6 research outputs found

    Investigation of water quality in Kozlu creek (Zonguldak)

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    Günümüzde su kullanımı nüfusa bağlı olarak her geçen gün artmaktadır. Su ihtiyacının artması, su kaynaklarının kontrolsüzce kullanımına sebep olmaktadır. Genellikle az gelişmiş ve gelişmekte olan ülkelerde atık sular, arıtılmadan doğrudan alıcı ortamlara deşarj edilmektedir. Bu durum su kaynaklarının kalitesini düşürmekte ve akarsulardan sağlanacak faydayı kısıtlamaktadır. Bu çalışma, Zonguldak Kozlu Deresinde yapılan ilk kapsamlı su kalitesi çalışmasıdır. Derenin su kalitesini belirleyebilmek için 2017 Haziran ve Aralık aylarında olmak üzere 2 farklı zamanda belirlenen 6 farklı noktadan numuneler alınmıştır. Alınan numunelerde Kimyasal Oksijen İhtiyacı, Biyokimyasal Oksijen İhtiyacı, Askıda Katı Madde, pH, Toplam Kjeldahl Azotu, fosfor, iletkenlik ile yağ ve gres tayini yapılmıştır. Kimyasal Oksijen İhtiyacı ve Askıda Katı Madde değerleri için Coğrafi Bilgi Sistemi yazılımı kullanılarak su kirliliğini gösteren tematik haritalar hazırlanmıştır. Yapılan analizler sonucunda, Kozlu Deresi’ndeki su kalitesinin Yerüstü Su Kalitesi Yönetmeliği’ne göre 4. Sınıf olduğu görülmüştür.Today, the consumption of water is increasing day by day due to population. This increase of demand for water leads to an uncontrolled use of water supplies. Generally, in underdeveloped and developing countries, wastewater is discharged directly to receiving environments without treatment. This situation causes a decrease in the quality of these water supplies and restricts the benefits of streams. In this paper, we present the first extensive study on the quality of water of Kozlu Creek in Zonguldak. To determine the quality of the stream’s water, we have collected water samples from 6 different locations on the creek, on two separate dates in June and December of 2017. These samples have been tested to determine their levels of Chemical Oxygen Demand, Biological Oxygen Demand, Total Suspended Solids, pH, Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen, phosphorus, conductivity, oil and grease content. We used Geographical Information Systems to create thematic maps that demonstrate the level of pollution of water in terms of Chemical Oxygen Demand and Total Suspended Solids parameters. As a result of the analyzes, it was found that the water quality in Kozlu Creek was in the 4th class according to the Regulation on Surface Water Quality

    Cost analysis of plastic solid waste recycling in an urban district in Turkey

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    The usage of plastics has exponentially increased in our daily lives over the past 50 years because of its durability, low costs and potential for diverse applications, such as widespread use as disposable items. In this study, first, the recycling cost of plastic wastes has been estimated by using actual data taken from a recycling centre, where plastic solid wastes were collected separately. The total amount of plastic wastes recycled at the centre was approximately 695 tonnes. The operating cost of plastics separation at the recycling centre, the transport of plastic wastes, labouring, maintenance, electricity, insurance and chemical costs were taken into consideration in the cost evaluation. Accordingly, the unit cost of recycling was calculated as US0.40kg1ofplasticwaste.Thiscostwascomparedwiththepredictedplasticrecyclingcostinthesameregionusingstatisticalvalues.ThepredictedrecyclingcostwasestimatedbasedonassumingsegregatedcollectionbythemunicipalitiesofallPSWinmunicipalsolidwaste.ThentheresultingunitcostofrecyclingwasfoundtobeUS0.40 kg-1 of plastic waste. This cost was compared with the predicted plastic recycling cost in the same region using statistical values. The predicted recycling cost was estimated based on assuming segregated collection by the municipalities of all PSW in municipal solid waste. Then the resulting unit cost of recycling was found to be US0.25 kg-1 of plastic waste. In addition, the recycling costs were also evaluated including the revenue from the sales of recycled plastic granular. According to the evaluated total cost of plastic recycling, it can be concluded that mechanical recycling of plastics can only be an economical option if the recovery of plastics is improved. © The Author(s) 2019

    Climate change and effects on health

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    Dünyanın iklimi jeolojik tarih boyunca birçok kez doğal olarak değişmiştir. Fakat, endüstri devriminden sonra fosil yakıtlarından kaynaklanan emisyonlar ve diğer sentetik sera gazlarının emisyonlarıyla artan sera etkisi nedeniyle sıcaklık kayıtlarında yükseliş trendi mevcuttur. Sera etkisi atmosferin ısı kapasitesini değiştirerek sıcaklık ve yağış anormalliklerine ve en sonunda da iklim değişikliğine neden olur. iklim değişiklinin etkileri ekosistemlerde, sosyal ve ekonomik yaşamda ve arazi kullanımıyla sınırlı olmayıp ayrıca, doğrudan ve dolaylı olarak insan sağlığı üzerine etkileri de vardır. Sıcak dalgalarına bağlı ölümler, solunum ve dolaşım sistemi hastalıkları ve infeksiyon hastalıkları iklim değişikliği sonucunda ortaya çıkan sağlık sorunlarıdır.Earth's climate has changed naturally many times throughout the geological history. However, after the industrial revolution there exists a rising trend in temperature records due to increasing greenhouse effect, which is resulted from fossil fuel emissions and other synthetic greenhouse gasses emissions. Greenhouse effect changes heat capacity of atmosphere that causes temperature and precipitation anomalies and ultimately climate change. The effects of climate change will be seen in ecosystems, in social and economical life and in land use. Moreover, there are direct and indirect health effects of climate change on humans. Mortality depending on heat waves, respiratory and cardiovascular disease and infectious disease are the health problem resulted from climate change