61 research outputs found


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    Trust is the most basic need after nutrition in human life. The most basic need in business life, which is a part of human life, is trust. Employees should feel safe in their work life. Teachers who develop a sense of confidence can raise successful students. For this reason, it is important to determine teachers' organizational trust perceptions. In this study, first of all, teachers' organizational trust levels were examined. Then, the differentiation of teachers' organizational trust levels according to gender, graduation status, seniority and school-level variables was examined. The research was designed in the scanning model. The “Organizational Trust Scale” developed by Yılmaz (2006) was used to determine teachers' perceptions of organizational trust. The data were analyzed with descriptive analysis, t_test and ANOVA analysis. According to the findings, teachers trust their schools at a high level. Accordingly, teachers' gender, educational status and seniority do not affect their organizational trust perceptions. The school-level variable affects teachers' perceptions of organizational trust. This result shows that teachers working in primary schools have higher organizational trust perceptions. As a result, policies should be developed to improve the organizational trust perceptions of teachers working in secondary and high schools.  Article visualizations

    Całkowita histerektomia laparoskopowa metodą pojedynczego nacięcia pępkowego: technika i pierwsze doświadczenia w Turcji

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    Objectives: The aim of the study is to determine the results of our initial experience of 32 cases who underwent single incision total laparoscopic hysterectomy. Materials and Methods: Thirty-two patients who underwent transumbilical single incision total laparoscopic hysterectomy between March 2009 and February 2011 were reviewed retrospectively at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Ege University Faculty of Medicine, Izmir, Turkey. Articulating and rigid instruments, 30 degrees 10 mm telescope, SILS™ port and advanced bipolar and mechanical energy modalities were used during the procedure. Duration of surgery, length of hospital stay, mean blood loss and postoperative complications were assessed. Results: Mean age of patients and mean operation time were 48 years (ranged 42-55) and 108 minutes (ranged 80-180), respectively. In all cases vaginal cuff s were closed with either intracorporeal or extracorporeal separate sutures. There were no intraoperative complications. All patients were discharged within 48 hours postoperatively. The mean length of hospital stay and mean blood loss were as 1.6 days (range 1-2) and 45 ml (range 30-100), respectively. Conclusions: Total laparoscopic hysterectomy performed through transumbilical single incision is technically feasible and safe. Development of advanced fl exible instrumentation and visualization platform may facilitate this new operative approach.Cel pracy: Celem tego badania była ocena wyników naszego pierwszego doświadczenia z 32 pacjentkami, które przeszły całkowitą laparoskopową histerektomię metodą pojedynczego nacięcia. Materiał i metoda: Przeanalizowano retrospektywnie trzydzieści dwie pacjentki, które przeszły całkowitą laparoskopową histerektomię metodą pojedynczego nacięcia pępkowego pomiędzy marcem 2009 a lutym 2011, w Oddziale Położniczo-Ginekologicznym, Ege University Faculty of Medicine w Turcji. W trakcie procedury użyto instrumentarium giętkiego i sztywnego, endoskopu o kącie widzenie 30°, 10mm, portu SILSTM i zaawansowanych urządzeń bipolarnych oraz energii mechanicznej. Oceniono czas trwania operacji, długość pobytu w szpitalu, średnią utratę krwi i komplikacje pooperacyjne. Wyniki: Średnia wieku pacjentek wynosiła 48 lat (zakres 42-55), średni czas trwania operacji 108 minut (zakres 80-180). We wszystkich przypadkach mankiet pochwy zeszyto osobnymi szwami wewnątrzbrzusznymi lub zewnątrzbrzusznymi. Nie obserwowano żadnych powikłań w trakcie operacji. Wszystkie pacjentki wypisano do domu w ciągu 48 godzin od operacji. Średni czas pobytu w szpitalu wynosił 1,6 dni (zakres 1-2) a utrata krwi wynosiła 45ml (zakres 30-100). Wnioski: Całkowita laparoskopowa histerektomia metodą pojedynczego nacięcia pępkowego jest technicznie wykonalna i bezpieczna. Ulepszanie zaawansowanego, elastycznego instrumentarium oraz możliwości wizualizacji ułatwiają to nowe podejście operacyjne

