86 research outputs found

    Place and role of the fat-and-oil industry in the national economy of Ukraine Место и роль масложировой отрасли в национальной экономике Украины

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    The article considers the place and role of the fat-and-oil industry in the agro-industrial complex and national economy of Ukraine. It gives an estimate of the contribution of the fat-and-oil industry into dynamics and structure of volumes of production and sales of products of the food industry. It substantiates an exclusive role of the fat-and-oil industry in formation of the consumption fund, solution of problems of internal food supply security and increase of the export potential of the country and tax proceeds to the budget. It considers social significance of the fat-and-oil industry, products of which are included into a set of food products of the consumer basket. It substantiates a necessity of state support of the fat-and-oil industry on the basis of its place and role in the agro-industrial complex and national economy of Ukraine.<br>В статье рассмотрены место и роль масложировой отрасли в агропромышленном комплексе и национальной экономике Украины. Дана оценка вклада масложировой отрасли в динамику и структуру объемов производства и реализации продукции пищевой промышленности. Обоснована исключительная роль масложировой отрасли в формировании фонда потребления, решении проблем внутренней продовольственной безопасности, увеличении экспортного потенциала страны, налоговых поступлений в бюджет. Рассмотрена социальная значимость масложировой отрасли, продукция которой входит в состав набора продуктов питания «потребительской корзины». На основе определенных места и роли масложировой отрасли в агропромышленном комплексе и национальной экономике Украины обоснована необходимость ее государственной поддержки

    Effects of Environmental Factors on Reproduction of the Sea Urchin Strongylocentrotus Intermedius

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    The results of long-term studies (2003–2015) of the reproductive biology of the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus intermedius in wild populations located in the northwestern Sea of Japan along 400 km of the coast of the Primorye region of Russia and differing by the level of anthropogenic pressure are reported. Our analysis showed that since 1970–1980s, the shift in spawning season from autumn to early summer occurred in S. intermedius populations inhabiting anthropogenically polluted areas of Peter the Great Bay, resulting in the appearance of three types of populations that differ from each other in the proportions of individuals with early spawning (the end of May–June) and late spawning (September–early October). Our results indicate that neither photoperiod nor temperature may be considered as the primary external factors determining a shift in S. intermedius temporal patterns of gonad maturation and the timing of spawning and that phytoplankton concentration is the main factor for initiation of sea urchin spawning activity. We hypothesized that the shift in spawning season from autumn to early summer in S. intermedius populations inhabiting polluted areas can be explained by a phenotypic response of this species to environmental changes caused by chronic eutrophication

    Structure, optical, electrical and thermoelectric properties of solution-processed Li-doped NiO films grown by SILAR

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    The article presents a new facial synthesis of Li-doped NiO films (NiO:Li) via an easy and cost-effective method Successive Ionic Layer Adsorption and Reaction (SILAR) with the processing of the obtained NiO films in a lithium-containing aqueous solution for their transformation after annealing into NiO:Li layers. Comparative analysis of crystal structure, optical, electrical and thermoelectric properties of the obtained NiO and NiO:Li 420-1050 nm thick films have reveiled a cubic rock-salt NiO structure, at that, NiO:Li samples are nanocrystalline single phased Li-NiO solid solutions. The fabricated NiO and NiO:Li films are p-type semiconductors with activation energy Ea = 0.1 eV and Ea = 0.25‒0.31 eV, respectively. The obtained in-plane Seebeck coefficients Z are in the range 0.20–0.33 mV/К. Notwithstanding the fact that the maximum values of the thermoelectric power factors P=2.2 μW/K2·m, are rather small, they were achieved if the hot end of the NiO:Li film was heated only to 115 °C. Thus, the produced in this work new low cost thermoelectric thin film material is suitable for a production of electrical energy for low-power devices due to absorption of low-potential heat

    General social and personal-microenvironmental determinants of crimes committed by minors in Russian modern society

