219 research outputs found

    The limits of precision monomer placement in chain growth polymerization

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    Precise control over the location of monomers in a polymer chain has been described as the ‘Holy Grail’ of polymer synthesis. Controlled chain growth polymerization techniques have brought this goal closer, allowing the preparation of multiblock copolymers with ordered sequences of functional monomers. Such structures have promising applications ranging from medicine to materials engineering. Here we show, however, that the statistical nature of chain growth polymerization places strong limits on the control that can be obtained. We demonstrate that monomer locations are distributed according to surprisingly simple laws related to the Poisson or beta distributions. The degree of control is quantified in terms of the yield of the desired structure and the standard deviation of the appropriate distribution, allowing comparison between different synthetic techniques. This analysis establishes experimental requirements for the design of polymeric chains with controlled sequence of functionalities, which balance precise control of structure with simplicity of synthesis

    Block copolymer synthesis by controlled/living radical polymerisation in heterogeneous systems

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    Nanostructured soft materials open up new opportunities in material design and application, and block copolymer self-assembly is one particularly powerful phenomenon that can be exploited for their synthesis. The advent of controlled/living radical polymerisation (CLRP) has greatly simplified block copolymer synthesis, and versatility towards monomer types and polymer architectures across the different forms of CLRP has vastly expanded the range of functional materials accessible. CLRP-controlled synthesis of block copolymers has been applied in heterogeneous systems, motivated by the numerous process advantages and the position of emulsion polymerisation at the forefront of industrial latex synthesis. In addition to the inherent environmental advantages of heterogeneous routes, the incidence of block copolymer self-assembly within dispersed particles during polymerisation leads to novel nanostructured materials that offer enticing prospects for entirely new applications of block copolymers. Here, we review the range of block copolymers prepared by heterogeneous CLRP techniques, evaluate the methods applied to maximise purity of the products, and summarise the unique nanoscale morphologies resulting from in situ self-assembly, before discussing future opportunities within the field

    Polymerization induced self-assembly : tuning of morphology using ionic strength and pH

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    Investigations of RAFT dispersion polymerization-induced self-assembly (PISA) of 2-hydroxypropyl methacrylate (HPMA) in water/methanol at 60 °C using a cationically charged macroRAFT agent as the stabilizer block, namely P(N,N-diethylaminoethyl methacrylate)-stat-poly((ethylene glycol) methyl ether methacrylate) (PDEAEMA-stat-PEGMA), have been conducted with a view to tune particle morphologies by manipulation of the pH and the ionic strength. Above the LCST (45 °C) of (PDEAEMA-stat-PEGMA), the system can only be conducted as a dispersion polymerization at sufficiently low pH such that the stabilizer block is sufficiently protonated to ensure solubility in the continuous phase. It is demonstrated (reported in the form of an extensive morphology diagram) that a range of morphologies including spherical particles, rods and vesicles can be accessed by adjustment of the pH (via addition of HCl) and the ionic strength (via the concentration of NaCl). A decrease in the charge density of the coronal stabilizer layer via an increase in the pH (less protonation) shifts the system towards higher order morphologies. At a given pH, an increase in ionic strength leads to more extensive charge screening, thus allowing formation of higher order morphologies

    Exploitation of compartmentalization in RAFT miniemulsion polymerization to increase the degree of livingness

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    It is demonstrated that the degree of livingness (chain-end fidelity) in RAFT polymerization for a given degree of polymerization can be markedly increased in miniemulsion polymerization relative to the corresponding homogeneous bulk system. Polymerization of styrene was conducted using a poly(methyl methacrylate) benzodithioate as macroRAFT agent in both miniemulsion and bulk. The substantially higher polymerization rate in miniemulsion, which is attributed to the segregation effect (compartmentalization) causing a reduction in the rate of bimolecular termination, makes it possible to reach a given degree of polymerization in a significantly shorter time than in the corresponding bulk system. As a consequence, fewer initiating radicals are required throughout the polymerization, leading to higher livingness in the more rapid miniemulsion system. It is demonstrated how this approach facilitates synthesis of high molecular weight block copolymers comprising slowly propagating monomers such as styrene and methacrylates

    Chain transfer to solvent in the radical polymerization of structurally diverse acrylamide monomers using straight-chain and branched alcohols as solvents

