159 research outputs found

    Monitoring of liquid flow through microtubes using a micropressure sensor

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    The pressure-driven liquid flow through microtubes was studied in a range of very low Reynolds numbers (<0.15) by monitoring the pressure change in situ. Cylindrical microtubes with diameters ranging from 50 ?m to 500 ?m were examined and two types of tube material, namely PEEK polymer and fused silica were compared. A good linear relation for the pressure drop versus flow rate was obtained. Apparent deviations between the measured slopes with those calculated using conventional theory were attributed to uncertainties in the calculated values which are dominated by the uncertainties in the microtube diameters. It was found that a period of stabilisation time was required for reaching a steady flow after the syringe pump was switched on/off or to a different flow rate. The stabilisation time was likely due to the compressibility of the fluid. Insignificant difference between PEEK polymer and fused silica microtubes in terms of flow resistance was observed. The in-situ measurement of pressure drops provides a convenient approach for monitoring fluid flow through microtubes and detecting dimensional changes within microchannels in Lab-on-a-Chip and microreactor systems

    Investigating the flow dynamics in the obstructed and stented ureter by means of a biomimetic artificial model.

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    Double-J stenting is the most common clinical method employed to restore the upper urinary tract drainage, in the presence of a ureteric obstruction. After implant, stents provide an immediate pain relief by decreasing the pressure in the renal pelvis (P). However, their long-term usage can cause infections and encrustations, due to bacterial colonization and crystal deposition on the stent surface, respectively. The performance of double-J stents - and in general of all ureteric stents - is thought to depend significantly on urine flow field within the stented ureter. However very little fundamental research about the role played by fluid dynamic parameters on stent functionality has been conducted so far. These parameters are often difficult to assess in-vivo, requiring the implementation of laborious and expensive experimental protocols. The aim of the present work was therefore to develop an artificial model of the ureter (i.e. ureter model, UM) to mimic the fluid dynamic environment in a stented ureter. The UM was designed to reflect the geometry of pig ureters, and to investigate the values of fluid dynamic viscosity (?), volumetric flow rate (Q) and severity of ureteric obstruction (OB%) which may cause critical pressures in the renal pelvis. The distributed obstruction derived by the sole stent insertion was also quantified. In addition, flow visualisation experiments and computational simulations were performed in order to further characterise the flow field in the UM. Unique characteristics of the flow dynamics in the obstructed and stented ureter have been revealed with using the developed UM

    Oscillation dynamics of embolic microspheres in flows with red blood cell suspensions

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    Dynamic nature of particle motion in blood flow is an important determinant of embolization based cancer therapy. Yet, the manner in which the presence of high volume fraction of red blood cells influences the particle dynamics remains unknown. Here, by investigating the motions of embolic microspheres in pressure-driven flows of red blood cell suspensions through capillaries, we illustrate unique oscillatory trends in particle trajectories, which are not observable in Newtonian fluid flows. Our investigation reveals that such oscillatory behavior essentially manifests when three simultaneous conditions, namely, the Reynolds number beyond a threshold limit, degree of confinement beyond a critical limit, and high hematocrit level, are fulfilled simultaneously. Given that these conditions are extremely relevant to fluid dynamics of blood or polymer flow, the observations reported here bear significant implications on embolization based cancer treatment as well as for complex multiphase fluidics involving particle

    Formation and characteristics of laminar vortices in microscale environments within an obstructed and stented ureter: A computational study

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    Despite the widespread clinical usage of ureteric stents for the drainage of urine in impaired ureters (e.g. caused by ureteric stones, tumors) many complications are still associated with stent's implants. Encrusting and infective events, due to crystals' deposition and bacterial adhesion on the stent surface, usually lead to stent failure. In earlier experimental results we showed the presence of vortices in regions of the stent (e.g. side holes) which are thought to act as initial anchoring sites for encrusting deposits. In the current study we show computationally how the stent's design is a crucial factor for developing the vortices

    Apparent equilibrium shifts and hot-spot formation for catalytic reactions induced by microwave dielectric heating