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    © Serials Publications.The article discusses the causes and conditions of juvenile crime in Russia on the basis of analysis of scientific and creative approaches to highlight social and personal microcredit determinants. In the process of writing were used research methods: analysis, synthesis, statistics, comparison and others. The author notes a direct relationship between the causes and conditions conducive to the Commission of crimes minors and insufficient efficiency of measures aimed at neutralization and subsequent elimination. Attention is drawn that the problem of the causes and conditions conducive to the Commission of juvenile crime in Russia involves a comprehensive and systematic scientific approach in their research, which indicates that they are not only criminological and criminal law, and more socio-economic and cultural-educational aspects. Therefore, in order to prevent juvenile crime the necessary socio-economic and cultural-educational factors on the neutralization and elimination of causes and conditions conducive to the Commission of crimes of minors, consistent and efficient operation of all government and law enforcement agencies to prevent, identify and prosecute perpetrators, as well as the constructive activities of the state bodies, public organizations and other institutions of civil society in shaping the law-abiding younger generation of Russian citizens

    Structural stability of adenylate kinase from the sulfate-reducing bacteria Desulfovibrio gigas

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    Biophysical Chemistry 110 (2004) 83–92A novel adenylate kinase (AK) has recently been purified from Desulfovibrio gigas and characterized as a Co2+/Zn2+-containing enzyme: this is an unusual characteristic for AKs from Gram-negative bacteria, in which these enzymes are normally devoid of metals. Here, we studied the conformational stability of holo- and apo-AK as a function of temperature by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), circular dichroism (CD), and intrinsic fluorescence spectroscopy. The thermal unfolding of AK is a cooperative two-state process, and is sufficiently reversible in the 9–11 pH range, that can be correctly interpreted in terms of a simple two-state thermodynamic model. The spectral parameters as monitored by ellipticity changes in the CD spectra of the enzyme as well as the decrease in tryptophan intensity emission upon heating were seen to be good complements to the highly sensitive but integral DSC-method.supported in part by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal, fellowships BD/13775/97 to OYG, BPD/3518/00 to SAB, SFRH/BD/1067/2000 to DGP, and NATO Scientific Programme Fellowships for Spain, call 2002 to GGZ

    Orthostatic hypotension. Part 2: diagnosis and treatment

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    Due to its asymptomatic nature, orthostatic hypotension can be diagnosed only by means of orthostatic challenge. One should try to define the causes of orthostatic hypotension in every single case because treating illness that lead to orthostatic hypotension will improve patient’s health outcomes. The main target for therapy should be improving patient’s functional status, reducing orthostatic symptoms as well as risk for falls and syncopes, but not maintaining arterial blood pressure within certain limits. Doctors need to be aware of the methods for diagnosing the orthostatic hypotension to provide patients with the better quality of life. The first part of the systematic review was published in the Innovative Medicine of Kuban, no. 4, 2018


