13 research outputs found

    Untangling the complex food webs of tropical rainforest streams.

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    Food webs depict the tangled web of trophic interactions associated with the functioning of an ecosystem. Understanding the mechanisms providing stability to these food webs is therefore vital for conservation efforts and the management of natural systems. Here, we first characterised a tropical stream meta-food web and five individual food webs using a Bayesian Hierarchical approach unifying three sources of information (gut content analysis, literature compilation and stable isotope data). With data on population-level biomass and individually measured body mass, we applied a bioenergetic model and assessed food web stability using a Lotka-Volterra system of equations. We then assessed the resilience of the system to individual species extinctions using simulations and investigated the network patterns associated with systems with higher stability. The model resulted in a stable meta-food web with 307 links among the 61 components. At the regional scale, 70% of the total energy flow occurred through a set of 10 taxa with large variation in body masses. The remaining 30% of total energy flow relied on 48 different taxa, supporting a significant dependency on a diverse community. The meta-food web was stable against individual species extinctions, with a higher resilience in food webs harbouring omnivorous fish species able to connect multiple food web compartments via weak, non-specialised interactions. Moreover, these fish species contributed largely to the spatial variation among individual food webs, suggesting that these species could operate as mobile predators connecting different streams and stabilising variability at the regional scale. Our results outline two key mechanisms of food web stability operating in tropical streams: (i) the diversity of species and body masses buffering against random and size-dependent disturbances and (ii) high regional diversity and weak omnivorous interactions of predators buffering against local stochastic variation in species composition. These mechanisms rely on high local and regional biodiversity in tropical streams, which is known to be strongly affected by human impacts. Therefore, an urgent challenge is to understand how the ongoing systematic loss of diversity jeopardises the stability of stream food webs in human-impacted landscapes

    COVID-19 vaccination in patients receiving allergen immunotherapy (AIT) or biologicals:EAACI recommendations

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    Immune modulation is a key therapeutic approach for allergic diseases, asthma and autoimmunity. It can be achieved in an antigen-specific manner via allergen immunotherapy (AIT) or in an endotype-driven approach using biologicals that target the major pathways of the type 2 (T2) immune response: immunoglobulin (Ig)E, interleukin (IL)-5 and IL-4/IL-13 or non-type 2 response: anti-cytokine antibodies and B-cell depletion via anti-CD20. Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccination provides an excellent opportunity to tackle the global pandemics and is currently being applied in an accelerated rhythm worldwide. The vaccine exerts its effects through immune modulation, induces and amplifies the response against the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2). Thus, as there may be a discernible interference between these treatment modalities, recommendations on how they should be applied in sequence are expected. The European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI) assembled an expert panel under its Research and Outreach Committee (ROC). This expert panel evaluated the evidence and have formulated recommendations on the administration of COVID-19 vaccine in patients with allergic diseases and asthma receiving AIT or biologicals. The panel also formulated recommendations for COVID-19 vaccine in association with biologicals targeting the type 1 or type 3 immune response. In formulating recommendations, the panel evaluated the mechanisms of COVID-19 infection, of COVID-19 vaccine, of AIT and of biologicals and considered the data published for other anti-infectious vaccines administered concurrently with AIT or biologicals

    The potential impact of land use changes on heavy metal contamination in the drinking water reservoir catchment (Dobczyce Reservoir, south Poland)

