79 research outputs found

    A Qualitative Study Investigating Stroke Survivors’ Perceptions of their Psychosocial Needs Being Met During Rehabilitation

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    Background: Depression and anxiety can negatively impact one’s recovery, outcomes, and quality of life. Even though therapists consider the mental health needs of their clients to be a priority, they are dissatisfied with their ability to completely address these needs. The purpose of this study was to examine the client’s perspective regarding the extent to which health care professionals addressed their psychosocial needs after a stroke. Method: A phenomenological research design was used to collect data from six participants. Interviews and focus group were audiotaped, transcribed verbatim, and thematically analyzed. Member checks, peer-review, multiple coders, triangulation, and expert examination were used to increase trustworthiness of findings. Results: Five themes emerged. People with strokes: (a) experience an array of emotions, (b) are not likely to initiate disclosure of their state of mental health, (c) feel their psychosocial needs are not being addressed by health care professionals, (d) grieve the loss of prior roles post stroke and work hard to establish a new normal routine and purpose in life, and (e) have suggestions for improved care. Conclusion: These findings reinforce the importance of addressing the mental health needs of individuals post stroke and the importance of identifying methods to enhance the ability to effectively address the psychosocial needs of clients post stroke

    Pharmacological Assessment of the Medicinal Potential of Acacia mearnsii De Wild.: Antimicrobial and Toxicity Activities

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    Acacia mearnsii De Wild. (Fabaceae) is a medicinal plant used in the treatment of microbial infections in South Africa without scientific validation of its bioactivity and toxicity. The antimicrobial activity of the crude acetone extract was evaluated by both agar diffusion and macrobroth dilution methods while its cytotoxicity effect was assessed with brine shrimp lethality assay. The study showed that both bacterial and fungal isolates were highly inhibited by the crude extract. The MIC values for the gram-positive bacteria (78.1–312.5) μg/mL, gram-negative bacteria (39.1–625) μg/mL and fungal isolates (625–5000) μg/mL differ significantly. The bacteria were more susceptible than the fungal strains tested. The antibiosis determination showed that the extract was more (75%) bactericidal than bacteriostatic (25%) and more fungicidal (66.67%) than fungistatic (33.33%). The cytotoxic activity of the extract was observed between 31.25 μg/mL and 500 μg/mL and the LC50 value (112.36 μg/mL) indicates that the extract was nontoxic in the brine shrimp lethality assay (LC50 > 100 μg/mL). These results support the use of A. mearnsii in traditional medicine for treatment of microbial infections. The extract exhibiting significant broad spectrum antimicrobial activity and nontoxic effects has potential to yield active antimicrobial compounds

    Antimicrobial and antioxidant properties of methanol extract, fractions and compounds from the stem bark of Entada abyssinica Stend ex A. Satabie

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The aim of this study was to evaluate the antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of the methanol extract, fractions and isolated compounds from <it>Entada abyssinica </it>stem bark, plant used traditionally against gastrointestinal infections.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The methanol extract of <it>E. abyssinica </it>stem bark was pre-dissolved in a mixture of methanol and water, and then partitioned between <it>n</it>-hexane, ethyl acetate and <it>n</it>-butanol. The ethyl acetate portion was fractionated by column chromatography and the structures of isolated compounds elucidated by analysis of spectroscopic data and comparison with literature data. Antimicrobial activity was assayed by broth microdilution techniques on bacteria and yeasts. The antioxidant activity was determined by DPPH radical scavenging method.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Four known compounds [(5<it>S</it>,6<it>R</it>,8a<it>R</it>)-5-(carboxymethyl)-3,4,4a,5,6,7,8,8a-octahydro-5,6,8a-trimethylnaphthalenecarboxylic acid (<b>1</b>), methyl 3,4,5-trihydroxybenzoate (<b>2</b>), benzene-1,2,3-triol (<b>3</b>) and 2,3-dihydroxypropyltriacontanoate (<b>4</b>)] were isolated. Compared to the methanol extract, fractionation increased the antibacterial activities of the <it>n</it>-hexane and ethyl acetate fractions, while the antifungal activities increased in ethyl acetate, <it>n</it>-butanol and aqueous residue fractions. The isolated compounds were generally more active on bacteria (9.7 to 156.2 μg/ml) than yeasts (78.1 to 312.5 μg/ml). Apart from compound <b>1</b>, the three others displayed DPPH<sup>· </sup>scavenging activity (RSa), with RSa<sub>50 </sub>values of 1.45 and 1.60 μg/ml.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The results obtained from this study support the ethnomedicinal use of <it>E. abyssinica </it>in the treatment of gastrointestinal infections and the isolated compounds could be useful in the standardisation of antimicrobial phytomedicine from this plant.</p

    Antimicrobial activity and rutin identification of honey produced by the stingless bee Melipona compressipes manaosensis and commercial honey