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    Microwave dielectric heating of the gas phase decomposition of H2S catalysed by metal sulfides on a -Al2O3 support results in significant apparent shifts in the equilibrium constant, which have been attributed to the development of hot-spots in the catalytic beds; X-ray diffraction and electron microscopy measurements have indicated the formation of hot-spots with dimensions of 90–1000 µm and which involve not only the active phase, but also the support

    Mithramycin encapsulated in polymeric micelles by microfluidic technology as novel therapeutic protocol for beta-thalassemia

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    This report shows that the DNA-binding drug, mithramycin, can be efficiently encapsulated in polymeric micelles (PM-MTH), based on Pluronic® block copolymers, by a new microfluidic approach. The effect of different production parameters has been investigated for their effect on PM-MTH characteristics. The compared analysis of PM-MTH produced by microfluidic and conventional bulk mixing procedures revealed that microfluidics provides a useful platform for the production of PM-MTH with improved controllability, reproducibility, smaller size, and polydispersity. Finally, an investigation of the effects of PM-MTH, produced by microfluidic and conventional bulk mixing procedures, on the erythroid differentiation of both human erythroleukemia and human erythroid precursor cells is reported. It is demonstrated that PM-MTH exhibited a slightly lower toxicity and more pronounced differentiative activity when compared to the free drug. In addition, PM-MTH were able to upregulate preferentially ?-globin messenger ribonucleic acid production and to increase fetal hemoglobin (HbF) accumulation, the percentage of HbF-containing cells, and their HbF content without stimulating ?-globin gene expression, which is responsible for the clinical symptoms of ß-thalassemia. These results represent an important first step toward a potential clinical application, since an increase in HbF could alleviate the symptoms underlying ß-thalassemia and sickle cell anemia. In conclusion, this report suggests that PM-MTH produced by microfluidic approach warrants further evaluation as a potential therapeutic protocol for ß-thalassemia.<br/

    The role of cell membrane strain in sonoporation characterised by microfluidic-based single-cell analysis

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    In the present study we have investigated the sonoporation dynamics in a single cell using a novel microfluidic-based approach. Our methodology has successfully addressed the biophysical mechanisms underlying US-induced cell membrane sonoporation by performing in situ measurement of localised cell membrane deformation, and simultaneous quantification of both intracellular calcium concentration ([Ca2+]i) and transmembrane transfer of extracellular membrane-impermeable probes. We have highlighted novel aspects of microbubble-cluster dynamics combined with localised cell membrane strain, which could be responsible for membrane permeabilisation and transmembrane pore formation correlated with the transduction of intracellular biochemical signals (i.e. [Ca2+]i influx) as a result of microbubble-cell interaction

    Synthesis and characterization of liposomes encapsulating silver nanoprisms obtained by millifluidic-based production for drug delivery

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    Silver nanoprisms (SNPs) have attracted significant attention due to their surface plasmon resonance behaviour, which is strongly dependent on their size and shape. The enhanced light absorption and scattering capacity of SNPs, make them a promising candidate system for non-invasive imaging and drug delivery in nanoparticle-assisted diagnostics and therapy. However, systemic administration of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) at high concentrations may result in toxic side-effects, arising from non-targeted bio-distribution. These drawbacks could be mitigated by employing liposomes as carriers for AgNPs. However, there is a lack of systematic studies on production and subsequent physico-chemical characterisation of liposomal systems encapsulating SNPs. The present study therefore investigated the synthesis of liposomes encapsulating SNPs (Lipo/SNPs) using a continuous-flow millimetre-scale reactor, whereby liposome formation was governed by a solvent exchange mechanism. An aqueous phase and an ethanolic lipid phase were conveyed through two separate inlet channels, and subsequently travelled through a serpentine-shaped channel where mixing between the two phases took place. The synthesis process was optimised by varying both liposome formulation and the operating fluidic parameters, including the ratio between inlet flow rates (or flow rate ratio) and the total flow rate. The obtained Lipo/SNPs were characterised for their size and electrostatic charge, using a dynamic light scattering apparatus. Liposome morphology and encapsulation efficiency of SNPs within liposomes were determined by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) imaging. The synthesised negatively charged Lipo/SNP samples were found to have an average size of ∼150 nm (size dispersity < 0.3). The AgNPs encapsulation efficiency was equal to 77.48%, with mostly single SNPs encapsulated in liposomes. By using a multiangle TEM imaging approach, quasi-3D images were obtained, further confirming the encapsulation of nanoparticles within liposomes. Overall, the formulation and production technique developed in the present study has potential to contribute towards mitigating challenges associated with AgNP-mediated drug delivery and diagnostics

