11 research outputs found

    Diversity and Classification of Isopods Crustaceans (Isopoda, Crustacea) Assemblages of Admiralty Bay (King George Island, Antarctic)

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    Skorupiaki z rzędu równonogów (Isopoda) Latreille, 1817 są ważnym elementem zoobentosu morskiego (Gallardo i Castillo 1969; Jazdzewski i in. 1986), i stanowią jedną z najbogatszych w gatunki grup makrozoobentosu Oceanu Południowego (Clarke i Johnston 2003; De Broyer i in. 2011). Celem pracy była ocena bogactwa gatunkowego równonogów miękkiego dna Zatoki Admiralicji, analiza rozmieszczenia i różnorodności zgrupowań Isopoda miękkiego dna Zatoki Admiralicji oraz ocena bogactwa gatunkowego i różnorodności fauny Isopoda aparatów czepnych brunatnicy Himantothalls grandifolius. Materiał badawczy pochodzi z Zatoki Admiralicji (Wyspy Króla Jerzego) Antarktyka. Do analiz wykorzystano łącznie 152 próby ilościowe, jakościowe oraz z aparatów czepnych H. grandifolius. Stwierdzono 70 gatunków równonogów z czego 31 gatunków, nie było odnotowanych w tej zatoce. Isopoda nie tworzą na miękkim dnie Zatoki Admiralicji wyraźnych zgrupowań fauny, związanych z bardzo ograniczonymi obszarami dna, charakteryzującymi się bardzo podobnymi parametrami fizyko-chemicznymi. Różnorodność Isopoda miękkiego dna, w silnie zaburzonej przez lodowce zatoce glacjalnej, była niższa niż w ujściowej części Fiordu Ezcurry. Aparaty czepne H. grandifolius są zasiedlane przez specyficzne zgrupowanie Isopoda, silnie zdominowane przez Caecognathia antarctica i obecny tylko w tym siedlisku Cymodocella tubicauda. Nie wykazano zależności pomiędzy objętością aparatu czepnego H. grandifolius a zagęszczeniem gatunków, zagęszczeniem osobników i liczbą gatunków. Zaobserwowano zmiany w strukturze zgrupowań Isopoda pomiędzy latami osiemdziesiątymi XX wieku, a rokiem 2007. Crustaceans isopod (Isopoda) Latreille, 1817 are an important part of zoobenthos sea (Gallardo and Castillo 1969 JAŻDŻEWSKI et al. 1986), and represent one of the richest in species groups macrozoobenthos of the Southern Ocean (Clarke and Johnston 2003; De Broyer et al. 2011). The aim of the study was to assess species richness Isopoda of soft bottom of Admiralty Bay, analyzing the distribution and diversity Isopoda communieties of soft bottom of Admiralty Bay and evaluation of species richness and diversity of Isopoda fauna of holdfasts of macroalgae Himantothalls grandifolius. The research material comes from Admiralty Bay (King George Island) Antarctica. For the analysis used a total of 152 attempts quantitative, qualitative and holdfast samples of H. grandifolius. It was found 70 species Isopoda, of which 31 species was recorded in this the bay first time. Isopoda not form on the soft bottom of Admiralty Bay distinct groupings fauna associated with very limited areas of the bottom, characterized by very similar physico-chemical parameters. The diversity of the Isopoda soft bottom, in a strongly disturbed by glaciers glacial bay, was lower than in the estuary part of the Ezcurra Inlet. Holdfasts of H. grandifolius are inhabited by specific grouping of the Isopoda, strongly dominated by Caecognathia antarctica and present only in this habitat Cymodocella tubicauda. No significant correlation between the volume of holdfast of H. grandifolius and density of species, density of individuals and number of species. Observed changes in the structure of the Isopoda groupings between the eighties of the twentieth century, and 2007.CAREX Transfer of Knowledge Grant, CeDAMar Short Visit Gran

    New species of desmosomatid isopods from Admiralty Bay, King George Island

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    A new species of Metatanais Shiino, 1952 (Crustacea, Tanaidacea, Paratanaoidea) from Australian coral reefs, with a redefinition of the genus

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    This paper presents a description of the new species Metatanais bipunctatus sp. n. found on coral reefs at two sites in Australia: Lizard Island (Queensland) and Ningaloo Reef (north-western Australia). The new species is the second member of the genus and it is morphologically almost identical to type species M. cylindricus Shiino, 1952, recorded from algae on the surface of ascidians or sponges in shallow waters off Seto (north-western coast of Japan). The new species was compared with the holotype of M. cylindricus and it can be distinguished from it by relatively short first article in antennule, compact propodus of pereopod 6 (about three times as long as wide) and robust ventral spiniform seta on propodus of last three pairs of pereopods. The definition of the genus has been amended and appendages (where possible) of M. cylindricus has been figured

    A new species of Metatanais Shiino, 1952 (Crustacea, Tanaidacea, Paratanaoidea) from Australian coral reefs, with a redefinition of the genus

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    This paper presents a description of the new species Metatanais bipunctatus sp. n. found on coral reefs at two sites in Australia: Lizard Island (Queensland) and Ningaloo Reef (north-western Australia). The new species is the second member of the genus and it is morphologically almost identical to type species M. cylindricus Shiino, 1952, recorded from algae on the surface of ascidians or sponges in shallow waters off Seto (north-western coast of Japan). The new species was compared with the holotype of M. cylindricus and it can be distinguished from it by relatively short first article in antennule, compact propodus of pereopod 6 (about three times as long as wide) and robust ventral spiniform seta on propodus of last three pairs of pereopods. The definition of the genus has been amended and appendages (where possible) of M. cylindricus has been figured

    New records of isopod species of the Antarctic Specially Managed Area No. 1, Admiralty Bay, South Shetland Islands

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    Admiralty Bay (King George Island) is an Antarctic Specially Managed Area and one the most thoroughly studied small-scale marine basins in the Southern Ocean. Our study provides new data on the isopod fauna in this glacially affected fjord. Twelve species of isopods were recorded in this basin for the first time. Six of them were found for the first time in the region of the South Shetland Islands. The highest number of species new for Admiralty Bay were found in the families Munnopsidae (4 species) and Munnidae (3 species)

    Diversity and abundance of isopod fauna associated with holdfasts of the brown alga Himantothallus grandifolius in Admiralty Bay, Antarctic

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    Fifteen species of isopods, representing 10 families, were recorded on holdfasts of the brown alga Himantothallus grandifolius. Material was collected in the 15–75 m depth range during the austral summer of 1979/80. The isopod community was dominated by Caecognathia antarctica (mean density 12.4 ± 13.1 ind./100 ml) followed by Cymodocella tubicauda (mean density 0.7 ± 2.1 ind./100 ml). Mean total density of isopods reached the value of 16.1 ± 14.0 ind./100 ml. The comparison with the other studies showed that holdfasts are inhabited by a distinctive isopod community that differs from the isopod fauna associated with soft bottom of Admiralty Bay