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    Background: Honey has been identified as a potential alternative to the widespread use of antibiotics, which are of significant concern considering the emergence of resistant bacteria. In this context, this study aimed to evaluate the antimicrobial activity of honey samples produced by a stingless bee species and by Apis sp. against pathogenic bacteria, as well as to identify the presence of phenolic compounds.Methods: Honey samples from the stingless bee M. compressipes manaosensis were collected twice, during the dry and rainy seasons. Three commercial honey samples from Apis sp. were also included in this study. Two different assays were performed to evaluate the antibacterial potential of the honey samples: agar-well diffusion and broth macrodilution. Liquid-liquid extraction was used to assess phenolic compounds from honey. HPLC analysis was performed in order to identify rutin and apigenin on honey samples. Chromatograms were recorded at 340 and 290 nm.Results: Two honey samples were identified as having the highest antimicrobial activity using the agar diffusion method. Honey produced by Melipona compressipes manaosensis inhibited the growth of Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli (0157: H7), Proteus vulgaris, Shigella sonnei and Klebsiella sp. A sample of honey produced by Apis sp. also inhibited the growth of Salmonella paratyphi. The macrodilution technique presented greater sensitivity for the antibacterial testing, since all honey samples showed activity. Flavonoid rutin was identified in the honey sample produced by the stingless bee.Conclusions: Honey samples tested in this work showed antibacterial activity against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. The results reported herein highlight the potential of using honey to control bacterial growth. © 2013 Pimentel et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd

    Electromagnetic Navigation Bronchoscopy for Peripheral Pulmonary Lesions: One-Year Results of the Prospective, Multicenter NAVIGATE Study

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    Formulacja i profil dostępności farmaceutycznej z modelowej stałej doustnej postaci leku fitozwiązków zawartych w suchym mianowanym ekstrakcie z mniszka lekarskiego (Taraxacum officinale, coll.)

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    Introduction: Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale coll.), also called the common dandelion grows wild throughout Europe, Asia and the Americas. It is a perennial plant of the family of Asteraceae, having powerful healing properties. The entire plant – flowers, roots and leaves – is the medicinal raw material. Objective: The aim of this study was to manufacture model tablets of pharmacopoeial disintegration time by direct compression of dry titrated extract of dandelion with selected excipients. Methods: Tablets were obtained by direct compression using reciprocating tableting machine (Erweka). Morphological parameters – hardness, friability, disintegration time in pharmacopoeial acceptor fluids were investigated using Erweka equipment. Their actual surface area was also calculated. There was also tested the rate of dissolution of phytochemicals from model tablets in the presence of excipients in pharmacopoeial acceptor fluids ( V=1.0 dm3) by the method of a basket in Erweka apparatus. Spectrophotometric determinations were performed. Results: It results from the morphological studies of model tablets containing Ext. Taraxaci e radix cum herba aqu. siccum that they are characterized by comparable surface and friability at varying hardness, the latter depending on the applied excipients. This is reflected in the effective disintegration time in model acceptor fluids consistent with pharmacopoeial requirements. Conclusions: The used excipients enabled to produce model tablets containing dry extract of dandelion by direct compression. The obtained results demonstrated that microcrystalline Prosolv-type cellulose, Vivapur 200 and Emdex were compatible with the structure of the extract of dandelion. They allow to manufacture a model solid oral dosage forms of the desired morphological parameters and effective disintegration time complying with the pharmacopoeial requirements.Wstęp: Mniszek lekarski (Taraxacum officinale coll.) zwany też mniszkiem pospolitym, rośnie dziko w całej Europie, Azji i obu Amerykach. Jest wieloletnią rośliną z rodziny astrowatych (Asteraceae). Wykazuje wszechstronne właściwości lecznicze. Surowcem zielarskim jest cała roślina: kwiaty, korzenie i liście. Cel: Celem pracy było wytworzenie przez bezpośrednie tabletkowanie suchego mianowanego ekstraktu z mniszka lekarskiego z użyciem wybranych substancji pomocniczych modelowych tabletek o farmakopealnym czasie rozpadu. Metody: Tabletki otrzymano metodą bezpośredniego tabletkowania przy użyciu tabletkarki uderzeniowej firmy Erweka. Zbadano parametry morfologiczne, tj. twardość, ścieralność, czas rozpadu w farmakopealnych płynach biorczych (akceptorowych) za pomocą urządzeń firmy Erweka, a także wyliczono ich powierzchnię rzeczywistą. Przeprowadzono również badanie szybkości procesu rozpuszczania się fitozwiązków w obecności substancji pomocniczych z modelowych tabletek w środowisku farmakopealnych płynów biorczych w aparacie firmy Erweka metodą koszyczkową w objętości płynu akceptorowego V=1,0 dm3. Wykonano oznaczenia spektrofotometryczne. Wyniki: Z uzyskanych rezultatów badań morfologicznych modelowych tabletek zawierających Ext. Taraxaci e radix cum herba aqu. siccum wynika, że charakteryzują się one porównywalną powierzchnią rzeczywistą i ścieralnością przy zróżnicowanej twardości, która jest wynikiem zastosowanych substancji pomocniczych. Znajduje to odzwierciedlenie w efektywnym czasie rozpadu w modelowych płynach biorczych, zgodnym z wymogami farmakopealnymi. Wnioski: Zastosowane substancje pomocnicze umożliwiły otrzymanie modelowych tabletek metodą bezpośredniego tabletkowania, zawierających suchy mianowany wyciąg z mniszka lekarskiego. Z uzyskanych rezultatów badań wynika, że mikrokrystaliczna celuloza typu Prosolv oraz Vivapur 200 i Emdex są kompatybilne ze strukturą wyciągu z mniszka lekarskiego. Umożliwiają one wytworzenie modelowej stałej doustnej postaci leku o oczekiwanych parametrach morfologicznych i efektywnym, zgodnym z wymogami farmakopealnymi czasem rozpadu

