop-helix protein involved in Fe homeostasis in Oryza sativa

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Iron (Fe) is the most limiting micronutrient element for crop production in alkaline soils. A number of transcription factors involved in regulating Fe uptake from soil and transport in plants have been identified. Analysis of transcriptome data from <it>Oryza sativa </it>grown under limiting Fe conditions reveals that transcript abundances of several genes encoding transcription factors are altered by Fe availability. These transcription factors are putative regulators of Fe deficiency responses.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Transcript abundance of one nuclear located basic helix-loop-helix family transcription factor, <it>OsIRO3</it>, is up-regulated from 25- to 90-fold under Fe deficiency in both root and shoot respectively. The expression of <it>OsIRO3 </it>is specifically induced by Fe deficiency, and not by other micronutrient deficiencies. Transgenic rice plants over-expressing <it>OsIRO3 </it>were hypersensitive to Fe deficiency, indicating that the Fe deficiency response was compromised. Furthermore, the Fe concentration in shoots of transgenic rice plants over-expressing <it>OsIRO3 </it>was less than that in wild-type plants. Analysis of the transcript abundances of genes normally induced by Fe deficiency in <it>OsIRO3 </it>over-expressing plants indicated their induction was markedly suppressed.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>A novel Fe regulated bHLH transcription factor (OsIRO3) that plays an important role for Fe homeostasis in rice was identified. The inhibitory effect of <it>OsIRO3 </it>over-expression on Fe deficiency response gene expression combined with hypersensitivity of <it>OsIRO3 </it>over-expression lines to low Fe suggest that OsIRO3 is a negative regulator of the Fe deficiency response in rice.</p

    The Neural Representation of Relational- and Collective-Self: Two Forms of Collectivism

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    The collectivism can be divided into two forms: relational collectivism and group collectivism. According to the cognitive representation of self, relational collectivism emphasizes the relational-self and group collectivism privileges the collective-self. However, it remains uncertain whether there is a difference between relational-self and collective-self under Chinese collectivism cultural. To address the above issue, the present study examined the neural representation of relational-self and collective-self during trait judgment tasks using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). The results showed that relational-self-reference compared with collective-self-reference generated stronger medial prefrontal cortex (MPFC) activity, indicating relational-self was more closeness and important in the self-concept than collective-self under East Asian cultural background. Relational-self and collective-self are unequally represented in the MPFC, providing direct neural evidence that the collectivism in China can be divided into relational collectivism and group collectivism

    Nicotianamine, a Novel Enhancer of Rice Iron Bioavailability to Humans

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    Background: Polished rice is a staple food for over 50 % of the world’s population, but contains little bioavailable iron (Fe) to meet human needs. Thus, biofortifying the rice grain with novel promoters or enhancers of Fe utilization would be one of the most effective strategies to prevent the high prevalence of Fe deficiency and iron deficiency anemia in the developing world. Methodology/Principal Findings: We transformed an elite rice line cultivated in Southern China with the rice nicotianamine synthase gene (OsNAS1) fused to a rice glutelin promoter. Endosperm overexpression of OsNAS1 resulted in a significant increase in nicotianamine (NA) concentrations in both unpolished and polished grain. Bioavailability of Fe from the high NA grain, as measured by ferritin synthesis in an in vitro Caco-2 cell model that simulates the human digestive system, was twice as much as that of the control line. When added at 1:1 molar ratio to ferrous Fe in the cell system, NA was twice as effective when compared to ascorbic acid (one of the most potent known enhancers of Fe bioavailability) in promoting more ferritin synthesis. Conclusions: Our data demonstrated that NA is a novel and effective promoter of iron utilization. Biofortifying polished rice with this compound has great potential in combating global human iron deficiency in people dependent on rice for thei

    Altered clearance of beta-amyloid from the cerebrospinal fluid following subchronic lead exposure in rats: Roles of RAGE and LRP1 in the choroid plexus

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    Formation of amyloid plaques is the hallmark of Alzheimer's disease. Our early studies show that lead (Pb) exposure in PDAPP transgenic mice increases β-amyloid (Aβ) levels in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and hippocampus, leading to the formation of amyloid plaques in mouse brain. Aβ in the CSF is regulated by the blood-CSF barrier (BCB) in the choroid plexus. However, the questions as to whether and how Pb exposure affected the influx and efflux of Aβ in BCB remained unknown. This study was conducted to investigate whether Pb exposure altered the Aβ efflux in the choroid plexus from the CSF to blood, and how Pb may affect the expression and subcellular translocation of two major Aβ transporters, i.e., the receptor for advanced glycation end-products (RAGE) and the low density lipoprotein receptor protein-1 (LRP1) in the choroid plexus. Sprague-Dawley rats received daily oral gavage at doses of 0, 14 (low-dose), and 27 (high-dose) mg Pb/kg as Pb acetate, 5 d/wk, for 4 or 8 wks. At the end of Pb exposure, a solution containing Aβ40 (2.5 μg/mL) was infused to rat brain via a cannulated internal carotid artery. Subchronic Pb exposure at both dose levels significantly increased Aβ levels in the CSF and choroid plexus (p < 0.05) by ELISA. Confocal data showed that 4-wk Pb exposures prompted subcellular translocation of RAGE from the choroidal cytoplasm toward apical microvilli. Furthermore, it increased the RAGE expression in the choroid plexus by 34.1 % and 25.1 % over the controls (p < 0.05) in the low- and high- dose groups, respectfully. Subchronic Pb exposure did not significantly affect the expression of LRP1; yet the high-dose group showed LRP1 concentrated along the basal lamina. The data from the ventriculo-cisternal perfusion revealed a significantly decreased efflux of Aβ40 from the CSF to blood via the blood-CSF barrier. Incubation of freshly dissected plexus tissues with Pb in artificial CSF supported a Pb effect on increased RAGE expression. Taken together, these data suggest that Pb accumulation in the choroid plexus after subchronic exposure reduces the clearance of Aβ from the CSF to blood by the choroid plexus, which, in turn, leads to an increase of Aβ in the CSF. Interaction of Pb with RAGE and LRP1 in choroidal epithelial cells may contribute to the altered Aβ transport by the blood-CSF barrier in brain ventricles