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    To investigate and assess the effects of land use and its changes on concentrations of heavy metals (Pb, Zn, Cd, Cu, Mn, Ni, Fe) in the tributary of drinking water reservoir catchment, soils of different land use types (forest, arable land, meadows and pastures, residential areas), suspended sediment and bottom sediment were collected. Heavy metals were analyzed using atomic absorption spectrophotometry (AAS). The metal distribution pattern was observed, where Zn and Cd could be considered as main metal contaminants. The variation in the concentration level of Zn and Cd in studied soils showed the impact of pollution from anthropogenic activities. Also some seasonal variations were visible among the suspended sediment and bottom sediment samples which could be associated with land agricultural practices or meteorological conditions. The sediment fingerprints approach used for determining sources of the suspension in the catchment showed (Kruskal-Wallis H test, p˂0.05), that only Mn and Ni were not able to be distinguished among the potential sediment sources. A multiple linear regression model described the relationship between suspended sediment and 4 types of soil samples. The results related suspended composition mostly to the samples from the residential land use. Considering the contemporary trend of observed changes in land use resulting in conversion of agricultural areas into residential and service structures these changes can be essential for the contamination of aquatic environment. This situation is a warning sign due to the rapid industrialization, urbanization and intensive agriculture in this region what can significantly affect the drinking water quality.Celem pracy była ocena wpływu użytkowania gruntów i ich zmian na stężenia metali ciężkich (Pb, Zn, Cd, Cu, Mn, Ni, Fe) w dopływie zlewni zbiornika wody pitnej. Do badań pobrano próbki gleb z różnych typów użytkowania gruntów (las, grunty orne, łąki i pastwiska, tereny zabudowane), rumowiska unoszonego oraz osadów dennych. Metale ciężkie oznaczono za pomocą Atomowej Spektroskopii Absorpcyjnej (ASA). W badanych próbkach zaobserwowano zmienność stężeń metali w zależności od sposobu użytkowania gruntów. Otrzymane wyniki świadczą również, że główne zanieczyszczenie metaliczne w zlewni stanowią Zn i Cd. Wśród próbek rumowiska unoszonego oraz osadów dennych widoczne były pewne wahania sezonowe, które mogły być związane z działalnością rolniczą lub warunkami meteorologicznymi. Zastosowana do określania źródeł zawiesiny w zlewni metoda sediment fingerprints (test Kruskal-Wallis H test, p˂0.05), ) wykazała, że spośród badanych metali jedynie Mn i Ni nie umożliwiają rozróżnienia potencjalnych źródeł pochodzenia rumowiska unoszonego. Pozostałe metale zostały zatem wykorzystane do opisania zależności między rumowiskiem a 4 typami próbek gleb za pomocą modelu regresji wielokrotnej. Model ten wykazał związek zanieczyszczenia próbek rumowiska metalami z zanieczyszczeniem gleb z terenów zabudowanych. Biorąc pod uwagę zaobserwowany współczesny trend zmian w użytkowaniu gruntów, prowadzący do przekształcania obszarów rolniczych w obszary mieszkalne i usługowe, może on istotnie wpływać na zanieczyszczenie środowiska wodnego i jakość wody pitnej. Taka sytuacja jest znakiem ostrzegawczym ze względu na szybkie uprzemysłowienie, urbanizację i intensywną gospodarkę rolną w tym regionie

