1,011 research outputs found

    Water Consumption of Children in Head Start Classrooms

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    The Institute of Medicine (IOM) identifies the importance of water consumption and suggested that children need to consume water each day (IOM, 2011). Head Start Performance Standards requires that the children have free access to drinking water throughout the program day (DHHS, 2016a). The first goal of this study was to identify the quantity of water consumed by children during the program day (8am-2pm). This study employed a person-centered approach to explore the water consumption of the children through observations and direct measurement to identify the amount of the water consumed during a program day. Four classrooms from a Head Start center in a southeastern school district were included in the study. A total of 80 children were observed during the program day (8am-2pm) over a period of 8 weeks. Each child was given a water bottle and instructed to drink freely from the water fountain or the water bottle. In the classroom, water intake from the water fountain and water bottles were recorded. The second goal of this study is to examine profiles of the water consumption from both the school and at home. A person-centered approach combined the individual data of water consumption, from both observation and parental reports, to deepen our understanding of the issue. The 80 parents or legal guardians completed a brief survey to provide information on water consumption at home. No statistically significant differences across demographic characteristics were found. However, large to moderate effect size were discovered. The third goal of the present study was to compare the usage of the sugary sweetened beverages (SSBs) with the national Head Start Faces data 2009 (DHHS, 2017). The current study group had statistically significant difference in consumption of those sugary sweetened beverages. The current study concluded that the water consumption of the children in Head Start classrooms are far less that recommended level. Suggestions on how to increase water consumption were made based on observed behaviors of children across four classrooms. Policy changes regarding water consumption is suggested to increase the water consumption

    Nadzorowany kredyt, strategie rządowe i zielony rozwój: przykład Chin

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    This study examines the relationship between supervised credit (SC), government strategies, and green development (GD) utilizing the instrumental variable two-stage least squares (IV-2SLS) and spatial econometric model and panel data from 30 provinces and cities in China from 2006 to 2020. The study reached the following main results. First, untrustworthy punishment and trustworthy incentives promote the environmental protection through optimal allocation of supervised resources, which can be positively regulated by the government transformation. Second, beggar-thy-neighbor and free rider can be found in government environmental SC. Strengthening punishment in neighboring regions will have a negative effect on the local GD, whereas increasing incentives will have the opposite effect. Third, strategic interactions among various governmental sections have varying effects on GD. The eastern regions implement difference-based promotion for trustworthy incentives and ineffective imitation for untrustworthy punishment. The central and western regions, on the other hand, use ineffective imitation for trustworthy incentives and inhibiting imitation for untrustworthy punishment, the eastern regions implement ineffective imitation and the central and western regions execute inhibiting imitation. Finally, when R&D investment exceeds a certain threshold, but the industrial structure is lower, the untrustworthy punishment can play its promoting role; otherwise, the trustworthy incentives will turn over. The study findings reveal the unique mechanism of SC and provides new impetus regional policymakers to promote sustainable GD.Niniejsze badanie analizuje związek między nadzorowanym kredytem (SC), strategiami rządowymi i zielonym rozwojem (GD) z wykorzystaniem zmiennej instrumentalnej dwustopniowej metody najmniejszych kwadratów (IV-2SLS) oraz przestrzennego modelu ekonometrycznego i danych panelowych z 30 prowincji i miast w Chinach od 2006 do 2020. W badaniu osiągnięto następujące główne wyniki. Po pierwsze, niegodne zaufania kary i wiarygodne zachęty sprzyjają ochronie środowiska poprzez optymalną alokację nadzorowanych środków, co może być pozytywnie uregulowane przez transformację rządową. Po drugie, żebraka-sąsiada i swobodnego jeźdźca można znaleźć w rządowym środowisku SC. Wzmocnienie kary w sąsiednich regionach będzie miało negatywny wpływ na lokalną GD, podczas gdy zwiększenie zachęt będzie miało odwrotny skutek. Po trzecie, strategiczne interakcje między różnymi sekcjami rządowymi mają różny wpływ na GD. Regiony wschodnie stosują promocję opartą na różnicach w przypadku godnych zaufania zachęt i nieskuteczną imitację w przypadku niegodnych zaufania kar. Z drugiej strony regiony centralne i zachodnie stosują nieskuteczne naśladownictwo w przypadku godnych zaufania zachęt i wstrzymywanie naśladowania w przypadku niegodnych zaufania kar, regiony wschodnie wdrażają nieskuteczne naśladownictwo, a regiony centralne i zachodnie wstrzymywanie naśladowania. Wreszcie, gdy inwestycje w badania i rozwój przekraczają określony próg, ale struktura przemysłowa jest niższa, niegodna zaufania kara może odgrywać rolę promocyjną; w przeciwnym razie godne zaufania zachęty się odwrócą. Wyniki badań ujawniają unikalny mechanizm SC i dostarczają nowego impulsu regionalnym decydentom do promowania zrównoważonego GD

    Early Childhood Pre-Professionals’ Experience in a Study Abroad Program to Finland: Evaluation of Professional Growth, and Personal and Cultural Gains

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    The present study explores the experiences of fifteen Early Childhood pre-professionals on a University lead short-term study abroad program to Finland. The purpose of the study was to investigate the impact of the 10-day-long experience on students’ attitudes and perceptions particularly on their professional growth, personal, and cultural gains. Daily reflective journals entries and questionnaires were used to capture insights of the phenomena. Data were collected prior to, during, and after the program. This phenomenological study also employed audio taped interviews to provide summaries of their experiences in Finland. Horizontalization was used and three emerging themes were explained. Conclusions and recommendations are provided for future studies

    Terrace-like structure in the above-threshold ionization spectrum of an atom in an IR+XUV two-color laser field

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    Based on the frequency-domain theory, we investigate the above-threshold ionization (ATI) process of an atom in a two-color laser field with infrared (IR) and extreme ultraviolet (XUV) frequencies, where the photon energy of the XUV laser is close to or larger than the atomic ionization threshold. By using the channel analysis, we find that the two laser fields play different roles in an ionization process, where the XUV laser determines the ionization probability by the photon number that the atom absorbs from it, while the IR laser accelerates the ionized electron and hence widens the electron kinetic energy spectrum. As a result, the ATI spectrum presents a terrace-like structure. By using the saddle-point approximation, we obtain a classical formula which can predict the cutoff of each plateau in the terrace-like ATI spectrum. Furthermore, we find that the difference of the heights between two neighboring plateaus in the terrace-like structure of the ATI spectrum increases as the frequency of the XUV laser increases