    Genome-wide identification and expression analysis of AUX/LAX family genes in Chinese hickory (Carya cathayensis Sarg.) Under various abiotic stresses and grafting

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    Auxin is essential for regulating plant growth and development as well as the response of plants to abiotic stresses. AUX/LAX proteins are auxin influx transporters belonging to the amino acid permease family of proton-driven transporters, and are involved in the transport of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA). However, how AUX/LAX genes respond to abiotic stresses in Chinese hickory is less studied. For the first time identification, structural characteristics as well as gene expression analysis of the AUX/LAX gene family in Chinese hickory were conducted by using techniques of gene cloning and real-time fluorescent quantitative PCR. Eight CcAUX/LAXs were identified in Chinese hickory, all of which had the conserved structural characteristics of AUX/LAXs. CcAUX/LAXs were most closely related to their homologous proteins in Populus trichocarpa , which was in consistence with their common taxonomic character of woody trees. CcAUX/LAXs exhibited different expression profiles in different tissues, indicating their varying roles during growth and development. A number of light-, hormone-, and abiotic stress responsive cis-acting regulatory elements were detected on the promoters of CcAUX/LAX genes. CcAUX/LAX genes responded differently to drought and salt stress treatments to varying degrees. Furthermore, CcAUX/LAX genes exhibited complex expression changes during Chinese hickory grafting. These findings not only provide a valuable resource for further functional validation of CcAUX/LAXs, but also contribute to a better understanding of their potential regulatory functions during grafting and abiotic stress treatments in Chinese hickory

    Ethylene is involved in the regulation of iron homeostasis by regulating the expression of iron-acquisition-related genes in Oryza sativa

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    Plants employ two distinct strategies to obtain iron (Fe) from the soil. In Strategy I but not Strategy II plants, Fe limitation invokes ethylene production which regulates Fe deficiency responses. Oryza sativa (rice) is the only graminaceous plant described that possesses a Strategy I-like system for iron uptake as well as the classic Strategy II system. Ethylene production of rice roots was significantly increased when grown under Fe-depleted conditions. Moreover, 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) treatment, a precursor of ethylene, conferred tolerance to Fe deficiency in rice by increasing internal Fe availability. Gene expression analysis of rice iron-regulated bHLH transcription factor OsIRO2, nicotianamine synthases 1 and 2 (NAS1 and NAS2), yellow-stripe like transporter 15 (YSL15) and iron-regulated transporter (IRT1) indicated that ethylene caused an increase in transcript abundance of both Fe (II) and Fe (III)-phytosiderophore uptake systems. RNA interference of OsIRO2 in transgenic rice showed that ethylene acted via this transcription factor to induce the expression of OsNAS1, OsNAS2, OsYSL15, and OsIRT1. By contrast, in Hordeum vulgare L. (barley), no ethylene production or ethylene-mediated effects of Fe response could be detected. In conclusion, Fe-limiting conditions increased ethylene production and signalling in rice, which is novel in Strategy II plant species

    The Invasion and Metastasis Promotion Role of CD97 Small Isoform in Gastric Carcinoma

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    CD97 is over-expressed in the majority of gastric adenocarcinomas and is associated with its dedifferentiation and aggressiveness. Our previous results demonstrated that out of three CD97 isoforms tested, only the small one was able to promote increased invasiveness in vitro. Based on these data we further aimed to investigate the role of CD97 small isoform in gastric cancer progression in vivo by employing the cells with a stable CD97 small isoform knock-down and an orthotopic gastric cancer mouse model. We could demonstrate that the knock down of CD97/EGF1,2,5, led to a significant decrease in the number of cells penetrating the gelatin coated membrane as compared with control cells. In the gastric cancer mouse model, both the hypodermic and the orthotopic yielded tumor masses of the CD97/EGF1,2,5kd group and were significantly smaller than the control. Metastatic tumor cell number in early metastatic regional lymph nodes on post-operative day 42 was distinctly decreased in the CD97/EGF1,2,5kd group as compared with the SGC-NS group, and was accompanied with the downregulation of CD44, VEGFR, CD31 and CD97. We concluded in this study that CD97 small isoform not only supported gastric cancer local growth, but also promoted metastatic spread in orthotopically implanted mouse model suggesting involvement of the CD97 small isoform in the preparation of (pre)metastatic niche