21 research outputs found

    Experimental research and industrial application of heat injection-enhanced coalbed methane extraction

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    As the main clean energy in coal seams, the efficient extraction and utilization of coalbed methane (CBM) will help to improve resource utilization and coal mine safety production. However, due to the strong adsorption characteristics of methane and the low permeability characteristics of coal seams, the recovery efficiency of CBM is particularly low. Based on the energy conservation equation, the theory of heat injection-enhanced CBM extraction was improved. The experiments of heat injection-enhanced CBM extraction were carried out in the laboratory and in the coal mine, and the desorption law of methane under different conditions and the promotion effect of heat injection on CBM extraction were studied. The laboratory experiment results show that the final desorption rates of coal samples under the three conditions of water injection desorption, natural desorption and thermal injection desorption are 12%, 37% and 81%, respectively. The quantitative calculation results show that the enhanced desorption by heat injection after natural desorption and water injection desorption can increase the desorption rate by 46% and 68% respectively, which proves that heat injection can enhance the desorption of methane and release the water lock effect. The field test results in Yangquan mining area show that the heat injection method can not only improve the desorption rate of CBM, but also shorten the extraction time of CBM. The heat injection method can increase the concentration of CBM and the daily gas production by 10 times and 100 times respectively, wherein the maximum concentration of CBM and the maximum daily average gas production are 98% and 123 m³/d, respectively. The effective heat injection radius of No.8 heat injection borehole is more than 5 m, and the extraction stage after heat injection is the efficient extraction period of CBM. The research results can provide reference for the field application of heat injection-enhanced CBM extraction and the prevention and control of local gas in coal mines

    Effect of Functional Groups in Coal on the Depth of Adsorption Potential Well

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    Due to the complexity of the internal structure of natural coal and its characteristic of multicomponent, the depth of its methane adsorption potential well is nonuniform, which makes it difficult to accurately evaluate the adsorption capacity of coal. Besides, in order to find out the factors affecting the depth distribution of potential wells in natural coal, this paper calculated the depth and number of potential wells during methane adsorption in coal according to the Langmuir adsorption kinetics process. Coal samples with different metamorphic degrees were tested and analyzed by infrared spectroscopy diffraction technology. The relationship between the structural parameters of functional groups in coal samples with different metamorphic degrees and the distribution of different depths of adsorption potential wells in coal samples was studied. Some main conclusions are as follows: The number of adsorption potential wells at different depths in natural coal with different metamorphic degrees has multipeak distribution characteristics. With the increase of the metamorphic degree of coal sample, the structures such as aliphatic branched chain structure and oxygen-containing functional groups in coal structure break, fall off, and deoxygenate. The relative content of aliphatic hydrocarbons is significantly reduced and condensed into aromatic hydrocarbons and aromatic ring structures. The different types and quantities of functional groups on the surface of coal samples lead to different forces between coal molecules and methane gas molecules, thus affecting the distribution of different depths of adsorption potential wells in coal samples

    A Core Damage Constitutive Model for the Time-Dependent Creep and Relaxation Behavior of Coal

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    The creep and stress relaxation behaviors of coal are common in coal mining. The unified constitutive model is suitable to describe and predict both the creep and relaxation evolution characteristics of rocks. The generalized Kelvin model is the core element for traditional and improved component models to reflect both the nonlinear creep and relaxation. In this paper, an improved core damage model, which could both reflect the creep and stress relaxation in relation to the damage evolution, was established based on a comparison of the traditional and improved component models, and the responding constitutive equations (creep and stress relaxation equation) at constant stress/strain were deduced. Then, the core damage model was validated to the uniaxial compressive multistage creep and stress relaxation test results of coal, showing that the model curves had great accordance with the experimental data. Moreover, the model comparisons on accuracy, parameter meaning, and popularization among the core damage model, hardening-damage model, and the fractional derivative model were further discussed. The results showed that the parameters in the core damage model had clear and brief physical significances. The core damage model was also popularized to depict the time-dependent behaviors of other rocks, showing great accuracy

    Analysis method of epigenetic DNA methylation to dynamically investigate the functional activity of transcription factors in gene expression

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>DNA methylation is a fundamental component of epigenetic modification, which is intimately involved in the regulation of gene expression. One important DNA methylation pathway reduces the abilities of transcription factors to bind to gene promoter regions. Although many experiments have been designed to measure genome-wide DNA methylation levels at high resolution, the meaning of these different DNA methylation levels on transcription factor binding abilities remains poorly understood. We have, therefore, developed a method to quantitatively explore the extent to which DNA methylation levels can significantly reduce or even abolish the binding of certain transcription factors, resulting in reduced or non-expression of flanking genes. This method allows transcription factors that are functionally active in gene expression to be investigated.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The method is based on a general model that depicts the relationship between DNA methylation and transcription factor binding ability based on intrinsic component properties, and the model parameters can be optimized through relative analysis of recognized transcription factor binding status and gene expression profiling. With fixed models, transcription factors functionally active in the regulation of gene expression and affected by epigenetic DNA methylation can be identified and subsequently confirmed. The method identified eleven apparently functionally active transcriptional factors in SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Compared with gene regulatory elements, epigenetic modifications are able to change to dynamically respond to signals from physical, biological and social environments. Our proposed method is therefore designed to provide a dynamic assessment to investigate functionally active transcription factors. With the information deduced from our method, we can predict transcription factor binding status in promoter regions to further investigate how a particular gene is regulated by a specific group of transcription factors organized in a particular pattern. This will be helpful in the diagnosis and development of treatment for numerous diseases, including cancer. Although the method only investigates DNA methylation, it has the potential to be applied to more epigenetic factors, such as histone modification.</p

