15 research outputs found

    Place definitions in Bursa şehr-engî's

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    Çalışmamız, 16. ve 18. yüzyıllar arasında Klasik Edebiyatımız içerisinde yer alan Bursa Şehr-engîzlerinin mekân tasvirlerini konu edinmektedir. Giriş kısmında; çalışmanın amacı, niteliği, Klasik Türk Edebiyatımızda yer alan şehr-engîzler ve Bursa'nın kültür tarihimizdeki yeri ile araştırmanın metodu, konuyla ilgili yayın ve kaynaklar üzerinde durulmuştur. Tez üç ana bölümden oluşmaktadır. Birinci bölümde Bursa Şehr-engîz yazarlarımızın bibliyografik bilgilerinin yanısıra şehr-engîzlerinin muhtevalarına ve nüsha bilgilerine yer verilmiştir. İkinci bölümde, Şehr-engîzlerdeki Bursa'ya dair mekânlarla ilgili beyitler belirlenip, bu yerler hakkında tanıtıcı resim, konum karekod bilgisi ve ansiklopedik bilgiler paylaşılmıştır. Üçüncü bölümde Şehr-engîzlerdeki mekâna ait mefkumlar belirlenerek dini mekân, sosyal mekân ve tabiatla ilişkin olmasına göre beyitler 3 ana kategoride sınıflandırılmıştır. Akabinde bu mefhumların ıslahat anlamlarıyla birlikte örnekleri verilmiştir. Son olarak, Bursa Şehr-engîzlerinin; kültürümüze ve edebiyatımıza kattığı öneme değinilmiş ve özellikle yaşadığı şehre göre şekil alan insanın mekânla kurduğu ilişki tasvirlerle incelenmiştir.The subject of the study is the spatial depiction of Bursa Şehr-engîz's which are among the local works of our Classical Literature between the 16 and 18 centuries. In the introduction part; the purpose of the study, the quality, the place of Bursa in our cultural history and Şehr-engîz's in our Classical Turkish Literature along with publications and sources on the subject were emphasized. The thesis consists of three main sections. In the first part, besides the bibliographic information of our Bursa Şehr-engîz's writers, the content and copies of the Şehr-engîz's are included. In the second part, couplets were determined about the locations of Bursa in the Şehr-engîz's and introductory pictures, location data matrix code and encyclopedic information about these places were shared. In the third part, couplets are classified in 3 main categories according to their relevance to the religious space, social space and nature by determining the concepts of the space in the Bursa Şehr-engîz's. Subsequently, analyzes were made by referring to the improvement meanings of these concepts. Finally, Bursa Şehr-engîz's importance to our culture and literature has been mentioned. Moreover, the relationship of people, who took shape according to the city they lived in, with environment, was examined with depictions

    The value of F-18-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography/computed tomography in carcinoma of an unknown primary: diagnosis and follow-up

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    WOS: 000272915000010PubMed ID: 19952921Background The management of the patients with carcinoma of an unknown primary represents a difficult challenge in oncology. F-18-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography/computed tomography (FDG PET/CT) has provided new insights in the diagnosis, staging, and follow-up of oncological patients. Aim This study aimed to investigate the value of FDG PET/CT in clarifying the primary site in our patients with histologically proven tumor metastasis (HPM) or with a high clinical suspicion of malignancy, and the clinical impact of this technique on the management of these patients. Methods In total 94 patients from two centers underwent FDG PET/CT imaging; 78 patients with HPIVI and 16 patients with a clinical suspicion of malignancy. The histology and/or follow-up data were used as the gold standard. Hypermetabolic findings at the site of the pathological CT changes or at physiological FDG uptake sites were the criteria for malignancy. PET/CT findings were analyzed for the identification of the primary tumor site, for the relationship with survival, and also for the effect in chemotherapy monitoring. Results Primary malignancy was discovered in 53 of 90 patients (59%) histologically and 37 (41%) patients' primary tumor sites were not found during the study period. Amongst 90 patients, five (6%) were normal on FDG PET/CT. Of 85 patients (94%) with pathological findings on FDG PET/CT, 27 patients (32%) had solitary and 58 (68%) patients had multiple organs affected. Regarding the whole study population, a sensitivity of 74% and a specificity of 78% were calculated for FDG PET/CT imaging. Regarding the patients with HPM, the sensitivity and specificity values were 84 and 81%, respectively. The mean survival time of the patients with disseminated disease was significantly shorter than those of the patients with single or no lesion (13.44 +/- 1.61, 20.98 +/- 2.0 and 26.67 +/- 2.73 months, respectively, P = 0.014). In seven of eight patients, follow-up FDG PET/CT scans effectively monitored the patients' therapies. Conclusion Whole-body FDG PET/CT has to be considered a useful method, especially in an early phase of the diagnostic workup of patients with carcinoma of an unknown primary syndrome, to optimize the management. Nucl Med Commun 31:59-66 (C) 2010 Wolters Kluwer Health vertical bar Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

    Heteroresistant vancomycin intermediate S. aureus (h-VISA) isolated from a patient with orthopedic implant infection treated with glycopeptides: A case report