    Rozpuszczalność rzeczywista (S|rz.|), poziom równowagi hydrofilo-lipofilowej (HLBRequ., HLBD, HLBG) oraz współczynnik podziału (log P) fitozwiązków wchodzących w skład Ext. Camellia sinensis L. aqu. siccum w świetle ogólnej teorii rozpuszczalności Hildebranda-Scatcharda-Fedorsa

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    Using the general Hildebrand-Scatchard-Fedors theory of solubility, the mole fraction (x2) of solubility of phytochemicals contained in the dry green tea leaves was calculated which determines the profile of pharmacological activity.The applicative purpose of the study was to estimate the actual solubility of phytochemicals – S|real.| [mol/dm3] in water and in water-ethanol solutions of diversified polarity (εM) for their selective extraction and optimal formulation of oral solid dosage form.The basic physico-chemical and structural quantities of phytochemicals and corresponding mathematical equations of general Hildebrand-Scatchard-Fedors theory of solubility were used to calculate the actual solubility – S|real.| and the level of hydrophilic-lipophilic balance (HLB).The calculated actual solubility values – S|real.| [mol/dm3] collated with correlation equations enabled the assessment of phytochemical capability for the process of mass exchange on phase boundary. Correlation equations for the dependence log P = f (– log S|real.|) point to the structural preferences of phytochemicals in the kinetics of the mass exchange (diffusion) through the natural phase boundary.Calculations and correlations between the values characterizing the actual solubility – S|real.|, media polarity (water, ethanol and their solutions) and the partition coefficient (log P) including the level of hydrophilic-lipophilic balance (HLB) show that basing on thermodynamic components of the general Hildebrand-Scatchard-Fedors theory of solubility, the diffusion profile of phytochemicals contained in the green tea extract (Ext. Camellia sinensis L. aqu. siccum) through the biological phase boundary as well as optimal choice of the extraction medium for selective extraction of the class of phytochemicals can be estimated.Wykorzystując ogólną teorię rozpuszczalności Hildebranda-Scatcharda-Fedorsa wyliczono ułamek molowy (x2) rozpuszczalności fitozwiązków zawartych w suchym ekstrakcie z liści zielonej herbaty, które decydują o profilu działania farmakologicznego.Aplikacyjnym celem prowadzonych badań było oszacowanie rzeczywistej rozpuszczalności fitozwiązków – S|rz.| (mol/dm3) w wodzie i roztworach wodno-etanolowych o zmiennej polarności (εM) w celu selektywnej ich ekstrakcji i optymalnej formulacji stałej doustnej postaci leku.Do wyliczenia rozpuszczalności rzeczywistej – S|rz.| i poziomu równowagi hydrofilo-lipofilowej (HLB) wykorzystano podstawowe wielkości fizyko-chemiczne i strukturalne fitozwiązków oraz stosowne równania matematyczne z ogólnej teorii rozpuszczalności Hildebranda-Scatcharda-Fedorsa. Wyliczone wielkości rozpuszczalności rzeczywistej – S|rz.| (mol/dm3) zestawione w równaniach korelacyjnych umożliwiły ocenę zdolności fitozwiązków do procesu wymiany masy na granicy faz. Równania korelacyjne dla zależności log P = f (-log S|rz.|) wskazują preferencje strukturalne fitozwiązków w kinetyce procesu wymiany masy (dyfuzji) przez naturalną granicę faz..Z przeprowadzonych obliczeń i korelacji między wielkościami, które charakteryzują rozpuszczalność rzeczywistą – S|rz.|, polarność mediów (woda, etanol i ich roztwory) oraz współczynnik podziału (log P), a w tym również poziom równowagi hydrofilo-lipofilowej (HLB) wynika, że w oparciu o składowe termodynamiczne ogólnej teorii rozpuszczalności Hildebranda-Scatcharda-Fedorsa można oszacować profil dyfuzji fitozwiązków zawartych w ekstrakcie z zielonej herbaty (Ext. Camellia sinensis L. aqu. Siccum) przez biologiczną granicę faz, a także optymalnie dobrać medium ekstrakcyjne w celu selektywnego pozyskiwania klasy fitozwiązków