    Untangling the complex food webs of tropical rainforest streams

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    Data Availability Statement: Data are available from Zenodo https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.11242668 (Saito, 2024).Supporting Information is available online at: https://besjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/1365-2656.14121#support-information-section .1. Food webs depict the tangled web of trophic interactions associated with the functioning of an ecosystem. Understanding the mechanisms providing stability to these food webs is therefore vital for conservation efforts and the management of natural systems. 2. Here, we first characterised a tropical stream meta-food web and five individual food webs using a Bayesian Hierarchical approach unifying three sources of information (gut content analysis, literature compilation and stable isotope data). With data on population-level biomass and individually measured body mass, we applied a bioenergetic model and assessed food web stability using a Lotka–Volterra system of equations. We then assessed the resilience of the system to individual species extinctions using simulations and investigated the network patterns associated with systems with higher stability. 3. The model resulted in a stable meta-food web with 307 links among the 61 components. At the regional scale, 70% of the total energy flow occurred through a set of 10 taxa with large variation in body masses. The remaining 30% of total energy flow relied on 48 different taxa, supporting a significant dependency on a diverse community. The meta-food web was stable against individual species extinctions, with a higher resilience in food webs harbouring omnivorous fish species able to connect multiple food web compartments via weak, non-specialised interactions. Moreover, these fish species contributed largely to the spatial variation among individual food webs, suggesting that these species could operate as mobile predators connecting different streams and stabilising variability at the regional scale. 4. Our results outline two key mechanisms of food web stability operating in tropical streams: (i) the diversity of species and body masses buffering against random and size-dependent disturbances and (ii) high regional diversity and weak omnivorous interactions of predators buffering against local stochastic variation in species composition. These mechanisms rely on high local and regional biodiversity in tropical streams, which is known to be strongly affected by human impacts. Therefore, an urgent challenge is to understand how the ongoing systematic loss of diversity jeopardises the stability of stream food webs in human-impacted landscapes.Resumo: 1. As teias alimentares representam um emaranhado de interações tróficas associadas ao funcionamento de um ecossistema. Compreender os mecanismos que proporcionam estabilidade a estas teias alimentares é, portanto, vital para os esforços de conservação e gestão dos sistemas naturais. 2. Aqui, primeiro caracterizamos uma meta teia alimentar de riachos tropicais e cinco teias alimentares individuais usando uma abordagem hierárquica Bayesiana unificando três fontes de informação (análise de conteúdo estomacal, compilação de literatura, dados de isótopos estáveis). Com dados sobre biomassa em nível populacional e massa corporal medida individualmente, aplicamos um modelo bioenergético e avaliamos a estabilidade da cadeia alimentar usando um sistema de equações Lotka-Volterra. Em seguida, avaliamos a resiliência do sistema às extinções de espécies individuais usando simulações e investigamos os padrões de rede associados a sistemas com maior estabilidade. 3. O modelo resultou em uma meta teia alimentar estável com 307 ligações entre os 61 componentes. Na escala regional, 70% do fluxo total de energia ocorreu através de um conjunto de dez taxa com grande variação nas massas corporais. Os restantes 30% do fluxo total de energia dependiam de 47 taxa diferentes, apoiando uma dependência significativa de uma comunidade diversificada. A meta teia alimentar foi estável contra extinções de espécies individuais, com uma maior resiliência em teias alimentares que abrigam espécies de peixes onívoros capazes de conectar múltiplos compartimentos da teia alimentar através de interações fracas e não especializadas. Além disso, estas espécies de peixes contribuíram amplamente para a variação espacial entre as cadeias alimentares individuais, sugerindo que estas espécies poderiam operar como predadores móveis conectando diferentes riachos e estabilizando a variabilidade à escala regional. 4. Nossos resultados descrevem dois mecanismos principais de estabilidade da cadeia alimentar operando em riachos tropicais: (i) a diversidade de espécies e massas corporais que protegem contra distúrbios aleatórios e dependentes do tamanho (ii) alta diversidade regional e fracas interações onívoras de predadores que protegem contra a variação estocástica local na composição de espécies. Estes mecanismos dependem de uma elevada biodiversidade local e regional em riachos tropicais, que são conhecidos por serem fortemente afetados pelos impactos humanos. Portanto, um desafio urgente é compreender como a contínua perda sistemática de diversidade põe em risco a estabilidade das teias alimentares em paisagens impactadas pelo homem.British Ecological Society; Newton Fund. Grant Number: NMG\R1\201121; Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo. Grant Numbers: 2019/05464-1, 2020/07522-6, 2022/01452-1; Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior. Grant Number: 88887.717205/2022-00

    The One Health approach for allergic diseases and asthma

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    The One Health approach is a collaborative and interdisciplinary strategy with focal point on human, animal, and environmental health interconnections. One Health can support the advanced management of allergic diseases and asthma, as complex, multifactorial diseases driven by interactions between the resilience response to the exposome. According to the One Health concept allergic diseases and asthma arising from exposures to a wide range of allergens, infectious agents and irritants (such as pollutants) occurring indoors and outdoors can be heavily influenced by environmental health (air, water, and soil quality) intermingled with animal health. These are currently heavily impacted by climate change, land use, urbanization, migration, overpopulation, and many more. Thus, a coordinated response to address the underlying factors that contribute to the development of allergic diseases and asthma needs to focus on the environment, human, and animal health altogether. Collaborative efforts across multiple sectors, including public health, veterinary medicine, environmental science, and community engagement are thus needed. A wide range of activities, including monitoring and surveillance of environmental and health data, targeted interventions to reduce exposures to allergens and irritants, and research on the underlying mechanisms that drive the development of allergic diseases and asthma are needed to move the field forward. In this consensus document elaborated by the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI) and American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology (AAAAI) under the practical allergy (PRACTALL) series, we provide insights into the One Heath approach aiming to provide a framework for addressing the complex and multifactorial nature of allergic diseases and asthma

    COVID-19  vaccination in patients receiving allergen immunotherapy (AIT) or biologicals-EAACI recommendations.