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    The article is devoted to the problems of construction of the classification of state financial control and ways of their overcoming. Established that the key problems of building classifications of state financial control are: lack of purpose; difficulties in choosing and applying methods for constructing a classification; identification of state financial control with other related concepts; ambiguity of wording of classification signs and types of state financial control; lack of a clear understanding of the basic rules and requirements for building the classification. In order to solve this spectrum of problems, organizational measures proposed, phased implementation of which will make it possible to order the process of creating a classification of state financial control, assess its quality and suitability; and formulated a list of key requirements for the construction of the classification of public financial control, which are based on the theory of sets and general rules of division of concepts in logic, which will enable to avoid double classification and mutual overlapping of types of state financial control on separate grounds.In article has improved the classification of types of state financial control by modifying existing ones and introducing new theoretically substantiated and practically significant features: "the subordination of the object of control to the subject of control actions", "the level of delegation of control powers", "the initiative of conducting control measures", "the regularity (periodicity) of carrying out control measures", "the duration of control measures", "point in the time of control activities relative to the stage of economic operations at the controlled object" and "the way of checking business operations and accounting documents of the object of control", which will help to order the levels of information significance of certain types of state financial control and develop its tools for timely and effective prevention of violations in the field of management of public financial resources.Статья посвящена проблемам построения классификации государственного финансового контроля и путям их преодоления. Установлено, что ключевыми проблемами построения классификаций государственного финансового контроля являются: отсутствие цели; трудности в выборе методов построения классификации; отождествление государственного финансового контроля с другими родственными понятиями; расплывчатость формулировок классификационных признаков и видов государственного финансового контроля; отсутствие четкого представления об основных правилах и требованиях к построению классификации. Для решения указанного спектра проблем в работе сформулирован перечень ключевых требований к построению классификации государственного финансового контроля, а также предложен перечень организационных мероприятий, поэтапное выполнение которых будет способствовать упорядочению процесса создания классификации. В работе усовершенствована классификация видов государственного финансового контроля путем модификации существующих и введения новых теоретически обоснованных и практически значимых признаковСтаття присвячена проблемам побудови класифікації державного фінансового контролю та шляхам їх подолання. Встановлено, що ключовими проблемами побудови класифікацій державного фінансового контролю є: відсутність мети; труднощі у виборі та застосуванні методів побудови класифікації; ототожнення державного фінансового контролю з іншими родинними поняттями; розпливчастість формулювань класифікаційних ознак та видів державного фінансового контролю; відсутність чіткого уявлення про основні правила та вимоги до побудови класифікації. Для вирішення зазначеного спектру проблем у роботі запропоновано склад організаційних заходів, поетапне виконання яких дасть змогу упорядкувати процес створення класифікації державного фінансового контролю, оцінити її якість та придатність; та сформульовано перелік ключових вимог до побудови класифікації державного фінансового контролю, які ґрунтуються на теорії множин та загальних правилах поділу понять у логіці, що дасть змогу уникнути подвійної класифікації та взаємного перекриття видів державного фінансового контролю за окремими ознаками.У роботі удосконалено класифікацію видів державного фінансового контролю шляхом модифікації існуючих та введення нових теоретично обґрунтованих і практично значущих ознак: «підпорядкованість об’єкта контролю суб’єкту контрольних дій», «рівень делегування контрольних повноважень», «ініціатива проведення контрольних заходів», «регулярність (періодичність) проведення контрольних заходів», «тривалість проведення контрольних заходів», «момент часу проведення контрольних заходів по відношенню до стадії здійснення господарських операцій на підконтрольному об’єкті» та «спосіб перевірки господарських операцій та бухгалтерської документації об’єкта контролю», що сприятиме упорядкуванню рівнів інформаційної значущості окремих видів державного фінансового контролю та розвитку його інструментарію для своєчасного і ефективного попередження порушень у сфері управління державними фінансовими ресурсами

    Кинетика бифилярно-контролируемых движений свободных тел

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    A free solid body S regular movement in accordance with some wanted time-space rule is considered. This movement is effected by a system of forces, including the appropriate distributed mass forces of inertia of the body, its constant force of gravity and the two variables in magnitude and in the direction of the tensile force of the pair associated with the body flexible control leashes. Leashes tension forces, adequate to these conditions and the rule of the wanted movement of the body S are defined. A mathematical model of such movement is presented.Рассмотрено регулярное движение свободного твердого тела S, совершаемое по некоторому искомому пространственно-временному закону. Движение осуществляется под действием системы сил, включающей соответствующие распределенные массовые силы инерции этого тела, его постоянную силу тяжести и две переменные по модулю и по направлению силы натяжения пары связанных с телом S его гибких управляющих поводков. Определены силы натяжения поводков, адекватные данным условиям и закону искомого движения тела S. Представлена его математическая модель