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    © 2017 OMU.A 37-year old male patient who had and orthopedic implant after a traffic accident, presented to the Infectious Diseases Clinic. He was accepted as culture negative surgical site infection. Initial empirical treatment was started with clindamycin and then it was changed to the glycopeptides. During the follow-up, implant was removed. Intraoperative culture specimens revealed Methicilline Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus). After antibiotic therapy, total hip prosthesis was implanted and was removed for two times. Wound discharge was continued despite restarted the antibiotic treatment and growth of heteroresistant-Vancomycin intermediate S. aureus was detected in the aspiration culture. All isolates shared the same clonal properties by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. The strain was negative for Panton-Valentine-Leucosidine and were shown to carry carried a Staphylococcal Cassette Chromosome mec type–III variant common. After a follow-up lasting eight years, the patient chose to continue his life without prostheses (Girdlestone method). This case was reported for emphasizing how difficult to manage medical treatment of prosthesis infections with developing resistant bacteria and the how important the surgical treatment was

    Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi Spor Müdürlüğü Tarafından Sunulan Sağlık için Spor Programının Geliştirilmesi

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    Bu projenin amacı Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi Spor Müdürlüğü tarafından sunulan Sağlık için Spor (SİS) programını incelemek ve geliştirmektir. Bu amaçla; 1. Hâlihazırda üniversitede sunulan SİS programı amaçları, uygulamaları ve çıktıları açısından değerlendirilecektir, 2. Daha önce başka çalışmalarda fiziksel aktivite alışkanlığı geliştirmede etkililiği gösterilmiş “Bağlamlararası Kuram” (Transtheoretical Model) bakış açısı ile hazırlanmış bir eğitim yaklaşımının Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesindeki etkililiği incelenecektir, 3. SİS programı antrenörleri için “antrenör eğitimi” programı geliştirilecektir

    Ovarian antiproliferative activity directed isolation of triterpenoids from fruits of Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh

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    Bioassay-guided fractionation of a methanol extract of the fruits of Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh. with moderate antiproliferative activity afforded the new triterpene, 3 beta-acetoxy-urs-11,13(18)-dien-28-oic acid (1) along with the known triterpenoids 3 beta-hydroxy-urs-11-en-28,13 beta-olide (2), 3 beta-acetoxy-urs-11-en-28,13 beta-olide (3), 3-acetylbetulinic acid (4), oleanolic acid (5), ursolic acid (6), beta-amyrin acetate (7), beta-sitosterol (8) and sitosterol 3-O-beta-D-glucopyranoside (9). Their structures were established on the basis of analysis of their (1)H and (13)C NMR, APT, gHSQC, gHMBC, UV, IR and mass spectral data. The tested triterpenoids (1-7) exhibited weak-moderate antiproliferative activity against the A2780 human ovarian cancer cell line. (C) 2011 Phytochemical Society of Europe. Published by Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved

    18F-FDG activitiy PET/CT and CA-19.9 levels for the prediction of histopathological features and localization of peri- ampullary tumors

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    Background/Aims: We sought to investigate the roles of maximum standardized uptake value (SUVmax) and serum carbohydrate antigen 19-9 in predicting the histopathological features of periampullary tumors. Materials and Methods: Thirty-four patients with histologically confirmed periampullary tumors were classified into two groups, according to the localizations of their tumors (ampulla Vateri or pancreas). SUVmax was obtained from [(18)F]-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography computed tomography (18F-FDG PET/CT). SUVmaxand CA 19-9 levels were measured and compared with histopathological features of the tumors. Logistic regression was used to assess the significance and independence of predictive factors.Results: 18F-FDG PET/CT SUVmax (=2.5; p=0.031) and CA 19-9 level (normal vs. elevated; p=0.045) were significantly and independently predictive of the histopathological origin of the tumors (ampulla Vateri vs. pancreas). The ratio of CA 19-9 levels and SUVmax were found to be higher in cases of poorly differentiated tumors and tumors greater than 2 cm in diameter.Conclusion: A surgical approach to treatment may be considered for patients who have both i) an established or suspected diagnosis of periampullary tumors and ii) low SUVmax and CA 19-9 levels.Background/Aims: We sought to investigate the roles of maximum standardized uptake value (SUVmax) and serum carbohydrate antigen 19-9 in predicting the histopathological features of periampullary tumors. Materials and Methods: Thirty-four patients with histologically confirmed periampullary tumors were classified into two groups, according to the localizations of their tumors (ampulla Vateri or pancreas). SUVmax was obtained from [(18)F]-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography computed tomography (18F-FDG PET/CT). SUVmaxand CA 19-9 levels were measured and compared with histopathological features of the tumors. Logistic regression was used to assess the significance and independence of predictive factors.Results: 18F-FDG PET/CT SUVmax (=2.5; p=0.031) and CA 19-9 level (normal vs. elevated; p=0.045) were significantly and independently predictive of the histopathological origin of the tumors (ampulla Vateri vs. pancreas). The ratio of CA 19-9 levels and SUVmax were found to be higher in cases of poorly differentiated tumors and tumors greater than 2 cm in diameter.Conclusion: A surgical approach to treatment may be considered for patients who have both i) an established or suspected diagnosis of periampullary tumors and ii) low SUVmax and CA 19-9 levels