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    Immune modulation is a key therapeutic approach for allergic diseases, asthma and autoimmunity. It can be achieved in an antigen-specific manner via allergen immunotherapy (AIT) or in an endotype-driven approach using biologicals that target the major pathways of the type 2 (T2) immune response: immunoglobulin (Ig)E, interleukin (IL)-5 and IL-4/IL-13 or non-type 2 response: anti-cytokine antibodies and B-cell depletion via anti-CD20. Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccination provides an excellent opportunity to tackle the global pandemics and is currently being applied in an accelerated rhythm worldwide. The vaccine exerts its effects through immune modulation, induces and amplifies the response against the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2). Thus, as there may be a discernible interference between these treatment modalities, recommendations on how they should be applied in sequence are expected. The European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI) assembled an expert panel under its Research and Outreach Committee (ROC). This expert panel evaluated the evidence and have formulated recommendations on the administration of COVID-19 vaccine in patients with allergic diseases and asthma receiving AIT or biologicals. The panel also formulated recommendations for COVID-19 vaccine in association with biologicals targeting the type 1 or type 3 immune response. In formulating recommendations, the panel evaluated the mechanisms of COVID-19 infection, of COVID-19 vaccine, of AIT and of biologicals and considered the data published for other anti-infectious vaccines administered concurrently with AIT or biologicals

    COVID-19 vaccination in patients receiving allergen immunotherapy (AIT) or biologicals-EAACI recommendations

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    Immune modulation is a key therapeutic approach for allergic diseases, asthma and autoimmunity. It can be achieved in an antigen-specific manner via allergen immunotherapy (AIT) or in an endotype-driven approach using biologicals that target the major pathways of the type 2 (T2) immune response: immunoglobulin (Ig)E, interleukin (IL)-5 and IL-4/IL-13 or non-type 2 response: anti-cytokine antibodies and B-cell depletion via anti-CD20. Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccination provides an excellent opportunity to tackle the global pandemics and is currently being applied in an accelerated rhythm worldwide. The vaccine exerts its effects through immune modulation, induces and amplifies the response against the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2). Thus, as there may be a discernible interference between these treatment modalities, recommendations on how they should be applied in sequence are expected. The European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI) assembled an expert panel under its Research and Outreach Committee (ROC). This expert panel evaluated the evidence and have formulated recommendations on the administration of COVID-19 vaccine in patients with allergic diseases and asthma receiving AIT or biologicals. The panel also formulated recommendations for COVID-19 vaccine in association with biologicals targeting the type 1 or type 3 immune response. In formulating recommendations, the panel evaluated the mechanisms of COVID-19 infection, of COVID-19 vaccine, of AIT and of biologicals and considered the data published for other anti-infectious vaccines administered concurrently with AIT or biologicals. Keywords: Covid-19; allergen; allergy; biologicals; immunotherapy; mRNA vaccines

    Nomenclature of allergic diseases and hypersensitivity reactions: Adapted to modern needs: An EAACI position paper

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    The exponential growth of precision diagnostic tools, including omic technologies, molecular diagnostics, sophisticated genetic and epigenetic editing, imaging and nano-technologies and patient access to extensive health care, has resulted in vast amounts of unbiased data enabling in-depth disease characterization. New disease endotypes have been identified for various allergic diseases and triggered the gradual transition from a disease description focused on symptoms to identifying biomarkers and intricate pathogenetic and metabolic pathways. Consequently, the current disease taxonomy has to be revised for better categorization. This European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology Position Paper responds to this challenge and provides a modern nomenclature for allergic diseases, which respects the earlier classifications back to the early 20th century. Hypersensitivity reactions originally described by Gell and Coombs have been extended into nine different types comprising antibody- (I-III), cell-mediated (IVa-c), tissue-driven mechanisms (V-VI) and direct response to chemicals (VII). Types I-III are linked to classical and newly described clinical conditions. Type IVa-c are specified and detailed according to the current understanding of T1, T2 and T3 responses. Types V-VI involve epithelial barrier defects and metabolic-induced immune dysregulation, while direct cellular and inflammatory responses to chemicals are covered in type VII. It is notable that several combinations of mixed types may appear in the clinical setting. The clinical relevance of the current approach for allergy practice will be conferred in another article that will follow this year, aiming at showing the relevance in clinical practice where various endotypes can overlap and evolve over the lifetime