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    ABSTRACT. Currently, acute cerebrovascular accident is an extremely important medical and social issue. Stroke is a major cause of disability in the population and takes a leading place among the causes of death.Modern high­tech endovascular treatment of the ischemic stroke (IS) and acute coronary syndrome (ACS) includes effective methods of reperfusion of the brain and myocardium within first hours of the disease.In this paper, we report two clinical examples of high­tech reperfusion endovascular treatment in the same patient at an intervals of 1 year and 6 months in the development of clinical picture of the stroke and ACS in Regional Clinical hospital № 1 n.a. Prof. S.V. Ochapovsky.In the first case, intra­aortic TLT of two cerebral arteries (ACA and MCA) was performed simultaneously with delayed recanalization and complete regression of focal neurological symptoms. And in the second case, selective thrombolytic therapy was performed in the acute phase of stroke, which developed few hours after PTCA RCA in ACS, with a good clinical effect. РЕЗЮМЕ. В настоящее время острые нарушения мозгового кровообращения (ОНМК) — чрезвычайно важная медицинская и социальная проблема. Инсульт является основной причиной инвалидизации населения и занимает ведущее место среди причин смертности.Современное высокотехнологичное эндоваскулярное лечение ишемического инсульта (ИИ) и острого коронарного синдрома (ОКС) включают применение эффективных методов реперфузии вещества головного мозга и миокарда в первые часы заболевания.В данной работе представлены два клинических примера применения высокотехнологичного реперфузионного эндоваскулярного лечения у одной и той же пациентки с интервалом 1 год и 6 мес при развитии клиники ОНМК и ОКС в условиях ГБУЗ «НИИ — Краевая клиническая больница № 1 имени профессора С.В. Очаповского» Министерства здравоохранения Краснодарского края.В первом случае проведена внутриартериальная тромболитическая терапия одновременно двух церебральных артерий (передняя и средняя мозговые артерии) с отсроченной реканализацией и полным регрессом очаговой неврологической симптоматики. Второй случай — проведение селективной тромболитической терапии в остром периоде ОНМК, развившегося через несколько часов после чрескожной коронарной ангиопластики правой коронарной артерии при ОКС, с хорошим клиническим эффектом.

    Achieving international biodiversity targets: learning from local norms, values and actions regarding migratory waterfowl management in Kazakhstan

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    1. Migratory species are protected under international legislation; their seasonal movements across international borders may therefore present opportunities for understanding how global conservation policies translate to local-level actions across different socio-ecological contexts. Moreover, local-level management of migratory species can reveal how culture and governance affects progress towards achieving global targets. Here, we investigate potential misalignment in the two-way relationship between global-level conservation policies (i.e. hunting bans and quotas) and local-level norms, values and actions (i.e. legal and illegal hunting) in the context of waterfowl hunting in Northern Kazakhstan as a case-study. 2. N Kazakhstan is globally important for waterfowl and a key staging area for arctic-breeding species. Hunting is managed through licences, quotas and seasonal bans under UN-AEWA intergovernmental agreements. To better understand the local socio-ecological context of waterfowl hunting, we take a mixed-methods approach using socio-ecological surveys, informal discussions, and population modelling of a focal migratory goose species to: (1) investigate motivations for hunting in relation to socio-economic factors; (2) assess knowledge of species’ protection status; and (3) predict the population size of Lesser White-fronted Geese (LWfG; Anser erythropus; IUCN Vulnerable) under different scenarios of survival rates and hunting offtake, to understand how goose population demographics interact with the local socio-ecological context. 3. Model results showed no evidence that waterfowl hunting is motivated by financial gain; social and cultural importance were stronger factors. The majority of hunters are knowledgeable about species’ protection status; however, 11% did not know LWfG are protected, highlighting a key area for increased stakeholder engagement. 4. Simulations of LWfG population growth over a 20-year period showed LWfG are highly vulnerable to hunting pressure even when survival rates are high. This potential impact of hunting highlights the need for effective regulation along the entire flyway; our survey results show that hunters were generally compliant with newly introduced hunting regulations, showing that effective regulation is possible on a local level. Synthesis and applications. Here, we investigate how global conservation policy and local norms interact to affect the management of a threatened migratory species, which is particularly important for the protection and sustainable management of wildlife that crosses international borders where local contexts may differ. Our study highlights that to be effective and sustainable in the long-term, global conservation policies must fully integrate local socio-economic, cultural, governance and environmental contexts, to ensure interventions are equitable across entire species’ ranges. This approach is relevant and adaptable for different contexts involving the conservation of wide-ranging and migratory species, including the 255 migratory waterfowl covered by UN-AEWA (United Nations Agreement on the Conservation of African-Eurasian Migratory Waterbirds).Output Status: Forthcoming/Available Onlin