    Is there a relationship between age and side dominance of tubal ectopic pregnancies? – A preliminary report

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    Objectives: To determine whether there exists a relationship between age and side dominance of tubal ectopic pregnancies. Material and Methods: One hundred twenty patients were retrospectively analyzed. The sides of the tubal ectopic pregnancies were recorded on the basis of laparoscopy or laparotomy findings. Five age groups were created: 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, and ≥40 years. Results: Of the patients who were ≥ 30 years of age, 46 (69%) and 21 (31%) had tubal ectopic pregnancies on the right and left sides, respectively (p=0.002). In the 35-39 years of age group, 17 of 20 patients (85%) had tubal ectopic pregnancies on the right, and 3 of 20 patients (15%) on the left side (p=0.002). In the 30-34 years of age group, 26 of 39 patients (67%) and 13 of 39 patients (33%) had tubal ectopic pregnancies on the right and left sides, respectively (p=0.037). In the ≥ 40 years of age group, 3 of 8 patients (37%) had tubal ectopic pregnancy on the right side, while 5 patients (63%) on the left side (p=0.48). Conclusions: Patients who are between the age of 30-40 years have a right-sided dominance of tubal ectopic pregnancy, however studies that involve larger numbers of subjects are needed to make definitive conclusions about women older than 40 years of age

    Wpływ hormonalnej terapii zastępczej oraz tamoxifenu na depresję u szczurów poddanych usunięciu jajników

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    Objectives: To determine the effects of tamoxifen and hormone replacement therapy in order to assess their role in depressive behavior. Material and Methods: Different protocols of hormone replacement therapies were administered to surgically ovariectomized rats. Intact rats were used for tamoxifen experiments. Properly assigned control groups were used and cognitive processes were studied on animal models of surgical menopause using the Porsolt Forced Swim Test and locomotor activity experiments. Results: In the tamoxifen experiments, an interaction between treatment and days did not reach statistical significance, but indicated a trend in this direction [F(1,26)=3.557, p=0.071]. The number of repeated movements significantly decreased after the Porsolt test (F(1,44) = 8.483, PCel: Określenie wpływu tamoxifenu oraz hormonalnej terapii zastępczej celem oceny ich roli w zachowaniach depresyjnych. Materiał i metody: Różne protokoły hormonalnej terapii zastępczej zastosowano u szczurów poddanych chirurgicznemu usunięciu jajników. Tamoxifen podawano szczurom, których nie operowano. Wykorzystano odpowiednio dobraną grupę kontrolną. Zbadano procesy poznawcze na modelach zwierzęcych z chirurgiczną menopauzą przy pomocy testu Porsolt Forced Swim oraz doświadczeń aktywności ruchowej. Wyniki: W doświadczeniach z tamoxifenem, związek pomiędzy terapią a dniami nie osiągnął statystycznej istotności, ale wykazał trend w tym kierunku [F(1,26)=3,557,p=0,071]. Liczba powtórzeń ruchów istotnie zmniejszyła się po teście Porsolta [F(1,44)=8,483,

    Cell sheet as a bioink for 3D bioprinting

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    Cell sheet technology is a growing area in tissue engineering. It enables a sheet of interconnected cells which is enriched with cell-extracellular matrix (ECM) and cell-cell interactions. Poly (N-isopropylacrylamide) (PNIPAm) coating based thermoresponsive culture dishes are used as one of the advanced cell sheet technology methods [1]. It allows the surface to demonstrate temperature responsive wettability changes in aqueous environments. Different methods can be used to fabricate PNIPAm surfaces such as initiated chemical vapor deposition (iCVD) which offers a control of the polymer thickness [2]. In this research, we showed that thermoresponsive surfaces can create cell sheet which can be used as a bioink in 3D direct cell bioprinting [3]. The aim of this work is to show that cell sheets can be used to increase mechanical strength of bioink