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    Chain transfer to solvent in conventional radical polymerizations of N-tert-butylacrylamide (TBAM) and N-(2-morpholin-4-ylethyl) acrylamide (MEA) in a range of alcohol solvents is investigated. Mayo analysis of polymerization of TBAM in linear alcohols (C-3-C-9) resulted in an approximately linear increase in chain transfer to solvent constant (C-tr,(S)) with the number of methylene (CH2) units in the solvent. The branched alcohol 3-methyl-3-pentanol gave the smallest C-tr,C-S (using Mayo analysis), and thus allowed attainment of higher molecular weights (MWs) in the nitroxide-mediated polymerizations (NMP) of TBAM. Overall, the data show that MEA is more prone to chain transfer to solvent than TBAM (higher C-tr,C-S), and further analysis of the conventional radical polymerization of MEA in 3-methyl-3-pentanol indicate chain transfer to monomer may also be occurring. The first controlled/ living polymerizations of MEA are detailed with chain transfer having a greater impact on maximum achievable MWs in NMP in comparison to TBAM

    Photopolymerization in dispersed systems

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    Zero-VOC technologies combining ecological and economic efficiency are destined to occupy a growing place in the polymer economy. Today, Polymerization in dispersed systems and Photopolymerization are the two major key players. The hybrid technology based on photopolymerization in dispersed systems has emerged as the next technological frontier, not only to make processes even more efficient and eco-friendly, but also to expand the range of polymer products and properties. This review summarizes the current knowledge in research relevant to this field in an exhaustive way. Firstly, fundamentals of photoinitiated polymerization in dispersed systems are given to show the favourable context for developing this emerging technology, its specific features as well as the distinctive equipment and materials necessary for its implementation. Secondly, a state-of-the-art and critical review is provided according to the seven main processing methods in dispersed systems: emulsion, microemulsion, miniemulsion, dispersion, precipitation, suspension, and aerosol

    Synthesis of fluorinated alkoxyamines and alkoxyamine-initiated nitroxide-mediated precipitation polymerizations of styrene in supercritical carbon dioxide

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    TIPNO (2,2,5-trimethyl-4-phenyl-3-azahexane-3-nitroxide)-alkoxyamine was found to give reasonably controlled/living nitroxide-mediated (NMP) precipitation polymerizations of styrene in supercritical carbon dioxide (scCO(2)). In contrast under the same conditions, the analogous SG1 (N-tert-butyl-N-(1-diethylphosphono-2,2-dimethylpropyl)nitroxide)-alkoxyamine gave higher rates of polymerization and inferior controlled/living character. The circumvention of the requirement for excess free (nitroxide](0) allowed the study of nitroxide partitioning effects in scCO(2) for three newly synthesized fluorinated alkoxyamines. Two alkoxyamines dissociated into scCO(2)-philic fluorinated TIPNO-nitroxide derivatives, while another contains a similar sized fluorinated "foot". Despite the increased steric bulk about the N-O bond for the novel fluorinated alkoxyamines, all polymerizations proceeded at a similar rate and level of control to the TIPNO system in solution (toluene). PREDICI simulations for the styrene/TIPNO system are used to support extensive partitioning effects observed in scCO(2) for the fluorinated alkoxyamines.Irish Research Council (formerly IRCSET) IUPAC Transnational Call in Polymer Chemistry to F.Aldabbagh. National Science Foundation (NSF CHE-1057927, USA) to R. Braslau.peer-reviewe

    Copper(0)-mediated radical polymerisation in a self-generating biphasic system

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    Herein, we demonstrate the synthesis of well-defined poly(n-alkyl acrylate)s via copper(0)-mediated radical polymerisation in a self-generating biphasic system. During the polymerisation of n-butyl acrylate in DMSO, the polymer phase separates to yield a polymer-rich layer with very low copper content (ICP-MS analysis: 0.016 wt%). The poly(n-butyl acrylate) has been characterized by a range of techniques, including GPC, NMR and MALDI-TOF, to confirm both the controlled character of the polymerisation and the end group fidelity. Moreover, we have successfully chain extended poly(n-butyl acrylate) in this biphasic system several times with n-butyl acrylate to high conversion without intermediate purification steps. A range of other alkyl acrylates have been investigated and the control over the polymerisation is lost as the hydrophobicity of the polymer increases due to the increase in alkyl chain length indicating that it is important for the monomer to be soluble in the polar solvent
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