    The effect of ultrasound-related stimuli on cell viability in microfluidic channels

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    Background: In ultrasonic micro-devices, contrast agent micro-bubbles are known to initiate cavitation and streaming local to cells, potentially compromising cell viability. Here we investigate the effects of US alone by omitting contrast agent and monitoring cell viability under moderate-to-extreme ultrasound-related stimuli.Results: Suspended H9c2 cardiac myoblasts were exposed to ultrasonic fields within a glass micro-capillary and their viability monitored under different US-related stimuli. An optimal injection flow rate of 2.6 mL/h was identified in which, high viability was maintained (~95%) and no mechanical stress towards cells was evident. This flow rate also allowed sufficient exposure of cells to US in order to induce bioeffects (~5 sec), whilst providing economical sample collection and processing times. Although the transducer temperature increased from ambient 23 [degree sign]C to 54[degree sign]C at the maximum experimental voltage (29 Vpp), computational fluid dynamic simulations and controls (absence of US) revealed that the cell medium temperature did not exceed 34[degree sign]C in the pressure nodal plane. Cells exposed to US amplitudes ranging from 0--29 Vpp, at a fixed frequency sweep period (tsw = 0.05 sec), revealed that viability was minimally affected up to ~15 Vpp. There was a ~17% reduction in viability at 21 Vpp, corresponding to the onset of Rayleigh-like streaming and a ~60% reduction at 29 Vpp, corresponding to increased streaming velocity or the potential onset of cavitation. At a fixed amplitude (29 Vpp) but with varying frequency sweep period (tsw = 0.02-0.50 sec), cell viability remained relatively constant at tsw &gt;= 0.08 sec, whilst viability reduced at tsw &lt; 0.08 sec and minimum viability recorded at tsw = 0.05 sec.Conclusion: The absence of CA has enabled us to investigate the effect of US alone on cell viability. Moderate-to-extreme US-related stimuli of cells have allowed us to discriminate between stimuli that maintain high viability and stimuli that significantly reduce cell viability. Results from this study may be of potential interest to researchers in the field of US-induced intracellular drug delivery and ultrasonic manipulation of biological cells.<br/

    Analysis and risk evaluation of current land subsidence in Ningbo City

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    In response to evaluating the current status and assessing the risk assessment requirements of land subsidence in Ningbo City, the characteristics of land subsidence in recent years were analyzed using InSAR remote sensing monitoring data and subsidence point monitoring data from 2017 to 2020. Based on this analysis, a land subsidence risk assessment system has been developed, primarily consisting of six evaluation factors, including ground elevation, susceptibility to subsidence, cumulative ground subsidence, subsidence rate, urban population density, and the proportion of construction land usage. The susceptibility to subsidence is a comprehensive evaluation factor that takes into account geological conditions, hydrogeological conditions, and the impact of human activities. The results of the land subsidence risk assessment indicate that there are no high-risk susceptibility zones for land subsidence in Ningbo City. Medium and low-risk susceptibility zones are primarily associated with factors such as the thick layers of the Holocene soft soil, historical excessive groundwater extraction, localized high-intensity urban development, and coastal land reclamation projects within the region. Finally, the areas were categorized into medium-risk, low-risk, and risk prevention zones, along with corresponding control recommendations for land subsidence risk management