    Preeklampside aday gen polimorfizmlerinin araştırılması

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    Amaç: Bu çalışmada amaç, önceden belirlenen Aktivin Reseptör tip 2A geni tek nükleotid polimorfizmlerinin preeklampsiye genetik yatkınlıkta olası rollerinin incelenmesidir. Metod: Ege Üniversitesi Tıp Fakiltesi Kadın Hastalıkları ve Doğum Anabilim Dalı’na Haziran 2009- Haziran 2010 tarihleri arasında başvuran 92 preeklampsi hastası ve 154 sağlıklı gebe çalışmaya dahil edildi. Genomik DNA EDTA’lı tüplere alınan venöz kandan Genomik DNA Purelink™ Genomik DNA mini kit (Invitrogen, CA, USA) kullanılarak ekstrakte edildi. DNA’nın saflığı ve miktarı 260/280 nm oranı kullanılarak , Nanodrop 1000 spektrometre cihazı ile (Therma Scientific, USA) tespit edildi. DNA örnekleri analiz öncesi -80 ºC’de saklandı. Belirlenen tek nükleotid polimorfizmleri (rs10497025, rs13430086, rs1128919) TaqMan® SNP Genotyping Assay (Applied Biosystems, CA, USA) protokolü kullanılarak tespit edildi. Bu amaçla PCR amplifikasyonu, 384 kuyucuklu mikroplaklar kullanılarak ABI 7900 HT Real-Time PCR cihazında gerçekleştirildi. Bulgular: Her iki grup arasında yaş ve vücut kitle indeksleri açısından istatistiksel olarak anlamlı farklılık yoktu (p> 0.05). Tek nükleotid polimorfizmlerine bakıldığında, her iki grup arasında her üç polimorfizm için (C/G, rs10497025; A/T, rs13430086; A/G, rs1128919) genotip sıklıkları ve allel frekansları açısından istatistiksel olarak anlamlı farklılık yoktu (p> 0,05). Preeklampsi hastaları içinde erken başlangıçlı ( 0,05). Sonuç: Gen tedavileri, preeklampsi için gelecekte tek umut vaad eden tedavi seçeneği gibi gözükmektedir. Bu tedaviler için de öncelikle aday genlerin ve bu genlere sahip yüksek riskli populasyonun saptanması gereklidir. Yapılan çok sayıda çalışmaya karşın, hastalığın halen tek küratif tedavisinin doğum olması bu konuda daha çok yol katedilmesi gerektiğinin bir kanıtıdır. Kesin yargılara varabilmek için olgu sayısının yüksek olduğu, çok merkezli çalışmalara ihtiyaç vardır

    Investigation of Legionella pneumophila and free living amoebas in the domestic hot water systems in Istanbul

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    Legionella pneumophila (L. pneumophila), known to cause legionnaires' disease, has been found in various aquatic environments and man-made water systems. Free living amoebas (FLAs) live in the same environments and can cause infections such as encephalitis, keratitis. Moreover, FLAs play a major role in L. pneumophila transmission. In the present study, the presence of L. pneumophila and FLAs was examined in water and swab samples obtained from shower heads (hot water) in 61 houses in Istanbul. Nonnutrient agar (NNA) was used for isolation of FLAs in all samples and buffered charcoal yeast extract (BCYE) agar with addition of glycine, vancomycine, polymixin, and natamycin (GVPN) was used for isolation of L. pneumophila. These bacteria have been isolated from 21.3% of the houses examined and FLAs from 31%. Of the isolated L. pneumophila, 87.5% were named as L. pneumophila serogroup 2-14 and 12.5% as L. pneumophila serogroup 1. No significant correlation was found between the presence of L. pneumophila and FLAs. A significant correlation was found between the presence of L. pneumophila and the presence of a central heating system