    Methane Desorption Characteristics of Coal at Different Water Injection Pressures Based on Pore Size Distribution Law

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    Methane desorption characteristics of coal under definite water pressure comprises a complex two-phase flow process. A series of mercury intrusion porosimetry (MIP) and desorption experiments at different water injection pressures are reported in this study. Three lumpy coal samples were used in desorption experiments at three different water injection pressures and at natural desorption for comparison. Samples comprising two ranks of coal were used for MIP measurements including the distribution of porosity and pore sizes. The results of this study enable the establishment of a new model that encompasses a critical theoretical pore size that is most effective for water injection into coalbeds and that can be related to water injection pressure, the length of residual water, and gas adsorption capacity. Data show that the use of different water injection pressures leads to different gas desorption capacities as well as variable time effects and degree of gas desorption. Critical pore size is therefore proposed as a new parameter that can be employed to describe high pressure water effects in the context of gas desorption and can be calculated using pore size and the volume distribution law, as well as via the moisture ratio that remains after experiments and the permanent desorption percentage

    Coal Permeability Variation during the Heating Process considering Thermal Expansion and Desorption Shrinkage

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    In order to explore the influence of coal deformation caused by temperature and desorption on seepage characteristics in the process of heat injection mining of coalbed methane, the permeability test, thermal expansion, and constant temperature adsorption desorption of coal samples under different temperature and stress states were carried out using the high temperature multifunctional triaxial test system, and the influence of thermal expansion and desorption deformation effect on coal permeability in the process of temperature increase is studied. The results show that (1) with the increase of temperature, the sensitivity of coal thermal expansion deformation to temperature decreases gradually. The thermal expansion deformation makes the coal matrix expand, and the seepage channel is squeezed and the permeability decreases. (2) The effect of thermal expansion deformation is related to the porosity of coal. When the porosity of coal is high, the thermal expansion deformation reduces the permeability; on the contrary, the inward expansion of thermal expansion deformation is limited, and the effect on permeability is weakened. (3) The desorption of coal cause matrix shrinkage. The higher the desorption amount, the more obvious the shrinkage and the higher the permeability. Increasing temperature promotes desorption deformation of coal and increases permeability. (4) In the process of increasing temperature, the change of coal permeability is affected by thermal expansion deformation and desorption deformation. With the increase of temperature, when the influence of thermal expansion deformation on coal permeability is dominant, the permeability decreases gradually, and when desorption deformation is dominant on coal permeability, the permeability increases gradually. (5) With the increase of axial pressure, confining pressure, and pore pressure, the decrease of coal porosity is smaller. When the temperature increases, the temperature corresponding to the minimum permeability point is smaller. The research conclusion provides a basis for the technology of heat injection mining coalbed methane

    Multivariate bias corrections of CMIP6 model simulations of compound dry and hot events across China

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    Climate model simulations provide useful information to assess changes in climate extremes (e.g. droughts and hot extremes) under global warming for climate policies and mitigation measures. Due to systematic biases in climate model simulations, bias correction (BC) methods have been employed to improve simulations of climate variables such as precipitation and temperature. Previous studies mostly focus on individual variables while the correction of precipitation-temperature (P-T) dependence, which is closely related to compound dry and hot events (CDHEs) that may lead to amplified impacts, is still limited. In this study, we evaluated the performance of the multivariate BC (MBC) approach (i.e. MBCn and MBCr) for adjusting P-T dependence and associated likelihoods of CDHEs in China based on 20 Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6) models with observations from CN05.1. Data for the period 1961–1987 were used for model calibrations and those for 1988–2014 were used for model validations. Overall, the MBC can improve the simulation of P-T dependence and associated CDHEs with large regional variations. For P-T dependence, the median values of root mean squared error (RMSE) for corrected simulations show a decreased bias of 5.0% and 4.3% for MBCn and MBCr, respectively, compared with those of raw CMIP6 models. For the likelihood of CDHEs, a decrease of 1.0% and 7.2% in RMSE is shown based on the MBCn and MBCr, respectively. At the regional scale, the performance of the MBC varies substantially, with the reduced RMSE up to 34.8% and 18.7% for P-T dependence and likelihood of CDHEs, respectively, depending on regions and MBC methods. This study can provide useful insights for improving model simulations of compound weather and climate extremes for impact studies and mitigation measures

    Experimental Study on Methane Desorption from Lumpy Coal under the Action of Hydraulic and Thermal

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    Moisture and thermal are the key factors for influencing methane desorption during CBM exploitation. Using high-pressure water injection technology into coalbed, new fractures and pathways are formed to transport methane. A phenomenon of water-inhibiting gas flow existed. This study is focused on various water pressures impacted on gas-adsorbed coal samples, and then the desorption capacity could be revealed under different conditions. And the results are shown that methane desorption capacity was decreased with the increase in water pressure at room temperature and the downtrend would be steady until water pressure was large enough. Heating could promote gas desorption capacity effectively, with the increasing of water injection pressures, and the promotion of thermal on desorption became more obvious. These results are expected to provide a clearer understanding of theoretical efficiency of heat water or steam injection into coalbed, and they can provide some theoretical and experimental guidance on CBM production and methane control